Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 273 Ye Tianchen completely understands everything!

"What...did you find?"

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, I once captured Tang San and used some secret techniques to read everything in Tang San's mind!

The result seemed to be somewhat unexpected, there was indeed something strange in Tang San's memory! "

After hearing this, both Gu Yuena and Ditian became interested instantly!

"Keep talking!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen nodded.

"Then Tang San doesn't seem to be from Douluo Continent!

In Tang San's memory, he came from a world called Tianxuan Continent. In that world, he was not cultivating soul power, but practicing martial arts!

Tang San accidentally traveled to Douluo Continent because he stole the Tang Sect's treasure in the middle of Shu!


Hearing this, Gu Yuena frowned for a moment, looking thoughtful, while Di Tian also looked at his master in surprise.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tianchen smiled, this was the result he wanted!

He, Ye Tianchen, didn't know much about things in the God Realm. He was doubtful as to why the Shura God in the God Realm chose Tang San as his successor.

After all, besides being from the Tianxuan Continent like himself, Tang San really didn't have anything special about him. As for his talent, twin martial spirits, there wasn't much special at all!

So if Ye Tianchen can't figure it out, why not let Gu Yuena analyze it?

After hearing what Ye Tianchen said, Gu Yuena fell into a brief silence.

Soon, Gu Yuena's eyes started to tremble!

"I know what God Shura wants to do!"

Slowly exhaling a breath of cold air, Gu Yuena did not expect that Shura God's idea would be so crazy. However, this is the only reasonable explanation that Gu Yuena can think of...

"Oh? I wonder if Your Highness Gu Yuena can tell me?"

Ye Tianchen also looked puzzled, and his expectant eyes made Gu Yuena feel superior.

Simply, Gu Yuena also raised the corners of her mouth!

"It's easy to say, but I actually can't understand why God Shura attaches so much importance to an heir. This is not in line with common sense!

Until you said that Tang San came from Tianxuan Continent!

What you don’t know is that the God Realm is not the only existence. The God Realm only governs several lower realms, but among these worlds, there is no place called Tianxuan Continent!

Then there is only one possibility, Tianxuan Continent is that world!

The world where the Creator God comes..."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Yuena's smile disappeared. If this was the case, she didn't know whether it was good or bad...

"My lord, I wonder what the connection is?"

Di Tian was confused when he heard this.

Shaking her head, Gu Yuena continued.

"God Shura wants to use Tang San to open a passage to Tianxuan Continent!

He, God Shura, has stayed in the cultivation realm of the God King for too long. Perhaps even he himself is tired of the unchanging days of the God Realm.

And wanting to open this channel is not as simple as imagined!

If you rely on brute force, unless you have the strength of the Creator God to forcefully open the passage, otherwise, you can only use tricks...

Tang San precisely satisfied the requirements of God Shura!

Once Tang San inherits the position of Shura God, he will have the strength close to that of a god king. With the blessing of the position of Poseidon, Tang San will definitely have the cultivation level of a god king when he becomes a god!

And Tang San himself came from Tianxuan Continent, so the seal of the Creation God had no effect on Tang San at all...

By then, a world passage that can accommodate the cultivation of the God King is what God Shura really wants! "

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen was also thoughtful. Although he didn't know what the God of Creation Gu Yuena mentioned was, he still had a rough idea. Gu Yuena's guess might be right!

Speaking of this, Gu Yuena suddenly sighed.

"Why do you sigh, Lord? Is there some risk in this matter?"

Di Tian was puzzled. He didn't understand. It was just about opening up the barrier between the two worlds. What was there to worry about?

In response, Ye Tianchen shook his head.

"Brother Ditian, Her Highness Gu Yuena's meaning is very obvious. In the Tianxuan Continent, I am afraid there are many beings comparable to the level of God Kings, and even the heights of the so-called Creation Gods...

Once God Shura opens the barrier between the two realms, it is conceivable that the powerful people in that world will invade the God Realm and even the Douluo Continent? "

Upon hearing this, Ditian was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat!

Gu Yuena also nodded. What Ye Tianchen said was exactly what she was worried about.

After all, God Shura has the cultivation of a god king. Even if he goes to Tianxuan Continent, he is still a overlord-level existence, but their soul beast clan cannot do that!

Gu Yuena possesses part of the Dragon God's memory. Although she doesn't have a clear understanding of the specific strength of Tianxuan Continent, it definitely surpasses Douluo Continent and surpasses the God Realm!

Seeing that the matter had developed to this point, Ye Tianchen knew that his goal had been achieved.

Knowing Tang San's usefulness to God Shura, he might also find a way to return to Tianxuan Continent!

Ye Tianchen's excitement was beyond words!

However, at this moment, he had better deal with Gu Yuena first.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, since you have already guessed the purpose of God Shura, I won't hide it from you. Tang San is now in Soto City, within the surveillance range of my Star Reaching Tower!

It's a pity that he has two ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo guarding him. It's probably impossible for me to catch Tang San alone, so...

Coming here this time, I can only hope that the soul beast clan can help!

As for the cure, if I cure Her Highness Gu Yuena now, then I will be weak for a year. This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back. Her Highness Gu Yuena should understand! "

Hearing this, Gu Yuena was also a little speechless. It was not that she didn't know what Ye Tianchen had in mind, but it was just like what Ye Tianchen said now.

It was impossible for her to take action herself. Once the Asura God knew that she was involved in this matter as a god-level power, even if Tang San was caught, what awaited their soul beast clan would only be the infinite anger of the Asura God...

Therefore, we can only let Ye Tianchen, a human soul master, take action himself!

Knowing all the calculations, Gu Yuena had to admit that she was manipulated by Ye Tianchen...

"So, Ye Tianchen, what do you need?"

"I need Brother Di Tian to cooperate when the time comes to contain one of the ninety-nineth level soul masters!"

“But, if Master Chu is Wuming, once God Shura finds out, I’m afraid he will still blame the soul beast clan for this matter.

Also, I can’t take action myself…”

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, this matter is easy to say!

Since Tang San came to participate in the Soul Master Competition, then why can't the Soul Beast clan also participate in this Soul Master Competition? "

? ? ? ? ?

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yuena fell silent, and Di Tian also looked confused...

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