At this moment, Tang San and the others had already started training!

The ripples produced by his body along with the waves made Tang San clearly feel as if he had fully integrated into the waves. He didn't need to use soul skills or even the protection of soul power. He could clearly feel that he was completing a task. The process of unloading!

It was like a huge force was coming, and his entire body was at the same frequency as the incoming force and integrated into it.

In this way, the impact on oneself will be greatly reduced...

This natural reaction of the body is like a skill given to him by the waves. It is the same when facing the impact of the waves, and it will also be the same when facing attacks from other energy forms!

Spending every day in agony was undoubtedly further squeezing the potential of Tang San and the seven others, forcing them to cultivate their soul power with all their strength even when they were not withstanding the impact of the waves, so that their injured bodies could recover as quickly as possible!

The soul power is no longer an energy that exists alone in the body. It is integrated into their meridians, flesh and bone, and bone marrow under the beating of the waves!

This method of body training is undoubtedly very overbearing. Without great perseverance and considerable strength, it is impossible to persist!

But once you stick to it, the benefits to your body are also huge!

Tang San's soul power is now level thirty-nine!

In the fifth week of Tidal Body Refining, he had already reached level 39!

Now he was heading towards his fourth bottleneck, and the realm of Soul Sect was already waving to him.

Boom boom——, the huge wave bombarded Tang San's body with almost no gap. Feeling the fluctuation of Xuantian Gong's internal force in his body every time the huge wave washed away, Tang San suddenly had a kind of enlightenment in his heart!

It seems that he is no longer a human being, but a part of this angry wave, a part of heaven and earth!

The whole person has been completely integrated into this wonderful feeling!

The impact of the raging waves disappeared, but he himself seemed to have turned into a wave, his senses were enhanced several times, and even the movement of every drop of water in the waves was controlled by his spiritual world!

At this time, it was the moment when the morning sun was rising. A flash of fish belly white quietly appeared on the horizon in the distance. He raised his head in a familiar manner and stared at the fleeting purple light on the horizon. Tang San's eyes suddenly lit up!

An unprecedented feeling filled his body, and a loud bang exploded in his mind. In an instant, he could no longer feel his body, and the entire Poseidon Island seemed to be within his sight!

Everything around me becomes extremely clear...

Whether it's the state of my friends, the impact of the waves, or every bit of everything on Poseidon Island, I can see everything in detail at this time, and it's imprinted in my mind!

Tang San's blue eyes also turned completely purple-gold at this moment, and the light that seemed to be deeper than the sea was projected towards the horizon where the water and the sky meet!

Suddenly, Tang San saw that the purple energy that had just disappeared seemed to become stronger from the sky again, connecting with his eyes.

And he and the purple energy are like two fulcrums of a bridge, communicating and releasing...

The scenery in front of me changed again. It was no longer limited to Poseidon Island, but seemed to cover the entire sea!

In his eyes, the sea water turned out to be colorful, including light blue, deep black, and crystal clear blue!

And even a slight change in these colors could not escape Tang San's senses...

Between the eyebrows, above the golden trident brand, a little blue light quietly enlarged, and the triangular shape of the Vast Sea Universe Cover emerged from there, floating in front of Tang San!

All the crystal light seemed to merge with the phantom of the Vast Sea Universe Cover at this moment, and Tang San's senses were enhanced again!

His eyes closed unconsciously, but that touching picture still appeared in his mind!

He doesn't need to use his eyes to see, he can already grasp every change in the sea...

The purple-gold color in his eyes receded and turned blue again, but this time, it was as blue as the night sky. The color deepened, and even Tang San's short head turned into dark blue!

An indescribable wave of energy exploded centered on his head, turning into a dazzling halo and spreading outward!

Even Poseidon High Priest Bo Saixi, who was sitting cross-legged on the rock, couldn't help but be moved by it. He stood up and stared at the halo released from Tang San's body with piercing eyes!

Until it disappears into the distance...

Tang San's head suddenly became transparent when he opened it, and you could vaguely see the blue skull shining with crystal light!

The phantom of the Vast Sea Universe Shroud quietly shrunk in front of him. In a moment, it was reduced to the size of an egg. Then it rushed towards Tang San's forehead again, following the trident brand and penetrated in!

A roaring roar erupted from Tang San's mouth as the Vast Sea Universe Barrier poured in!

In an instant, the originally crazy and desperate situation suddenly calmed down without any warning!

But at the next moment, an extremely huge roar suddenly erupted, and the waves no longer came from the front, but swept up from below!

With this roar, Tang San soared into the sky, rushing into the air as if covering the sky and blocking out the sun, exploding with countless crystal water splashes!

The roar was so powerful that the six people behind Tang San were dumbfounded!

They had no idea what happened to Tang San...

The golden trident's brand lit up at this moment, and a square screen of light erupted from Tang San's forehead, shattered with a sonorous explosion, turned into dots of starlight and reintegrated into his body!

Deep in my mind, the familiar majestic voice sounded for the third time, "Exceeding the expectations of the assessment, spiritual awakening, influenced by the vast spirit, the soul bone of the head forcibly evolved, and was injected with special energy without breaking!

The Tidal Body Refining is completed, and the Poseidon affinity is increased by 15%, and the total affinity is 25%! "

The rumbling waves began to impact again, but this time it was completely different to Tang San!

When those waves hit him, they were automatically pushed away by an invisible energy and would not fall on him at all!

The same situation also happened to the other six people. Obviously, after passing the tidal body refining test, the Raging Waves and Desperate Realm can no longer cause any harm to them!

Slowly opening his eyes, Tang San's eyes had completely turned dark blue. The world in front of him was no longer the same, everything became extremely layered!

That doesn't just come from visual feelings, but more from spiritual power.

It's as if my spiritual power has become one with the sea, just like the feeling of using the Blue Silver Domain in the forest!

It’s just that the feeling at this time is even clearer than when the Blue Silver Domain was used!

Even someone like Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi didn't know what happened to Tang San, but Tang San himself knew that the reason why he was able to complete the assessment ahead of time was not because the time for him to withstand the impact of the waves had come, but because Because, after so many years of practice, his unique skill, the Purple Demon Eye, which originated from the Tang Sect, has finally been promoted to the final state!

The four realms of the Purple Demon Eye are: overview, microscopic view, mustard seed, and vastness.

Ever since Tang San was repaired by the Poseidon's Light, the Purple Demon Eyes had automatically risen to the level of Mustard Seed!

But from then on, although he continued to practice every day, there was no sign of improvement in the Purple Demon Eyes!

But Tang San's efforts were not in vain. Only now did he understand why his Purple Demon Eyes had been unable to improve!

Regardless of any kind of cultivation, reaching a certain level

Enlightenment is a very mysterious thing, even Tang San himself will never be able to repeat this process!

But the result was a huge surprise to him.

The Purple Demon Eyes rose to the vast realm, and Tang San's mental power increased exponentially!

If his mental power was like a spider web before, then his current mental power is like mercury pouring out from all holes!

He also finally understood that after cultivating the Purple Demon Eye to the highest level, he could no longer see with the naked eye, but with the mind's eye!

This realization was of great significance to Tang San. The impact of the waves over the past year had not been in vain. The final evolution of the Purple Demon Eye and the special awakening of the Xuantian Technique allowed him to break through the four realms in one fell swoop by chance. Level 10 bottleneck!

Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi looked at Tang San who came to him, with a knowing smile on his face, "Congratulations. Although I don't know what happened to you, and how you reached this age at such an age. Yes, but I am certain that your mental power has risen to a very high level, isn’t it?”

Tang San looked at Bo Saixi blankly, because the voice he heard did not come from Bo Saixi's mouth, but came from his own mind. This is... spiritual communication?

"Yes, this is spiritual communication. You only need to concentrate and you can feel my thoughts. Of course, this kind of spiritual communication will only exist among special soul masters who have similar spiritual power to us!

If you don’t want your thoughts to be detected, you can use mental power to block your brain!

This way no one can probe your thoughts anymore. "

A spiritual state that is not too different from that of Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi?

Although the Purple Demon Eyes evolved to the final vast realm, Tang San was still greatly surprised by Bo Saixi's words!

Vaguely, he felt as if he had opened a special door!

What is behind this door still needs to be explored continuously!

But there was not much joy in Bo Saixi's eyes, but more doubts...

senior. "Tang San bowed to Bo Saixi sincerely.

Bo Saixi smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, this is my responsibility!

Judging from the current situation, your friends should have no problem passing this assessment. Now that you have completed the assessment, it is up to you to take care of them!

It’s time for me to go back to Poseidon Temple! "


Tang San responded respectfully, "Senior, I have always had a question. Can I ask you for advice?"

Bo Saixi's expression changed and she said, "Just tell me."

Tang San said seriously: "What I want to ask is, what exactly is Poseidon affinity?"

Two dazzling lights burst out from Bo Saixi's calm eyes. If it were Tang San in the past, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to bear such gazes, but the man in front of him could bear it calmly. His dark blue eyes were like two He accepted Bo Saixi's gaze like a whirlpool!

"I can't give you an answer about Poseidon affinity!

But what I can tell you is that you will not have 100% Poseidon affinity after completing all nine Poseidon tests!

And 100% affinity is not only expected by me, but also by everyone on Poseidon Island.

What is your current affinity level? "

Tang San said: "Twenty-five percent."

Bo Saixi was shocked, "Twenty-five? So, after you completed the assessment in advance, you got a very high affinity?"

Bo Saixi took a deep breath, seeming to calm down the turbulent mood in her heart, "Very good, 25%!

Keep working hard, I believe you will succeed. Since Master Poseidon has given you the Ninth Poseidon Exam, it means that you have a chance to achieve 100% affinity! "

After saying this, Bo Saixi did not wait for Tang San to speak again, floated up, turned into a red cloud, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


On the island where Tang Chen lived outside Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi slowly walked into the house with a heavy heart!

Seeing Bo Saixi's arrival, Tang Chen also looked at her with extremely tender eyes...

"Sisi, how is Tang San doing now?"

At this moment, Tang Chen also wanted to ask about Tang San's progress. After all, this kind of thing would affect whether they would have the opportunity to become gods with the help of Tang San in the future!

Hearing Tang Chen's inquiry, Bo Saixi was hesitant to speak. Apparently, Tang Chen also noticed something was wrong!

"Brother Chen, something seems a little wrong!"

"Oh? Sisi, you said..."

"Ever since Tang San's last injury was treated by Poseidon's Light, his spiritual power has reached almost the strength of a Soul Saint's cultivation level!

Originally I thought it was just a gift from Lord Poseidon for Tang San's arrival, but today, something seemed wrong.

When Tang San accepted Bo Tao's physical training, he unexpectedly realized that his spiritual power had also expanded to a level close to that of a titled Douluo!'s strange that Tang San's current physical body and cultivation shouldn't be able to admit such a powerful spiritual power! "

Hearing this, Tang Chen also frowned!

Poseidon's words are very straightforward, that is, Poseidon, the god of the sea, seems to have a tendency to encourage others, and he doesn't shy away from it at all!

This is definitely not a good thing for Tang San...

However, both Bo Saixi and Tang Chen were so powerless at this moment. Poseidon's decision was what Shura God meant, and they could only watch like this...

Now, both Tang Chen and Bo Saixi had a hint of doubt!

Heir to the throne of God, where is the need for such rapid growth?

However, they could only pretend not to know about this matter. They could only see how to strengthen Tang San's physical body and make him progress faster, so that he could weaken the Titled Douluo-level mental power and cause disaster to Tang San...

And this plays right into the hands of God Shura and God of Poseidon!

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