Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 258 The first Poseidon test, pull out the Poseidon Trident!

Qian Daoliu had nothing to say, he could only sigh...

On Poseidon Island!

At this moment, Tang San had followed Tang Chen and Bo Saixi back to the main island of Poseidon Island!

Although Tang San has been here for several months, this is the first time that Tang San has been so close to Poseidon Temple.

The huge stone pillars in front of the Poseidon Temple were carved with various patterns. Some were sea spirit beasts that Tang San had seen before, but most of them were creatures he had never seen before, presumably also in the sea. The presence.

Walking into Poseidon Temple, it was dark inside. There was no window in the whole hall, so naturally there was no light from the outside. The hall seemed very empty and there were no buildings in sight.

This hall can be described as quaint or simple.

Tang San never thought that there would be no decorations in the majestic Poseidon Temple, and it would be so dark.

There are no extra buildings in this hall, only eight platforms.

The seven platforms outside form a circle. Each platform has a different style and is similar in appearance to the seven platforms where the Seven Holy Pillars of Poseidon are located.

It's like a shrunk platform of the Seven Holy Pillars.

It's just that there is no holy pillar here, only the seven platforms.

And right in the center of these seven platforms, there is a huge platform, which can be seen just between the two peripheral platforms in front. This platform has three floors in total and is several meters higher than the seven peripheral platforms. .

The entire platform is circular, and the area closer to the upper platform is smaller.

Due to the darkness in the hall, one could only vaguely see a long stick standing upright in the center of the uppermost platform.

But it is not very regular. The top is larger, tapered, and the whole body is dark.

Bo Saixi was sitting in the center of the first floor of the platform, with her legs crossed, her hands palms facing upward, each holding a strange gesture, and her eyes closed.

If it weren't for Tang San's extraordinary eyesight, he wouldn't be able to see even this.

"Tang San, come forward."

Bo Saixi's faint voice echoed in the empty hall.


Tang San agreed and strode forward, looking at Bo Saixi calmly, his inner peace unruffled.

If Bo Saixi wanted to deal with him, it would be easy. Since he was here, there was nothing to worry about.

However, in his heart, Tang San didn't like the feeling that his fate was in the hands of others.

"I've met senior."

Tang San bowed and saluted...

Bo Saixi accepted Tang San's courtesy, and Tang San realized that the Bo Saixi he saw this time seemed a little different from the one he saw a few days ago.

If Bo Saixi at that time gave him the feeling of being as deep as the vast ocean, then at this time, Bo Saixi just looked like a kind old man.

Although her appearance is still so young, noble and beautiful.

However, her eyes filled with vicissitudes of life were full of kindness.

If she was an insurmountable mountain when they last met, then the feeling she gave Tang San now was more like the way his father looked at him.

Bo Saixi smiled kindly and said, "Before you take the first test, let me tell you a story about the sea.

Do you know how big the ocean is? "

Tang San shook his head blankly, this question was no longer within the scope of his knowledge.

Bo Saixi said: "The area of ​​the sea is four times that of the land. In other words, the sea is as big as four Douluo Continents.

In this vast sea, there are far more creatures living than on land.

If these creatures in the sea lose their restraints and continue to fight, then they will be even more chaotic than on land.

Many, many years ago, the sea was in such chaos. As the saying goes, heroes emerge from troubled times. Among the many sea soul masters, an amazing genius appeared. He relied on his own strength and spent his whole life to swim all over the sea. In every corner of the world, he holds a trident, conquering races in the sea one after another with his powerful strength and unparalleled charisma.

It took one thousand and one years to finally unify the oceans and was revered as the God of the Sea by all the sea races.

Created an immortal myth! "

"Sea Soul Masters are also human beings. Senior, can humans live as long as a thousand years?"

Tang San asked.

Bo Saixi smiled kindly, "Call me High Priest.

Of course, ordinary humans can't live that long, but when a person's strength breaks through to the level of a titled Douluo, they can have a lifespan of about three hundred years.

After that, each time you advance to a level, you can live an extra hundred years.

In other words, someone with my level can live for thousands of years.

The original Lord Poseidon conquered the sea with his level 99 strength.

Speaking of which, I have to mention your great-grandfather. Apart from Lord Poseidon, he is the person I admire the most. "


However, your strength..."

Bo Saixi smiled mockingly.


Do you think I can reach level ninety-nine solely by my own strength?

No, you are wrong.

I don't have that ability. I'm only over a hundred years old this year. How can I reach level ninety-nine?

Don’t think that since you have already broken through level 40, your future will be easy.

After the soul power reaches the ninety-fifth level, according to normal cultivation, the time required for each additional level is based on hundreds of years.

It takes one hundred years to go from level ninety-five to level ninety-six, and another hundred years from level ninety-six to level ninety-seven.

Unless there is a special opportunity, it will take at least more than two hundred years to reach level ninety-seven.

However, this is not the hardest part.

There should be many strong soul masters among you mainland soul masters, but I am certain that, except for Qian Daoliu and your great-grandfather, and of course the mysterious Star Reaching Tower Master, it is difficult for others to break through to level ninety-seven. of!

That's the absolute bottleneck.

According to normal conditions, it is impossible for humans to cultivate to level ninety-nine.

Because the level from ninety-seven to ninety-eight requires a full three hundred years, and the level from ninety-eight to ninety-nine requires a full six hundred years of non-stop hard work.

Qian Daoliu and I both have the strength we have today because of the shadow of our ancestors.

Only your great-grandfather and the master of the Star-Zhaining Building, like Lord Poseidon back then, reached level ninety-nine by relying entirely on their own strength.

Although I don’t know how they and Master Poseidon did it, your great-grandfather reached level ninety-nine three years earlier than Master Poseidon at the time. He was also the only one who had the hope of cultivating on his own. Become a god! "

For Tang San, what Bo Saixi said in front of him could be described as the secret of secrets. He didn't interrupt anymore and just listened quietly.

Bo Saixi continued: "Back then, after I passed the top eight exams, I failed the ninth exam, so now, it's up to you!

Tang San, I am telling you this now because you have already qualified for the Ninth Poseidon Examination, and you are the person Poseidon likes...

What is inserted upside down on this Poseidon's platform is the weapon that has accompanied Lord Poseidon throughout his life, and is also where part of Poseidon's power is condensed. Pulling it out will be your first test!

With its approval, you have truly taken the key step to becoming a Poseidon.

My tip to you is just two words, faith.

The will left by Lord Poseidon said that only those chosen by him will have the chance to remove Poseidon's Trident with their persistent beliefs. "

There was no need for Bo Saixi to explain. Tang San also understood what that ending meant. Bo Saixi had already revealed all the secrets of Poseidon Island. If he passed this test, then the person who knew the secret would be the new successor of Poseidon. If he failed, then he would be dead. Naturally, the secret will not be revealed...

Raising his head, Tang San's eyes focused on the long black stick erected in the center of the Poseidon Platform. No wonder it looked like a stick. It turned out to be caused by the Poseidon's Trident thrust upside down.

This is the long handle of the trident.

Bo Saixi had already stepped aside and looked at Tang San, her eyes full of encouragement.

With his eyes focused on the Poseidon Trident, Tang San walked towards the stage step by step!

There was no pressure here, but Tang San's steps were very heavy, and his eyes never left the Poseidon Trident.

The reason why his movements are slow is because he is focusing all his mental power on the trident.

Through the feeling of mental power, Tang San discovered that the Poseidon Trident was like a piece of dead metal, without any breath, but its heavy feeling was very obvious.

Tang San discovered that the location where the trident was inserted was not only the center of the Poseidon Platform and the Poseidon Temple, but also the center of the entire Poseidon Mountain.

It seemed like the whole mountain was made for it.

Stepping up to the third floor, I finally faced the weapon left by the Poseidon. The exposed long handle of the trident was about one foot, as thick as a child's arm. It was dark and dull, and only a thin layer of lines could be vaguely seen on it.

After taking a big step, he had already arrived in front of the Poseidon Trident. He raised his hands and firmly grasped the long handle of the Poseidon Trident.

An electric shock-like feeling spread throughout the body, and the previous feeling of heaviness truly appeared in the palm of my hand. The texture on the long handle of the Poseidon Trident seemed to fit perfectly with the palm of my hand.

What surprised Tang San was that the long handle was actually warm, as if blood was flowing inside.

Buzz - The martial soul Blue Silver Emperor is released. This is the weapon of Poseidon. Using any soul skills to cover it will probably have the opposite effect.

However, the golden Poseidon Trident brand on his forehead lit up.

A concentrated Poseidon's light shone on the long handle of the trident in front of him.

Boom - The moment the Poseidon's Light shone, Tang San felt two waves of blazing heat suddenly pass into his body, sweeping through his body in an instant. The Poseidon Trident in his hand seemed to tremble, and an extremely excited emotion erupted from it. Upload it!

Immediately afterwards, starting from where Tang San held both hands, a faint golden color began to spread. On the originally dark long handle, traces of golden lines began to spread with the release of golden aura.

The hot air flow that entered Tang San's body returned, and in an instant, Tang San felt that what he was holding in his hands was no longer a long metal handle, but lava.

The high temperature made him scream, but his hand still held the long handle powerfully. At this moment, Tang San had a feeling that if he let go now, he would never be qualified to hold the long handle again.

The mysterious jade hand cannot be used.

A special aura was transmitted from the Poseidon Trident into Tang San's palm, which suppressed his tried-and-true black jade hand and was unable to move at all. The hot texture kept sending shivers that made Tang San miserable.

A trace of blood has overflowed from the palm and soaked into the pale golden lines on the long handle.

Ever since Tang San experienced the training of the Ice and Fire Eyes, he hadn't felt anything hot for a long time.

But this time, he had this feeling again.

His body that was invulnerable to ice and fire was completely ineffective when faced with the temperature on the Poseidon Trident.

Gritting his teeth, Tang San exerted force with both arms at the same time, causing his bones to crackle.

The Poseidon Trident moved, and Tang San clearly felt it move. Although the movement was so subtle, it still began to move upward slowly with all his strength.

All of Tang San's mental power was integrated into the trident mark on his forehead, transforming into Poseidon's Light that was injected into the Poseidon Trident in front of him, because he felt that the more Poseidon's Light he injected, the heavier it seemed. Becoming lighter.

At this time, he understood another role of Poseidon's Light, which was its role in the first test.

Obviously, the higher the Poseidon's affinity, the stronger the Poseidon's light is, making it easier to pull up the trident.

The Poseidon's Light played a huge role, and with Tang San's efforts, the long handle was slowly rising.

The blood flowing from his palms also covered more and more magic patterns on the halberd handle.

It turned into a mixed golden-red light.

Gradually, Tang San saw where the long handle was connected to the trident. They were ring-like connections, tightly buckled together. The closer they were to the trident, the thicker they became.

As the connection lifted off the ground, the edge of the triangular halberd appeared, with a crescent-shaped pattern on each side.

At this time, Tang San's blood had spread to every location, staining the two crescent moons red.

It can be seen from this position that the halberd is very big, and the further he pulls it up, the heavier the handle becomes in Tang San's hand. In such a short period of time, he has already begun to feel weak.

At the same time, he also felt that the blood on his palm was still bleeding before, but now it seemed as if blood was being sucked greedily by the patterns on the long handle.

Gritting his teeth, Tang San strengthened his legs. Two hundred-thousand-year-old leg bones gave him a great boost. A harsh friction sound sounded, and the trident was gradually rising.

From the edge of the triangle, a thick halberd base about three inches wide and with sharp edges extends to both sides, and the real halberd part begins to be unearthed.

The trident is naturally divided into three parts. The ones on the left and right sides are relatively thin, but the one in the center is extremely wide and feels like a sword.

There is a large diamond-shaped hole in the center of the connection between the wide central halberd blade and the lower part, making the trident look like it is missing something.

At this position, one-third of the halberd has been pulled out.

Moistened by the blood flowing from Tang San's palm, all the lines on the long handle of the Poseidon Trident have been awakened. Although the light is not strong, the golden lines are much more gorgeous than the previous dark appearance.

And as the blood flows downward and is injected into the trident, the golden color is still spreading. The two halves of the crescent-shaped pattern under the halberd are already shining brightly. It feels like the golden light is erupting from the ground in the middle of the Poseidon Platform like a volcano. It bloomed and illuminated Tang San's whole body with a layer of golden luster!

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