The blood-red Clear Sky Hammer stretched out and pointed at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. Tang Chen's eyes were solid and cold, not wavering at all because of the opponent's power.

One person and one whale were facing each other in the air, and their gazes did not change. Although the energy of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was higher than that of Tang Chen, he did not have the upper hand in terms of momentum. Tang Chen's mental strength was especially inferior to his. superior!

The deep purple single eye of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King looked at Tang Chen's clear blue eyes. His aura was suppressed bit by bit by Tang Chen's eyes, and his aura that should have reached its peak after turning into a human form actually Slowly descending!

On the battlefield, morale can often be the key to determining victory or defeat. The lower the morale, the less you can use your abilities...

Everyone knew this, so the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King decided not to wait any longer.

It doesn’t matter if your mental strength is high, the energy gap is unshakable!

"go to hell!"

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King roared, and raised his right hand suddenly. Purple light balls appeared around his body. In just an instant, they were densely covered in an area of ​​hundreds of square meters!

Every ball of light was locked on Tang Chen, and the huge energy fluctuations suddenly turned the sky on the side of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King into purple, and it was still slightly distorted!

A harsh sound broke through the air. From condensation to release, in just one breath, thousands of purple light balls were already hitting Tang Chen like a meteor shower. They were so fast that they could only use electricity. To describe it as light flint!

Three points of water and seven points of thunder, this is Tang Chen's judgment on the attack of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Each purple ball of light is composed of two kinds of energy. It can be said to be a composite attribute. attack!

There is no doubt that they are like thunderballs. Once they collide, they will explode with terrifying attack power!

This kind of large-scale locking attack is impossible to dodge...

Tang Chen had no intention of dodging at all. He snorted coldly and put the hammer behind his back with his left hand. He raised the Clear Sky Hammer with his right hand and launched a simple and unpretentious wave of uncertainty.

A huge halo lit up in the sky. The color of the halo was dark red. This didn't come from Tang Chen's energy, but from the Clear Sky Hammer!

Cold murderous aura also filled the sky at this moment. On the Clear Sky Hammer that Tang Chen carried behind his back, the God of Death domain had been released!

Under the exaggeration of the Killing God Realm, the aura formed by the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly turned blood red.

Tang Chen's movements did not stop. He circled the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, one to the right, and continued to bring bloody halos into the air.

Strangely enough, these halos seem to have a huge suction force. Although the range of the thunder beads attacked by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is very large, as long as one of these halos appears, it will immediately absorb a bunch of beads.

The expression of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King changed slightly. His original idea was to kill Tang Chen by relying on his superior energy and the explosive power of the thunder attribute attack.

However, when the thunder beads he released were caught in the Wuding Storm Ring, the spiritual connection with him was immediately cut off, and those thunder beads failed to explode at all. Disappeared quietly in the halo...

How can this be?

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was shocked. Of course he knew best how powerful the energy he released was.

In his opinion, even if Tang Chen's mental power was stronger than his own, it would not be much stronger. It was impossible to cut off all the mental connections of such a large-scale skill like this.

The only thing he didn't expect was that what Tang Chen was performing now was a magical skill!

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King hesitated slightly in surprise, but in this short moment, all his attacks fell into the air, and not a single thunderball exploded!

"Brother Chen is already so powerful?"

Bo Saixi also exclaimed.

As she spoke, the Poseidon Trident in her hand was raised again, and seven more Poseidon lights came out, shining towards Tang Chen!

The moment Bo Saixi's seven rays of Poseidon's light fell on him, Tang Chen's entire energy and spirit were condensed to an extremely terrifying level!

With a loud shout, it was like a thunderbolt sounded in the air, and he rushed towards the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King like an arrow!

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King showed no sign of weakness, purple light bloomed all over his body, and he rushed towards Tang San fiercely. His hands formed fists and touched each other in front of his chest. A purple halo rippled from his chest, just like his chest. That sparkling whirlpool like a busy gem.

Wherever the purple light passed, the air suddenly became solid.

This is a skill derived from the Demon Whale Domain of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. It has a similar effect to Tang Chen's spiritual power. Once it is enveloped, it will immediately fall into a brief dizzy state. When it comes to their duel at this level, even if it is The results of a moment of dizziness can also be fatal!

However, at the moment when the purple light was about to contact Tang Chen's body, the second soul ring on Tang Chen exploded instantly, and the strong dark red-gold energy wave exploded in an instant, blasting the purple light that reached his body. Scattered, at the same time, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Chen's hand rose in the wind, and the whole person spun around in mid-air. The extremely huge Clear Sky Hammer smashed down on the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's head!

It is the secret of the Great Sumeru Hammer, the ring explosion!

Relying on the power of the ring explosion, he instantly resolves the opponent's restricted skills, and then uses the condensed energy to explode with powerful attack power.

Tang Chen's response at this moment can definitely be described as perfect!

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King could not have imagined that Tang Chen, who looked elegant and calm, would be as violent as a violent storm when he attacked. Facing the shining blood-red Clear Sky Hammer, he did not dare to be careless. He raised his hands at the same time, and the armor all over his body shone brightly. , fully mobilized the compressed energy in the armor to meet Tang Chen's attack.

Facts have proved that the power of the ring explosion is absolutely terrifying. With Bo Saixi's increase, Tang Chen's abilities in all aspects have doubled, but that's not all. His strength, attack power, speed, and attack attributes, They all improved accordingly, and their own strength was already close to that of a demigod!

As soon as he used the Mysterious Ring Explosion of the Great Sumeru Hammer, the power he unleashed immediately reached the peak attack intensity of a level 99 Peerless Douluo.

What's more, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand is also controlled by gravity, and the increased weight is almost the same as the Poseidon Trident under gravity control!

Boom - in the stunned gaze of Bo Saixi and many sea soul beasts, the million-year-old soul beast, the seemingly arrogant Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, was just smashed down from the air by Tang Chen!

It crashed into the sea with a thud, causing a huge wave that was hundreds of meters high!

Tang Chen succeeded with one blow and never stopped. Under Ning Rongrong's continuous increase, his eyes became extremely sharp, and his body and hammer merged into one. The power of the Great Sumeru Hammer fully exploded at this moment, and the first soul ring exploded. Opening, the power belonging to the soul ring injected into him even greater energy. At the same time, he threw out his left leg, and a battle axe-like red light fell from the sky, forcefully spreading out the exploding waves, and even the entire sea surface was covered by it. A huge ravine as deep as a hundred meters was cut!

Revealing the figure of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King who had just stabilized, Tang Chen's second hammer had already dropped from the sky, with an indomitable momentum and terrifying explosive force, and hit it head on!

Now that the attack has begun, Tang Chen has no intention of stopping and will never give up until his opponent is completely destroyed!

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was also shocked. When Bo Saixi used the Poseidon's Light before, he still had confidence in his heart!

But Tang Chen obviously hasn't inherited the true power of God yet. He is confident that facing such an opponent, he will not lose no matter what!

However, the moment he collided with the Clear Sky Hammer, with his strength and huge energy, he was actually smashed into the sea. The violent and ferocious energy, the world-dominating momentum, and the fierce The actual murderous intent told him that the opponent in front of him was not that easy to contend with!

It may even bring him a fatal crisis!

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has lived in the sea for millions of years, and his experience is unquestionable. Seeing that the sea can no longer be his shelter, he can feel the more powerful and powerful power of Tang Chen's sledgehammer. With manic energy, he made a strange move!

Putting his hands in the shape of a trumpet by his ears, facing Tang San who descended from the sky, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a loud and long groan came out of his mouth, and at the same time, there was a streak of white air.

"Brother Chen, be careful, that's the elixir energy of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King."

When Bo Saixi saw the white energy, she hurriedly reminded loudly that she didn't have much soul power now, so she could only watch Tang San and increase it for Tang Chen.

Tang Chen must have heard her voice, but his movements did not change at all. In the concept of the Great Sumeru Hammer, there is no word "dodge" at all. Only by doing something knowing that it cannot be done can he fully activate his potential. come out. Therefore, Tang Chen still bravely greeted him.

The voice coming out of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's mouth was a little hoarse at first, but soon, with the spray of white air, his voice gradually turned into a sound like a dragon's roar, and the dark clouds in the sky were surging crazily. , as if echoing his roar, the white pill energy also condensed into a ball in the air, just in time to meet Tang Chen's Haotian Hammer.

Boom - the white air scattered in all directions, and even the dark clouds in the sky were blown away by the shock wave caused by this blow, revealing the brilliance of the sun!

The pill energy that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King spat out from his mouth was smashed away by Tang Chen. The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's body also shook violently, and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes. He was obviously affected!

And Tang Chen didn't feel good either. His attack could not continue. Although the white pill energy was scattered by him, he himself was also thrown into the air by a huge rebounding force. Haotian hammered out a series of buzzing sounds. With a sound, the energy brought by exploding the first soul ring was exhausted!

An angry roar sounded from the mouth of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. He pressed the sea water hard and flew towards Tang Chen like a cannonball. His body was still in the air, and the huge purple light had condensed into a huge ball of light around his body. , at the same time, behind him, a huge shadow of a deep-sea demon whale emerged!

He has already activated the real fire, this blow is no longer a test!

The purple ball of light formed by the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King instantly separated from his body and turned into two huge purple war hammers. Their size was not inferior to the Haotian Hammer in Tang Chen's hand. The energy in his body was completely restrained, and he flew towards Tang Chen. passed.

It looked as if he was going to fight Tang Chen head-to-head!

Don't underestimate this kind of hand-to-hand combat. Close-range attacks with completely restrained energy are the way for strong men to maximize their attack power.

If the strength of the two is close and one side chooses this dangerous attack method, the other side will have no other choice.

Because if you attack with energy, the opponent's restrained energy can easily break through.

It's hard to hurt your opponent.

Of course Tang Chen also understood this.

"Fight with me at close range?

Okay, then I will make it happen for you! "

Tang Chen faced the Deep Sea Demon Whale King without any evasion. Seeing that the two were about to collide, Tang Chen's body flashed like an illusion. The Deep Sea Demon Whale King only felt his eyes blur, and Tang San had already come to his side. , Pointing forward the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, the cold, dark sledgehammer had already reached his waist.

However, the choice of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King also surprised Tang Chen. He did not dodge and allowed Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer to hit his waist, but his arms smashed the pair of dark purple eight-sided plum blossoms. The hammer was swung, and it hit Tang Chen head-on.

If it really hit him this time, Tang Chen's soul would probably be shattered.

The hammers of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King contain his powerful energy!

Tang Chen was so smart that he understood the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's thoughts in an instant. This guy wanted to trade his injuries for his life!

He is protected by the energy-condensed armor. If I hit him with one blow, I will definitely not be able to kill him, but if he hits it hard with these two blows, I will be finished.

What a wishful thinking!

Of course Tang Chen refused to make such an exchange. In desperation, his body exploded in the air, and then he dodged the blow of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

The Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea was unyielding and followed up immediately, swinging his hammers in the air. With the previous offensive, he immediately suppressed Tang Chen at a disadvantage. Although his pair of eight-edged plum-blossom hammers had no tricks, they were winning. It was powerful, heavy, and extremely fast. With his own huge energy as the backing, he actually forced Tang Chen to retreat step by step!

Tang Chen had no choice. The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was too cunning. He took full advantage of his armor and did not dodge Tang Chen's attacks at all. He just attacked fiercely. In this way, Tang Chen's overall energy was inferior to him. Suddenly he was completely suppressed and at a disadvantage.

For a while, I could only dodge by retreating.

Just like he used the Great Sumeru Hammer to suppress the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King before, now he is in a dangerous situation.

You must know that the longer the opponent is suppressed, the stronger the opponent's momentum and accumulated continuous attack energy will be, and the harder it will be to make a comeback.

Facing an opponent of the level of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, waiting for the opponent to make a mistake is undoubtedly a fool's errand!

Tang San was also looking anxiously not far away, but she also knew that her strength was too far behind the two in the battle, and even charging up would have no effect...

Even at such a disadvantage, Tang Chen's expression was still very calm, and he just kept retreating and dodging. No matter how fast the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was, it was not easy to attack Tang Chen who had Bo Saixi's boost!

A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's mouth. Although there was nothing he could do about Tang Chen's dodge, his every swing of the hammer was not that simple. The invisible energy was weaving a big net. As long as If he swings a few more hammers to complete this big net, it will not be so easy for Tang Chen to dodge!

However, just when the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King thought he had succeeded and was about to destroy Tang Chen in his hands, Tang Chen's body suddenly disappeared without warning.


The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was stunned for a moment and disappeared? How can it be?

His mental power was fully activated in an instant. Since the distance was so close, he concentrated his mental power into a small area and found Tang Chen almost instantly.

However, his attack movements had to be delayed for a moment.

The deep sea demon whale king's big net has been woven perfectly, but how could Tang Chen not know?

The last chapter was garbled, sorry, all kinds of

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