Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 295 Looking for fun at night, Ye Tianchen’s feelings

Just when Ye Xunhuan was about to approach, countless vines poured down from the towering ancient tree instantly!

The thick vines have a soft beauty, but they don't reveal any murderous intent!

In just a moment, he was in front of Ye Xunhuan, only a few feet away from his waist!

"Damn it, this towering ancient tree must have become a spirit and caused mischief!"

Ye Xunhuan was also stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he was doing. The three-foot green blade in his hand was spinning wildly. Suddenly, several vast sword energies were poured out like a rainbow across the sun, all pouring on the surging vines!

rub! rub! rub!

The result was not that the vines would break as Ye Xunhuan expected, but instead it would be as if they were chopped on fine iron, with sparks flying everywhere!

“This ancient tree vine is actually stronger than fine iron!

It’s incredible! "

Ye Xunhuan didn't have time to think too much. In an instant, as the waves under his feet moved slightly, his figure instantly became illusory, and countless shadows flashed. Xunhuan kept approaching the ancient figure in front of him. Tree!

"A sword in the sky, fall!"


There was an explosion, and all the three-foot-long green blades in Ye Xunhuan's hand were buried within the trunk of the ancient tree!

In an instant, a green stinky liquid slowly flowed out, and the originally vibrant vines suddenly stopped. Not only that, the green leaves also turned into withered yellow in an instant.

Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Ye Xunhuan drew out a three-foot green blade. At the same time, a dark purple soul ring slowly emerged from the ancient tree!

Ye Xunhuan was already used to this, but he still felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in this dark purple soul ring was much more than that of the white soul ring!

Even the purity has gone up by more than one level!

This is the horror of this world...

Ye Xunhuan murmured to himself, then shook his head. He had originally caught plump rabbit meat, but he instantly lost interest and just wanted to leave this weird and magical forest as soon as possible!

After a while, Ye Xunhuan, riding a lame donkey, found a certain direction and left slowly...

In Soto City, Ye Tianchen always felt a little restless these days, as if something was pulling him.

But it's a pity that Ye Tianchen himself doesn't know what pulls him, so he can only focus all his attention on this Soul Master Competition.

All in all, Ye Tianchen will make a complete break with God Shura this time. Since he cannot become a god in Douluo Continent, then he should return to Tianxuan Continent!

After slowly exhaling a breath, Ye Tianchen calmed down.

As the finals of the Soul Master Competition continued in the past few days, he was also thinking about how to take Tang San away from Douluo Continent.

The first thing is to find the location of the passage. Ye Tianchen doesn't have any problems. He has already forgotten where he came to Douluo Continent, but Ye Tianchen knows the place where Tang San came from. !

Next, all you need to do is take Tang San to the location of the passage and open it before God Shura and the others turn around, and that's half the battle!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen also started to make plans!

"The semi-finals in three days' time should be an opportunity. Perhaps it's time for me to formally meet this Tang San!

After all, you and I are from the same world, disciples of the Tang Clan in Sichuan. I know your character very well! "

After smiling slightly, Ye Tianchen immediately stood up, and in a small courtyard a few miles away from Ye Tianchen, Tang San was not as happy as he imagined.

Indeed, his strength had grown too much now, but Tang San didn't feel happy at all.

The reason was simple. Tang San had always felt that his great-grandfather and Poseidon High Priest Bo Saixi were unable to protect his own safety.

But these are not more important. The most fatal thing is that Tang San feels that he only needs to find a place to hide and slowly become a god. Why are the so-called Shura God and Poseidon still dissatisfied?

Tang San was not stupid. At first, Tang San felt that the fact that he was born with dual martial souls was the reason why he was valued by the gods.

But as Tang San has seen so much, he understands that even if he has twin martial spirits, they are not as powerful as he imagined...

At least, the so-called Star-Zhaing Tower Master Ye Tianchen and the disciples of the Star-Zhaing Tower are not weaker than him in talent!

Why are Shura God and Poseidon staring at him?

If it were him, Tang San believed that he would have abandoned such a guy long ago...

After all, an heir is just a blink of an eye to God.

Why go to all the trouble and use two ninety-ninth level titled Douluo to protect himself?

This doubt has been filling Tang San's mind for a long time. He seemed to have fallen into a dead end. He always felt that even if he became the so-called superior god, it might not be a good thing!

However, Tang San wouldn't be able to figure it out even if he thought about it...

The Soul Master Competition is still going on. After several days of competition, finally, the first round of elimination has ended. The next competition will test the strength even more.

Tang San didn't think too much and threw himself into training again!

In the outer areas of the Star Forest, after several days of trekking, Ye Xunhuan finally saw a human presence!

It was a small village that looked extremely simple, and it felt almost the same as the world in which we lived.

However, Ye Xunhuan still maintained his caution. After casually asking for directions, he also asked where he was.

A small mountain village outside Notting City!

After learning the news, Ye Xunhuan was also very happy. After asking how to get to Notting City, he directly rode a lame donkey and continued trekking...

This is just a mountain village. The people in the village are almost illiterate, and Xun Huan didn’t get any useful information. Therefore, the only choice is to go to Notting City to find out!

Two days later, in a teahouse in Notting City, Ye Xunhuan frowned slightly. In the past two days, he had gotten a lot of news about the world of Douluo Continent.

This world does not practice martial arts, but instead pursues soul power and soul rings. This is simply unbearable for Ye Xunhuan.

He felt that this was putting the cart before the horse. After all, cultivating the Tao was about cultivating one's own body. How could it be possible if there were too many external objects?

However, Ye Xunhuan got an interesting news!

In the past two days, everyone has mentioned a place called Soto City!

The world's grandest competition is being held there!

I heard that there are still soul masters at the level of Titled Douluo!

Ye Xunhuan instantly became interested!

He wanted to see what this so-called titled Douluo was capable of!

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