Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 257 Tang Chen’s tragic victory, Qian Renxue’s stubbornness


That day and the sea seemed to have become eternity at this moment.

The terrifying red and the huge purple merged in the air, and finally condensed into a point and exploded crazily.

The unparalleled air waves made the sea roar, and a huge tsunami instantly spread within hundreds of square miles.

The sky suddenly became hazy, and the dazzling sunlight could no longer be seen, as if even the sun had turned into a mixture of red and purple.

The huge energy fluctuation shocked the whole world. Even Bo Saixi and Tang San who were far away on the seashore felt the power of this blow.

The huge energy fluctuations shattered the air, and countless huge cracks appeared in the air, wildly devouring the air and everything in the air.

The two figures separated almost instantly. The huge red shadow disappeared, and the purple demon whale phantom was also shattered, leaving only two human bodies separated by hundreds of meters in an instant.

With their bodies as the center, countless violent energies rise into the sky, which is why the sky changes color!

In that violent collision, even they themselves could not control the violent energy.

The Clear Sky Hammer disappeared in Tang Chen's hand, and all eight soul rings were shattered. In this crazy blow, the Clear Sky Hammer could no longer exist.

The purple armor on the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King also disappeared, and his uncovered body was trembling continuously.

Blood flowed out of Tang San's seven orifices like a winding snake, dripping on the sea, and exploded like small bombs. Even the blood contained such terrifying energy, which showed that the previous What a brutal blow.

Tang Chen did not tremble like the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. His waist was still straight. Although his face was paler than the paper, the fierce murderous look in his eyes did not weaken at all.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's condition was better than his. Although his body was shaking, he only had bleeding from his mouth and nose. In terms of physical injuries, 99% of which had already reached the god level, he was much lighter than Tang Chen. .

However, physical injuries do not represent everything. Although Tang Chen's body was seriously injured, the blow from the huge red figure had shattered the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's belief in victory.

At this moment, the heart of this powerful million-year-old soul beast is filled with fear. Facing Tang Chen, who has obviously been severely injured, in his perception, it seems as if he is facing an invincible figure. Like a demon.

Since it started to practice, the same feeling has only appeared once in the past million years, that is when he faced the Poseidon of the year and was disabled by the Poseidon. Only then did he feel such a powerless feeling. Feel!

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King's reason was still there. He desperately told himself that the human being in front of him was already very weak and could never defeat him again. However, the trembling from his heart and the blood that had been deeply imprinted in his heart, But he couldn't bring up the idea of ​​attacking. At this moment, all he could think about was running away.

Tang Chen's limbs and bones seemed to be shattered, and the meridians in his body were as chaotic as the last time he faced Ye Tianchen's sneak attack.

However, the fighting spirit in his heart supported everything. He would never allow himself to fall before killing his opponent.

At this moment, his physical condition determined that he could not fly very fast. However, flying at such a speed still made the fear in the heart of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King increase exponentially.

No matter how much the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King tried to cheer himself up, he couldn't do it.

He let out a fierce scream, turned around and ran away.

"You have no chance!"

Rumble, as Tang Chen's 100,000-year-old soul ring was shattered, his soul power suddenly reached an extreme!

Two purple-gold rays of light blasted out from Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer, piercing the sky like lightning. Wherever it passed, even the torn black space that had not yet healed was instantly penetrated, heading straight towards the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Head away.

At the critical moment of life and death, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King subconsciously turned around, roared in his mouth, and sent out a series of circular ripples from his head, trying to block Tang Chen's all-out attack.

When the purple ring-shaped energy met Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer, there was no violent roar, only a harsh friction sound, and there seemed to be countless sparks exploding from the friction of metal in the air!

Circles of purple energy were constantly being damaged by the attack of the Purple Demon Eye, and the Clear Sky Hammer drove straight in, making the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who was already in extreme fear, tremble even more. He could only desperately export his mental power outwards, Resist the Clear Sky Hammer's attack as much as possible.

At this moment, Tang Chen's whole body rotated violently, and the blood spurted out from the seven orifices flew with his rotation, but the blood did not move away, but surrounded Tang Chen's body, making him There was a layer of faint red light surrounding the rapidly rotating body.

No one knows what Tang Chen is doing now...

The purple-gold light finally hit the head of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly fell into dizziness in mid-air, but for some reason, at the moment when he fell into coma and his consciousness was still there, he suddenly felt a strong sense of relief.

The fear in my heart seemed to disappear because of the arrival of dizziness.

It was only then that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly understood that the fear in his heart was not because of fear of Tang Chen, but because of the violent energy that invaded his heart when the red Clear Sky Hammer hit him.

What kind of energy is that?

These were his last thoughts before he fell into a semi-conscious state.

Without absolute certainty, Tang Chen would never touch the ninth soul ring easily. Even if his mental power has improved a lot, once the ninth soul ring is touched, it will be huge for him. The nine red streaks will be huge for him. Mang also completely hit the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King without any suspense!

The nine red lights hit only one location, and that was the heart of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Every ray of red light that falls on the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King does not penetrate, but explodes.

Amidst nine violent roars in succession, a huge hole was blown out of the chest of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, which had lost the protection of its armor. It was as if a circular window had opened between the entire chest and abdomen. Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and its... The huge body also floated backwards in the air, regaining its consciousness while trembling.

However, it was already too late. His internal organs were almost completely blown to pieces. Not to mention that he had not yet become a god. Even a true god might not be able to recover from such a serious injury!

The eyes of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King were a little dull. His body was still floating in the air, staring at Tang Chen. His eyes were filled with unwilling light, and this light was being replaced by the breath of death.

He wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, only purple-black blood rushed out of his mouth.

Finally, this powerful million-year-old soul beast could no longer support its body. The three-meter-high body fell from the sky with a large amount of blood, and went straight to the sea.

Without the support of energy, he could no longer maintain his human form. While he was still in mid-air, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King had transformed into the body of a demon whale again, and his huge body of two hundred meters long crashed onto the sea surface. There was a huge wound in the middle and front of his body that was almost severe.

The huge body crashed into the water, and the sea was suddenly dyed red with its blood.

Surging energy fluctuations also exploded, and another tsunami spread.

With Bo Saixi's strength, he was thrown far away without any preparation, and he only escaped this round of waves after taking Tang San into the bottom of the sea!

Tang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief and panted heavily. This battle could be said to have exhausted all his energy.

It seemed that he had always had the advantage, but Tang San knew that if the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's courage had not been broken by him before, it would be hard to say what the outcome of this battle would be. He at least had the ability to injure both himself and himself.

His powerful body is not easy to kill. Although he is seriously injured at this moment, no one dares to continue chasing...

As the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who had been seriously injured, roared angrily, his body headed directly towards the deep sea!

Thinking of this, Tang Chen couldn't help but think of the huge red light before. When he swung the Clear Sky Hammer, his whole body was wrapped in an extremely huge energy. Although the energy was extremely cold, it was vast and vast. , and also raised his confidence and momentum to an unprecedented peak.

At that moment, Tang Chen clearly felt that his level had improved again.

It's not that his soul power has improved, but that his mental power has risen to another level. A state where you can completely control your own breath, momentum and fighting spirit.

He hasn't fully realized this feeling yet, but Tang Chen definitely knows that being able to seriously injure the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King at such a small price is closely related to the appearance of that red light. It can be said that this red light Only by helping him can he accomplish his goal so smoothly!

As for where this red light comes from, it is the work of God Shura...


In the Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue has arrived at the Pope Palace, and opposite her is Bibi Dong!

Bibi Dong is twenty years older than Qian Renxue, but on the surface, they are almost the same.

I don't know what the two talked about. Qian Renxue glanced at Bibi Dong coldly and walked out without looking back.

The door of the meeting hall made a loud noise due to the violent collision.

It was as if they were separated into two worlds.

Bibi Dong seemed to have lost all her strength in an instant, and fell down on the chair, tears flowing down her face uncontrollably.

Who can imagine that this iron-blooded pope also has such a weak side...

Elder's Hall!

This is the largest building in the Pope's Palace, and it also represents the most powerful power of the entire Wuhun Palace.

Inside the tall domed building, you will see a wide hall as soon as you enter.

The hollow dome is nearly thirty meters high and is divided into three floors, with ten rooms on each floor.

Except for extremely special circumstances, the prerequisite for being able to move in here is that one's soul power is above level 90 and one has the strength of a titled Douluo or above.

This is where the true highest power of Wuhun Palace lies, and even the Pope must be restricted by it.

In the final analysis, it comes down to strength. If the elders living here unite together, they can destroy a city in one day!

This is no exaggeration!

At this time, the elder's hall was quiet, not even a servant was in attendance.

When Qian Renxue walked into the huge hall, the pores on her body suddenly shrank.

At the innermost side of the hall, in front of a huge seraph sculpture made of pure gold and up to ten meters high, stood a man quietly, with his back to the door, looking up at the pure gold statue!

Judging from the back, it was a man, tall but not strong. He was wearing a simple gray robe, with long black robes hanging behind his head, and he was neatly combed.

Standing there, he gave people a very strange feeling. Qian Renxue, who possessed the seraph martial spirit, felt particularly clear. It seemed that that person was the seraph statue, and there was no difference between the two.

It seemed that the sunlight shining into the hall from the huge windows around him was focused on him alone.

Even though his clothes were so simple, just standing there gave people a feeling of worship.


Standing at the entrance, Qian Renxue fell to her knees with a plop.

The originally cold face could no longer hold on to the stubbornness, and tears flowed down his cheeks.

The man in gray slowly turned around, and the special aura before suddenly disappeared. He looked like he was only thirty or forty years old, with a very handsome appearance and a faint smile on his face.

The calm and tranquil atmosphere gives people a very comfortable feeling.

The strangest thing is that even if there is a titled Douluo here, he will definitely not be able to feel a trace of soul power fluctuations from him.

Qian Daoliu took a step forward gently, and the next moment he was in front of Qian Renxue. His movements were not fast, but when he came in front of Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue had already fallen into his arms. Cry loudly.

Even the strongest person has a weak side. Bibi Dong is like this, and so is Qian Renxue?

During these years of pretending to be Xue Qinghe, only she knows the pressure she has endured and the lost youth she has endured.

"Have you gone to see her?"

Qian Daoliu gently fumbled Qian Renxue's golden hair.

Qian Renxue nodded silently.

The man in gray said calmly: "Actually, she is also in pain.

After all, it wasn't her who was wrong in the first place.

Her feelings for you are not what you imagine. "

Qian Renxue raised her head and looked at the person she had always considered her only relative in front of her, "Grandpa, aren't you going to help me too?"

Qian Daoliu sighed softly.

"I can't help. Although she was a little aggressive, she did nothing wrong.

After all, she is the Pope of Wuhun Palace. What's more, her influence in Wuhun Palace has surpassed mine. "


Qian Renxue was so shocked that she even stopped the tears that had been flowing in her eyes, "This, this is impossible."

Qian Daoliu smiled slightly and said dotingly: "Xiaoxue, you have to remember that this is a world where the weak eat the strong.

Whoever is stronger will have a greater say, and this is especially true in our Wuhun Palace.

Her strength is no less than mine, and she is still so young.

Maybe she will become the first person in many years to reach another level.

Not to mention that the second and third worshipers have already supported him.

Even I will support her. She will lead Wuhundian to go further.

What you have to do is to help her, not fight against her.

In fact, your talent is far greater than your father's. It not only comes from the seraph inheritance he left you, but it is also the talent Bibi Dong passed on to you.

No matter what you say, she is your mother after all. "

Qian Renxue stayed there and didn't speak for a long time.

Qian Daoliu didn't speak, just looked at her quietly, giving her space to think.

At this time, the blood on Qian Renxue's face had faded, and the light in her eyes flickered. Suddenly, she suddenly raised her head and said to the man in gray: "Grandpa, I want to ask you one last thing."

Qian Daoliu frowned slightly, obviously feeling that something was wrong with her mood at this time.

But he nodded anyway.

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly solidified, and she said solemnly: "I want to be the ruling elder of Wuhun Palace."

Qian Daoliu was stunned.

"Because I became a disciple of Ye Tianchen?"

Judgment elders are second only to worshipers in the elder hall.

You don't need to participate in any actions of Wuhun Palace to make offerings.

The most important responsibility of the Judgment Elder is to kill all the strongest opponents who oppose the Wuhun Palace.

Of course, it is also the most free and unfettered...

Qian Renxue nodded, "From now on, I will no longer interfere in the affairs of Wuhun Palace.

Also, she is not my mother, not before, not now, and never will be again.

I will never forgive her.

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have died in her hands.

I only have a grandfather and a golden crocodile grandfather, a teacher, a godfather, but no mother! "

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