On the Soto City competition stage, Zhu Zhuqing was quietly looking at the people opposite him!


With Zhu Zhuqing's increasingly clear memory!

Davis's gaze suddenly became domineering, and his whole body seemed to be stretched out. His broad shoulders and equally evil face looked extremely handsome at this moment, "Brothers, release the martial spirit. Let's. Let’s give her a surprise.”

The soul power of the seven members of Xingluo Academy was instantly released. Davis and Zhu Zhuyun stood at the front, and the soul power fluctuations on their bodies were also the largest.

In an instant, four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, appeared on them.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun have the same martial spirits as their younger siblings, White Tiger and Nether Civet.

Judging from the soul power fluctuations, among the two people, Davis's soul power has passed at least level 47, and Zhu Zhuyun is also above level 46.

They are Zhu Zhuqing's opponents at the moment!

As for Xiao Wu and the others, they just watched quietly and did not choose to intervene...

Surprisingly, when the five souls behind Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were released, four of them were above level 40. Adding the former two, the number of soul sects in the entire Xingluo Academy team was as many as six. people.

In addition to the Wuhundian Academy and the team formed by the combination of Kamikaze and Blazing Fire, which had already appeared the day before yesterday and shocked the audience with their skills, they are one of the currently participating teams with a good number of spirit masters above level 40.

What's more, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's abilities are so outstanding.

In terms of overall strength, they will never be worse than the team that combines Kamikaze and Blazing Academy.

Xingluo Royal Academy of Advanced Soul Masters and Tiandou Royal Academy are different.

You can't enter there just by virtue of status and money.

However, what surprised Davis and Zhu Zhuyun was that just one Zhu Zhuqing gave everyone an extremely terrifying shock effect.

What burned on Zhu Zhuqing's body were five soul rings, two purple and three black!

What shocked them even more was the calm and outstanding-looking Xiao Wu and the others who stood aside!

The moment two purple and three black soul rings appeared, all the colleges in the Star Luo Empire that had advanced couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.

The shock is not over yet!

The Star Reaching Tower team, which had not played in the first two rounds of the finals, actually had all the soul powers above level 50 with the best soul ring configurations and even more terrifying ones.

In just an instant, the pressure on the soul ring greatly reduced the previous momentum of the Star Luo Empire.

The expressions of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun finally changed.

Zhu Zhuyun looked at Zhu Zhuqing a little lost his temper, "No, this is impossible!

You were only in your twenties when you left home.

How could you have already broken through level 50 in just a few years? "

When they came to the finals, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun had already noticed Zhu Zhuqing. But in their preconscious mind, they didn't take it seriously.

After all, the age gap is there.

How could Zhu Zhuqing catch up with the two of them when their talents were almost the same.

As one of the three seeded teams, the only opponent in their eyes is the Wuhundian Academy team.

But in front of them, when Zhu Zhuqing truly showed strength above level 50, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were shocked and filled with murderous intent.

There is such a big age difference, but her strength has been surpassed by the other party. If she is given more time, the outcome of life and death in the future will be really hard to say.

Even if they try to violate the rules of the competition, they must try their best to solve this threat in the competition this time.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at her sister coldly. From her sister's eyes, she could naturally understand the murderous intention.

At this moment, although the game has not started yet, she is already extremely happy.

Ever since he was young, every time Zhu Zhuyun saw her, there was deep disdain and contempt in his eyes, and he never regarded her as an opponent.

But at this time, she could see solemnity and a hint of fear in her sister's eyes. She achieved all of this by relying on her own strength.

"Game start."

With the referee's order, this attention-grabbing competition finally began.

"Quickly, give me your soul power."

When the martial soul was released, the two sides had already set up their formations, and Davis quickly retreated behind Zhu Zhuyun.

It was Davis who shouted. When the auxiliary spirit master teammates release their spirits, they are always behind them!

After hearing Davis's command, as the purple soul ring flashed, a dazzling light had been injected into his body!

The white tiger protective barrier has appeared on Davis. He has the same martial spirit. Although his soul skills are not the same as Dai Mubai's, the first three soul skills are the same!

After all, these three soul skills are the best conclusions reached after the family has practiced them for many times.

Zhu Zhuyun did not hesitate to put a pink pill in his arms into his mouth.

In an instant, a layer of faint pink light poured into her body, and the colored light rose instantly.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun moved.

Davis took the lead and released his tyrannical momentum. The White Tiger King Kong Transformation also used it at this time, and he actually pressed Zhu Zhuqing with his own power!

There is no doubt that his soul power is the strongest in the game.

The choice at this moment is also the most correct. His domineering power is stronger than Zhu Zhuyun's. The momentum developed by those who have been in power for many years is not comparable to that of ordinary depressed people.

Behind Davis, Zhu Zhuyun also moved. An auxiliary light shot into her body from behind. Zhu Zhuyun's body disappeared almost instantly. With a flicker, her whole body only left a faint afterimage in the air. Drawing a huge arc, it went around from the side and went straight to Zhu Zhuqing.

Obviously, the black soul ring on Zhu Zhuqing's body has been regarded by them as the biggest threat.

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have not seen Zhu Zhuyun's arrival, her face looked solemn, the fourth soul ring on her body was surging with light, and the rich black color was rising with all its strength due to the fourth soul skill's soul power amplification.

In an instant, the whole person was covered in a layer of black.

At the same time, in her right hand, the surging cat claws were completely concentrated in the palm of her hand without letting them go out.

Her palms are in the process of slowly closing!

Ding——, Zhu Zhuyun’s illusory figure stagnated in the air, because an equally fast figure quietly blocked in front of her.

Behind both of them, there was a light.

That is the light of increase!

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun left a series of sparks in the sky during a violent collision.

In terms of strength, Zhu Zhuyun is still much inferior to Zhu Zhuqing. After all, the gap in soul power between the two is about five levels!

However, Zhu Zhuqing possesses three ten thousand year soul rings after all!

The bodies of the two sisters kept colliding in the air like meteors, and countless sparks bursting out due to the contact of their sharp claws shone in the air. (End of chapter)

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