Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 262 The Auction House in Tiandou City

In Tiandou City, Ye Tianchen stayed at the prince's residence when he had nothing to do. Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan were also relatively aloof...

Only Hu Liena drags Xie Yue around every day.

"Brother, where is that place over there?"

At this moment Hu Liena asked, pointing to a dome building not far ahead.

The building looked very strange. It was round, as if half a ball was stuck on the ground.

There was no sign with any name on it, just an image of a hammer.

Xie Yue's heart moved, and she suddenly remembered the master's words. That hammer was not a casting hammer that symbolized a blacksmith.

“That seems to be an auction house.

The sign above should be an auction hammer dedicated to the auction house. "

Hu Liena's eyes lit up!

"Auction house?

Shall we go and take a look?

I remember the teacher said that only in the capitals of the two empires, there are auction houses with the highest standards, where even soul bones are sold. "

Xie Yue knew about the auction house, naturally because of the soul bones.

That is the treasure that all soul masters dream of.

In a sense, as long as the soul power is reached, almost any soul master can obtain a soul ring, but the quality is different.

But this soul bone is different.

The scarcity of soul bones makes them the forbidden possession of a few soul masters. Anyone who has a soul bone will do their best to hide it to avoid others knowing.

There are countless bloodshed incidents caused by soul bones.

Even the most ordinary soul bone can be sold for a sky-high price.

Although the Wuhun Palace explicitly prohibits soul masters from hunting soul beasts on a large scale to obtain soul bones, there are still many soul masters who rely on their own strength to take risks.

Of course, not many people are willing to sell their soul bones.

Most of them are exchanged with each other.

Replace it with a soul bone or some precious items that are more suitable for you.

Xie Yue is also very interested in this auction house, "Nana, let's go eat first. After eating, we'll go take a look."

When it comes to eating, Hu Liena is a little unhappy...

Xie Yue shrugged helplessly.

“Then we can’t just go to the auction house when we’re hungry.

In such a big Tiandou City, there is always a place to eat. "

Hu Liena suddenly laughed and said: "Look over there, there is a fast food seller.

Let's eat whatever we want. "

Xie Yue looked in the direction Hu Liena pointed and saw an old man pushing a cart to sell goods.

There are several large pots on the car.

There is a bamboo strip next to it, covered with a thermal quilt.

"Boss, how do you sell this meal?"

Hu Liena had already jumped over and asked.

When the old man saw that Hu Liena was a cute little girl, he immediately smiled and said: "Girl, my lunch box tastes absolutely delicious.

Business is good today, and there isn’t much left.

It's cheaper for you.

Two copper soul coins are enough.

How about it? "

"thank you."

Hu Liena quickly took out four copper soul coins from her arms and handed them over, "I want two portions. Brother, come and eat."

The old man opened the lids of several pots and found two meat and two vegetarian dishes, which went well together.

What was placed in the bamboo strips was a big snow-white steamed bun.

Although it is no longer very hot, it is still warm.

Hu Liena first brought a steamed bun to Xie Yue, then picked up one herself, took over the dish served by the old man, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Even though it was just a cheap box lunch, she still ate it happily.

Xie Yue stood next to Hu Liena, eating lunch with her, and couldn't help but feel happy looking at Hu Liena's satisfied face.

Hu Liena would pick the meat from the vegetables into Xie Yue's bowl from time to time, and she would only eat some green vegetables and meat residue.

"Nana, you eat too."

“I don’t eat much.

What's more, it's just when you're growing, and the teacher has said that you men should eat more meat, otherwise you will lose your physical strength. "

A simple sentence, but it hit the softest place deep in Xie Yue's heart.

In an instant, the hard work of the past few days seemed to have broken free. Xie Yue stayed there, looking at Hu Liena, with a strange light in her eyes.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you always in a daze these days? Are you feeling unwell?"

Hu Liena raised her hand and touched Xie Yue's forehead.

She was always smart and didn't ask any questions. After eating, the two of them walked towards the auction house in high spirits.

Only when you get closer can you truly feel the scale of the circular building.

According to Xie Yue's visual inspection, the diameter of this semicircle buckled on the ground is at least close to 500 meters, and the highest point is over 80 meters. Although it is slightly inferior to the large spirit fighting arena he has seen before, you must know that this place can It's just an auction house and doesn't need an audience.

Moreover, this Tiandou City is the capital of the Tiandou Empire, and every inch of land can be described as valuable. This shows how important this auction house is in the entire Tiandou City, and its background is unfathomable.

The door of the auction house is also semicircular, and like the overall building of the auction house, it is milky white. There are four tall girls standing in front of the door.

These girls have obviously been carefully selected. Not only are they all about 1.75 meters tall, but they are also extremely well-proportioned. Although they are not stunningly beautiful, their good looks are still very attractive. They look like they are no more than twenty years old.

Wearing a floor-length skirt, even their arms were covered, not exposing any more skin, but the skirt was very close to the body and fully outlined their graceful curves.

The snow-white dress was embroidered with silver patterns, and the patterns were vaguely formed into words, but neither Xie Yue nor Hu Liena could tell what they were.

The movements of the four girls were exactly the same. They put their hands in front of their bodies and smiled. Although it was a professional smile, it was still easy to impress others.

Seeing the two people walking straight towards them, one of the four girls took three steps forward to meet them, bowed slightly and said, "You two, do you need any help?"

Hu Liena said: "This is the auction house. We want to go in and have a look."

The girl was a little stunned. Although she did not despise Xie Yue and Hu Liena because of their age, this was the first time she saw guests like them.

But she still said patiently: "I'm sorry, two guests, can I ask if you have the bidding qualification certification?"

Hu Liena was stunned, "Auction qualification certification? What is that?"

The girl smiled slightly and said: "Only guests with bidding qualifications can enter the auction house to bid.

Qualification certification is divided into several different levels, with the entry threshold being 10,000 gold soul coins.

In other words, you need an asset certificate of 10,000 gold soul coins before you can participate in the auction. This is necessary to avoid malicious bidding. Please forgive me. "

Hu Liena turned to look at Xieyue, "Brother, do you have 10,000 gold soul coins?"

Xie Yue shook his head helplessly. Although he had taken a lot of money before participating in the Soul Master Competition, the figure of 10,000 gold soul coins was still too big for him.

Seeing the disappointment on Hu Liena's face, Xie Yue couldn't help but said: "Is there no other way to get in?"

The girl said: "There is another situation where it is possible. If you are selling something, you can also enter the auction house.

However, the items being sold need to be appraised by our specialized appraisers at the Tiandou Auction House and must be worth more than one thousand gold soul coins before they are eligible to participate in the auction.

If the auction is successful, we will charge 10% of the transaction price as a handling fee. "

sell things?

Xie Yue and Hu Liena looked at each other, Xie Yue's heart moved, she reached into her arms and took out something.

That's a small black box!

"Then let's auction this."

Xie Yue shook the small box in her hand.

"What's this?"

The girl did not look down upon the thing Xie Yue took out. She had also worked here for a while. She knew that the more bizarre things were, the more valuable they were sometimes.

Hu Liena pretended to be mysterious and said: "Don't you have an appraiser?

It doesn't matter what you said, just send it to an appraiser to see if it's worth anything, right? "

The girl then realized that she had gone overboard and quickly made a gesture of invitation.

"You two, please come with me."

As he spoke, he took small steps towards the auction house.

Go to the auction house.

It doesn't feel resplendent. The ground is made of milky white marble, and the surrounding walls are decorated with various reliefs. There are not many colors on the reliefs, and they look simple, lively, and extremely elegant.

In addition to the reliefs, there are also some display windows built against the walls.

There are some display items such as porcelain and armor inside.

If they didn't know what this place was for, I'm afraid Xie Yue and Hu Liena would have thought this was a museum.

The girl who led the way was very professional. She would stop every ten steps or so and make a "please" gesture to accurately guide the direction.

They brought Xie Yue and Hu Liena to a room next to the hall with a sign with the word "identification" hanging on it.

There is a row of desks in the room. Behind the desks are eight appraisers of various ages, wearing black robes, who are busy appraising some items.

The girl said to Xie Yue and Hu Liena: "This is the general item appraisal room.

I would also like to trouble you two to explain the characteristics of your items. "

As she spoke, she led the two of them to the appraiser on the far left and handed over the small box.

"Appraiser No. 1, please excuse me. These two distinguished guests hope to participate in the auction."

The appraiser subconsciously took the iron box and looked at it. Soon, he discovered what was inside the box!

What is placed in the box at this moment is a piece of soul bone!

It’s still a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone!

This shocked the appraiser so much that he didn't say anything more and hurriedly exchanged gold coins for Xie Yue and the others.

This was a by-product when Hu Liena obtained her sixth soul ring. However, because she was too young, Yang Bai did not allow them to absorb it and kept it with her as a collection...

As the largest auction house in the entire Tiandou Empire, any item may appear here.

The first rule of the auction house is not to inquire about the seller's details.

It is even more forbidden to reveal the condition of the items in the auction room to the outside world.

Round-the-clock bidding, no rest time.

Every night is the time for the best auction. During those two hours, only buyers with a deposit of more than one million gold soul coins can participate.

During other times, any bidder can participate.

The rules are very simple, but Tang San can see that the benefits brought by this non-stop auction to the auction house are undoubtedly huge. A 10% commission is taken for a precious auction item, which does not seem to be much from a certain perspective. But in fact, the accumulation is a terrifying wealth.

The income is even greater than that of a large spirit fighting arena.

"Please take us to the auction house."

Under the leadership of the girl, Xie Yue and Hu Liena finally got what they wanted and entered the real core of the Tiandou Auction House.

The auction center is located on the second floor of the auction house. There are eight stairs to enter from the lobby.

Before entering the auction house, the reception girl gave each of them a mask and told them that they would need to wear masks before participating in auctions in the future. This was for the safety of the customers.

Next time, no one will receive them.

The girl sent the two of them to the entrance of the auction center before turning around and leaving. There was another attendant in the auction center.

Compared with the girl who led the way before, the waiters here were dressed in a way that made Xie Yue blush a little.

It's the same white outfit, and it's still a skirt, but it gives people a completely different feel.

The waiters at the auction center all have female surnames, and their heights are similar to those of the girls who led the way before, but their bodies are a bit more aggressive.

The white skirts they were wearing had a large front placket and no sleeves. The short skirts were just seven inches above the waist, revealing their soft and smooth thighs. Coupled with the white high heels, they were even more tempting.

The deep ravine on the chest and the bulging buttocks under the short skirt are all arousing people's imagination.

Although Xie Yue was determined, she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

After all, he is also a normal man.

My lower back hurt, and Hu Liena's threatening voice came to my ears, "What are you looking at? Don't look at it."

Xie Yue felt a little pain and hurriedly whispered: "You think I am a pervert! Go in."

Hu Liena stood on tiptoes and tried her best to block Xie Yue's sight with her body that was slightly taller than Xie Yue. Then she walked into the auction center led by the hot waiter.

The auction center feels more like a large auditorium. The layout is similar to the main fighting center of the big fighting arena. There is a circular podium in the center, with a circle of seats arranged in a radiating ring around it.

It is divided into five parts in total. The three rows of seats closest to the podium are red, radiating outward, followed by black, purple, yellow and white. Apparently set up for different levels of bidders.

The previous reception girl told them. The innermost red seats are accessed through a special passage and are protected by dedicated security personnel. There is the so-called million-level VIP area, and only those with status can obtain the red VIP qualification.

The black seats in a circle outside are ordinary million-level VIP areas. Anyone with money can enter.

A second-level black VIP.

Further outward, the purple ones are for the 500,000-level purple VIPs, the yellow ones are for the 100,000-level ordinary VIPs, and the outermost white ones are also the largest seats, which are the most ordinary VIPs like Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

The waiter took the two people to the white area and indicated that they could choose freely. I don’t know if it’s because Xie Yue and Hu Liena don’t look too old, or because their VIP qualifications are too low.

The waiter was not enthusiastic, he just led them to their seats in a very professional manner, without even the professional smile that he had when he greeted the girl before. (End of chapter)

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