Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 309 The martial spirit cannot be awakened!

The moment the words fell, a soft soul power in Yang Bai's hand slowly soaked into the awakening stone, and then upon awakening, an incomparable light burst out!

"Now, Xun Huan, put your hand up, carefully sense your martial soul, and then slowly pull it out!"

After Yang Bai finished speaking, Ye Xunhuan was also curious. He slowly placed his right hand on the awakening stone. As a warm feeling spread to his palm, Ye Xunhuan immediately closed his eyes tightly. Some items that I have come into contact with before quietly began to appear in my mind!

The first thing to bear the brunt is his three-foot green-edged sword!

But this was just a trace of his fantasy. Although he felt the pull from the martial spirit, he did not have any soul power, and there was no way to remove the martial spirit hidden deep in his mind. Come out!

After trying several times in a row, Ye Xunhuan began to sweat a little on his forehead. Seeing that he still didn't have any soul power, Ye Xunhuan also tried to use his innate true energy to pull it!

But a bizarre scene happened instantly!

As Ye Xunhuan's majestic Xiantian True Yuan touched the three-foot green-edged sword, the scene where the martial spirit appeared in his imagination did not happen. Instead, under the touch of the true Yuan, the three-foot green-edged sword instantly Disintegrate into pieces!

In an instant, Ye Xunhuan opened his eyes, smiled bitterly, and decided to give up awakening his martial spirit.

"How about it? Isn't it still possible to have fun?"

At this moment, Yang Bai stood aside and was not too surprised. Just now, he had already felt the omen that the martial spirit in Ye Xunhuan's body was about to leave the body.

But with a twist of energy, the martial soul that was about to leave the body was instantly reduced to fragments, and the breath was completely lost. Although he didn't know what happened, Yang Bai also understood that he was probably the new disciple of his building owner. , it is not suitable for practicing martial arts at all!

Yang Bai didn't have too many suspicions. It didn't matter if the road to martial arts didn't work. Anyway, his new disciple, his poster, had other ways to practice. Looking at his current cultivation level, he didn't think Ye Xunhuan practiced it. There is no way out from the Budokai!

Perhaps, this path will be more suitable for him!

"I'm sorry, Yangbai Worship, Xun Huan has disappointed you!"

"It doesn't matter, the way of martial soul cultivation may not be suitable for you, but don't give up on having fun. Look at the poster, even if you don't practice martial arts, the poster is still the pinnacle existence in the Douluo Continent!

So don’t lose your confidence. I believe that your martial arts journey will reach its peak in the future! "

After saying that, Yang Bai then looked into Ye Xunhuan's room. Where he looked, there weren't many things in the house. There were only a new small wine gourd beside the bed and a hanging hanging on the bed curtain. Holding a three-foot green-edged sword!

"I didn't expect that Xun Huan is a master of swordsmanship, which surprised me. By the way, Xun Huan, what would you think if I gave you a magic sword?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ye Xunhuan felt a little unbelievable. After all, the word "Excalibur" is not as simple as talking about it. He didn't know if the legendary Divine Sword would exist in the world of Douluo Continent. Of course, there is a high probability that it does not exist, but if a divine sword with a spirit can be born, then the night of joy will naturally be so fun!

"This... Yangbai worships you, which makes me feel embarrassed..."


Don't be polite when looking for fun. It just so happens that there is a person who owed me a favor. He may be able to bring you a surprise!

As the top master craftsman in Douluo Continent, if he can't make a sword that satisfies you, I'm afraid there won't be another person in Douluo Continent...

Of course, if you are willing to ask your teacher, the poster, for help, you may have different results! "

Hearing this, he couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the indifferent expression of his cheap teacher and the cultivation of the land gods.

"Ahem, Yang Bai will just make arrangements for you. As for my teacher, I won't bother him..."

Seeing Ye Xunhuan's somewhat worried look, Yang Bai was also very understanding. After all, his landlord's temper was quite weird, let alone a 14-year-old boy like Ye Xunhuan, even though he was already level 97 Titled Douluo, Yang Bai still feels frightened when his poster gets angry!

"Okay, since you have already decided, I won't say anything more. After this Soul Master Competition is over, I will accompany you!"

After saying that, Yang Bai left Ye Xunhuan's hut. After all, there are still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with in the Soul Master Competition. How can he have too much time to stay here?

Seeing Yang Bai go away, Ye Xunhuan also felt relaxed. As a level 97 titled Douluo, Yang Bai offered Ye Xunhuan the same feeling as a land god. Of course, there may be some differences, but the strength is equal!

For the strong, Ye Xunhuan always maintains the due respect. Now that Yang Bai has left, Ye Xunhuan happened to be woken up by Zhu Zhuqing. He was no longer sleepy, so he wanted to take a walk in the Star Reaching Tower... …

Do whatever you want, then hang your three-foot Qingfeng sword on your waist and walk out of the room!


On the top of the Star-Zhaing Tower, Ye Tianchen has not returned yet, and Di Tian and the others have not left either. In fact, after arriving at the Star-Zhain Tower for fun that night, they had already attracted Di Tian's attention!

The reason is very simple. The energy in Ye Xunhuan's body is very similar to that in Ye Tianchen's body. They belong to the same kind of people!

Di Tian knew this very well.

After learning that Ye Tianchen accepted this boy as his disciple, he could understand it even more.

Just when Di Tian was looking at Ye Xunhuan, as a breeze blew by, Ye Tianchen's figure suddenly appeared!

"Brother Ditian, I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you?"

Seeing Ye Tianchen's sudden appearance, Di Tian did not continue to pay attention to Ye Xunhuan...

"The semi-finals of the Soul Master Competition are about to begin, how do you plan to deal with it?"

Ye Tianchen knew what Di Tian was going to say, but he just wanted to know what the soul beast clan needed to do.

"I will make Wuhundian lose the qualification for the finals, and then we will have a finals match with Tang San in the Star Reaching Tower!

This is the only opportunity I can think of, and it is also the only opportunity that can attract the attention of Shura God to Soto City...

Once the Pope of Wuhun Palace takes action, I hope you can find ways to stop Tang Chen and Bo Saixi! "

Di Tian couldn't help but frown when he heard it was so simple. However, when he thought about Ye Tianchen's disappearance in the past few days, he probably went to make relevant preparations. Besides, Ye Tianchen was not a reckless person, so Di Tian decided to believe it. he!

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