Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 310 The semi-finals of the Soul Master Competition, Wuhun Palace vs. Star Reaching Tower!

Time passes day by day, and the top competition in Douluo Continent is already halfway through!

This continent-wide event has now reached the semi-finals!

After rounds of eliminations, even the teams of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Sect and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family have been eliminated. Now only 4 teams are left to compete for the final championship!

One of them is the Star Reaching Tower!

The second is the Wuhun Palace!

Thirdly, this is Tang San and the others from Poseidon Island. As for the last team, they are the unfathomable soul beast clan!

Speaking of which, although there are not many people from the soul beast clan, the strength of each one is beyond imagination!

Except for Di Tian, ​​including the Snow Emperor, they were already standing on the field, but as ferocious beasts, they did not use their full strength!

Instead, he only retained his level 50 soul power and participated in this competition with the cultivation level of a level 50 soul king.

This also left Wuhun Palace and Tang San with nothing to say...

Now, we have come to the crucial semi-finals!

After drawing lots, something strange happened!

The Star Reaching Tower is about to fight against the Spirit Hall, and the team represented by Tang San from Poseidon Island will fight against the Soul Beast Clan!

When it comes to who is under the greatest pressure, of course it's Tang San and Wuhundian!

There is no doubt about the strength of the soul beast clan. Tang San and the others have almost no confidence. Even Bo Saixi and Tang Chen are still like this. Let alone Tang San and the others, even if they take action, they have no confidence in dealing with the opponent. These 5 ferocious beasts!

Fortunately, the five ferocious beasts only used level 50 soul power, which gave Tang San and the others a certain chance, although this hope was very slim...

Apart from that, Wuhundian is worried!

In fact, their strength was just barely enough to defeat the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family. Since Qian Renxue was not present at the beginning, it was extremely difficult for Wuhun Palace to fight during the competition. But now, they are about to face the most powerful The Star Reaching Tower team!

In the eyes of almost everyone, this game ended with the failure of Wuhun Palace, but there were also surprises!

This surprise was that Qian Renxue, the Saint of Wuhun Palace, joined the team at the last critical moment!

A soul saint who is over 70 levels joins, this is definitely beyond the imagination of others!

Therefore, it is still unclear who will win...

On both sides of the stadium are the rest areas for the competition teams. On the Wuhun Palace side, Qian Daoliu is looking at his granddaughter's domineering expression with a slight smile!

"Xue'er's level 75 soul saint cultivation level is probably enough for you alone!

Although the little guy from the Zhaixinglou Gang is very talented, his training time is not as long as yours, Xueer. Xueer, remember not to attack too hard! "

Hearing her grandfather's nagging, Qian Renxue also smiled in return.

Others don't know, but she knows it very well!

Although he has more than 70 levels of soul saint cultivation, he is not bad at the Star Reaching Tower!

Hu Liena and Xie Yue are both soul emperors of over 60 levels, and Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing are both soul kings. Especially their martial soul configurations are terrifying. On their side, except for their own cultivation, other martial arts have the upper hand. The disciples of the Soul Palace are probably just cannon fodder...

To put it bluntly, she is likely to face the siege of five people who are reaching for the stars on her own!

Therefore, she has no confidence in winning...

But since Qian Renxue has decided to help Wuhun Palace participate in this soul master competition, she will not be cowardly at all. After all, she is also a descendant of the Angel Family and a strong person with innate level 20 soul power!

What's more, Qian Renxue, who is a Soul Sage of over 70 levels no matter how he says it, and possesses the true body of the martial spirit, doesn't think that he will definitely fall into a disadvantage. He still needs to try it to know what the outcome will be!

While Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu were chatting happily, Bibi Dong was watching from a distance. There was not much expression change in her eyes, but a touch of loss that was hard to see was always surrounding her. In the eyes...

Over the years, Bibi Dong knew very well that she owed Qian Renxue too much, but now that it had reached this level, she had no way to make it back...

Of course, this time Qian Renxue decided to help Wuhun Palace, which Bibi Dong had never expected.

While Bibi Dong was looking at it in awe, Ju Douluo on the side knew it very well!

"His Majesty the Pope, Miss Xueer is about to compete in the competition. Does His Majesty the Pope want to encourage her?"

Ju Douluo said it very carefully. He was betting that Bibi Dong would not blame him!

Ju Douluo is very aware of this current development trend. Even though he is currently a level 95 titled Douluo, if he fails to seize the opportunity, he may lose his status in the entire Spirit Hall in the future...

After leaving Wuhun Palace, I'm afraid there won't be any force that needs him...

Hearing Ju Douluo's reminder, Bibi Dong suddenly woke up. She just took a step forward, but then slowly took it back.

She didn't know how she should meet Qian Renxue, or even what she should say after meeting...

"No need, Yue Guan, just go and bring me a message. Just say that they are the pride of Wuhun Palace, and I hope they can bring a glimmer of light to Wuhun Palace!"


Suddenly hearing this request, Ju Douluo didn't know whether he should be happy or worried, but it was obvious that his Pope had no intention of blaming him.

Now he only needs to please Qian Renxue, which can be regarded as a worthwhile thing!

"In that case, Yue Guan will go first!"

After saying this, Ju Douluo didn't hesitate at all. With his speed, he arrived in front of Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu in just a moment!

"Yue Guan pays homage to Miss Xue'er and pays homage to the great worshipper!

His Majesty the Pope asked me to bring a message. She said that she hopes Miss Xueer can represent Wuhun Palace and strive for glory for Wuhun Palace!

His Majesty the Pope will always look after you! "

This was a sentence Ju Douluo added privately. He didn't know whether his words would have an earth-shaking impact, but he subconsciously felt that it should be like this!

Instead of suffering from both sides, it would be better to ease the relationship between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong. Only in this way can he be able to better balance both sides!

Such abrupt words instantly became like sharp spikes after they fell into Qian Renxue's ears!

"His Majesty the Pope is determined. Qian Renxue has always been a member of Wuhun Palace, so naturally he will not let down His Majesty the Pope's trust!

Please ask Elder Ju to go back and revive..."

Qian Renxue acted very coldly, then bypassed Qian Daoliu, took the competition members from Wuhun Palace, and slowly stepped onto the competition stage!

Qian Daoliu was left with a long sigh, glanced at Ju Douluo beside him, and slowly shook his head...

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