Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 263 Ning Fengzhi’s thoughts win over people’s hearts!

Xie Yue didn't care, but Hu Liena was a little dissatisfied.

"Hmph, you look down on people. You are wearing such sexy clothes, obviously to seduce rich people.

Why are you so big? "

As she spoke, she looked down at the proud figure on her chest...

"This is true for all the waiters here, and it's not directed at you."

A gentle voice came from the side. When Xie Yue and Hu Liena turned around to look, they saw an elegant middle-aged man in white, smiling and nodding to them!

Strangely, he was not wearing a mask and no service personnel came to question him.

Hu Liena couldn't help but ask: "Is this the case? Why?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "These waiters themselves all belong to the auction house.

Including their lives.

They are all commoner women who were bought at an auction house at a very young age and have been trained since childhood.

They are not only the service staff here, but also part of the auction.

They can be bought and sold if someone is willing to pay for them. "

"Wouldn't that mean he became a slave? But didn't the two empires prohibit the slave trade?"

Xie Yue said with some surprise.

The middle-aged man smiled calmly and said: "There are a lot of helplessness in this world. This is the Tiandou Auction House. Let alone slaves, there is nothing that we dare not sell here.

The reason why those girls have dull expressions is because they no longer have their own hearts, let alone their own destiny.

All they can do is obey.

Although she looks beautiful, she has no soul of her own.

What I gave them was only the word "pathetic". "

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, the expression on Hu Liena's face gradually changed. If she was disgusted with the beautiful waiters in scantily clad clothes before, now her heart is full of sympathy.

"How much do they cost each?"

Hu Liena asked.

The middle-aged man seemed to have read through her thoughts, "Do you want to buy them and then set them free?

That's just another tragedy. "

Hu Liena asked in confusion: "Why?"

“These waiters don’t have any survival skills other than waiting on men.

Even if you buy them, with their beauty, they will still fall into the arms of a man in the end.

The fate will be even more miserable!

They have no soul and no world of their own.

What's more, the price of each of them is as high as 100,000 gold soul coins.

It's ten times more expensive than the highest-end Ji Nu, so not everyone is willing to spend money on it. "

There was a hint of helplessness in the middle-aged man's tone. He seemed to have a special temperament that made it easy for people to feel cordial from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, there were not many bidders in the auction center, and only about one-fifth of the seats were occupied.

A soul guidance device similar to a belt is being auctioned on the auction table, and the price has been increased to 40,000 gold soul coins.

Next to each seat, there is a special bidding button. There are four different buttons on it: one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand, which represent the price of each additional increase.

The middle-aged man seemed to be very interested in Xie Yue and Hu Liena. He changed the subject and asked, "You come to the auction house at such a young age. Do you want to buy something?"

Hu Liena said: "We are not here to buy things, we are here to sell things."


The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You are selling things. I can't tell you. You are already auctioning at a young age."

“Who stipulates that young people cannot participate in auctions.

Maybe, when we have money in the future, we can buy a soul bone to play with.

Hey, how do you know we are young? Do you have clairvoyance? "

Everyone wears a mask. Although Xie Yue and Hu Liena's figures are still a little worse than those of mature soul masters, they are not much worse.

The middle-aged man praised: "Good, you are ambitious!

No wonder he has such strength at such a young age.

Although you are wearing a mask, your youthful spirit and eyes cannot conceal your age, and anyone with a discerning eye can naturally see it. "

After hearing these words, Xie Yue couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart. Could this person be able to see the strength of herself and Hu Liena?

But why don't I feel any threat from him?

At this time, the soul guidance device on the ceremony table had been successfully traded for 43,000 gold soul coins.

The host on the podium held a loudspeaker and said to the bidders with a smile: "What we are going to auction is a rare treasure.

Please note if interested...

Especially the male surnamed VIP! "

As he spoke, he motioned to the audience, and three strong men pushed a cart up.

The cart was covered with red cloth, and the contents inside could not be seen, but from the appearance, it looked like a large square box.

The eyes of Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and even the middle-aged man were attracted by the new auction item, and they stopped talking.

The host said somewhat mysteriously: "Can everyone guess what this is?

Well, let me first reveal the low price to you distinguished guests.

The starting price for this lot is 100,000 gold soul coins.

Each price increase shall not be less than 10,000 gold soul coins.

This is the best of the best! "

As the host of the auction house, stimulating the atmosphere and the enthusiasm of the bidders is obviously a required course, and he successfully attracted the attention of the bidders.

"Now, all distinguished guests, please take a closer look!"

As he said this, he grabbed the red cloth and pulled it off violently!

After the red light flashed, what was revealed was not a box, but a huge iron cage. Inside the iron cage, a girl is curled up...

Most of the girl's body was exposed, with only the key parts blocked by shells. Because she was curled up, her appearance was unclear, but her figure was almost perfect.

Her fair skin is like crystal jade, and her light green short hair is charming.

"Perhaps the distinguished guests are wondering why such a girl can actually have such a high reserve price, the same price as the beauties who have been trained for many years in our auction house.

But if you look carefully, you will find her specialness. "

While talking, the host took out a stick from somewhere, reached into the iron cage, and gently lifted the light green shorts next to the girl's ears, exposing her ears.

Those were not human ears, but small pointed ears similar to those of cats. Under the light touch of the stick, the ears turned slightly red.

“Yes, the distinguished guests did not read it wrong!

This is a rare Catwoman!

When her martial spirit awakened, her body mutated and she took on some cat-like forms. Her eyes were one blue and one green, unique and charming, and she even had a long tail. "

He hit the girl on the buttocks with a stick. The girl twisted in pain, revealing a white cat tail that had been hidden behind her.

“It can be said that she is unique on the continent.

What a blessing it is to have such a beautiful cat as a pet.

Just imagine, what would it be like if you grabbed her tail with one hand while doing errands? "

As he spoke, the host showed an ambiguous expression on his face, and drew an arc in the air with the stick in his hand, "Dear distinguished guests, you may bid."

"These bastards. They actually sell people as pets."

Hu Liena couldn't help but jump up.

Xie Yue grabbed Hu Liena and told her to calm down, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves.

It is not that he has never seen the dark side of this world, but this is the first time for him to have such direct contact. In this auction house, it seems that everyone's last name and other things have ceased to exist, and there are only interests and similar things. Beastly desires!

A faint light flickered, and there was a cold aura in Xie Yue's eyes, and she sat back on the chair and watched quietly.

He is a smart man and naturally understands that what is happening in front of him cannot be changed by him and Hu Liena.

Even if they really have the ability to save this Catwoman, there may be other Leopard Girls and Tiger Girls in the future. Can they always arrive in time?

It is said that the auction house is a place full of opportunities and filth, and it seems that they are indeed right.

Hu Liena's hand was held by Xie Yue to prevent her from exploding. She found that Xie Yue held her hand tightly. Obviously, his heart was not calm either.

Looking at Xie Yue with the light in her eyes, she gradually calmed down, but lowered her head and no longer looked towards the stage.

Speaking of which, it was really a coincidence that just after Xie Yue and Hu Liena came in, the auction house began to sell living people, which undoubtedly left a very deep and extremely bad impression on Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

At this moment, Xie Yue suddenly discovered that the middle-aged man beside him pressed the 10,000 bidding button.

Although it was his first time here, he also knew that this was an increase in price by 10,000 yuan.

In other words, he had to spend at least 110,000 gold soul coins to buy the Catwoman.

The original good impression suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, the elegant middle-aged man next to him who seemed to be sanctimonious turned out to be a man who stole men and women who were prostitutes.

The middle-aged man's eyes always fell on the ceremony stage, but he happened to speak when Xie Yue's heart changed: "It is no longer meaningful to save the soul. There is still a soul, and it is caused by the mutation of the martial soul. When encountering How could we not save him when he arrived?"

After hearing his words, Xie Yue was slightly startled, and became even more wary of this middle-aged man. How could he know what he was thinking in his heart? Could it be that he had the legendary mind-reading ability?

"No need to wonder.

Young man, eyes are the windows to the soul. Your eyes are enough to tell me a lot.

After all, I have been eating for more years than you, so this should be regarded as social experience. "

The middle-aged man smiled at Xie Yue and pressed the price increase button again.

At this time, the bidding price has increased to 160,000 gold soul coins, and it seems that it is still increasing.

The host said: "One hundred and seventy thousand. A red VIP bid has reached one hundred and seventy thousand gold soul coins. Is there anyone who wants to bid more?"

"One hundred and eighty thousand, okay, there is a white one, ah, the white VIP bids for one hundred and eighty thousand."

He has exclaimed more than once that white represents the lowest bidder, but since the beginning of the auction, there has always been a white bidder participating in the auction. What is even more strange is that his account has never been overdrawn.

This shows that the other party has the ability to bid.

"I want to see who dares to rob me."

An old man sitting in the red area at the front stood up suddenly and swept towards the white area behind.

Although there was a mask on his face, when the man stood up, the middle-aged man immediately recognized his identity.

People's eyes are the windows to the soul. Everyone's eyes are different, and the gap between their eyes is even greater.

To what Xie Yue and Hu Liena expected, the unmasked middle-aged man beside them not only did not dodge each other's gaze, but stood up slowly and nodded towards Prince Snow Star with a smile.

There were by no means a few people who looked back with Prince Snow Star. Seeing the middle-aged man standing up, Snow Star was not the only one with a look of astonishment on his face, and the bastard's energy disappeared. At the same time, there was also an exclamation of surprise around him.

Even the host on the stage looked a little stiff.

"The auction house has the rules of the auction house. Can we continue?"

The middle-aged man's voice was not loud, gentle and elegant, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

Because Xie Yue was sitting next to him, he could clearly feel the fluctuations in this man's soul power. For some reason, he felt very cordial to this soul power that had no threat and felt extremely soft. It seemed that he had once Seems like I've seen it somewhere...

"Yes... of course!"

The host kept agreeing with a flattering look on his face.

"One hundred and eighty thousand gold soul coins for the second time, and one hundred and eighty thousand gold soul coins for the third time.

make a deal!

This Catwoman belongs to a magical VIP in the white VIP area. "

After the middle-aged man stood up, no one raised the price, and this auction was a success.

When the middle-aged man stood up and confronted Prince Snow Star without fear, Xie Yue knew that what he said was not a lie.

Otherwise, without a mask, would he still need to show off when he buys a slave?

What's more, he still offended an imperial prince for this.

This elegant middle-aged man doesn't look like a fool, so he won't do stupid things. Since he did this, it proves that he really has a kind heart.

"Uncle, thank you."

Hu Liena was much more direct than Xie Yue. When she was in a good mood, she blurted out immediately.

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head, pointed at the auction table, and motioned for them to look at it.

The huge iron cage was pushed down, and soon an old man hurried onto the stage and whispered something to the host.

The host nodded repeatedly.

The middle-aged man smiled calmly and said to himself: "These guys are trying to fool me with low-priced products again. It's the same every time I come here.

Why bother?

It’s not like I don’t give money. "

Xie Yue said seriously: "I'm afraid they are afraid that you will ruin the good thing.

After you increase the price, no one will dare to increase it again. As long as you are here, their good things will not be sold at a good price, which is a natural loss for the auction house. "

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and leaned back on the chair comfortably.

"Then it's time for me to go.

This trip is worthwhile. If you are interested, you can go see the Catwoman with me later. "


Hu Liena agreed without hesitation.

She was by no means as simple as she seemed. She had to really see how this middle-aged man dealt with the Catwoman before she could feel at ease.

And this is exactly what Ning Fengzhi wants!

Yes, this middle-aged man is Ning Fengzhi!

As for why Xieyue brother and sister looked familiar but couldn't recognize them, it was just because they happened to see Ning Fengzhi in Qibao Glazed Sect.

He has sent people to follow Xie Yue and the others for several days...

Now that he has the opportunity, Ning Fengzhi can no longer hold back. He wants to save the Qibao Glazed Sect through the Xie Yue brothers and sisters...

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