Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 292 System for subduing demons and eliminating demons?

The division of strength among warriors can be considered simple.

But Ye Xunhuan was able to reach the innate realm at the age of thirteen, which is a bit shocking!

Most ordinary warriors follow the internal qi training path, and Ye Xunhuan is no exception.

But ordinary warriors almost always start to strengthen their muscles and bones at the age of six, and start practicing qi at the age of nine!

When internal power is born in the body, it is already considered a third-rate existence in the world!

To go further, you need to accumulate internal strength and open up the eight extraordinary meridians in the body. When all the twelve main meridians are opened, you will be considered a first-class master in the world!

And this process requires ordinary people to practice hard for almost ten years, and even those with dull talents will not be able to reach such a height in their lifetime...

On the road to martial arts, after reaching a first-class master, you need to open up the Ren and Du meridians to further increase the internal strength in the body!

Once the two channels of Ren and Du are fully opened, he will be regarded as one of the most famous warriors in the world...

As for the innate realm, you need to understand the heaven and earth, connect the two bridges of heaven and earth, and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

As a result, all the huge internal energy accumulated in the body is transformed into innate true essence!

At this point, the warrior will choose his own path and realize his own way!

Some people understand the boxing method and can break mountains with three punches, just like Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang Mountain, understood Yin Yang Tai Chi and created the Tai Chi method when he entered Xiantian!

It can be said that a strong man in the innate realm already has the strength to establish a sect!

In the world of martial arts, Xiao Li Feidao and Li Xunhuan are only half a step ahead...

It is hard to imagine that Ye Xunhuan, who is only thirteen years old, can cultivate to the innate realm. What a terrifying talent he has!


The wind and snow were still raging around the world, and at this moment, Ye Xunhuan couldn't help but frown.

This time when he goes south, his goal is to go to Nanjing!

I heard that Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan was active in Nanjing during this period. He Xunhuan at night did not want his name of Xunhuan to be occupied by a warrior who did not even have the innate realm...

This was one of the reasons why he went south to challenge Li Xunhuan!

But now that the wind and snow are blowing, he is not afraid. After all, with the strength of the innate realm, the world is so big, where can he go to have fun at night?

Just taking one look at the lame donkey under his crotch, Ye Xunhuan still shook his head.

Speaking of which, the connection between this lame donkey and Xun Xun is very deep.

He is a child without a father. If this lame donkey hadn't been driven by Ye Xunhuan's mother day and night to plow the land and grind flour for their orphans and widowers, Ye Xunhuan would have died long ago...

This is also the reason why Ye Xunhuan did not abandon the lame donkey. Otherwise, if he had replaced it with a horse, Ye Xunhuan would have arrived in Nanjing long ago.

It seems that he felt the sighing voice of his little master. This lame donkey is actually very smart!

Without shouting or shouting, the front legs slowly bent down, and the hind legs stood firmly, trying to make Ye Xunhuan lie down as comfortable as possible...

Seeing this, Ye Xunhuan couldn't help but smile. Since it was snowing heavily and he couldn't continue on his way, Ye Xunhuan simply took out his wine gourd and drank a lot. After that, he felt sleepy and fell asleep lightly in the wind and snow!

I don’t know how long it took, but when a stream of light passed through the sky, a light that distorted the space took advantage of the heavy snowfall and slowly approached Ye Xunhuan’s innate aura shield...

And Ye Xunhuan seemed to be pulled into a dream by this sudden light!

"Young man...Young man, it's really not simple. He has such cultivation at such a young age. He is truly a rare host!"

The light murmured to itself, and this sound also woke Ye Xunhuan up instantly!

Suddenly, Ye Xunhuan's delicate eyes suddenly opened, and a sword energy flashed out directly from the eyes!

"Who is acting so arrogantly here?"

In an instant, the lame donkey also stood up, and Ye Xunhuan's right hand had reached his waist, tightly grasping the three-foot green blade that had not yet been sheathed!

But all this was in vain. Although Ye Xunhuan possessed the innate realm, he didn't discover anything at all.

Within a few hundred meters of him, Ye Xunhuan found no clues, let alone anyone lurking secretly...

Unless there is a Grandmaster level being who wants to play tricks on him!

But... the realm of Grand Master has long been extinct in the world and only exists in legends.

"Young man, don't be nervous, there is no malicious intent in this system...

Even if you can be selected by this system, you are lucky!

A unique opportunity that can only be encountered but cannot be sought is right in front of you! "


At first glance, Ye Xunhuan didn't know where the sound came from, but this kind of method similar to the Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission Technique was definitely not something ordinary people could do!

Even though Ye Xunhuan is already a master in the innate realm, he can still only transmit sounds within a hundred meters...

"That's right, system!

Young man, if your guess is correct, during your trip, are you going to Nanjing City to fight against Li Xunhuan, the famous little Li Feidao? "


These words were like a bolt from the blue, and Ye Xunhuan immediately frowned!

Except for himself, no one in the world knew about this matter. This sudden speculation made Ye Xunhuan extremely nervous!

"Could it be that System Seniors can read minds!"

"Mind reading? That's just a child's play, and this system doesn't care!

However, young man, you are very talented, but it is a pity that you took the wrong path...

It’s a pity, it’s a pity…”

"I wonder what senior means by this?"

Hearing that he was denied by others, Ye Xunhuan was also a little arrogant. Ye Xunhuan knew his talent very well!

He had already reached the innate realm when he was only thirteen years old. Given time, Ye Xunhuan was sure that he would definitely be able to become a great master!

Become an existence that will never appear in the world for a hundred years!

"Young man, I know you are very arrogant, but you also have the capital...

What I'm saying is that it's a pity that you will only be a great master in this life. If you are lucky, you may be able to break through to the realm of land gods, but...

In this world, I'm afraid it's almost impossible to do it. "

"Land gods?"

Ye Xunhuan had never heard of this term before. So far, as far as he knew, the most powerful person in the world was the Grand Master. There was no news or legend about the so-called land gods.

"Are you surprised?

The lifespan of an innate warrior is no more than a pair of armors, and the lifespan of a master is only two hundred years!

A great master can live for 300 years, and a land immortal can only die after 800 years...

In the heaven-human realm, you have just been able to live for more than a thousand years, young man?

Tell me, how long can you stay famous in the world?

a hundred years? Or three hundred years? "


Ye Xunhuan was silent. If what this system senior said was true, then Ye Xunhuan knew that he would only keep his name for three hundred years at most...

However, if Ye Xunhuan didn't know all this, he would be content. But now that he knew about the broader sky, Ye Xunhuan had to admit that he was moved!

And this system seemed to have already controlled Ye Xunhuan's every move. Seeing Ye Xunhuan's silence, he started to whisper seductively.

"Young man, do you wish to live forever?"


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