Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 287 God Shura is faintly worried!

At this moment, not to mention that Ye Tianchen felt extremely embarrassed, even the Snow Emperor, who had always been extremely calm, widened his eyes and stared at the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm that suddenly appeared in front of him!


Ye Tianchen also reacted. With a tap of his fingertips, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm spirit body was taken back into the spiritual world again and sealed directly!

But unfortunately, this still changed the accident...

Di Tian and the others looked like they were eating melons, and Ye Tianchen suddenly discovered that the Snow Emperor had unexpectedly appeared in a flash!


The Snow Emperor from the corner of his eyes left the top of the Star-Zhaing Tower directly to avoid embarrassment. Ye Tianchen also did not expect that the unexpected joy would come so quickly. In an instant, he didn't care so much about Tianmeng Bingshen suddenly running out!

This can be regarded as helping him avoid the Snow Emperor's problem.

After all, Ye Tianchen really disdains what love is. At least Ye Tianchen has no such emotional experience. In his eyes, love between men and women is just driven by desire. There is no love...

Therefore, it is also a good thing that difficult questions can be avoided by coincidence.

These things that happened in the Star Reaching Tower will naturally not affect the grand event in the entire Soto City!

The finals of the Soul Master Competition have attracted countless soul masters to flock to Soto City!

But what is extremely strange is that no matter what the strength of the soul masters, they have become extremely well-behaved and have not committed any crimes in Soto City!

The reason behind it is naturally inseparable from the Star Reaching Tower!

This is different from Wuhun City. Wuhun Palace may turn a blind eye to soul masters who dare to cause trouble, but on the territory of Star Reaching Tower!

A powerful soul master knows not to provoke the Star Reaching Tower. Once a powerless soul master dares to cause trouble, he will be greeted by the killers everywhere in the Star Reaching Tower!

Almost all of them are killed instantly!

There was no hesitation at all.

This rule was known to the world's soul masters just a few years ago.

Because of this, Soto City is also known as a holy place for civilians!

Here, soul masters cannot rely on their own strength to bully others, unless they dare to challenge Star Reaching Tower and want to die in Soto City!

On the street, the Snow Emperor no longer looked embarrassed by the sudden appearance of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm on the top of the Star Reaching Tower. Instead, he looked curious about everything on the street!

Naturally, beside the Snow Emperor, the Ice Emperor followed closely.

The arrival of the two of them caused the soul masters walking on the street to stop and watch!

To the common people, the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor were like fairies walking out of a painting. Their attraction was a collective gaze that they could not hide!

As for the soul master, everything in his heart is the same as Ming Jing!

Fairies with this kind of temperament often indicate a terrifying background or strength!

Otherwise, there would be no chance of appearing in Soto City...

Looking east and west, the Snow Emperor's mood became much more beautiful.

Seeing that the human world has so many interesting things, the Snow Emperor rarely smiled knowingly.

As for Hyokui, he was all smiles, just eating the special delicacies in Soto City...

Unknowingly, the two of them arrived near the city gate and looked at the continuous flow of people pouring into Soto City. In a short while, the Snow Emperor was about to get up and go back.

But just for a moment, she felt a spiritual power from a human soul master sweeping through her body!

Suddenly, the Snow Emperor looked into the distance!

There, it was none other than Tang San!

It was a coincidence that Tang San could almost be said to have been huddled in the small courtyard these days, protected by Tang Chen. But since Bo Saixi came back, Tang San also had the opportunity to go out and relax.

It didn't matter at first, after all, Ye Tianchen wouldn't attack him now, so Bo Saixi and Tang Chen didn't restrict Tang San.

But today, when Tang San just arrived on the street, he discovered the fairy-like appearance of the Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor!

Since losing Xiaorou, Tang San is now fifteen or sixteen years old. On Poseidon Island, he has witnessed a lot of love between men and women. There is no way, the creatures on Poseidon Island, such as Seahorse Douluo , that’s almost night after night...

Tang San's desire also continued to rise.

Of course, the reason why I can see the Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor being unable to move their legs now is also related to the fact that Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor are too beautiful...

The moment he saw Tang San, Snow Emperor felt the evil and dirty thoughts in Tang San's eyes!

I can’t help but feel a little angry!

In an instant, the Snow Emperor burst out with a terrifying spiritual power!

She wanted to turn this disgusting guy in the distance to ashes!

But just when the Snow Emperor's spiritual power was about to come to Tang San, a terrifying figure flashed past, standing firmly in front of Tang San!

Tang Chen felt this terrifying mental pressure and his eyes suddenly widened!

The moment he saw the Snow Emperor, he believed what Bo Saixi told him after he came back, about the masters of the soul beast clan coming to Soto City!

"Your Excellency has gone too far!"

A spiritual voice instantly appeared in Snow Emperor's ears.

Snow Emperor also frowned and looked at Tang Chen who came unexpectedly!

There was almost no need to guess, the Snow Emperor understood that this was probably the Haotian Douluo Tang Chen that Di Tian and Ye Tianchen were talking about!

Knowing that he could not act rashly, the Snow Emperor did not reply. With a cold look in his eyes, he disappeared with the Ice Emperor...

Seeing the beauty he finally found disappearing before his eyes, Tang San was about to say something when he realized that his great-grandfather's eyes were full of fierceness when he looked at him!

"Xiaosan, that woman just now is not as simple as you think. She is a ferocious beast, and her strength is not much different from that of me...

You'd better not think too much, at least now, you can still have this strength! "

Hearing his great-grandfather's beating, Tang San also instantly woke up. It seemed that everything Bo Saixi said was true!

At this moment, Tang San wanted to escape from Soto City, a place of right and wrong!

It's just a pity that neither Tang Chen nor Bo Saixi would let Tang San leave. After sighing, Tang San had no choice but to leave with Tang Chen...


In the God Realm, God Shura always felt that something was wrong during this period, but he didn't know how to find out.

So almost every day I keep my eyes on Tang San in Douluo Continent!

The moment he saw the Snow Emperor appear, a coldness flashed across God Shura's eyes!

If it can be confirmed that the Silver Dragon King is not dead in the Douluo Continent, and the existence of the Silver Dragon King can be confirmed, then God Shura can ask the other four god kings to open the passage to the Douluo Continent!

By then, his god-king body will be able to come in person without being suppressed in strength.

It's just a pity that so far, there is still no trace of the Silver Dragon King...

God Shura could only stare at Tang San... (End of this chapter)

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