Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 291 A new beginning, having fun at night!

In the world of Gulong Martial Arts, it is winter...

The cold wind is biting, and the earth is used as a chessboard, and all living beings are regarded as stupid dogs.

Thousands of miles of snow falling, turning the battlefield of the sky into vastness.

The snow was about to stop, but the wind was still strong. A somewhat lame donkey came from the north. Its frivolous but steady four hooves broke the ice and snow on the ground, but they could not break the emptiness between heaven and earth!

On top of the donkey, sitting upside down was a young man wrapped in tiger skin. He was said to be sitting, but in fact he was half lying on the back of the lame donkey...

The young man had a pair of extremely sharp eyes on his delicate face. He held a three-foot green sword in his arms, and tied around his waist was a wine gourd of unknown depth.

Ye Xunhuan yawned and stretched his long legs as far as possible on the soft tiger skin. Although the tiger skin was very warm, the journey was too long and boring. Not only did he feel tired, but he also felt disgusted!

What he hates in his life is the same every day, so this trip is also to resolve the same days...

Ye Xunhuan sighed and took out the wine gourd from his waist...

After a while, the wine gourd seemed to be empty.

At the same time, Ye Xunhuan seemed to have noticed something, or maybe he was too far away from home, so Ye Xunhuan suddenly got off the donkey!

Looking at the direction he came from, which had long been covered by the wind and snow, Ye Xunhuan stood so quietly...

His fingers were quickly frozen, his face turned red from the cold, and his body was covered with snowflakes!

But he didn't feel cold at all!

"Mother, my child is thirteen years old this year. He is going to travel in the world. Don't miss me, mother. My child has the strength to take care of himself!"

After saying that, Ye Xunhuan suddenly raised his leg and shook, and the flying snow in the sky suddenly dispersed!

Ye Xunxuan himself had a faint smile on his face...

Then, Ye Xunhuan tapped his toes, and his whole body was like a bird, lying directly on the lame donkey, and continued to move forward!

He came here alone from the far north, and then walked forward alone.

And there is only one purpose, Ye Xunhuan heard that the reputation of Little Li Feidao is growing in the world, and he Xunhuan Ye has been observing mourning for three years. Although he is only thirteen years old, he wants to meet this little Li Feidao Li Xunhuan for a while. face!


The lame donkey continued to move forward, and the blurred footprints in the snow slowly appeared in Ye Xunxuan's eyes!

The footprints are very deep. It is obvious that this person has walked an unknown amount of distance and is somewhat exhausted, but he still refuses to stop and rest...

The snow has stopped, but the cold air between heaven and earth is heavier, the smell of emptiness is stronger, and there is already a sound of human footsteps in the wind!

Although the sound was much softer than the hoofbeats of a lame donkey, it was the sound that Li Xunhuan was expecting!

Lift your body slightly.

He immediately saw the lonely figure walking in front.

This man walked very slowly, but never stopped. Even though he heard the sound of the donkey's hooves breaking through the ice, he still didn't look back!

She had neither an umbrella nor a hat. The melted snow flowed along her face and into her neck, and she only wore a very thin piece of clothing.

When the lame donkey came forward, Ye Xunhuan saw her face.

Her eyebrows are very light, her eyes are big, her thin lips are pressed tightly into a line, and her straight nose makes her face look even more beautiful!

At this moment, the woman also turned her head and looked at Ye Xunhuan's extremely green face.

A flash of light flashed through his eyes, and then a trace of exhausted bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth...

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to see the hope of survival, and her curled up hands began to stretch out, as if she had encountered the lights in the dark night, stretching towards Ye Xunhuan!

However, this tired, girl-like face made Ye Xunhuan frown, because he felt a faint hint of terrifying murderous intent!


In just an instant, Ye Xunhuan's entire body jumped into the air, and where he was just now, three rays of silver light also flashed instantly!

In an instant, the lame donkey was frightened and ran straight ahead, but the woman did not give up her action just because the attack failed!

"The wind and snow are drifting, boy, you dare to travel alone. Today, even if you have wings, you can't escape my grasp!"

Old lady, I haven’t met a handsome young man like you for a long time..."

As the woman's charming voice turned to old words, her originally moist skin began to peel off bit by bit, and what was revealed was an extremely old face!

Tens of meters away, Ye Xunhuan is still holding Sanchi Qingfeng in his arms. Until now, the calmness on his face has not changed at all...

Because... he hoped that the old witch in front of him would be more sensible. He didn't want to dirty his hands less than three days after leaving home!

It's a pity that the old witch in front of me will not easily let go of the night to have fun!

The evil method she practiced was originally a method of extracting yang and replenishing yin. She needed the blood of young men every month to keep her disguise and ensure that her skills would not decline!

Seeing the stubborn look on the old witch's face, Ye Xunhuan shook his head. Since he didn't want to leave, there was no need to leave...


As Ye Xunhuan pulled out the three-foot green blade from his arms almost instantly, an undetectable white wave flashed past!

When the old witch saw it, it was already too late. Her pupils dilated rapidly, as if she had seen some incredible monster!


As Ye Xunhuan retracted the three-foot green blade, the old witch was covering her neck with all her strength. Unfortunately, it was too late. As a blood line appeared, drops of blood began to slowly fall...

"...Sword Qi, innate...warrior!"

Before the old witch could finish her words, her hands had already dropped, and then, her whole head moved directly!

Rolling into the snow, still staring at those big eyes...

In response, Ye Xunhuan didn't even look back, and flew back to the back of the lame donkey dozens of meters away!

At this moment, the wind and snow that had just stopped hit again, and after Ye Xunhuan touched the wine gourd and took a sip, he closed his eyes slightly, followed the sound of the lame donkey's four hooves, and headed forward, risking The wind and snow are gone...

The heavy snow continued to pour down, and in less than half an hour, the wind and snow had already covered the old witch's body.

Ye Xunhuan also let the lame donkey move forward in the wind and snow.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the sky and the earth turned into white curtains and were completely invaded by the wind and snow. Even a lame donkey had to stop its hooves!

In this regard, Ye Xunhuan was helpless. As the internal force circulated at his fingertips, in an instant, a transparent shield directly enveloped the lame donkey and himself...

This is the sign of an innate master, the Gang Qi Transformation Cover!

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