Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 301 Ye Tianchen wants to see Tang San?

Sitting in the audience, the most prominent among the nobles was a young man. His age seemed to be at the intersection of youth and middle age.

He is the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe came here this time for his sister's graduation ceremony.

And his sister should have been sitting where Tang San was sitting now.

But not long ago, his sister told him that the final candidate to play the harp had changed, but she was not upset at all, because she sincerely admired the young man named Tang Yin and thought she was inferior to him in all aspects.

Xue Qinghe knew that as an imperial princess and her father's doting, her sister had always set her sights on others.

Rarely convince others.

Even her eldest brother was no deterrent to her.

The purpose of sending her to Yuexuan to study was undoubtedly to cultivate her sister's court etiquette. At the age of eighteen, it was time for her to get married.

He couldn't figure out why his sister, who had always been arrogant, admired someone so much. Even when he mentioned that person, he actually showed a hint of shyness.


Speaking of which, was it the idea of ​​my cheap teacher Ye Tianchen to come here and ask him to bring a message to Tang San?

Xue Qinghe didn't expect that Tang San would be here!

When Xue Qinghe saw Tang San sitting there playing, he was also shocked. He couldn't find any flaws in that young man.

What was even more surprising was that the young man actually gave him a familiar feeling.

I can't say why, it's not because of the breath, but a kind of innate intuition.

After simply asking the surrounding nobles about the young man in white but getting no answer, Xue Qinghe became more determined to associate with this young man.

Not for the sister who begged him yesterday, but for a talent who might become the future pillar of the empire.

Tang San played the harp quietly, his heart was very quiet, just like the tranquility shown on the outside.

Three days have passed, how could he have imagined that he would actually play an instrument in front of everyone today. When he first started studying with his aunt, he was full of doubts.

But when time passes.

Tang San found that the path his great-grandfather showed him was so correct.

The purpose of practicing in the midst of killing is to train your mind. The same is true in Yuexuan.

When he gradually calmed down here, he recalled everything about the past four years and his entire growth process. He found that his spirit was so tired.

In these three days, his body and mind got the best rest. Although he did not deliberately practice, everything he had learned over the years was gradually integrated in this tranquility. Even the Du Vein, the last line of defense of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, began to loosen gradually.

Level fifty-three, this is Tang San's current soul power level.

In five years, he was promoted from level 42 and level 3 to level 53, with an average of three levels per year, which sounded incomparable to his previous training in Shrek Academy for more than two years.

But in fact, after reaching level 40, how can the soul power required for each level of improvement be comparable to that before?

Sixteen years old, level 53, Tang San has undoubtedly surpassed the golden generation of Wuhun Palace by a large margin.

The most important thing is that now he is no longer Tang San who has various skills and needs to be controlled.

Instead, Tang San integrated all his abilities into one and took the most crucial step to becoming a strong man.

From the undisguised admiration in his aunt's eyes, Tang San knew that it was almost time to leave here.

Only when he thought about meeting his great-grandfather could his calm heart ripple.

He has been waiting for the unknown truth for too long. Although he already had some guesses, how could he be sure if it wasn't from his great-grandfather's mouth?

Tang San knew that he still had a long way to go in the future, but these three days in Yuexuan were undoubtedly a transit point in his life.

The graduation ceremony ended successfully. Each student received his or her graduation certificate from the master of the school, Tang Yuehua, and happily threw it into the arms of their relatives.

When Tang Yuehua completed all this, Tang San's mission for today was also completed. She walked to Tang San and said, "You performed well today. You are the same on the outside."

Tang San smiled slightly, gently stroking the strings, letting the last traces of the music drift away, "Thank you."

At this moment, a clear voice sounded, "Aunt Yuehua, can you introduce her to me?"

Tang Yuehua looked back and saw the prince Xue Qinghe in casual clothes walking over, accompanied by the elegant and generous recent graduate Xue Ke.

Of course she knew Xue Ke's identity a long time ago, as did most of the students, and she even saw how different Xue Ke was from Tang San. Even if Tang San took away her original right to perform, the princess was not dissatisfied at all.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince." Tang Yuehua saluted slightly.

Xue Qinghe hurriedly returned the gift, "Aunt Yuehua, what are you doing? This junior cannot bear this."

Tang Yuehua laughed and said, "Don't always call me auntie, I'm the youngest?"

Xueke on the side said playfully: "Teacher, of course you are not old. You are like my sister."

Tang Yuehua smiled and said, "You're the girl who can talk." As she spoke, she slightly gave up half of her body so that the Xue Qinghe brothers and sisters could clearly see Tang San, "Let me introduce it to you. This is mine. Nephew Tang Yin."

Hearing the word nephew, Xue Qinghe couldn't help but twinkles flashed in his eyes. Tang San had been quietly observing the Crown Prince who had left a good impression on him.

After not seeing each other for five years, the prince has become more calm, and his face has not changed much, but his restrained and elegant temperament is still very pleasing to people.

There is a slight resemblance to Ning Fengzhi in his gestures. I wonder if he deliberately imitated her.

But judging from the change in his expression after hearing his aunt introduce him, he guessed that he knew her aunt's true identity. And her aunt didn't try to cover up for herself, so she should have great trust in the Crown Prince.

On the surface, Tang San remained calm, but Tang San had already analyzed a lot in his mind. He was thinking about whether to confess his identity to the Crown Prince.

This thought just flashed through his mind, and was quickly suppressed by Tang San. He knew that even if Xue Qinghe was trustworthy, now was not the time.

He needed to check with his great-grandfather to confirm his guess. If he really needed help from His Highness the Crown Prince in the future, it would not be too late to confess to him.

Anyway, he will never be recognized in his current appearance.

Xue Qinghe was also observing Tang San. As he got closer, he couldn't help but be more attracted by the tranquility and elegance that Tang San showed. Especially when he heard Tang Yuehua say that he was his nephew, he was even more surprised.

As the prince, just as Tang San judged, he was one of the few people who knew Tang Yuehua's true identity.

The gossip between Tang Yuehua and Emperor Xueye is just a joke.

"Tang Yin, this is His Highness Xue Qinghe, the current crown prince of the Dou Empire." Tang Yuehua also introduced Tang San.

Tang San smiled and gave Xue Qinghe a slight salute, "Hello, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

To Xue Ke who was beside Xue Qinghe, he also smiled and nodded, which was regarded as saying hello. After all, the two of them are classmates, so there is no need to be polite.

If it were the Tang San of the past, he would definitely not have been hypocritical to Xue Ke, a girl who kept trying to get close to him, but after a year of instruction from his aunt, he had understood how to bury his true emotions deeply.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said: "I have long heard from my little sister that Yuexuan has another young talent, and today I saw him and he is indeed well-deserved. Brother Tang Yin, let's sit down together if we have time."

With the dignity of a prince but communicating with Tang San in a civilian tone, Xue Qinghe could definitely be regarded as a courtesy corporal.

Xueke on the side couldn't help but said: "Brother, you have to call me when the time comes. I also want to ask Tang Yinduo about the harp."

Xue Qinghe smiled and said: "If brother Tang Yin has no objection, I have no objection." This simple sentence fully expressed his respect for Tang San. It is undoubtedly easy to win people's favor.

Tang San still had a smile on his face, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint His Highness the Crown Prince. I've just graduated and I'm going on a long trip. If there's a chance, I will definitely pay you a visit when I come back."

Xue Qinghe was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Tang San would reject him without hesitation in this situation, but when he met Tang San's sincere eyes, he immediately understood that the other party was not trying to shirk, but was really Something happened.

Smiling slightly, Xue Qinghe said: "Then I will wait for you to come back. No need to disturb me, little sister, we should go back."

As he spoke, Xue Qinghe took the initiative to raise his hand to Tang San and shook hands, the simplest and most casual etiquette among nobles.

Tang San raised his hand to hold Xue Qinghe's, and suddenly, a soft soul power came from Xue Qinghe's palm.

Tang San's heart moved. Judging from the opponent's soul power, this prince's strength is not weak!

In his previous acquaintance, he had never seen Xue Qinghe take action.

If Tang San was slightly surprised, then Xue Qinghe was definitely shocked.

The soul power he passed into Tang San's hands was very gentle, even if Tang San was not a soul master, it would never hurt him.

But he was shocked to find that the soul power he had injected into Tang San's body had disappeared silently.

He didn't encounter any resistance or any other feelings. It seemed that after the soul power entered Tang San's body, it had nothing to do with him anymore.

How did he do that?

It seems that this young man is really a direct descendant of the Haotian Sect, and he should be an extremely outstanding elite.

This was Xue Qinghe's first thought, but the next second, he thought that this might be Tang San!

However, as the prince at this moment, Qian Renxue did not show it...

After the guests left, Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San who was putting away the harp next to him and couldn't help but chuckle, "It seems like that girl Xue Ke is really in love with you. Last time she came to ask me what level a commoner has. Only by being a noble can you marry a princess. Obviously I am referring to you."

Looking up at his aunt's teasing smile, Tang San said helplessly: "Aunt, you know, I won't consider this at all now."

Tang San looked at Tang Yuehua, "Aunt, can I graduate from you?"

Tang Yuehua was stunned for a moment, and said with some sadness: "Are you in such a hurry to leave me?" Although they had only been together for three days, Tang Yuehua really fell in love with his extremely smart nephew. Among their generation, the most outstanding and accomplished ones are undoubtedly the eldest brother of the clan, Tang Hao and her. Although she is not a powerful soul master, the power in her hands is enough to scare anyone.

However, among the direct lineage of the Tang Sect, those disciples who were not very outstanding have spread their branches and have descendants, and even the next generation has appeared. But as the pride of the Tang clan, the sect leader was not married, she was not married, and Tang Hao ended up like that again.

It can be said that Tang San is the only descendant of their three direct siblings. She treats this nephew as a son.

Tang San also respected Tang Yuehua very much. He truly received motherly care from this elegant and beautiful aunt. Although Tang Yuehua was a bit verbose, Tang San found that he actually liked her caring verbosity. What Tang Yuehua gave him was the kind of family affection that neither Tang Hao nor the master could give him.

"Aunt, you know I'm not. But, I have to go."

Tang Yuehua sighed softly, "I understand. After meeting your father, he will let you return to the sect and recognize your ancestors. My son, you are even more outstanding than your father was back then. Although aunt doesn't know what you have experienced before. But aunt I believe that you will be able to surpass your father. Remember, don’t be too emotional at any time. Don’t make fun of your own life. Your father is just too emotional. The reason why he handed you over to me is to let you learn from me. , in fact, the main purpose is to train your mind and prevent you from making the same mistakes as him. From a theoretical point of view, I should rest assured that you have done a good job. However, after all, there is something flowing in you. The same blood as your father. Promise aunt that you will put your own safety first, okay?"

Tang San nodded silently, looking at the kind look in his aunt's eyes, he couldn't help but have a faint red color in his eyes.

How did Tang San know that Tang Yuehua had fallen in love with someone, someone she should never have fallen in love with. Later it became clear that her heart could no longer hold any feeling of love, so she never married. She once fantasized about having a child of her own, and Tang Hao brought Tang San, which was like fulfilling her wish, so Tang Yuehua regarded Tang San as his own.

Three days was not a long time, but Tang Yuehua felt as if he had been reborn. From Tang San, he saw the hope of the Haotian Sect in the future. How could she not do her best to help this nephew?

In the early morning, after Tang San finished practicing the Purple Demon Eye, he quietly left Yuexuan without disturbing anyone. At this time, the genius was just beginning to dawn.

The window on the top floor was open, and Tang Yuehua stood there quietly, watching the white figure gradually disappearing, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Xiaosan, I will wait for you."

After leaving the city, Tang San no longer suppressed his speed, spread out his body, and flew with all his strength.

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