Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 286 Snow Emperor’s interest in Ye Tianchen!

Bibi Dong believed that Qian Daoliu's words were not meant to scare him, but they were true!


If what Qian Daoliu said at this moment was true, then Bibi Dong couldn't imagine how big a game Ye Tianchen wanted to play!

Seeing Bibi Dong's silence, Qian Daoliu also knew the helplessness in Bibi Dong's heart.

"Bibi Dong, I am not telling you this today to undermine your self-confidence!

You are Xue'er's mother, the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and a ninety-eighth level titled Douluo, the future ninety-ninth level seed!

No matter what Ye Tianchen is planning now, without the combat power of a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo, it will be difficult to change...

Don't worry, I will take action in time for some things.

I only hope that you can lead Wuhundian well and continue to move forward...

If one day, I unfortunately disappear between heaven and earth, I hope you can protect Xueer well. She is your daughter after all. "

Hearing this, Bibi Dong raised his head and looked at Qian Daoliu. At this moment, Qian Daoliu's eyes were filled with determination!

No matter what Ye Tianchen's plan is now, Qian Daoliu cannot stop him, he can only help with all his strength...

Because he knows very well that Ye Tianchen will not harm Xueer...

"Big tribute, thank you!"

Bibi Dong took out a deep breath and looked at Qian Daoliu's old body, and spoke sincerely.

After all, Qian Daoliu didn't have to tell her anything, and the relationship between the two has eased a lot...

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu smiled casually and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly thought of something and turned back to look at Bibi Dong.

"Bibi Dong, there is something I forgot to tell you. After I came back last night, Xueer came to see me. She decided to represent Wuhun Palace in the finals of the Soul Master Competition!

Now, you'd better seize this rare opportunity..."

After saying that, Qian Daoliu no longer hesitated and disappeared directly, leaving Bibi Dong standing alone and confused.

"Xue'er agrees?"

Bibi Dong couldn't help but ask herself, her complex expression flashed past, and then she showed a warm smile!


In Soto City, on the top of the Star-Zhaing Tower, Ye Tianchen looked at the figures wandering around in front of him with a look of disgust.

"Brother Ditian, it's okay for Xiong Jun and Chi Wang to be like this. Why is the Ice Emperor so curious when he looks at the ice-clear jade bones..."

Listening to Ye Tianchen's words, Ditian was also a little embarrassed.

After taking a look at Xiong Jun, Chi Wang and Ice Emperor, who were still fumbling around here and there, they also looked helpless.

"Tianchen, it's a long story..."

"That's all, Brother Ditian, why don't you tell me more about this person!"

While speaking, Ye Tianchen did not forget to point his finger at the Snow Emperor!

Hearing Ye Tianchen's words, Di Tian was slightly startled. Before he could speak, Emperor Xue walked over directly!

"I wonder what Qin Mo Mian wants to know?"

Hearing what Snow Emperor said, Ye Tianchen was a little at a loss.

"Snow Emperor, you..."

"Your Majesty Qin Demon, this is what I heard from the human soul masters when I was on the street today. This title is really domineering!"

Hearing the Snow Emperor praising him so much, Ye Tianchen looked at Di Tian, ​​who was so happy that without looking back, he pulled the two beasts of Xiong Jun and Red King, and just dealt a blow...


"I heard from Brother Ditian that Miss Snow Emperor cultivated in the snowy land. Being able to cultivate to such strength in the ice and snow shows that Miss Snow Emperor is very talented!"

Since there is nothing to say, Ye Tianchen just praises others.

Hearing what Ye Tianchen said, the Snow Emperor smiled.

The moving beautiful eyes are like ice and snow melting, full of light and power!

"Qin Mo Mian was instantly praised. Compared to Qin Mo Mian, who was a human soul master and only spent decades cultivating to the level of a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo, the Snow Emperor is still a little ashamed of himself. Not as good as that!”

"Miss Snow Emperor, it is said that you, the soul beast clan, need to survive a heavenly tribulation every 100,000 years to cultivate. Speaking of which, I, Ye Tianchen, am really not as good as me!

It's only due to good luck that we are where we are today. "

Ye Tianchen didn't say this casually.

But he felt that his luck was really good.

When he was in the Tianxuan Continent, if it weren't for luck, he would not have met the old pavilion master, and he would have been killed by the beast. When he arrived at the Star Reaching Tower, it was undeniable that he had his own unique talent.


Because Zhaixinglou accidentally obtained the Tianmo Qin, Ye Tianchen also had the opportunity to have a glimpse of a higher realm!

Being able to dominate the world at a young age!

Especially after falling from the top of Mount Tai, Ye Tianchen never thought that one day he would be reborn in a magical land like Douluo Continent!

He even has Tianmo Qin as his martial soul...

Ye Tianchen did everything step by step. His luck was really good!

As for the Snow Emperor, as a member of the soul beast clan, it is much more difficult than Ye Tianchen.

Almost all powerful soul beasts have experienced bloodshed and killing since childhood before they can achieve a hundred thousand years of cultivation.

And it is very rare to survive the heavenly tribulation, not to mention that the Snow Emperor, as a female streamer, can survive six full heavenly tribulations!

This is unimaginable to ordinary people...

Ye Tianchen also had to admire him.

But it's a pity that Snow Emperor doesn't think so.

Ever since she was born in Douluo Continent, she seemed to be the darling in the snowy land, without any hindrance at all along the way.

Therefore, both of them feel that the other has sacrificed too much to be able to reach this point today. However, they do not know that both of them are the sons of destiny...

Regarding what Ye Tianchen said about luck, Emperor Xue just laughed it off.

However, at this moment, she also had a question that she wanted to ask Ye Tianchen!

"My Majesty Qin Demon, after all you are a peerless expert in the world of human soul masters. I wonder if the Snow Emperor can ask you a question?"

"Oh? Miss Xuedi, even if you speak frankly, I, Ye Tianchen, will definitely tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything!"

It was just a question, and Ye Tianchen didn't think it was anything.

Staring into Ye Tianchen's eyes, the Snow Emperor suddenly approached, and then his pink lips moved slightly.

"Under the Qin Demon Crown, I don't know...Does the Qin Demon Crown know what love is?"

? ? ? ? ?

As soon as this question came out, Ye Tianchen was speechless for a moment. He thought the Snow Emperor would ask some questions about cultivation or human soul masters, but he didn't expect that the Snow Emperor would be interested in love?

Just when Ye Tianchen was a little at a loss, in his spiritual world, Tianmeng Bingcan finally broke through the confinement set by Ye Tianchen after his unremitting efforts during this period!

In an instant, without giving Ye Tianchen a chance to react, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's soul body burst out of Ye Tianchen's spiritual world!

A large spiritual insect several meters long suddenly appeared in front of everyone...

"Snow Emperor, love is my feeling for you!"

After Tianmeng Bingsi finally yelled out such a sentence, everyone in the audience was stunned...

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