Turning around and looking at Tang San with some annoyance, Tang Yuehua said angrily: "After so many years, do you know how to come to me?

Come on, follow me upstairs. "

After saying that, Tang Yuehua took Tang San's hand, turned around and walked upstairs.

Tang San looked at this aunt helplessly, but his expression at this time was rare and relaxed in many years.

When he reached the stairs, Tang Yuehua turned to the manager Oded and said: "What you just saw has never happened before.

You are responsible for this, understand? "

Aude hurriedly said: "Yes, madam."

Tang Yuehua's hand was warm and soft. When she held it, Tang San seemed to become a child again.

She led Tang Chen and Tang San to the top floor of Yuexuan.

While walking, Tang Yuehua wiped away her tears and said to Tang San: "My child, what is your name?"

"My name is Tang San."

Tang Yuehua's body stiffened slightly, she turned to look at Tang Chen, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The top floor of Yuexuan was a huge hall, which was more elegantly decorated than the first floor. Tang San, who was familiar with plants, was surprised to find that all the furnishings here were actually agarwood.

The whole floor is filled with a faint fragrance.

What is agarwood?

That is the finest wood that is more expensive than its weight in gold.

The furniture in this hall alone is worth the astronomical price.

There are four doors around the hall, leading to unknown places.

It feels comfortable, tranquil, quiet and elegant here.

It's not too gorgeous, but being in this light woody scent will make your heart feel at ease.

Tang Yuehua smiled and said: "The top floor is my private space. No one can come up without my permission. Sit down."

She pushed Tang San down on a chair and then turned to look at Tang Chen.

"Great-grandfather, how did you become like this?" The emotions that had just calmed down couldn't help but become excited again when she saw Tang Hao's old face.

Tang Chen smiled slightly, "Silly girl, when did you become so crying?"

Tang Yuehua sighed: "It's not because...

How many years?

You have no news at all. "

Tang Chen became silent, walked to Tang San and sat down, lowered his head and said calmly: "Haotian Sect, is he okay?"

Tang Yuehua was stunned for a while, and then slowly shook his head, "I don't know, the Haotian Sect is no longer the same sect since the death of my eldest and second brother..."

Hearing this, Tang Chen was a little silent, but still showed no expression.

"The mistress will give you three days first. You two can get along well with each other. After three days, I will come to pick him up. Neither he nor I can escape..."


Tang Yuehua yelled, and the next moment, after saying this, Tang Chen's figure had faded in front of her and disappeared quietly.

Tang Chen wants to leave, how many people in this world can stop him?

Tang Yuehua stood there, tears flowing silently. After decades, she saw her grandfather again, but the reunion was so short. She suddenly felt that her heart ached so much, not only because of Tang Chen's departure, but also because of Haotian. The pain endured by the clan in name only.

Tang San didn't move. Tang Chen asked him to stay, so he just stayed.

Standing quietly behind Tang Yuehua, waiting.

After a long time.

Wiping away the tears on his face, Tang Yuehua's eyes were not red and swollen from crying. He slowly turned around and looked at Tang San with complicated eyes, "Did your great-grandfather tell you about your father and mother?"

Tang San shook his head silently, "Can you tell me?"

Tang Yuehua sighed softly, "Since he doesn't want to tell you, I can't talk too much.

Maybe, in the future, he will tell you everything.

I can see that he has great confidence in you. Otherwise, he would not say that you were his explanation to the sect.

You must be sixteen years old this year. "

Tang San said: "Two months and sixteen."

Tang Yuehua smiled slightly, "Your father walked out of the hell road of the murderous capital at the age of twenty-eight.

You'll beat him to it!

It seems that you are really the hope of the sect. Do you know that he asked you to stay here for three days to learn something from me? "

Tang San shook his head blankly.

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San with burning eyes, "In the next three days, I will teach you various noble etiquette and music."

"Are you kidding?"

Tang San stared at this aunt whom he had just met for an hour, dumbfounded.

Tang Yuehua said seriously: "Do you think I'm joking?

After three days, if you cannot meet my requirements, I will not let you see your grandfather. "

Tang San stared blankly at his aunt in front of him. He never imagined that his great-grandfather brought him here not to practice, but to learn these things that he thought were useless.

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San's stunned expression with some amusement, "Soon, you will understand the benefits of these things to you.

It is not enough for a person to have great strength.

Like your great-grandfather, he was already powerful enough, but what has he become now?

He doesn't want you to make the same mistakes again. From now on, I am your aunt and your teacher. "

Tang San said with a wry smile: "Auntie, do you really want to learn that kind of etiquette?"

Tang Yuehua nodded affirmatively, "The time in the evening belongs to you, you can make your own arrangements.

But you have to learn this from me during the day.

Until I'm satisfied.

Do you know what I, Yuexuan, do? "

Tang San shook his head.

Tang Yuehua smiled calmly, "My place is the Tiandou Empire's Palace Etiquette School. It specializes in teaching various noble etiquette.

You should feel my territory. My area of ​​talent is called the Noble Circle.

And my soul power is currently at level nine. "


Tang San looked at Tang Yuehua blankly, unable to imagine that as a direct descendant of the Haotian Sect, she only had ninth level soul power.

"Are you a mutated martial spirit?"

Tang Yuehua smiled and nodded, "Perhaps, you will think that I am the most useless direct descendant of Haotian Sect, but I can tell you that if your father could have everything I am good at, the result of that incident more than ten years ago would be completely different.

Sometimes, strength doesn't mean everything.

You must learn to protect yourself without relying on strength.

It is also necessary to know how to use the art of language, how to move among various forces and how to control power.

I can see your excellence, but there are still many, many things you have to learn. "

Tang San finally nodded with some difficulty. Although he was unwilling to admit it, he had to compromise with the elegant lady in front of him. After all, she is his biological aunt.

Tang Yuehua smiled slightly, "Don't look so embarrassed.

I said, it won't be long before you understand the importance of what I'm teaching you.

After leaving Poseidon Island, what you need most now is not to practice hard, but to make everything you have more stable.

I already know your physical condition. Don't worry, I won't force you in the future.

Neither did your great-grandfather. "

With a sigh, Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San with a deep look, "If you don't want your future to be disturbed again, then you must become stronger. The responsibilities that the Haotian Sect should complete will all fall on your shoulders."

Three days later.


The night has always been beautiful, which has a lot to do with the highly advanced commerce. As a city in the Tiandou Empire, in the entire Douluo Continent, it is only barely comparable to the Star Luo Empire.

The beauty of the Star Luo Empire mainly comes from the delicacy of the south, while the Tiandou Empire is full of the grandeur of the north, and each has its own advantages.

Elegant and calm light shines from the several-story building of Yuexuan, and a steady stream of people enters through invitations.

As the Tiandou Empire's Palace Etiquette Academy, those who can enter Yuexuan to study must at least have a noble title and must not be over thirty years old.

Undoubtedly, this is where the new generation of nobles of the Tiandou Empire is trained.

Therefore, although Yuexuan itself is nothing, no force dares to reach out to it.

Not even the royal family.

It is said that Emperor Xueye has a special and close relationship with Yuexuan's master, Mrs. Yue. Of course, this is just a rumor.

Tonight is the annual graduation ceremony.

Another batch of students is about to graduate.

Those invited were the parents and elders of these students.

There is no doubt that they are all very important figures in the capital city of Tiandou Empire.

You know, Yuexuan only recruits a hundred students every year.

For these one hundred places, the nobles from all over the Tiandou Empire were almost overwhelmed.

Everyone knows that successfully graduating from Yuexuan is equivalent to being plated with gold. The graduates here are known as true nobles.

Not to mention anything else, when nobles marry, the stronger party will often ask the weaker party whether their children have been educated by Yuexuan.

This shows Yuexuan's influence in the upper echelons of the entire Tiandou Empire.

Of course, no one knew that Mrs. Yue, the incompetent leader of Yuexuan, actually came from the world's number one soul master sect.

The graduation ceremony was held on the third floor of Yuexuan. Many dignitaries had already sat down in the decorated venue.

They all hope to see how their children have improved through Yuexuan's training.

As the master of Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua was still dressed in silver palace attire, standing on the side of the hall with a smile. Her subordinates told her that everyone had arrived, and she nodded.

The graduation ceremony officially begins.

A group of boys and girls dressed in silver began to enter from the doors on both sides.

The number of hundreds of people did not bring any noise to the hall. Everyone has the same elegant smile on their face, and the steps between each other are so harmonious. There is a touch of nobility in every gesture, which does not give people a sense of pride, but also makes people look at them.

At this moment, the door on one side of the hall opened, and a young man in white slowly walked out with a delicate and beautiful golden harp in his arms.

The clear blue eyes are clearly visible, and the long dark blue hair is draped over the shoulders without giving people the feeling of being rude at all. The whole person is like a beautiful person in the world, handsome, noble, and elegant.

But there is a special kind of tranquility. When he walked out of the side door, he became the center of attention almost instantly.

Even the graduating students who had entered the hall with elegant smiles couldn't help but cast a glance at him.

Especially the female students among them, many of them looked intoxicated.

The young man in white put the harp on the prepared table and sat on a special low stool. He first smiled at the many guests and then slowly raised his slender hands and started playing gently.

Elegant, pure and crystal-clear as pearls, and as clear as morning dew, the sound flowed out from the exquisite golden harp. The hall suddenly became silent, and the beautiful sound of the piano was refreshing and refreshing.

It's like the beauty of a gurgling fountain under the moonlight, filling it with a poetic atmosphere.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at his appearance, this young man in white undoubtedly makes all the students who are about to graduate present look eclipsed. His calmness and calmness that is unconcerned with the world are the most endearing.

Tang Yuehua stood there quietly, listening to the beautiful sound of the piano. In her ears, the sound of the piano was of course different from what others heard.

She was listening to see if the sound of the piano was really as calm as the boy in white appeared on the surface.

Three days have passed, and he has indeed changed a lot.

Perhaps, this is his nature.

The young man playing the piano music was none other than Tang San. Compared with three days ago, Tang San at this time had undergone earth-shaking changes.

That's a change in temperament. No trace of murderous aura spread from him.

It's not that the murderous aura he gained from killing has disappeared, but it's the real inner meaning.

When Tang Yuehua gave Tang San his first lesson, he told him that a truly strong man must first learn to control everything about himself. Especially emotions and breath.

In the past three days, Tang San had undoubtedly done very well, so good that even a demanding lady like Tang Yuehua couldn't find a single flaw.

Others took a three-year course, but he completed it in three days, and he learned it better than anyone else.

It has always been Yuexuan's tradition to perform harp performance on behalf of graduating students. Only the most outstanding students of this year's graduates can receive this honor.

Tang San was able to sit there not because he was Tang Yuehua's nephew, but because of his own achievements.

The graduation ceremony was carried out step by step in this elegant music.

The dignitaries had already begun to quietly inquire about Tang San's origins below.

But no one can tell. Even their children, no one can tell where Tang San came from.

To other students, Tang San was like a mystery.

When he first appeared here, he was so cold that no one wanted to approach him, and no one thought highly of him as a transfer student.

Although he looks handsome, this is Yuexuan. Are there not many handsome people?

However, just for a moment, everyone looked at him differently. In the study of various etiquette and music, Tang San showed a learning ability that was far beyond that of ordinary people.

The most noticeable thing was that the faint layer of coldness on his body gradually disappeared.

I just don’t know why, but he seldom communicates with others and rarely speaks.

Just learning silently!

However, as quickly as they came, they left as quickly as they came. Tang San and they were still not from the same world...

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