Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 247 When the competition is going on, Star Reaching Tower makes its debut!

In Tiandou City, the preliminary round of the Soul Master Competition has begun. After a day or two of fierce competition, some teams have been making great progress, such as the Soul Master team of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, headed by Ning Rongrong!

After the disaster that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect encountered, Ning Rongrong was not as unruly and willful as in the original work, because their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect was not qualified...

Both Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong knew that there was a sharp blade hanging above their heads at any time!

Fifteen-year-old Ning Rongrong was training crazily at the Tiandou Royal Academy, and with the almost never-ending supply of resources from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong, at the age of fifteen, already had a level 45 soul. force!

The other six members of the Qibao Glazed Sect are also running away. Some of the genius soul masters Ning Fengzhi has recruited over the years...

Basically, they are all seventeen or eighteen years old, but they are all over forty levels, and there is even a fifty-level soul king!

At this moment, opposite the Qibao Glazed Sect is the opponent they will encounter next, Blazing Fire Academy!

The seven members of Blazing Academy all look about the same age, in their early twenties.

Seven people formed a triangle formation.

The man walking at the front was of medium height and had a very ordinary appearance. His eyes were blazing with blazing light and his shoulders were broad. He was wearing a gold-red team uniform and his face, which was not handsome, was very imposing.

This person is Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Academy team!

A level 48 attack-type battle soul master!

Wuhun is somewhat similar to Liu Erlong, a fire dragon!

It's just that Liu Erlong's fire dragon is more inclined to Yin Fire, while his fire dragon is a one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, completely following the explosive route!

Among the known soul masters in this qualifying round, he is recognized as a frontal strongman, and he is also the main attacker of Blazing Fire Academy!

The seven students of Blazing Fire Academy were all very close to each other. Behind Huo Wushuang, there was another attack-type soul master, level 45, who didn't have many characteristics.

The information shows that this person's martial spirit is a fire leopard.

Two people were walking behind them, two young men with cold expressions. They looked exactly the same, and they were actually twins!

One is called Huo Yun and the other is called Huo Yu, and the martial soul is Fire Crane!

In other words, he is a fire-attribute war soul master with agility and attack skills!

Their soul power has reached level 39, and they are only a hair away from level 40.

The last three people were two men and one woman. The two male soul masters were extremely tall and had tough faces. If you only looked at their appearance, you would definitely think of them as attack-type soul masters, but they were not attack-type soul masters, but auxiliary ones!

It's just that their assistance has a certain attack ability. If the opponent is not particularly strong, it is impossible to tell what the characteristics of their assistance are!

The martial spirits of the two people are also surprisingly consistent. They are both Mars, yes, Mars, a unique martial spirit!

Between these two people, there is also the only female surname among the entire Blazing Academy team members, a girl with extremely beautiful appearance. The golden-red team uniform complements her body, and paired with the dark red blouse, she looks like a girl. The group is as eye-catching as the flame that can melt any man!

Although she is the only girl in Blazing Academy, she is the tallest among the seven, and her figure is extremely well-proportioned. Standing in the middle of the seven, she always has a faint smile on her face, and there is a faint smile around her body. A faint red light.

If you think that she is the weakest point of Blazing Fire Academy during the battle, then you will definitely die miserably!

Because this girl is the other soul master above level 45 in the Blazing Academy team besides captain Huo Wushuang!

And he is also the one with the highest level in the entire team!

The forty-ninth level control system soul master Huo Wu!

She is the soul of the entire team and the vice-captain of the team!

Her martial spirit is herself, a shadow with herself as her own body, Naruto...

Before the game started, Ning Rongrong only had time to glance at the opponent's soul master combination.

It wasn't that the Qibao Glazed Sect got the news late, but that Ning Fengzhi deliberately told them about his opponent's situation before the game started.

Winning the game is important, but for Ning Fengzhi, what is more important is cultivating the growth of these children.

Real battles between soul masters often involve adapting to the enemy.

When you face the enemy, the enemy will never tell you everything about his situation in advance.

What Ning Fengzhi wants to cultivate is Ning Rongrong's ability to adapt to the enemy!

As the soul of the team, his adaptability is obviously the most important!

Among the seven opponents, the one that caught Ning Rongrong's attention most was definitely not Huo Wushuang, who was said to be the strongest from the front, but the two auxiliary soul masters and the control soul master Huo Wu who stood at the back of the opponent's formation!

Although this time their opponents are inferior to them in terms of soul power. After all, they only have two soul sects who are over forty-five years old. However, since they can defeat other colleges and stand in front of them, there is no doubt about their strength!

The referee walked to the center and said, "Both sides line up and salute."

A total of fourteen players from both sides stood in two rows, each saluting the other...

A member of the Qibao Glazed Sect's academy met Huo Wushuang's eyes, and Ning Rongrong's eyes inevitably met Huo Wu's!

The game hasn't even started yet, but the smell of gunpowder is already filling the eyes between each other!

Huo Wu stared at Ning Rongrong, their eyes collided fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Today is the moment when your winning streak ends."

Ning Rongrong said calmly: "This is exactly what I want to say!

Today, one of our two teams will be unable to continue their winning streak. "

Huo Wu's eyes shifted to another Qibao Glazed Sect student next to Ning Rongrong!

"It's a pity... If your control type soul master is not a plant type, he might still have a chance, but now...!

I advise you to abstain, so that you can at least preserve your strength for the next game! "

Ning Rongrong sneered and said nothing. In fact, she didn't know what was going on.

How could she not know that plant-based soul masters are naturally restrained by fire-based soul masters?

The seven opponents were all in the fire element.

The control soul master and the auxiliary soul master are undoubtedly the most important links in a team. Once he is restricted by the opponent, with the current staffing, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to defeat Blazing Academy...

Even a strong person with the Soul King level may not be able to defeat everyone on the other side.

What's more, there is no Soul King from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in this match. Who will win is still a mystery...

"You can release your martial soul."

The referee's voice sounded again. In an instant, the main arena in the center glowed again.

The intense light of the soul rings filled the entire arena. There was no doubt that both sides were the best pairing of soul rings!

In the comparison of soul rings, the numbers are completely balanced!

The overall ranking is the same.

Of course, there is still a gap, and this gap exists in Ning Rongrong's frightening soul ring that is close to ten thousand years!

This is a soul ring that is so purple that it is almost black!

A fourth soul ring that is more than nine thousand years old!

What is the competition in team battles?

It's the whole!

A small difference in level cannot be the key to changing the outcome of the game...

Ning Rongrong's eyes had been falling on the tall girl named Huo Wu from the beginning of the formation.

Although she always had a smile on her face, her aura was very restrained. Even with Ning Rongrong's strength, she couldn't easily see what this girl was hiding!

The martial spirit rises, and the invisible pressure is like two huge walls squeezing each other.

When the referee stepped back, the players on both sides immediately resumed their familiar formations.

The Blazing Fire Academy is still in the same triangle battle formation as when it first appeared. On the Qibao Glazed Sect's side, there are still five soul masters in front, Ning Rongrong behind, and the Soul King-level soul master behind...

Judging from the formation, there is no doubt that Blazing Academy's formation looks more offensive!

The formation of the Qibao Glazed Sect is relatively conservative...

"Game start."

Following the referee's order, the players from both sides started moving at the same time!

A powerful soul master from the Qibao Glazed Sect suddenly took a step forward, and the entire arena shook. The other two followed him, and the three of them pressed towards the opponent at the same time with thunderous momentum!

Boom——, at this moment, flames instantly rose in the enemy formation!

The fiery red light filled half of the arena with a fiery aura!

Flames rose into the sky from the bodies of the seven members of the Blazing Academy at almost the same moment, and the first soul ring on each person released a dazzling light!

Sparks were shooting out from their two auxiliary soul masters. Countless small red light spots in the air were flying towards those sparks. As the red light spots condensed, the sparks quickly grew in size and were above the seven people's heads. Hovering above.

Huo Wushuang and another attack-type soul master faced him brazenly!

A loud dragon roar burst out from his mouth, and the flames rising from his body vaguely took on the shape of a dragon behind his back. The martial soul possessed him, causing his body to swell in size, and a layer of blazing heat was attached to the surface of his skin. Dark red scales!

Two agility attack type soul masters, Huo Yun and Huo Yu, circled around at the same time. Each released a pair of dazzling wings from their backs. Although they did not fly high, they also glided around in a strange arc-shaped way. Come here, the target is Ning Rongrong!

After the dazzling sparks condensed in the air, they were quickly injected into other people's bodies. Every spark injected into them would make the students of Blazing Fire Academy even more blazing!

There is no doubt that this is a team that works very well together. As soon as the game started, they were already establishing their own advantages.

The two Qibao Glazed Sect students dodged to the side at the same time and met the two opponent's agility attack type soul masters.

And the battlefield on the front also collided with each other!

As the soul skills of the four people exploded with a loud bang, their bodies shook at the same time. Huo Wushuang took a step back, while the Qibao Glazed Sect student did not move at all.

Both of their martial souls are extremely powerful, but in terms of soul power, the Qibao Glazed Sect is ultimately superior.

However, this Qibao Glazed Sect disciple was not feeling well either. His tiger palms had been somewhat contaminated by flames, and there was a burning smell.

Huo Wushuang was obviously very dissatisfied with being knocked back. He shouted loudly and without using any soul skills, he just rushed forward again and hit him without any fancy!

"The seven treasures have names: the first is strength, the second is speed, and the third is soul!"

As the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand burst out with unparalleled light, the strength of the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was once again enhanced in a large arc!

Under this ebb and flow of offensive, Blazing Fire Academy was somewhat helpless. Although they did hold the firmest confidence at the beginning, but...

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi's eyes were slightly closed at this moment. In fact, he didn't even need to watch this battle to know that he could win easily!

What's more, he also has the trump card of a level 50 soul king!

The result was indeed the case. Blazing Academy struggled for only a moment before losing the game...

Just when Ning Fengzhi wanted to stand up and praise Ning Rongrong, suddenly, a terrifying, indescribable pressure overwhelmed the sky and earth, as if heaven and earth were descending!

In an instant, the faces of all the soul masters with Contra cultivation level or above present turned extremely red!

And a figure soon appeared in the sky!

As the person with the strongest cultivation at the scene, Sword Douluo recognized the person at a glance...

"Fengzhi, that... is Ye Tianchen!"

With the arrival of Ye Tianchen, both the Qibao Glazed Sect and Yu Yuanzhen of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family changed their expressions!

Only Salas, the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, had a smile on his face at the moment.

Nowadays, the relationship between Zhaixing Tower and Wuhun Palace is in an extremely ambiguous state, so he naturally has to be flattering...

Besides, who is coming?

That was a ninety-nine-level titled Douluo, one of the most powerful soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent!

After Ye Tianchen arrived, he ignored Ning Fengzhi and the others. He came here just to see the first battle between Zhaixinglou Xiaowu and the others.

However, Ye Tianchen smiled gently at Yu Yuanzhen.

This makes Yu Yuanzhen feel nervous...

Ye Tianchen is not the only one beside him at this moment. Qian Renxue, who is disguised as a man, is also there. Like a piece of brown candy, Ye Tianchen follows closely no matter how he shakes it...

"I have met His Majesty the Qin Demon Crown and His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Along the way, people kept saying hello, Ye Tianchen also nodded, and then sat directly in the center position that originally belonged to Xue Ye, while Ning Fengzhi on the side could only stand up in embarrassment at this moment, changing his position. Give it to Qian Renxue...

After all, Qian Renxue is the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire.

Qian Renxue was very satisfied with this. It had to be said that Ning Fengzhi was no longer as energetic as before and was acting more cautiously...

With the arrival of Ye Tianchen, the next step is naturally the competition between Zhaixing Tower and Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Academy!

Although there is no suspense at this moment, because it involves the Star Reaching Tower and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, all the soul masters are not busy leaving, but more and more!

They all want to see what level of strength the younger generation of Zhaixing Tower has reached!

And Xiao Wu and the others will naturally not let them down...

I have strengthened some of the strengths of the supporting characters. After all, they are too different and it would be boring...

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