Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 299: Taking in a disciple to have fun at night, Tang San meets Tang Yuehua!

Seeing Ye Xunhuan's expression, Ye Tianchen frowned.

"Why, boy, you don't want to?

You have to think carefully, although my strength is average, I am still a ninety-ninth-level Titled Douluo level soul master, with the true essence of the peak cultivation level of land gods!

Being your teacher is enough! "

Upon hearing this, Ye Xunhuan smiled awkwardly.

Logically speaking, it would be too late for an average person to be accepted as a disciple by such a strong man, but it was a pity that Ye Xunhuan didn't think so.

The life he yearned for was a life where he could drink and talk and wander around in the world. If he would ruin his future freedom just because he became a disciple, he really wouldn't be willing to do that.

However, Ye Xunhuan also saw that he did not have the strength to refuse. Either accept or die here, one of the two!

He sighed slightly, it was extremely difficult to have fun at night.

"Senior, I can accept you as my disciple, but I'm used to freedom and don't want to be bound by the sect's treaty. I don't know..."

Hearing this request, Ye Tianchen thought it was a big deal, and then smiled slightly.

"Boy, I don't have that many rules in the Star Reaching Tower. You can do whatever you want. As long as you don't betray me, you can do whatever you want."

"So, let me have fun at night and meet the teacher!"


At this moment, Ye Tianchen was really happy!


Just when Ye Tianchen was happy to accept a disciple, in a small city more than a hundred miles southwest of Sotuo City, Tang San and Tang Chen were slowly walking into a main hall!

A middle-aged man in purple clothes in the room cast his gaze on Tang Chen, naturally showing a hint of disgust. Then he looked at Tang San beside Tang Chen and walked downstairs.

The tall girl from before followed the four of them downstairs, pointed at Tang Chen, and whispered to the man in purple: "Manager, he is looking for his wife."

The man in purple nodded, with a hint of arrogance on his face unconsciously. He did not go downstairs completely, but stood on the stairs and said to the two men in blue behind him: "Yuexuan only accepts elegant guests, please let them out. "

The two middle-aged men in blue nodded and hurried downstairs. They went downstairs very quickly, but they did not feel rushed, but seemed to be very rhythmic.

Every time they take a step, the soul power scattered on them will increase a little bit, and invisible pressure will hit their faces.

Tang San took a step forward naturally and looked at the purple-clothed man above who didn't even bother to look at him. The only description he could think of was looking down on others.

Two men in blue quickly came to Tang Hao and his son, and the one on the left said: "Please leave here."

Tang Chen said calmly: "What if I don't leave?"

The man in blue looked at the man in purple above, who was called the steward. The man in purple waved his hand, "Do you still need me to teach you? Ask them to leave."

The two men in blue immediately moved, raising their hands to grab Tang Chen. Tang Chen looked at Tang San and said, "Don't kill people, don't destroy this place."

Tang San moved. He just took a step forward, and the two men in blue felt a strong suction force coming from him at the same time. The two of them almost involuntarily grabbed Tang San with their stretched out hands.

Tang San also raised his hand and touched the hands of the two men in blue.

His current strength has made a qualitative leap. From the fluctuations of the opponent's soul power, he can directly judge that the two men in blue should be soul sects above level 40.

With his current strength, how could he give the opponent a chance when facing such an opponent?

Except for Tang Chen, no one saw clearly what Tang San did. I felt an illusory white shadow flash past, and the two men in blue retreated at the same time. Their outstretched arms were already hanging down limply.

Tang San looked at the two of them coldly, "Extend one paw, and I will remove one of you. Extend one more, and I will remove the other one. We are here to see the master, not the watchdog."

Perhaps because of the action, strong murderous aura spurted out from his body. Cold, bloodthirsty, evil, and numerous negative emotions swept through Yuexuan's layer almost instantly.

The waitresses behind the desk turned pale as they looked at each other, their bodies trembling back. If it weren't for Tang Chen, the two men in blue would have been dead by now.

Seeing the murderous aura emanating from Tang San, Tang Chen frowned. He knew that his great-grandson was not that simple!

Tang Chen knew far more than Tang San imagined. Although he didn't say it on the surface, in fact, Tang San could be said to be his only spiritual sustenance in this world.

At this moment, Tang Chen felt very relieved. A powerful enemy was not scary. What was scary was the corruption in his heart.

Although he knew that Tang San's appearance was normal, he was still a little worried in his heart, and he was even more determined to train him according to the original plan.

The middle-aged man in purple clothes was stunned for a moment, and in a flash, he had already come down the stairs. He put his hands on the shoulders of the two subordinates respectively. His expression suddenly changed. He stared at Tang San and said in a deep voice: "What a vicious method. ." The bones of the arms hanging down by the two men in blue were broken inch by inch, and it was obvious that they could not be recovered.

Even if it can be cured, you can't use the same strength as before.

Tang San smiled coldly, "I have shown mercy to those who look down upon others."

The man in purple knew that he had made a mistake earlier. He didn't expect this young man to be so strong. Although the two subordinates did not release their martial spirits, with their soul power, Tang San had one of his arms crippled in one encounter, which shows the strength of this young man. So powerful.

How old is he?

The man in purple is a bit unimaginable.

A faint halo fluctuated, and the huge soul power was suddenly released. Six soul rings quietly appeared on the man in purple, clearly revealing his identity as the Soul Emperor.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, the six soul rings rhythmically rhythmed, and the soul power released from his body made Tang San feel a little familiar.

The ratio of the six soul rings on this person is quite good.

It seems that he is only about fifty years old, and he is already quite powerful with six rings of strength.

With a cold smile, Tang San took another step forward, releasing his martial spirit at the same time. Under everyone's horrified gaze, five soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black, appeared quietly.

Tang San's whole body's aura was released without reservation.

The powerful murderous aura seemed to make the entire Yuexuan tremble.

"This, this is impossible!"

The man in purple himself was the best soul ring match. Seeing the five soul rings appearing on Tang San, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Not to mention how old the young man in front of him was, he already had five soul rings. The fact that the fourth soul ring alone was at the ten-thousand-year level already filled him with horror.

What surprised him even more was what was happening later. A special pressure was released from Tang San. The man in purple felt as if his entire soul power was completely suppressed by this special aura. Even the six soul rings on his body were suppressed. The light is starting to dim.

Although one's own soul power can still be increased, it can only be increased to about 70% at most.

The strength is greatly reduced!

Almost impatiently, the man in purple raised his right hand, and a bright purple vine wandered out from his palm, instantly forming a purple barrier around himself.

Seeing the opponent's spirit ring dimming, Tang San was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the purple vines, a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth, thinking to himself: No wonder it's like this.

The man in purple's martial spirit is the plant-type Ghost King Vine, an evolved version of Tang San's second soul ring, the Ghost Vine.

The reason why he was suppressed by Tang San's aura was very simple, it was because of Tang San's martial spirit.

The Blue Silver Grass evolves into the Blue Silver Emperor. As a powerful emperor in the plant world, the Blue Silver Emperor has a powerful suppressive effect on any plant-based martial spirit.

Just the breath is enough to make the opponent's Ghost King Vine tremble.

Therefore, although Tang San was a level lower than his opponent, his momentum now had the upper hand.

Tang San was completely confident that he could defeat the opponent in front of him without using the additional strength of his martial spirit.

At this moment, a somewhat cold voice suddenly sounded, "Stop."

The middle-aged man in purple clothes and Tang San looked towards the stairs at the same time, and saw a graceful and beautiful woman slowly walking down the stairs, followed by two beautiful girls behind her.

Seeing this beautiful woman, Tang San couldn't help but be a little surprised, because he couldn't actually see this woman's actual age.

At first glance, she seemed to be twenty-seven or eight years old, but her eyes seemed to see everything in the world, which was definitely not comparable to that of a twenty-seven or eight-year-old woman.

The silver palace dress looked so perfect on her body. If Tang San had to compare her with the people he knew, in terms of temperament, I am afraid that only Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace could compare with her.

The difference is that she doesn't have the same pressure as Bibi Dong, but she is no less noble.

Moreover, this woman did not have any soul power fluctuations, so she was obviously not a soul master.

Tang Chen also raised his head and looked at the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman walked downstairs slowly. Every movement she made was so elegant and natural. Even if she frowned slightly, she didn't look out of place at all.

"Consultant Odd, what's going on?"

The beautiful woman asked softly.

The middle-aged man in purple hurriedly took a few steps forward, carefully watching Tang San's side, and said to the beautiful woman: "Madam, these two people came to make trouble. Why are you down here?"

The beautiful woman's eyes passed over Tang San, and when she saw Tang San's five strangely matched soul rings, there was only a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"How could I not feel such strong murderous intent?

What's going on? "

Her last words were asked to the girls behind the table who were trembling with Tang San's murderous intent.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared. Tang San clearly felt that a soft wave was released from the beautiful woman in palace clothes. The wave released from her body was elegant and natural, so soft that it seemed to be able to caress her. All the sadness in the world.

As soon as his murderous aura came into contact with her special aura, it disappeared as quickly as ice and snow melted.

The entire first floor of Yuexuan has become clean and natural again.

Field, yes, it is field.

Tang San, who had two major realms, immediately sensed where the waves of the beautiful woman's release came from.

But why doesn't she have any soul power fluctuations despite having a domain?

Could it be that she is so powerful that she can hide her soul power so much that she cannot even feel it?

Then, it means that this woman should be a strong person at the level of Titled Douluo.

Just when Tang San was about to release the Clear Sky Hammer to test, Tang Chen raised his hand and grabbed his shoulder.

Looking back at his great-grandfather, he saw Tang Chen shaking his head at him. Only then did Tang San give up the idea of ​​releasing his martial spirit.

After losing the influence of the murderous aura, several girls calmed down. The tall girl from before hurriedly ran to the beautiful woman in palace clothes and whispered a few words.

Tang San's ears were so amazing, he clearly heard what the girl was saying, because Tang Chen was blocked because of his disheveled clothes, and what Tang Chen ordered him to say.

When the beautiful woman heard the vague words from an old friend, the waves that originally emanated from her body were shattered almost instantly. The next moment, her body was shaking violently.

He walked downstairs quickly, his movements even looking a little flustered.

The originally elegant and harmonious temperament was completely destroyed at this moment.

Everyone in Yuexuan was shocked. They had never seen Madam behave like this before.

The beautiful woman quickly walked up to Tang Hao, not caring about Tang San beside her, and grabbed Tang San's shoulders with both hands. Her eyes were already filled with mist, "Xiao San, is it really you? You, How did you..."

Feeling that the beautiful woman was not at all hostile to him, and that his great-grandfather had mentioned her as an old friend before, Tang San took a step back and withdrew his martial spirit.

Looking at the beautiful woman, Tang Chen sighed softly, "I didn't expect that even you wouldn't recognize me..."

Tang San actually saw a trace of self-mockery on Tang Chen's face.

The beautiful woman's lips trembled, and she threw herself into Tang Chen's arms and cried loudly. She hugged Tang Chen's waist tightly with her hands, as if she wanted to integrate her body into Tang Chen's body.

As elegant as she is, she no longer cares about her image at this time.

That kind of crying that is completely a catharsis of emotions makes people look at her with side eyes.

Everyone in Yuexuan was stunned, and Tang San was also a little stunned, because he actually saw his great-grandfather gently patting the beautiful woman's back, with a gentle look on his face.

It was unimaginable that such a look would appear on his great-grandfather's face.

After a long time, the beautiful woman finally stopped crying. She slowly raised her head, took a deep look at Tang Chen, and then turned to look at Tang San aside, "Grandpa, is he really Brother Hao's son?"

Tang Chen nodded silently, Tang Yuehua straightened up, turned to Tang San with tears in his eyes, raised his hand, and touched Tang San's face.

Tang San frowned, then naturally took a step back and let go of Yuehua's hand.

Yuehua frowned slightly, "What are you hiding from? I'm your aunt."


Tang San's eyes widened, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, and then at his great-grandfather. He couldn't regard the two people in front of him as his grandparents.

Tang Chen nodded to Tang San, "She is your biological aunt."

Tang Yuehua stretched out his hand again, and this time Tang San didn't hide. "Aunt," this word was so unfamiliar in his memory, but the feeling of blood being thicker than water still made him immediately lose all interest in the woman in front of him. A defensive mind.

Gently stroking Tang San's face, Tang Yuehua's eyes turned red again, "You look like your father when he was young, and also like your mother."

After hearing these words, Tang San's inner defense completely collapsed, and his whole person no longer had the previous aura.

The people in Yuexuan were stunned at this time. They never imagined that the old man who looked dirty and downcast in front of them could actually be the madam's grandfather. Couldn't he be the legendary Haotian Douluo Tang Chen?

The existence of that ninety-nine-level titled Douluo?

For a moment, everyone was stunned! (End of chapter)

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