Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 290 The pressure from level ninety-nine!

The opening scene was immediately brought to a climax with the arrival of several ninety-nine-level titled Douluo!

Many soul masters stood up frantically, wanting to remember Ye Tianchen and the others. This would be their lifelong glory!

After the opening, it’s time for the forces to prepare!


In the finals, Tang San was finally going to take action.

Soon, Tang San called all the team members over. Bo Saixi knew that Tang Chen was back and hurriedly followed.

Tang Chen's eyes collided with Bo Saixi's. From Tang Chen's eyes, Bo Saixi understood something. Without speaking, he just walked to him quietly and held his arm.

Seeing the gentle look on Bo Saixi's face, Tang San and others couldn't help but look a little weird.

As the high priest of Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi would probably be so restrained only in front of Tang Chen.

Tang Chen glanced at everyone and then said: "The finals are about to begin. I think you may have forgotten the competition format I mentioned before.

I'm repeating it now.

A total of thirty-three teams participated in the finals.

Among them, four seed teams were selected by the two major empires and the Star Reaching Tower of Wuhun Palace.

The biggest threat to you is undoubtedly the team selected by Wuhundian Academy and the Star Reaching Tower!

They are also the biggest stumbling block to your final victory. "

"There are only five rounds in the finals. It takes a shorter time than the qualifying rounds and promotion rounds.

But because the competition is fierce.

Therefore, there will be a day of rest and adjustment between each round and the next.

Before the final fifth round, there were three days of adjustments.

In the first round, the four seeded teams will have a bye, and the remaining thirty teams will compete for fifteen promotion places. The losers will be eliminated directly.

The cruel knockout competition will definitely make each soul master team work harder.

You must not be careless in the slightest.

At this time, all the team's hidden abilities will be released, and there will be no reservations.

Even teams you have beaten before are likely to bring you some 'surprises'. "

“According to the rules of the competition, the first-place college in the second round of the two major empire division promotions will have a bye.

In other words, after we win the first round, we will get enough rest in the second round. This is also the meaning of the promotion competition.

By then, eight of the sixteen teams will compete to advance to the third round. Including our two teams with byes, there will be a total of ten teams.

The third-round bye will be for the second place in the promotion round. The remaining eight teams will determine four spots to advance to the fourth round with them.

There will be no byes in the fourth round. Therefore, in the promotion round, only the top two teams can benefit from the finals, and the earlier the team gets a bye, the more advantageous it will be, because it can avoid being eliminated prematurely.

In the fifth and final round, only three teams will enter the competition. Each of the three teams will be eliminated in a round-robin manner with seven players in a promotion round to determine the team with the strongest individual strength.

Then the loser's two teams compete in a team battle, and the winner challenges the previous individual winner to determine the final championship.

Do you all understand? "

"Yes, I understand."

Everyone on Poseidon Island has a very good memory, and now that it is really time for the finals, their attention is naturally extremely concentrated.

Tang Chen nodded and said: "It's impossible to guess who our opponents will be in the first round. But at least they won't be the three seeded teams with byes. This will avoid meeting them prematurely.

However, we will still fight.

It's been a long time since you guys have cooperated on a real battlefield.

This first round is for you to warm up. I don't arrange specific tactics, everything on the court is still controlled by the mistress. "


"Here." Tang San quickly stood up.

Tang Chen stared at him and said: "We will almost certainly pass the first and second rounds.

Therefore, in the first round, you must try your best to prevent your opponent from discovering our advantages. Do you understand what I mean? "

Tang San nodded and said, "Great-grandfather, you are saying that even though there are seven of us fighting, we should try our best to conceal our strength in the first round."

Tang Chen smiled and nodded, "But you can't be careless. After all, you may encounter the strong opponents of the Star Luo Empire in the first round."


Tang Chen turned his eyes to the other Poseidon Island disciples, "You have been studying with me for half a year. I can see clearly how much you have put in during the past six months.

Needless to say, you are all geniuses among geniuses.

Even if you encounter a stronger opponent than you, your confidence does not need to be shaken, because you are the youngest team among all participating teams.

You have a limitless future.

I have no requirements for you to win the finals championship. I just hope that each of you can show your true strength in the game.

Find the best way to maximize your potential! "


Tang San and the others agreed with a bang.

After Tang Chen and Bo Saixi left, Tang San and the others immediately started training to prepare for the first round of the competition tomorrow.

Bo Saixi dragged Tang Chen to his room, "Brother Chen, how are you?"

Looking at Tang Chen, Bo Saixi's eyes flickered. Of course she knew what Tang Chen was doing, and Tang Chen didn't hide anything from her.

With a sigh, Tang Chen said: "Thousands of things have changed.

People will always change after not seeing each other for decades.

It is no longer the Sendaoliu it used to be.

It seems that I really shouldn't go to him. "

Bo Saixi secretly sighed, "So, he didn't tell you the method of the Pope to cultivate twin martial souls?"

Tang Chen smiled mockingly, "How could he possibly tell me the method of cultivating twin martial souls when he knew that Tang San was the heir to Lord Shura God?

But so what?

I have vaguely guessed some.

If there is a chance, as long as I get Na Bibi Dong to actually take action, I will be able to confirm my thoughts. "

Having said this, Tang Chen took the initiative to hug Bo Saixi into his arms.

“This is Soto City, their territory.

From now on, don't stay away from me at any time, I'm afraid they will do something bad to me. "

Bo Saixi immediately showed her proper temper.

"Just let them come, am I still afraid of them?

So what if the owner of Star Reaching is not defeated by me.

As long as they don't attack you, I'm not afraid of anything. "

Listening to Bo Saixi's domineering words, Tang Chen couldn't help but have a faint smile on his face, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Do not worry!"

Upon hearing this, Bo Saixi's expression couldn't help but reveal a bit of sadness. Although Tang Chen no longer avoided his feelings for her, and the two of them treated her as husband and wife, Tang Chen still refused to be overly affectionate with her.

That relationship has always been between them.

Fortunately, even though this was in name only, it was enough to comfort Bo Saixi.


For the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Soto City Spirit Fighting Arena specially opened up a special venue.

This site is located right in the center of the square.

The diameter of the huge arena is also a hundred meters.

Completely renovated from granite.

This huge competition stage is also reinforced with a large number of soul guides.

To prevent breakage.

According to the information given by the Star Reaching Tower, this site is strong enough to withstand any attacks from soul masters below the Soul Emperor without being damaged.

Only a wealthy organization like the Star Reaching Tower would do this. At least the two empires were reluctant to spend such huge resources.

Directly in front of this competition stage is the VIP seat.

From here, it is less than a kilometer away from where the Star Reaching Tower is located.

The Star Reaching Tower has announced in the notice posted that the final three finalists will compete in front of the Star Reaching Tower.

At that time, the six-finger piano demon Ye Tianchen will appear in person and crown the final champion.

For any soul master, this is an unparalleled honor.

Early in the morning, all the participating colleges arrived at the competition venue under the leadership of dedicated personnel from the Zhaixing Tower.

Each college has its own rest area.

The rest area is built around the competition venue. On the side opposite to the VIP seat is the VIP judging seat.

The people who came on behalf of the two empires were all there to watch the battle. Of course, there were also people from the Wuhun Palace and other forces.

At this moment, on the battlefield!

Tang San closed his eyes and slowly raised the huge Clear Sky Hammer with one hand. The huge light patterns on the hammer body suddenly burst out completely, and the dark golden light was extremely dazzling. At this moment, it seemed as if there was an extremely powerful voice speaking crazily. roared.

And Tang San himself was like the handle of a hammer, his whole body seemed to have been integrated into the Clear Sky Hammer.

Seeing this scene, even Bibi Dong, who was sitting at the VIP table, couldn't sit still, with a look of uncertainty in her eyes.

The scene before her was all too familiar to her.

"The true body of the weapon soul."

Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting next to Bibi Dong, had already exclaimed.

After a soul master with a beast martial soul reaches level 70, the seventh soul skill with the seventh soul ring will inevitably be the martial soul's true body, incarnating into his own martial soul, possessing huge explosive power and geometric multiples of strength. Enhance.

The situation of weapon soul masters is slightly different from that of beast soul masters. Their seventh soul skill is the true form of the weapon soul.

Using oneself as the soul of the weapon soul, the weapon soul's power can be maximized.

If you have a weapon soul that is terrifying in its own right, then the weapon soul's real body will only be more terrifying than the martial soul's real body when it explodes.

Before level 70, beast soul masters are undoubtedly more powerful than non-control system weapon soul masters. However, after reaching level 70, weapon soul masters will actually surpass themselves by relying on their true weapon souls.

Who would have thought that in the semi-finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the true form of a weapon soul that is rare in the soul master world would actually appear.

Moreover, the moving weapon soul is the Clear Sky Hammer, which is known as the first martial soul weapon in the mainland.

In fact, even Tang San himself didn't expect that he could actually exert the power of the weapon soul's true form.

When his soul power was increased to over level 50 and he held the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, he did this almost subconsciously.

The huge power continuously forms a strange cycle between itself and the Clear Sky Hammer, as if the power is about to burst out of the body.

The Haotian Hammer held in his hand began to change. The originally black hammer body completely turned into a brilliant dark gold color. The body of the hammer was also shrinking rapidly. The handle of the hammer was about one and a half meters long. The head of the hammer was as big as a bucket when it shrank. stopped.

At this moment, Tang San's own body was also covered with a layer of dark gold light, and the auras released by him and the Clear Sky Hammer were no longer different from each other.

Tang San raised his hammer and pointed, and a dark golden light and shadow instantly magnified in front of Tang San. It was the shadow of the Clear Sky Hammer that seemed to be magnifying infinitely.

Amidst the loud noise, Huo Wushuang and the other three people rushing in front were almost thrown away in response to the sound, flying hundreds of meters away and falling down the mountain.

In front of that terrifying hammer shadow, even Huo Wu and the other two auxiliary system soul masters were thrown out like gourds by the impact. Not to mention using any more soul skills, they didn't even have the chance to take action again. They couldn't even resist at all. Can't do it.

The Clear Sky Hammer, the best martial spirit in the world, is its reputation in vain?

At this moment, even the titled Douluo present had their eyes filled with shining light!

This is the Clear Sky Hammer that displays the true form of its weapon soul at level 50.

The power of the gate-holding martial soul of the first sect in the martial arts world.

Tang San originally held the Clear Sky Hammer with one hand instead of holding it with both hands. For some reason, although he had defeated his opponent, he now felt a strong impulse in his heart.

Half turning around, Tang San was about to swing up the dark golden Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, but at this moment, a low, yet powerful voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Stop. Retract your strength and regain your soul."

That voice carried a strange charm, pulling Tang San back to the Clear Sky Hammer.

Dark golden light surged out from the hammer and quickly rushed back into Tang San's body.

And the Clear Sky Hammer itself quietly returned to its original appearance as a little black hammer.

If it hadn't been for the power of its swing just now, no one would have imagined that such a dark little hammer could wield such terrifying power.

The expression on Tang San's face changed clearly, from brief shock to pain. He clearly felt that his soul seemed to be stripped away, and then quietly reinjected into his body.

At this moment, he suddenly had a glimmer of enlightenment.

Using the Clear Sky Hammer's tool soul avatar consumes not only one's own soul power and strength, but also one's own soul.

At that moment, it was the fusion between one's own soul and the Clear Sky Hammer that produced the real weapon soul.


Tang San barely squeezed out a word.

Tang San knew now, and for the first time he felt the true terror of the Clear Sky Hammer.

His heart was very hot because he couldn't help but think about how powerful it would be if he used the random cloak hammer technique when using the weapon soul's true form.

This is the number one sect in the world, the strength that Haotian should have!

The game ended much faster than expected, and many people still haven't come back to their senses.

Arriving in front of Tang Chen, Tang San's eyes contained a special light, "Great-grandfather, thank you."

Tang San knew that if the voice hadn't suddenly sounded in his ears, causing him to stop using the Cloak Hammer Technique, then he might have had his soul drained out of him due to his inability to control it.

Maybe you won't die, but you will definitely become an idiot.

At that time, he could not identify the source of the sound. Subconsciously, he determined that only his great-grandfather could give him some advice at that critical moment. (End of chapter)

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