Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 302 All the secrets come to light!

At this moment, in a sea of ​​bamboo, a gentle breeze is coming, and the breeze is blowing the bamboo leaves. The greenery is full of deep meaning!

But Tang San, who was walking among them, did not feel any relaxed and comfortable feeling. Instead, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn on his back, like a lump in his throat, and his whole state was extremely nervous.

I'm afraid that in the next second, the owner of the Star Building Building will kill me!

But now that Tang San was here, he was mentally prepared. Although he was a little nervous, his face was just dripping with sweat, but his steps showed no intention of stopping at all!

Heading towards the place ahead where the sound of the piano came from, we walked firmly step by step...

And where the sound of the piano came from, Ye Tianchen was already waiting quietly on the spot. The moment Qian Renxue and Tang San arrived, he had actually sensed their presence.

As for whether Tang San would come, he was actually not worried.

No one would remain calm about such a major secret, let alone a guy like Tang San who was so thoughtful but always wanted to save his own life.

But this time, the reason why Ye Tianchen wanted Tang San to come over was to confirm his guess.

If Tang San learned about the purpose of God Shura and God of Poseidon, then Ye Tianchen felt that Tang San would not follow the arrangements of these two guys step by step.

After all, to put it bluntly, they are chess pieces.

If Tang San learned all this, Ye Tianchen would not choose to kill him. Instead, he would cooperate with Tang San to open the passage and leave Douluo Continent.

I'm afraid Tang San was also extremely happy with this matter!

After all, he has no place in the Douluo Continent except for Tang Chen and Bo Saixi. His enemies are all over the continent, and his own strength is still a little inferior. He can't even be called a street rat. Pass.

But when it comes to Tianxuan Continent, it's different. Tang San has his own sect. Although the Tang Sect in Sichuan is not a big sect, it is famous in Bashu. With Tang San's cultivation strength, it can be regarded as a sect. A rare genius.

Returning to Tianxuan Continent is probably what Tang San wants!

Thinking like this, Ye Tianchen also smiled softly and continued to wait...

After a while, Tang San also saw Ye Tianchen sitting firmly in the void in front of him!

It seemed that he was integrated with the whole world. This was the first time that Tang San looked at Ye Tianchen seriously!

In just a moment, Tang San discovered the difference!

That strong inner strength, no!

It can already be said to be true energy!

Continuously rising into the sky, after tearing through the sky, it still stirred the sky, forming a stream of breeze, blowing large tracts of bamboo leaves, and in the sea of ​​​​bamboo, Tang San could feel that every bamboo leaf was filled with energy. With sharp killing intent!

It seemed that with just a slight wave of the man opposite, these bamboo leaves could scratch him in an instant!

Tang San had only seen this kind of existence that was like the general trend of heaven and earth in ancient books!

This is?

"The land of gods on land!"

Tang San couldn't help but murmur to himself. At this moment, he seemed to have understood why the master of the Star Building wanted to come...

The realm of land gods!

Although Tang San didn't know what was so special about this realm, according to the ancient books of the Tang Sect, the existence of a Grand Master was already extremely rare. As for land gods, those existences were even more unheard of!

The founder of Tang Sect is just a great master...

According to rumors, land immortals can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, possess great supernatural powers, and feel great freedom!

Every move represents the general trend of heaven and earth. Just like now, even though the Star Reaching Building Master opposite didn't make any move, Tang San could still feel the pressure that was like heaven and earth!

This feeling is completely different from when facing a titled Douluo. After all, the suppression of soul power and the suppression of heaven and earth, although in essence, there is no difference for the current Tang San, but Tang San can sense that Different existence!

After secretly cheering himself up, Tang San also moved further forward!

Bowing slightly, Tang San was also extremely careful!

"Tang San pays homage to Qin Demon Crown!

I’ve met the owner of Zhaixinglou! "

This sentence has two meanings, and Tang San is also worried, but it is obvious that Ye Tianchen will not do anything to Tang San.

Ye Tianchen raised his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of joy in his brilliant eyes.

"Tang San, you are here after all...

Disciple of the Tang Clan in Shuzhong, you are pretty good with this strength. "

Tang San nodded at Ye Tianchen's words, but everything was irreversible. If possible, he didn't want to come to our Douluo Continent!

"I wonder why Qin Momian asked Tang San to come here?"

At this moment, Tang San also got straight to the point. He didn't have any room for bargaining, so he might as well be direct and ask the Star Reaching Building Master what he wanted to do.

Ye Tianchen was not surprised when he heard Tang San's question.

"Tang San, let me tell you a story first..."

"You should also know that God Shura and God of Poseidon may not be as simple to you as you think. Rather than saying that you are their heir, you are just their tool!

God Shura has stayed in the realm of the God King for too long...

And if you want to break through to a higher level, you can only break the passage between Douluo Continent and Tianxuan Continent and go to Tianxuan Continent to practice!

As for you, you are just a medium..."

Hearing this, Tang San's eyes widened!

"Don't you think it's strange?

Why do the Shura God and the Poseidon want you to be their heir?

Even if I want to kill you, they can ask your great-grandfather and Bo Saixi to help you.

You don’t really think that your talent will allow them to spend so much money, do you? "

Hearing this, Tang San fell silent. This question had always been hidden in his heart, and he also understood that it was impossible.

But for what purpose, Tang San never had any idea. Until now when he heard what the Star Reaching Building Master said, Tang San understood in his heart that it was probably true!

"Okay, I am too lazy to continue talking to you. I have a way to open up the passage to Tianxuan Continent, but...

I need to take you with me!

I will not tolerate Shura God taking advantage of you.

This is not a good thing for Star Reaching Tower. "


"I have said everything that needs to be said. If Tang San wants to leave Douluo Continent and return to Tianxuan Continent, then you should understand that you must either cooperate with me or wait for Shura God and Poseidon to continue. I am using you, but there is one thing, you can rest assured, after returning to Tianxuan Continent, I will not take your life."

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