Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 255 In the sea, Team Poseidon!

Arriving at Gu Yuena's retreat, Ye Tianchen was not too panicked at the moment. For Gu Yuena, Ye Tianchen still had his own way to heal her injuries, but...

This cycle may not be too short. After all, in Ye Tianchen's eyes, although this can be regarded as a transaction, he certainly cannot pay too much!

Seeing Ye Tianchen following in, Gu Yuena showed no signs of any fluctuation. Although Ye Tianchen's strength was not much different from that of Di Tian, ​​in Gu Yuena's eyes, she was still a little weaker...

Although Gu Yuena has not fully recovered from her injuries, it is still not a problem to exert the strength of about a second-level god. Even if it is an angel god or a sea god in its heyday, Gu Yuena can easily deal with it even if it is not an opponent, not to mention Is it Ye Tianchen?

Looking at Ye Tianchen's deep eyes, Gu Yuena's lips and teeth moved slightly. After thinking about it, she took the initiative to speak!

"You don't know what to call me?"

"I am Ye Tianchen, a human soul master..."

Smiling softly, Gu Yuena obviously didn't care about Ye Tianchen's answer. Even though Ye Tianchen deliberately mentioned human soul masters, Gu Yuena didn't feel anything at the moment...

Perhaps without the divine will of God Shura, Gu Yuena would not be so anxious to recover from her injuries after she was born, let alone have any favorable impression of human soul masters!

after all……

To a certain extent, there is a natural hostility between human soul masters and soul beasts...

However, because of Shura's spiritual thoughts, after Gu Yuena woke up, she directly pointed her finger at the God Realm instead of against human soul masters. Therefore, Gu Yuena was more tolerant of Ye Tianchen. Of course, this It has something to do with Ye Tianchen’s power to eliminate evil...

"You and I don't have to hide it, Ye Tianchen, tell me clearly, how can you treat me?

What do you...want again? "

Hearing Gu Yuena's sudden inquiry, Ye Tianchen was obviously shocked, but he still took a deep breath and began to respond.

"His Excellency Silver Dragon King is joking. I, Ye Tianchen, have my own confidence in treating Your Excellency Silver Dragon King. As for what I want..."

After glancing at Gu Yuena, Ye Tianchen also revealed his purpose!

"I want to hear about the past events of the God Realm, or in other words, about the origin of God Shura!"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena frowned. She didn't know why Ye Tianchen asked about this. However, compared to recovering from her injuries, Gu Yuena thought it could be traded!

"God Shura...

This is also an ancient existence. Among the five God Kings in the God Realm, God Shura has never found any successor from the day he was born to the present!

His birth originated from the death of a Creator God, or in other words, the God Realm and Douluo Continent are the relics of this Creator God..."

"Creation God?"

"That's right! This Creator God should be a being above the God King. Perhaps the original Dragon God should know more, but...

I only have half of the strength of the Dragon God. As for the memory, it is even more incomplete. The Dragon God is dead after all. As for the Golden Dragon King and I, we are just the incarnation of the Dragon God's power. God Shura, I only know this... "

Hearing Gu Yuena's perfunctory words, Ye Tianchen was a little unhappy, but Gu Yuena was right after all. After becoming the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yuena had no chance to stay in the God Realm and was directly hit and escaped by the evil god. Go to Douluo Continent, where will you know more?

But Ye Tianchen also knew something he needed, about God Shura and the so-called God of Creation!

Especially what Gu Yuena said about God Shura never having an heir made Ye Tianchen very suspicious, so...

Tang San's matter is definitely not simple!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen shook his head and could only look at it slowly...

"Your Excellency Silver Dragon King, I am still struggling with your injuries. Can you wait until I break through level 99 and then come to the Star Dou Forest to heal your injuries?"

Ye Tianchen was not stalling for time, but he really needed time to break through to level 99 before he could more easily restore Gu Yuena's strength...

Regarding Ye Tianchen's words, Gu Yuena was not afraid of him running away at this moment. After smiling slightly, looking at Ye Tianchen's face, a strange color flashed in Gu Yuena's eyes!

"In that case, Ye Tianchen, I'm waiting for you, but...

If you don’t come to the Star Dou Forest to heal me after a year, you will know the result! "

"Don't worry, sir. I, Ye Tianchen, always mean what I say!"


Just as Ye Tianchen and Gu Yuena were communicating, the outside world, the originally peaceful Star Dou Forest, welcomed an unexpected guest!

That is Sendaoliu!

Deep in the Great Star Forest, in the void, and everything around it, suddenly dimmed.

The sky was originally clear, but dark clouds pressed over the city, as if night had fallen.

Qian Daoliu stopped, but the Seraphim spirit was still released.

Circles of soul rings quickly lit up.

A wave of terror suddenly surged into his heart, forcing him to light up his soul ring!

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red!

Eight black and one red, nine soul rings flashed, making all the soul beasts in the Star Forest feel the pressure!

Qian Daoliu is indeed one of the top beings in Douluo Continent.

At this moment, Qiandaoliu stared at the tall and burly figure suspended in the void. The aura displayed by the other party was not weaker than his in the slightest.

He was the strongest person he had ever seen in his life.

The person who arrived was obviously Di Tian.

A strong dark aura came from all directions.


It feels like you can't breathe.

Di Tian stared at Qian Daoliu.

This human being is very powerful, one of the strongest humans he has ever seen.

His strength has reached the demigod level.

There is only one opportunity left to become a god.

It's just that I may not have this opportunity until I die of old age.

"Friend, I don't know why you are blocking my way!"

Even if he feels that the opponent is very strong, Qian Daoliu is not afraid.

After all, he is the ruling elder of Wuhun Palace, responsible for killing all the strongest opponents who oppose Wuhun Palace.

The Martial Soul Seraph, the ninety-ninth-level attack-type extreme Douluo, has now reached the realm of demigod.

Titled "Angel".

Nicknamed "The Invincible Sky".

If even he couldn't defeat this uninvited guest, then probably no one in this world could defeat him either.

At the same level as him.

In this world, there are only Bo Saixi and Tang Chen. Even Ye Tianchen is only about the same fighting strength as him now. As long as Ye Tianchen is not at level ninety-nine, Qian Daoliu doesn't think he will lose... …

"Martial Soul Palace, huh, is indeed the strongest force in Douluo Continent.

There is actually a strong person like you sitting in charge. "

Ditian was tall and burly, as black as ink, with two dragon horns on his head.

Both hands and even feet are dragon claws.

The muscles all over his body are bulging, full of the ultimate sense of strength.

A low voice came from his mouth, carrying invisible majesty.

When I heard Qian Daoliu's ears, I felt like the roar of all beasts!

Feeling this pressure, Qian Daoliu also frowned. What level of existence is this?

The invisible pressure emanating from him was even more powerful than his Qian Daoliu.

Could a person with dragon claws be a soul beast at the Ultimate Douluo level?

His eyes were golden, and he moved his body at will.

Dark elements seem to become more intense.

The surroundings are also darker.

Ferocious beast!

At this moment, these two words appeared in Qian Daoliu's mind.

If a soul beast wants to transform into a human form, there are usually only two possibilities.

One is to cultivate again after cultivating for 100,000 years and transform into a human being.

The other is that after breaking through a hundred thousand years of cultivation and becoming a powerful ferocious beast, one has the ability to transform into a human being.

Judging from Di Tian's appearance, it was naturally the latter.

"If you please move out of the way, you and I will pretend we have never met!"

Qian Daoliu narrowed his eyes slightly and had never seen such an existence in Douluo Continent.

He has concluded that Ditian is a powerful beast.

It's just that he had been dormant or asleep before and was not discovered by the soul master world.

Moreover, the Star Dou Forest is very large, and few people dare to set foot in the core area.

He never thought that there were only two hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

There are other powerful soul beasts, but human soul masters have not discovered their traces yet...

"Hmph, if you want me to give way, I want to see how capable you are!"

Di Tian said, about to take action against Qian Daoliu.


Qian Daoliu pointed at the sky and said:

"Go up and fight!"

Then, he jumped up and turned into a golden light, appearing ten thousand meters in the sky.

The aftermath of a fight between the two will definitely destroy everything around them.

In order not to cause unnecessary damage, Qian Daoliu chose the sky battlefield.


Di Tian snorted coldly, turned into a black light, and chased after him.

The two were suspended ten thousand meters in the air, and their tyrannical momentum exploded, as if the whole sky was about to be shattered by the shock.

The Qiandaoliu Seraphim martial soul was released, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, and the nine soul rings lit up.

The seventh soul skill, the angel's true form, is displayed.

The holy angel appeared behind him, with his hands clasped together, emitting divine golden light.

The slender jade hand was raised, and a golden light carried terrifying power.

Heading towards Di Tian to kill him.

Di Tian snorted coldly, raised his dragon claw and grabbed Qian Daoliu.

The war is about to break out!

The Qiandaoliu in the field can also significantly weaken the enemy's sensory capabilities.

It can also fix the enemy in the center of the field. Even if it moves instantaneously, it will only stay in place.

Even if it moves a certain distance with the help of Qiandaoliu's attack, it will immediately return to the center position after the attack effect dissipates.

In the true form of the martial spirit, the Angel Realm possesses a soul skill called Angel's Arrival.

It can combine its own soul power with the sacred energy in the field to condense a golden angel with a stun effect on every attack.


The two exerted unparalleled power and collided instantly, erupting into extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

There was a terrifying collision sound.

With a click, the void instantly shattered, then quickly and automatically remained intact.

An indescribable powerful aura instantly radiated out in all directions from the center of the collision between the two.

The two fought violently.

This is the dojo of the Angel God. Qian Daoliu had only tested Di Tian's strength before being repelled by him.

Now when it comes to serious matters, he has nothing to fear.

The strength of the two is equally matched.

I don’t know how many moves they fought, but the two stopped in tacit agreement.

The winner cannot be determined at the moment.

Qian Daoliu stared at Di Tian with his mouth twitching.

It is indeed known as the soul beast closest to the gods.

His mastery of the mysteries of space has reached a miraculous level.

The huge energy generated by the moment of confrontation between the two once again shattered the void.

Di Tian originally wanted to rush towards Qiandaoliu again.

But at this time, he discovered that Ye Tianchen's body suddenly appeared in the sky. In an instant, Di Tian understood that his master and Ye Tianchen had probably reached an agreement, so he simply did not continue to negotiate with Qian Tianchen. Taoist entanglement...

And Qian Daoliu naturally discovered Ye Tianchen, and with a whoosh, Qian Daoliu came to Ye Tianchen's side!

"Ye Tianchen, you..."

Before Qian Daoliu could say a word, Ye Tianchen didn't want Qian Daoliu to die here, so he immediately pulled Qian Daoliu, crossed over, and left the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest...

After walking continuously for a long distance, Ye Tianchen finally stopped...

"Qian Daoliu, I know what you are going to ask. Na Ditian is not weaker than you, or even stronger. I am pulling you away just because the master of the soul beast has awakened. Her strength is comparable to First level god!


It's better not to die. If you die, Wuhundian won't be too lazy to deal with it! "

Ye Tianchen was telling the truth. If Qian Daoliu died here, Wuhun Palace would definitely fall into Bibi Dong's hands. Bibi Dong's character must not cause a lot of trouble for Ye Tianchen...

Moreover, Qian Daoliu was still somewhat useful against Tang Chen and Bo Saixi...

After hearing Ye Tianchen's words, Qian Daoliu paused for a moment, then nodded and became silent...

Ye Tianchen wouldn't lie to him, at least this kind of thing shouldn't happen...

However, regarding this explosive news, Qian Daoliu immediately thought about whether it would have any huge impact on Wuhun Palace. After all, Wuhun Palace does not have a god sitting in charge, and it is not like Ye Tianchen, who is with the soul beast. The relationship between the clan is obviously unusual...

"Okay, I have said what I should say, Qiandaoliu, goodbye!"

After all, Ye Tianchen didn't bother to pay attention to Qian Daoliu. Seeing Qian Daoliu's confused look, he was probably frightened by such a sudden god as the Silver Dragon King. Of course, Ye Tianchen could also understand. After all, he Why not?

Shaking his head, Ye Tianchen quickly disappeared in front of Qian Daoliu. It took a while for Qian Daoliu to recover from his loss. Then he took a deep look at the direction of the Star Dou Forest. After sighing softly, he also headed towards Wuhun City returns...

And Ye Tianchen also plans to return to Soto City to reach the Star Building. After all, for Ye Tianchen at this moment, breaking through level 99 is the most important thing!

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