Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 268 Liu Erlong’s tragic end

However, just at this moment, Ju Douluo walked in!

"His Majesty the Pope, what you asked has been completed. Then Liu Erlong..."

Before Ju Douluo could finish speaking, Bibi Dong waved his hand to let him go down...

...Outside Wuhun City.

Yu Xiaogang, who was dressed in civilian clothes, walked into the city after being examined by the soul master. At his age and with only level 29 strength, he would naturally not attract anyone's attention.

Without stopping for even a moment, or even taking a breather to rest, Yu Xiaogang went directly to the Supreme Governing Body of Wuhun Palace, the Pope Palace.

In front of the Papal Palace.


Two temple-protecting knights wearing silver armor blocked Yu Xiaogang's path. A total of one hundred temple-protecting knights raised their knight's swords at the same time.

"This is a forbidden area. If you come one step closer, you will be killed without mercy."

Facing hundreds of palace guardian knights whose strength was obviously higher than his own, Yu Xiaogang's expression remained as indifferent as usual, he raised his hand and showed his token.

One of the palace guardian knights stepped forward quickly. When he saw the six patterns on the token clearly, he couldn't help but shivered.

With a pop, he fell to the ground on one knee!

"See the elders."

Hundreds of palace-protecting knights made the same movements in unison. Against their backdrop, the originally ordinary Yu Xiaogang no longer looked so ordinary.

"Take me to the Pope."

Yu Xiaogang told the other party his purpose in the simplest words.

Half an hour later, in the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, Yu Xiaogang was quietly drinking fine tea and waiting quietly.

He was the only one in the thousands-square-meter Nuo Da meeting hall.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were always focused on the fragrant tea in his hand, and he never took a second look at the splendid surroundings. He just waited quietly.

The three-meter-high arch opened, and a soft voice sounded outside the door, "You guys are waiting outside. No one is allowed to disturb you without my order."


Yu Xiaogang finally moved his eyes away from the fragrant tea and looked towards the door of the meeting hall.

The door opened and a woman came in from the outside.

He is not tall, wearing a luxurious black robe with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown on his head, and holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless gems.

Her fair skin and almost perfect face make her look so unique.

Especially the invisible nobility and holiness exuded from his body makes people unable to help but feel the emotion of worshiping him.

Yu Xiaogang was sitting. After the woman walked into the door, she also stopped.

The two people's eyes collided in the air.

No sparks flew.

Bibi Dong was indifferent, but there was something more in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, apologetic, reminiscing, but more of a sense of sadness.

There was a complex change in Bibi Dong's eyes instantly. Although she looked like she was only about thirty years old, in fact, she was one year older than Yu Xiaogang, already over fifty.

The scepter in his hand fell to the ground with a soft tinkling sound.

"You're here again, aren't you afraid of dying here?"

The soft and pleasant sound can easily make people feel like they are bathed in the spring breeze.

But Yu Xiaogang's eyes became hard because of this, he stood up with his hands on the table in front of him, turned to the woman, "Yes, I'm coming!"

A faint smile appeared on the woman's face, "There is nothing wrong with being among ten thousand people. As the ruler of Wuhun Palace, even the emperors of the two empires must show courtesy when they see me. Do you think I will? What’s wrong?”

Yu Xiaogang sighed, "Bibi Dong, I know the pain in your heart."

"Bibi Dong? If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot this name...

Please call me Pope, or Your Majesty. I am no longer the silly Bibi Dong I was before! "

Yes, the soft-looking and beautiful woman in front of me is the current supreme ruler of Wuhun Palace and the target of pilgrimage for all soul masters, the Pope!

She is the youngest pope in the history of Wuhun Palace, taking over the position of pope before she was forty years old.

At first, many people had doubts.

But as time went by, under her hard work, Wuhun Palace developed more rapidly and became more united.

Many people already believe that she will be the most outstanding pope in Wuhun Palace.

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope."

Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank a bit, and a trace of pain flowed out of his eyes. He turned around and walked to where he was sitting before to stand, holding a cup of tea in his hand. He seemed to be trapped in the memories of the past. .

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's back, the indifference in Bibi Dong's eyes disappeared, and a hint of unbearable emotion flashed through her eyes. She raised her feet, as if she wanted to step forward, but she finally stopped.

"Why did you come to see me? We haven't seen each other for a long time."

The pope's voice still sounded calm.

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart. Even he did not expect that seeing Bibi Dong again would make him lose control so much.

When he turned around, the excess emotion in his eyes had disappeared, leaving only the usual indifference.

"His Majesty the Pope, I have come to ask you for something."


The pope looked at Yu Xiaogang in surprise, "You will come to beg me? This doesn't seem to be your character.

It seems that time does change a person's life.

Say it! "

Yu Xiaogang did not explain that if it was his own business, he would never come to plead with the other party, but for Liu Erlong, he had to come here.

"His Majesty the Pope, I want to know if Liu Erlong was seriously injured by someone you sent!"

Bibi Dong's pupils shrank and she said calmly: "You don't need to know this.

Does this mean anything to you? "

Yu Xiaogang did not hide anything, "Liu Erlong was seriously injured...the murderer is unknown!"

"Why should I help you?

Besides, what's the use of doubting? "

Bibi Dong's voice suddenly turned cold.

Yu Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "I beg you..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth.

“It turns out that there are things that you, a theoretical master, can’t do.

It's a pity that Liu Erlong has probably died of the poison at this moment. You are too late..."

Yu Xiaogang's body shook violently, turned around suddenly, and stared at the Pope, "What did you say?"

Bibi Dong did not hide anything and said calmly: "Platinum Bishop Salas sent a message that Liu Erlong died yesterday, but it took you seven days to get from Tiandou City to my Spirit Hall..."


Yu Xiaogang stepped forward fiercely and grabbed Bibi Dong's shoulders with both hands. His eyes were instantly covered with blood.

His whole body was shaking violently.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's ferocious eyes, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment.

"Is she really that important to you?" With her strength, she could easily overthrow Yu Xiaogang, but she did not do that. She just let Yu Xiaogang's hot hands grasp her shoulders firmly. superior.

Yu Xiaogang's breathing became very heavy, and he said word by word: "Bibi Dong, please listen to me clearly. If anything happens to my Erlong sister, then I will destroy Wuhun Palace at all costs!"

Feeling Yu Xiaogang's breath, Bibi Dong's face flushed, and she said with a sarcastic tone: "Yu Xiaogang, are you sometimes in a hurry?

Do you still remember how you left me?

For my sister, it’s funny, it’s so funny!

You actually refused to accept me for the sake of your sister!

Although I can become the Pope thanks to your gift, I hate you. You are the person I hate most in my life.

I just want to make you suffer. Not only do I want to kill Liu Erlong. You want your apprentice Tang San to die too! No, I won't kill him, I will torture him and make you suffer. "

Bibi Dong's mood became obviously agitated, and her eyes were as cold as poisonous snakes.

At this moment, a gentle knock on the door suddenly came from outside.

"Go away, didn't I say that no one should disturb you without my instructions?"

The Pope roared.

People outside seemed not to expect that the pope, who has always been approachable, would be so angry.

The pope's eyes solidified, "Yu Xiaogang, I won't kill you yet...

Come on, we'll see you again! "

Yu Xiaogang nodded silently and walked towards the door. When he reached the door and held the handle with one hand, he suddenly stopped and said lightly.

"Twenty years, Bibi Dong. You are still so beautiful, but I am old. If it were you who was threatened with life today, I would have the same reaction. After all, you are the first person I have ever loved. .”

"You make me feel sick, but I will make you pay the price..."

Pulling the door open, Yu Xiaogang strode away. He didn't want to die here, so he didn't continue to provoke Bibi Dong. Moreover, he was not sure whether Liu Erlong was really dead...

Bibi Dong hated Yu Xiaogang for twenty years.

What it means to be able to maintain hatred for so long means that her love for him was so deep.

What Yu Xiaogang said before leaving suddenly made a crack appear in the hatred in her heart.

Recalling everything the previous generation of popes taught her, as well as all that happened in the past, the truth that was blinded by hatred gradually emerged in her heart.

The scenery in front of him gradually became hazy, and the Pope's hand holding the scepter was already a little white due to excessive force. "Is this a trick of fate? Yu Xiaogang, the love between us, the love between us …”


The team of spirit masters participating in the Tiandou Empire continued to move forward, and there were no more accidents on the way. In order to better protect these spirit masters, Prince Xue Qinghe temporarily mobilized 3,000 armored troops from the cities he passed to assist. Guard.

At the same time, some soul master masters were summoned from Yanjing to come quickly.

Prince Xue Qinghe never communicated with anyone else.

He is also well aware of the troubles other teams are encountering.

At this time, he is using his actions to win the favor of the participating teams.

Along the way, the atmosphere among everyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect seemed a bit dull. The only good news was that Ning Rongrong finally broke through to level 49 when she was still five days away from Soto City.

In order for her to have the fifth soul ring as soon as possible. Sword Douluo took her directly to find a suitable soul beast.

Will meet up with others in Soto City.

Finally, the entire team arrived at Soto City.

Because of the special regulations of Soto City, Xue Qinghe ordered the Iron Armored Army and the Royal Knights to garrison outside the city.

Leading five soul master teams into Wuhun City.

Compared with huge cities like Tiandou City and Wuhun City, Soto City is much smaller.

It's not even one-tenth the area of ​​Tiandou City.

However, it still shocked the soul masters a lot.

The city walls of Soto City, which is small in area, are definitely built according to the format of the capital city.

The eighty-meter-high city wall looks extremely majestic from the outside.

The thickness of the city wall is also over thirty meters. It is completely repaired from granite.

Even Ning Fengzhi, who had strong financial resources, couldn't help but admire Soto City when he saw it.

You know, this city didn't exist originally. It was completely funded by the Fighting Spirit Arena. How easy is it to build such a city?

The most peculiar thing is that Soto City is not a quadrilateral like ordinary cities, but a pentagon, that is to say, it has a total of five walls.

All the people responsible for patrolling the city walls are soul masters, wearing the special clothing of Soto City.

When you walk into Soto City, you get the feeling of emptiness. There are not many pedestrians on the streets and few shops. Most of these shops sell items that soul masters need.

There are even space storage soul guides for sale, but of course, the quality is somewhat inferior.

What came out of Soto City was a prefecture-level killer. Under his leadership, a group of more than 200 people were quickly settled.

Lived in a hotel on the west side of Soto City.

What surprised the participating teams was that even the staff in the hotel were all great soul masters with at least level 20 soul power.

After settling down, some soul masters walked out of the hotel and carefully observed other special places in Soto City outside.

Obviously, the most conspicuous place in the entire Soto City is naturally the towering Star Reaching Tower!

However, everyone understands that it is not a place where they can easily set foot!

Over the years, the soul masters and civilians in Soto City have almost formed a stipulated rule, that is, they will never easily set foot within a hundred meters of the Star Reaching Tower, because that is the most powerful pillar of the entire Soto City!

As the head of the Qibao Glazed Sect, this is the first time Ning Fengzhi has come to Sotuo City in the Star Reaching Tower!

Looking at the place that was so close but so far away, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but feel a little entangled deep in his heart.

Logically speaking, he should take Bone Douluo to the Star Reaching Tower for an interview now. After all, he was on the Star Reaching Tower's territory, but Ning Fengzhi did not dare to make a rash decision.

As for Bone Douluo, he just stood beside Ning Fengzhi, feeling the vague aura from the Star Reaching Tower coming towards his face. He didn't feel the auras of Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai...

However, there are several auras approaching level 90 soul power!

In fact, this is normal. After all, it is not just Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai who have grown up in these years. Star Reaching Tower also has other Heaven-level killers at the Title Douluo level!

This is also a shock...

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