Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 266 The finalists are out, Tang San’s changes!

After a while, the conversation between Ye Tianchen and Qian Daoliu came to an end.

Both of them knew each other tacitly and were preparing for each other!

On Poseidon Island, under a waterfall!


Tang San couldn't remember how many times he was washed into the pool.

The impact of a waterfall pouring down from a height of 200 meters can only be understood by truly experiencing it.

With his soul power sealed by Tang Chen, it would be difficult for him to climb up the huge boulder, let alone practice hammer training in the waterfall.

Three whole days passed, and Tang San never stood firm on that extremely smooth stone.

Not even a single swing was made.

Every day when he was exhausted, he reluctantly climbed ashore to rest. Once he regained his energy, he returned to work hard under the waterfall.

Tang San's character has always been known for his perseverance. He has never known what failure means.

If you fail once, you will fail twice; if you fail twice, you will fail three times.

He firmly believed that there must be a reason for what his great-grandfather asked him to do.

Under the influence of the Purple Demon Eye, Tang San began to judge the smoothness of the round stone and the impact of the water flow.

Find the best entry point to stand on the stone.

Start working hard to avoid the impact of the water flow!

Use every part of your body to relieve stress.

The heavy casting hammer undoubtedly helped him. The heavier it was, the less likely it was to be washed into the pool.

Tang Chen has been meditating and practicing in the hole he blasted.

He didn't care about Tang San's affairs.

Tang San's Twenty-Four Bridge stored a large amount of drinking water and food on a bright moon night, enough to last him for a month.

Therefore, during this month, Tang San did not pick fruits.

Whenever he came up to rest, he would distribute some food to his great-grandfather's cave and place it in front of Tang Chen.

Rest immediately after eating, and jump back into the water as soon as you regain your energy.

Tang Chen would occasionally open his eyes, and his eyes would naturally fall on Tang San. Seeing his descendant being washed down and climbed up again and again, a faint sense of relief would appear in his eyes.

"Silly boy, do you know?

This waterfall is like a casting hammer to you.

What it exercises is your body!

As the only divine craftsman in the mainland, what I have to do is to train you into a real artifact! "

Five seconds...

I finally lasted five seconds!

By the fifth day, Tang San could already hold on for five seconds on the round stone.

By the fifth day, Tang San could already hold on for five seconds on the round stone.

Although he did not have the help of soul power, standing on the stone, his body could gently move according to the unique rhythm of the ghost, to relieve the impact of the waterfall, and try to find the best balance point to withstand the impact.

Even if it was difficult to breathe, he would hold on for as long as possible.

For Tang San, this was undoubtedly a good start.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning.

The initial persistence is undoubtedly the most painful!

Not only did Tang San have to bear the tyrannical impact of the waterfall, he also had to bear the pain of being unable to use his soul power.

Just like an adult suddenly turns into a child, his strength is instantly reduced, and it always takes some time to adapt.

And five days is just the time for this adaptation process.

For five days, being constantly impacted by the water flow, Tang San gradually recovered from the pain of being unable to use the Xuantian Technique. With the help of the Seagod's Light that improved his own wisdom, he gradually mastered the method.

Starting from the sixth day, the time he stayed on the cobblestone increased exponentially, and he could finally start swinging the casting hammer in his hand.

It is undoubtedly an extremely painful thing to force on smooth boulders.

But Tang San was so smart, he didn't rush to practice the random cloak hammering technique, but first tried his best to adapt to fighting in the waterfall, and worked hard to control the balance point.

Let the waterfall flow wash over you.

When Tang San was finally able to stand firm under the waterfall, he would no longer be washed into the water.

Tang Chen finally gave him the second instruction.


Cultivation of soul power.

Of course, for Tang San, it was practicing the Xuantian Technique.

Tang San was once very surprised by what his great-grandfather said. His inner strength of Xuantian Kung had been sealed, so how could he still practice it?

But when he really started to practice, he found that the seal given to him by his great-grandfather was very strange. Although he could not use the inner power of Xuantian Kung, his practice was not affected.

Whenever he starts practicing in his void body, the accumulated internal energy will naturally integrate into the fiery seal after a week of circulation, and merge with his original internal energy.

Although Tang San couldn't feel the progress of Xuantian Kung by doing this, his body's recovery speed would obviously speed up after practicing.

Therefore, starting from this day, Tang San practiced for three hours every day, and spent the remaining time exercising under the waterfall.

Poof - the casting hammer created a small splash in the waterfall, which circulated for a week and returned to Tang San's head.


Tang San was overjoyed, but he was only happy for a moment. Because of his unstable mind, he was washed into the pool by the waterfall.

Today is already his fifteenth day here. After unremitting efforts, he was finally able to successfully swing the first hammer of the cloak without slipping off the boulder when exerting force.

With the first hammer comes the second hammer. As Tang San continued to practice, the random cloak hammering technique began to show in his hands.

After all, the casting hammer is not the Clear Sky Hammer, its weight is not that terrible, and its own weight can also help Tang San stabilize his body on the stone. Gradually, he became more and more proficient in the cloak hammering technique practiced in the waterfall.

From the beginning, it could only make splashes of water, but later it danced like a wind and rain. It is like a circular barrier under the waterfall, constantly blocking the impact of the waterfall water and causing large splashes of water.

The number of swings of the casting hammer increased rapidly and steadily.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed!

Boom - with the last hammer throw, Tang San's body soared into the sky like a cannonball, facing the impact of the waterfall, which went straight up ten meters.

Within ten meters, the waterfall water was counterattacked and flowed upstream. Driven by his figure, there was a huge roar!

Even the rainbow across the pool was stirred into chaos at this moment...

That is of course not what Tang San can achieve with his current strength, but the special surname of the Luan Cloak Hammer Technique.

One hammer is stronger than the other, and the power of one hammer is superimposed on the other.

If Tang San's own physical fitness wasn't extremely strong, the huge impact would have been enough to tear all the muscles on his body.

When all ninety-nine and eighty-one hammers were completed, the eighty-one superimposed powers condensed together. Even if he could not use half of his soul power now, the terrifying attack power at that moment exceeded his peak moment.

Bang - the power disappeared, and Tang San's body in the waterfall was slammed into the pool, but the excitement in his heart at this moment was indescribable.

Three months later, he finally fulfilled his great-grandfather's request and finally wielded the eighty-first hammer.

Now Tang San's skin was filled with a layer of healthy bronze, and his height had increased a bit. Although the beard on his head and face looked messy, his eyes that were like cold stars were as bright as a pair of eyes.

When the water flow reversed, Tang Chen, who was sitting in the cave, had already opened his eyes, and a light of surprise flashed through his eyes!

Even as the number one Douluo in the mainland who had reached the ninety-ninth level without relying on any external force, he couldn't help but admire the excellence of his descendants.

At first, it took him half a year to complete this step.

But Tang San, who was determined and determined, only took three months with the help of his talent.

Jumping from the pool to the shore, Tang San held the casting hammer in one hand. The first thing he saw was his great-grandfather's eyes.

Tang Chen's eyes swept over Tang San's body. After these three months, the muscles on Tang San's body became clearer. Although each one was not exaggeratedly huge, there was a faint halo on the skin. , with his Titled Douluo's eyesight, he can naturally see the explosive power contained in it.

"Great-grandfather, I succeeded!

Eighty-one hammers! "

Tang San said to Tang Chen somewhat proudly.

Eighty-one hammers, hearty eighty-one hammers, that kind of transcendence between heart and body made him full of excitement.

Tang Chen nodded to him and uttered two words, "Very good. However, you still have to do better."

As he spoke, Tang Chen took the casting hammer in Tang San's hand and waved it casually. The casting hammer soared into the sky like a meteor and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ignoring the somewhat sluggish Tang San, Tang Chen grabbed a big tree next to him with one hand. His hand cut into the tree like a sharp blade, and the whole tree was cut off like tofu.

Tang Chen's hand moved, and all Tang San saw was sawdust flying and Tang Chen's illusory palm shadow.

You must know that his Purple Demon Eyes have reached the third peak stage. With his current eyesight, he can't see Tang Chen's movements clearly, which shows how fast Tang Chen is.

When Tang Chen stopped, another hammer appeared in his hand. It was exactly the same as the previous casting hammer, but it was made of a severed tree.

Putting the wooden hammer in his hand into Tang San's palm, "Next, use it to practice the random cloak hammer technique. If the hammer handle breaks, you can do it yourself."

After leaving these words, Tang Chen went back to his cave.

It was another simple explanation, but what was given to Tang San was a more difficult task.

When he first took the wooden hammer, Tang San didn't feel anything yet.

For a month, he was used to using casting hammers weighing dozens of kilograms. Now holding this wooden hammer, it was as light as nothing!

When he got into the water again and swam towards the waterfall, it was much easier than before. The wooden hammer itself had buoyancy and was so light, saving almost one-fifth of the time. Tang San arrived at the foot of the waterfall.

However, when he climbed onto the boulder under the waterfall, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Under the huge impact of the water flow, his body swayed and he was almost washed off the boulder.

You know, this month of training has already made his body as stable as a nail when standing on the boulder.

How could he not be surprised when his steps suddenly appeared shaky?

Soon, Tang San realized something was wrong. The casting hammer in his hand became a wooden hammer, and the weight difference was huge. My original focus and familiarity with the water flow have changed.

The weight is different, so it is naturally more difficult to stand firm.

Figure this out. Tang San immediately understood a bit of his great-grandfather's intention.

He was smart and did not wave the wooden hammer in his hand immediately after he stood firm. Instead, he stood there steadily, controlled the wooden hammer and swung it gently, feeling the feeling of the wooden hammer in the water flow.

The seemingly light wooden hammer actually encountered greater resistance in the water than the previous casting hammer.

Its own lightness was affected by both the buoyancy and momentum of the water, making it even more difficult for Tang San to control it.

When Tang San felt that he could stand firm again, he began to use the random cloak hammer technique again.

The first and second hammers were still able to hold on normally, but it was just not smooth, but when it came to the third hammer, the fragility of the wooden hammer itself broke instantly when the water curtain broke.

A wooden hammer is useless!

From this day on, Tang San entered the second stage of training.

He has no internal power and cannot inject internal power into the wooden hammer to protect it. What he can do is to control the power as much as possible and control the wooden hammer to not be broken by the water flow while continuously adding force.

Don't be broken by your own strength.

The sudden increase in difficulty did not make Tang San flinch, but made him concentrate even more, and the more difficult special training began.

Two months later.

Amidst the ear-piercing roar, a huge curtain of water rose into the sky.

This time, it was no longer part of the waterfall that was lifted up, but almost all of it, which was ten meters wide.

Under the waterfall, the figure rising into the air shimmered with bronze brilliance, shining like gold under the sunlight.

Eighty-one hammers, Tang San had already forgotten which eighty-one hammers he had completed.

Falling into the pool, feeling the coolness surrounding him, he relaxed his body as much as possible.

He knew that for him, there was only this short period of relaxation.

Next, I don’t know what kind of cultivation method my great-grandfather will give me.

What he held in his hand was no longer a wooden hammer as big as a casting hammer, but a super-large wooden hammer with a cross-section diameter of two meters.

But behind such a huge wooden hammer, the hammer handle is only as thick as a human arm.

It is conceivable that if you just lift the wooden hammer normally, the hammer handle may break directly under the weight.

But Tang San relied on his clever control of power and used it to complete the Eighty-one Hammers under the Waterfall.

What a huge impact of the water flow. If it weren't for such a huge hammer, how could he make the entire waterfall roll back ten meters in an instant?

By this time, he had perfected his cloak hammering technique.

Just as Tang San expected, when he returned to the shore, Tang Chen was already waiting for him there, but what was different from the past was that this time when he was about to go ashore, Tang Chen's rough bird appeared in front of him. big hand.

After a brief pause, Tang San stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Tang Chen.

Tang Chen pushed hard, and Tang San's body broke through the water and landed in front of him.

It has been three months since he came here, and Tang San has obviously grown taller. He is almost sixteen years old, and he has the figure of an adult, still tall.

He looks more and more like his younger self.

Although he is not yet sixteen years old, the strength on his face is something that ordinary men in their twenties and thirties cannot possess.

Resolute, decisive, and perseverant, the outstanding qualities possessed by direct descendants of the Haotian Sect can all be clearly found in him.

Tang Chen was very satisfied with Tang San's results!

Although he won't show it...

Tang Chen didn't need to take action, Tang San had already taken the initiative to throw aside the large wooden hammer in his hand, "Great-grandfather, what are you going to use next?"

In three months, he has adapted to this kind of special training, and he can clearly feel his improvement in this kind of special training.

Regarding the application of power, Tang San can now be said to have reached the ultimate level.

He can even clearly control the trend of every ounce of his power.

After leaving the pool, even the slightest fluctuation of power around him could not hide his feeling. Even a blade of grass could become a murderous weapon in his hands without soul power.

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