Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 267 Preparations before the Soto City finals begin!

Tang Chen stood up slowly, raised his hand and pointed at the waterfall on the other side of the pool, "You can rest today.

Starting tomorrow, as long as you are practicing, I don't want to see the waterfall fall directly below thirty meters from the pool.

The random cloak hammering technique can be used forward or backward..."

Tang San looked at Tang Chen with some confusion.

"Great-grandfather, I don't understand."

Tang Chen was indifferent.

"All training is to enable you to better master the Clear Sky Hammer and make better use of your power.

But if you always practice with foreign objects, you will never truly feel what the Clear Sky Hammer can bring you.

So, starting from tomorrow, the hammer you use under the waterfall will be your own Haotian.

You can use soul power!

Let me see how far you can go! "

As he spoke, Tang Chen raised his hand and put it on Tang San's left shoulder. Tang San felt a strong force coming from him, and his body turned around involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, the big hands that had always been burning were already attached to his vest.

The thick, scorching air penetrated his body and rushed into his Dantian in an instant.

Before Tang San could react, the internal energy in his dantian was already rushing out like a volcano erupting.

Pressing down hard, Tang San unconsciously sat down under Tang Chen's control.

"Calm your mind and cultivate your soul power."

These eight simple words were the instructions given by Tang Chen to Tang San.

Tang San, who originally thought he could really rest for a day, had no time to think about anything else, so he immediately hugged Yuan Yuan and guided the sudden surge of internal energy in his body to follow the route of Xuantian Technique.

The Xuantian Technique was originally a gentle internal force, but now it suddenly became violent. Under Tang San's slight guidance, it was like a flood that burst through a dam, washing away his extremely tough meridians.

Tang San felt a lot as the internal force entered his body. The first thing he felt was the control of his own mental power over his internal power.

Under the influence of the huge mental power, although the impact of the internal energy rushing out was huge, he could still barely control it.

Secondly, what he felt were the changes in his own meridians.

Although it had been a year since he had endured the flow of all his internal energy, his meridians seemed to have been broadened and became extremely tough.

No matter how the huge internal force impacts, it must follow the trajectory of the meridians.

The wash under the waterfall tempered Tang San's entire being, body, meridians, mind, and spirit.

Three months of boredom brought unprecedented improvement.

The sound of breaking kept resounding in Tang San's body. It was not that the meridians were broken, but that the barriers were opened.

After just three weeks of operation, Tang San's eight extraordinary meridians, including those that had been opened, actually opened six meridians. Only the Ren and Du meridians still held the barrier.

The six meridians were connected, even greater internal energy joined in, and the furnace-like feeling appeared again, but this time, it was brought to him by Tang San himself.

In fact, even Tang Chen didn't know that in the past three months, under the impact of the waterfall, which had no internal power, the Poseidon's Light that Tang San originally possessed had also completed the process of completely merging with his body.

If you practice normally, this will take at least ten years of slow absorption to complete.

Although the absorption of Poseidon's Light would not bring about a huge breakthrough in Tang San's internal strength, it would make the flexibility of his meridians, bones and muscles extremely frightening.

Everywhere is full of explosive power!

Just as Tang Chen planned, Tang San's body was heading towards being made into a divine weapon!

All the scorching heat finally condenses in the vest, and then rolls back. The end point of the final concentration is the Dantian!

The original day turned into seven days, and Tang Chen stayed by Tang San's side for seven days.

In seven days, Tang San experienced earth-shaking changes.

On the first day, a layer of gray matter surged out of Tang San's body.

The next day, the gray substance condensed into flakes and began to fall off.

Exposing the pale skin underneath, Tang Chen saw faint red and blue colors flowing under the skin.

In the next few days, Tang San's whole body became more and more radiant, and there was even a faint layer of precious light flowing out of his body.

Everything in the outside world no longer mattered. Tang San's unprecedented breakthrough was brought about by three months of oppression.

Of course Tang Chen didn't simply seal his soul power.

This method of oppressing soul power is a method only used by Haotian Sect.

It is most suitable to use at levels 40 and 50.

Originally, Tang Chen was planning to suppress Tang San for a year or two.

Unexpectedly, given him a two-year task, Tang San completed it in three months.

Tang Chen knew that if he continued to suppress him, it might have the opposite effect.

That's why I helped him unlock the seal today.

This method of oppression followed by explosion can only be used once in a lifetime.

Tang Chen's choice was undoubtedly the best time.

It took seven days for Tang San's soul power fluctuations to stabilize. When he opened his eyes again, Tang Chen saw a peaceful look in Tang San's eyes.


Tang San looked at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen suddenly struck him with a palm. Tang San did not dare to stop him, and allowed Tang Chen to land his palm on his chest and send him far into the pool.

"Wash yourself well."

Tang Chen's voice came from the shore.

"Your soul power has reached the bottleneck of level 50."

When he said these words, even if Tang Chen wanted to calm down deliberately, he still couldn't suppress the surprise in his tone!

Level 50, yes, Tang San's soul power has reached the bottleneck of level 50 now. As long as he obtains another soul ring, he can enter the true soul king level.

Three months, just three months, from level 42 to level 50.

Tang San is still less than sixteen years old this year, which is absolutely unprecedented in the entire history of the spirit master world.

Although Tang San also felt that he had made a huge breakthrough, if Tang Chen hadn't told him, he wouldn't have been able to believe that his progress would be so terrifying.

Level 8 in three months, even a genius like him would never dare to think about it.

You know, the further you go in cultivating soul power, the more difficult it will be.

After simply washing his body, Tang San climbed onto the shore again. His first words couldn't help but ask Tang Chen: "Great-grandfather, am I really already at level fifty?"

He knew that the six meridians were connected, but he was still full of excitement about such a huge increase in soul power and the jumping feeling.

Tang Chen nodded, "My feeling is not wrong.

You are already level 50...

However, you must not be complacent!

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to practice!

Level 50 to level 60 is a level, and it took me three years to complete it.

I hope you can break through the sixty-level limit before you turn eighteen.

The road ahead will be easier. "

And Tang San's breakthrough also means that he is about to leave Poseidon Island and head to the mainland to participate in the Soul Master Competition finals!

Bo Saixi has been waiting for this day for three months...

In these three months, it wasn't just Tang Chen who trained Tang San alone, Bo Saixi also personally trained Tang San's six other teammates!

They are all marine soul masters. Bo Saixi understands that their fighting ability may be good on the ocean, but if they leave the ocean, they will probably lose a lot...

Fortunately, her spiritual masters are not very advanced, and Bo Saixi still has ways to remedy the situation...

As for the remedy, that should be a headache for Bo Saixi...

Just as Tang San made a breakthrough in cultivation, the preliminaries for the Tiandou Empire's soul master competition in mainland Tiandou City had also ended early.

Originally, it would take about a month, but unfortunately, as long as the Star Reaching Tower is played, there will be no games lasting more than three minutes...

Including the Qibao Glazed Sect's team, as long as they don't need Zhaixinglou Xiaowu and the others, they will also go to Pilibolo.

This situation will naturally occur if the gap between the soul master teams is too large.

As for the final result of the game, there was no surprise.

The first place in the group is naturally the Star Reaching Tower, the second place is the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the third place is the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family, the fourth place is the Tiandou Royal Academy, and the fifth place, which is surprising, is not one of the next four sects. , but the Blazing Academy among the Elemental Academy!

Originally there was supposed to be a Haotian Sect team, but unfortunately several elders of the Haotian Sect didn't know what they thought, and actually went to the Star Luo Empire Arena...

This can be considered a trick...

Among all the qualifying teams, there are five from the Tiandou Empire, five from the Star Luo Empire, and three from Wuhun Palace. However, only one team from Wuhun Palace participates in the finals each time...

After the game, Emperor Xueye reappeared after disappearing for a long time, which was undoubtedly another impassioned encouragement and encouragement...

Next, the finals will begin soon.

That is the real battle to decide who is the strongest academy on the continent.

As an emperor, Emperor Xueye of course cannot leave Tiandou City without permission.

After the speech, Emperor Xueye announced that Prince Xue Qinghe would represent him as the envoy of the Tiandou Empire to participate in the judging of this competition.

The five teams from the Tiandou Empire will be accompanied by him personally to a city at the junction of the two empires for the finals.

The finals will be hosted by Zhaixinglou.

There were only three days for each team to adjust. Three days later, a total of five teams, accompanied by teachers and 500 Royal Knights soldiers, a group of thousands of people, set out for the finals venue!

Star-catching tower!

Originally, the location of the finals was not set in the Star Reaching Tower, but for some reason, Wuhun Palace suddenly made a change.

The finals of this session were placed in the main city of Star Reaching Tower.

This city almost entirely belongs to the Star Reaching Tower.

It is located at the junction of two empires, and neither empire has ownership of it.

It takes almost twenty days to go from Tiandou City to Soto City...

Of course, this is the speed at which the carriages and horses are traveling. If it were a titled Douluo like Ye Tianchen and others, it would not take long at all. Within a day, it would be enough!

The competition time of the finals is not very long because it is completely eliminated.

There are a total of thirteen teams, and the winner will be decided in less than ten days.

The Star Reaching Tower attaches great importance to this finals. During the promotion process, Soto City has specially opened up a place as the venue for the finals of this elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy.

At the same time, the city of Soto proclaimed its decree.

During the start of the competition, non-soul masters are not allowed to enter to watch the competition.

Not even nobles!

In this way, the finals will be even more mysterious.

The common people will not be dissatisfied with the decree of the Star Reaching Tower. After all, soul masters are a superior existence to the common people.

Star Reaching Tower is the temple and holy place in their hearts.

Who dares to say anything about the decree issued by Zhaixinglou himself?

A group of thousands of people came out in a mighty manner.

Although each academy works in its own way, they all represent the Tiandou Empire after all. Compared with the previous qualifying matches and promotion matches, the smell of gunpowder is much lighter.

In particular, several colleges with relatively good relationships are working together.

The Elements Academy and the Lower Four Sects may have become much more low-key because of their defeat in the promotion competition.

It’s not that you can’t go to Soto City if you don’t have a place to participate in the finals. Teams like them that have already failed can go to Soto City to watch the game...

This can also be regarded as an incentive...

In order to allow the participating team members to have a better rest, the Tiandou Empire specially purchased five luxurious giant carriages specifically for the participating team members to ride and rest.

Of course, the treatment for other teams that did not advance is not so good.

Some basic soul guidance technology is even used on these carriages, and the shock absorption performance is excellent.

It's very stable to sit on.

Of course, these are just some of the commonly used soul tool technologies that have been handed down throughout the Douluo Continent...

In Soto City, on the Star-Zhaing Tower, Yin Hei was also a little confused at the moment. It was him who allowed the Star-Zhain Tower to take over the finals of this Soul Master Competition.

In Yang Bai's words, Yin Hei should be fully responsible for this...

Because of this, Yang Bai took Xiao Wu and the others to Tiandou City to compete. Ye Tianchen also did not want to be disturbed by Yin Hei, leaving Yin Hei alone to arrange the venue, arrange personnel, etc.

However, these are not the most important. For Yin Hei, the Soto City Arena is a ready-made competition venue, and what he cannot hide in his heart is actually for Tianshui College...

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, the Star Reaching Tower team disappeared from the Tiandou Empire’s large army.

Xiao Wu and the others couldn't stand the slow progress every day.

After returning to the Star Reaching Tower, they fell into a state of cultivation...

As for Ye Tianchen, he also returned to the top of his Star-Zhaing Tower, ignoring the world and letting Yin Hei handle it on his own.

By the time he comes out, perhaps Tang San from Poseidon Island will also be here...

In the Spirit Hall!

Bibi Dong is a little complicated. She has thought a lot during these days. First of all, if Qian Renxue does not participate in the finals of the Soul Master Competition, the team that Wuhun Hall has assembled may not be as strong as Qibao. The Glazed Sect is just a little stronger.

But compared to the Star Building, it is far behind.

And she was unwilling...

Therefore, Bibi Dong thought over and over again and decided to go to Soto City in person. She wanted to find Qian Renxue again...

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