Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 274 The soul beast clan participates in the soul master competition!

Can their soul beast clan participate in the soul master competition held by this human soul master?

At this moment, Gu Yuena really didn't expect that Ye Tianchen would come up with such an idea.

However, this seems to be feasible, but there are also some problems.

They can't let a few untransformed soul beasts participate in this so-called soul master competition, right?

Of course, in addition to these, Gu Yuena was also thinking about whether what Ye Tianchen said would work.

Objectively speaking, their soul beast clan tries not to appear under the nose of God Shura. After all, once God Shura is really offended, the consequences will be extremely serious...

But seeing Tang San increasing his strength so unscrupulously, it would be difficult for Ye Tianchen himself to solve Tang San's problem. Gu Yuena had no choice but to make such a ridiculous decision.

Of course, this is also a symbol that the soul beast clan has completely come to the forefront!

"Ye Tianchen, please tell me what you think."

Gu Yuena also threw this matter back into Ye Tianchen's hands.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, the soul beast clan definitely cannot send out soul beasts that have not yet transformed to join the battle, but... maybe Xiong Jun Chi Wang and the others can!

They can suppress their own strength to about level 50. Presumably, Her Highness Gu Yuena still has this ability.

Of course, none of this can be hidden from God Shura. If he wants to pay attention to this Soul Master Competition...

But it doesn’t matter, as long as the soul beast clan is not openly at odds with God Shura, once my plan succeeds, God Shura will not ignite his anger on the soul beast clan because of some mistakes..."

Gu Yuena nodded at this, but also shook her head. She didn't understand what Ye Tianchen wanted to do.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, there is one thing I would like to ask you more."

"you say……"

"If Tang San takes the initiative to open the barrier between worlds, what kind of strength will it take?"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena fell silent.

"Logically speaking, one needs to have god-level strength to be able to break through the barriers between the two realms.

However, if Tang San comes by himself, because he belongs to Tianxuan Continent, he will not be blocked by that world. Therefore, perhaps with the strength of the ninety-ninth level titled Douluo, Tang San can try to break through the two. Boundary barrier! "

This is just Gu Yuena's guess. Of course, the specific feasibility is not yet known.

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen frowned slightly. He had obtained all the answers he wanted. Now, Ye Tianchen felt that maybe he should leave...

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen suddenly smiled at Gu Yuena.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, today I, Ye Tianchen, can completely recover your injuries..."


This sentence was like a thunder. At least Gu Yuena felt that she had heard it wrong. Ye Tianchen would actually recover from his injuries now?

She was a little confused, and she even felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say anything.

"So, are you okay?"

"Of course it's feasible, but maybe all the life force in the core of the Star Dou Forest must be extracted!"

" start."

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen smiled, and then Di Tian understood that it was not suitable for him to stay here, so he simply went out, and Gu Yuena did not hesitate.

He took off his clothes directly in front of Ye Tianchen, exposing his wounds...

Seeing this, Ye Tianchen felt flushed inexplicably, but he also took a deep breath.

As the Heavenly Demonic Piano slowly emerged from Ye Tianchen's hand, he also used the demonic energy raging in the Heavenly Demonic Piano to crazily plunder the life within a hundred miles of the Lake of Life!

I don’t know how long it took, in fact, it was only a few days. Ye Tianchen looked a little pale at the moment, but as he put away the Tianmo Qin in his hand, Gu Yuena also felt that the degree of healing of his wounds was simply beyond her. Imagine!

Her strength has also been raised from the strength of a second-level god to the limit of a second-level god. It may not take long for her to return to her peak!

There seems to be a certain gap between this and Ye Tianchen's initial promise, but it is also decades faster than Gu Yuena's recovery alone!

Seeing that he had fulfilled his original promise, Ye Tianchen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Gu Yuena put her clothes back on. Looking at Ye Tianchen's calm face, she couldn't help but ask.

"Ye Tianchen, you... have cured me, may I ask for anything?"

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen shuddered slightly, then raised his head and looked at Gu Yuena.

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, if one day I, Ye Tianchen, unfortunately leave this world, I hope Your Highness Gu Yuena can treat me kindly in Zhaixinglou..."

Hearing this, Gu Yuena fell silent. She didn't understand why Ye Tianchen said this. Was he afraid of God Shura's action?

Without thinking too much, Gu Yuena nodded in agreement. There was no need to ask questions about things she didn't understand...

Seeing Gu Yuena nodding, Ye Tianchen bowed slightly and bowed, and then slowly exited the hall.

In fact, Ye Tianchen's thoughts were already obvious. The reason why he asked Gu Yuena what kind of strength was needed to open the passage to Tianxuan Continent was to directly solve the problem of God Shura!

He understood that if he stayed in Douluo Continent, no matter what he chose, he would eventually have to face a god-king level existence.

The road to becoming a god is so difficult, Ye Tianchen has no confidence...

As for plundering after Bibi Dong became a god, she would only have the strength of an ordinary god, and it would still be a bit inferior to fighting against the Shura god.

Since the chance of staying was extremely slim, Ye Tianchen decided to take the initiative on his own!

He wanted to open the passage himself and take Tang San away with him!

At that time, everything that God Shura values ​​​​will appear incomprehensible and weird!

This is Ye Tianchen's plan. Since Douluo Continent prevents him from going any further, let's bring Shura God to Tianxuan Continent...

Even Ye Tianchen can guess what the final result will be!

Opening the passage himself and taking Tang San into it, God Shura would definitely not give up, so he could only send people into Tianxuan Continent.

If we bring back a person from Tianxuan Continent, without a martial spirit, there is no way to inherit the divine throne...

Then you need to be reincarnated again...

The time required will also increase a lot, and this will give Ye Tianchen a chance!

He wants to trade space for time!

After walking out of the hall, Ye Tianchen took a deep look at the hall behind him, knowing that after he left, it would probably be difficult to come back...

"That's all, it's better to deal with the current matters first."

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen also headed in the direction of Ditian. Ditian had already explained everything, and this time the members of the soul beast clan were already waiting...

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