Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 294 A new beginning, having fun at night!

The forest is filled with fog and the fog is so hazy that you can't even see it.

The fragrance of flowers fills the nose, and the ground is filled with fragrance everywhere.

As the sound of four hooves trampling on the rocks echoed throughout the forest, Ye Xunhuan also stared helplessly at the surrounding environment!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xunhuan has been walking in the Star Forest for half a day, but still found nothing, let alone met any human beings...

Just when Ye Xunhuan wanted to continue moving forward, the lame donkey under him suddenly stopped.


As the lame donkey slowly turned back to look at Ye Xunhuan, he shook his head helplessly. It was obvious that after half a day's march, his lame donkey was already hungry.

"Okay, stop barking!

It's getting late, so I won't leave. I'll camp here for one night today.

As for you, just eat some fodder around here..."

After saying that, Ye Xunhuan turned over and fell off the back of the lame donkey!

He placed his wine gourd in an open space and then looked around to see if there was any suitable camping site.

At first glance, the surrounding area is still a scene of primitive forest, but Ye Xunhuan still found a good place!

Not far ahead, a very strange wilderness appeared. Different from the places around me, there stood a towering tree that needed a dozen people to hug...

"This thousand-year-old tree is a good place."

With a slight smile, Ye Xunhuan immediately headed towards the towering ancient tree...

The lame donkey behind him just raised his head and glanced at his owner, then continued to eat the fat and tender grass on the ground crazily, as if there was some magic power that made him want to stop!

Ye Xunhuan, on the other hand, was approaching the ancient tree with extremely chic steps!

Soon, he came to the ancient tree, raised his head and frowned slightly. Ye Xunhuan discovered that this towering ancient tree was much bigger than what he saw!

The tree trunks, which are several meters in diameter, reach into the sky, and the green leaves almost form a shady place with a radius of tens of meters.

Vines with strange patterns hang down from the branches. Even though Ye Xunhuan thinks he knows a lot of strange and strange things, he still can't recognize the type of tree in front of him!

Without thinking too much, Ye Xunhuan knew with just one glance that there were no other creatures hiding on the ancient tree, and felt relieved.

He placed his wine gourd next to the big tree, then looked away into the distance with a three-foot green edge hanging from his waist.

"There seems to be the breath of life there!"

The moment Ye Xunhuan's words fell, he just tapped his toes, and his whole body disappeared in an instant like a flying bird!

But after Xun Huan left that night, the towering ancient trees that were not abnormal at first began to shake unnaturally...

Then a vine slowly extended to the wine gourd of Ye Xunxuan!


Thousands of meters away, Ye Xunhuan stood on the canopy of the tree, like a light feather!

At this moment, he was looking at the slightly ferocious creature in front of him with a look of disgust!

This is a strange creature about three meters long. It looks like a wolf, but its fangs are so prominent, and its scarlet eyes reveal coldness and bloodthirsty...

Ye Xunhuan just wanted to catch a rabbit or other meat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came over, he saw this strange beast in front of him.

Ye Xunhuan had no interest in this at all.


As Ye Xunhuan jumped down from the canopy of the tree, the wolf-like creature immediately sensed Ye Xunhuan's arrival!


For a moment, those bloodthirsty eyes were staring straight at Ye Xunhuan, as if they were about to swallow him into his stomach in the next second.

In response, Ye Xunhuan just shook his head in disdain.

As Ye Xunhuan's right hand slowly moved to the three-foot green edge around his waist, the beast also felt the specialness of the human in front of him!

However, compared to Ye Xunhuan being surprised by the appearance of this beast, this beast was even more afraid of Ye Xunhuan, a sudden human!

It is the most common spirit beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, the Nether Poisonous Wolf. Generally speaking, only human soul masters will enter the Star Dou Great Forest.

This Nether Poisonous Wolf also understands the dangers of human soul masters.

However, the seemingly frail and helpless appearance of the human boy in front of me is so tempting!

What's more, it didn't feel any soul power fluctuations in the young man in front of it!

It is undoubtedly exciting!

"Beasts, they all say that God is good for life, but it's a pity that since you don't want to leave, you don't have to leave!"

The moment the words fell, the three-foot green blade on Ye Xunhuan's waist instantly unsheathed and flashed a ray of light!

The Nether Poison Wolf's eyes widened, and in an instant, a sword energy passed through its neck.

The next second, this Nether Poisonous Wolf found that his brain began to feel extremely heavy...


As a stream of fishy-smelling blood spurted out, the Nether Poison Wolf's head fell directly to the ground, and its limbs gradually softened...

Seeing this, Ye Xunhuan didn't even frown. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he was surprised to find a yellow ring gradually floating from the place where the beast died!


The sudden yellow ring made Ye Xunhuan curious!

Then he retracted his steps and approached cautiously...

Finally, Ye Xunhuan came to the corpse of the Netherworld Poison Wolf. Feeling the vague and faint energy in the yellow ring, Ye Xunhuan was amazed for a moment!

This yellow ring actually contains a faint spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

This was something Ye Xunxuan never expected.

Simply touch the yellow ring with your index finger slowly!

Suddenly, the yellow ring seemed to be pulled by some force and dipped directly into Ye Xunhuan's palm.

Seeing this, Ye Xunhuan was instantly startled. He quickly sat down cross-legged and felt the yellow ring!

Just a moment later, as Ye Xunhuan opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air, he stood up with confidence.

The yellow ring just now has been absorbed by Ye Xunhuan, but Ye Xunhuan is not as happy as he imagined.

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in this yellow ring is thicker than that in the air, it also contains many different substances. It is particularly uncomfortable to purify it. It is better to absorb it directly from heaven and earth...

Regarding this, Ye Xunhuan didn't know what the yellow ring was, so he could only shake his head, and then flashed towards the jungle in the distance!

A few minutes later, he walked out again, but there was already a fat rabbit in his hand, which was twisting and trying to get rid of Ye Xunxuan's control...

But it's a pity that it's just a little rabbit, how can it escape from Ye Xunhuan?

After a while, Ye Xunhuan took the rabbit to a creek and tidied it up. During the process, a white ring even appeared on the rabbit!

Ye Xunhuan, who had experience with the yellow ring just now, has no interest at all...

About half an hour later, Ye Xunhuan returned under the towering ancient trees.

But in an instant, Ye Xunhuan became nervous!

He put down the rabbit meat in his hand and grasped the three-foot Qingfeng tightly!

As for the reason, Ye Xunhuan found that his wine gourd had been broken into several pieces!

And there is no alien atmosphere at all around him!

"Who on earth did this? It's so unknowing!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Xunhuan slowly approached the broken wine gourd...

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