Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 311 Ye Tianchen’s explanation!

On the top of the Star Reaching Tower, Ye Tianchen did not choose to see anyone else after returning. Now that he has reached this point, he needs to explain what happened after he left Douluo Continent!

He didn't hesitate at all when he thought of this. Hundreds of meters away, Yang Bai was walking quietly to go to the competition venue to check it out, but he never thought that he would suddenly be disturbed by his own landlord!

At the Tianshui College station, Yin Hei, who was originally guarding here, also received the message from his own building owner. Without hesitation, he hurried back to the Star Reaching Building!

In just a moment, Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai arrived in front of Ye Tianchen!

"I'll meet the host later!"

Ye Tianchen shook his head, then raised his hand slightly, and Yin, Hei, and Yang Bai stood up.

"This is not the place to talk, you two come with me!"

After Ye Tianchen finished speaking, he turned into a phantom and disappeared into the Star-Zhaing Tower. Upon seeing this, Yin, Hei, and Yang Bai hurriedly looked at each other!

Although I don’t know what happened when my poster called them, but since it’s so serious, it turns out to be no small matter!

He also hurriedly followed...

Three rays of light and shadow drew a charming arc over Soto City...

Not long after, the three of them appeared in a valley dozens of miles outside Soto City!

"Wait a moment, Dugu Bo should be arriving soon..."

Hearing that their poster mentioned Dugu Bo, Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai also calmed down and continued to wait. Since even Dugu Bo had been called, this time it might not be a trivial matter!

The three of them are the only ones worshiping in the entire Star Reaching Building, and judging from the look on their landlord's face, Yin, Hei, and Yangbai have actually guessed what will happen. However, there are some things they can't say directly, so they have to wait for their landlord. Speak up yourself!

Time passed quickly, and Dugu Bo also came in a hurry!

After meeting, Dugu Bo was also curious. They hadn't gotten together like this for a long time. I'm afraid something big might happen!

Seeing that the three of them had arrived, Ye Tianchen also began to explain!

He will eventually leave Douluo Continent. Once he succeeds, Douluo Continent Star Picking Tower will be just an empty shell. Without his protection, there will be no level 99 combat power!

Whether the Star Reaching Tower will weaken like the Haotian Sect in the past is something Ye Tianchen doesn't know, and there is no way to predict it!


At least this won't happen in recent decades!

Because Ye Tianchen believed that Yin was black and Yang was white for them.

"Lord, if you have any questions, just tell me!

The three of us are here now, your instructions are all! "

Dugu Bo also asked. Although he understood that something big had happened, he still had to know what it was, right?

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen nodded and shook his head.

"The Yin is black and the Yang is white, it has been decades since the Star Reaching Tower was established. Speaking of which, it is not a force with a long span of time on the Douluo Continent, but its achievements are world-renowned!

When you two first followed me, you were only Soul Saints. Now, you are already level 97 titled Douluo!

Time flies so fast! "

After saying this, Ye Tianchen looked at Dugu Bo again.

"And you, Dugu Bo, have been with me for more than 10 years in the Star Reaching Tower. Now, as a level 95 titled Douluo, you are already among the top people in the entire Douluo Continent..."

After saying that, Ye Tianchen took a deep breath.

Yin Hei Yang Bai and Dugu Bo were also silent. Indeed, the three of them could achieve their current achievements, which was inseparable from their own building owners, and it was also the Star Building that made them successful.

Because of this, the three of them were even more eager to know what happened to make their host say such worrying words.

"I know what you want to ask, so I will speak frankly!

Maybe it won't be long before I leave Douluo Continent and head to a new world!

And when that time comes, the Star Reaching Tower will need to rely on the three of you..."


Yin Hei Yang Bai and Dugu Bo were immediately surprised when they heard this.

They never thought that one day their poster would leave Douluo Continent. If their poster wanted to become a god, that would be possible!

"My lord, are you about to become a god?"

He said darkly...

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen sighed helplessly.

"As you guessed, there are some differences. I did not become a god and leave Douluo Continent, but returned to the world that belongs to me!

To tell you the truth, the reason why Shura God and Poseidon think so highly of Tang San is because Tang San and I are both from the same world!

They need to use Tang San to open the passage between the two realms, and naturally I can't just sit back and watch, so I decided to open the passage between the two realms in advance and take Tang San away directly!

At that time, even if the passage between the two realms is opened, Shura God and Poseidon will not be able to pass through..."

Hearing this, Yin Hei Yang Bai and Dugu Bo also understood that there was no room for maneuver on this matter, and the fact that his own landlord was going to leave Douluo Continent was already a certainty.

"Lord, don't worry. After you leave, the three of us will protect the Star Building!"

Yang Bai is also on the defensive at this moment. For him, Zhai Xing Tower is his home. Even if his owner leaves, he will dedicate everything to Zhai Xing Tower!

What's more, after leaving the Star Reaching Tower, where can he go?

Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai expressed their opinions one after another, and Dugu Bo was naturally not far behind!

"Don't worry, Mr. Dugu Bo, although his strength is weak, he is still willing to shed his last drop of blood for the Star Reaching Tower!

Unless Dugu Bo dies in battle, Star Reaching Tower will never destroy a professional tile! "

After hearing such loyal remarks from the three people, Ye Tianchen was a little moved, but more worried...

If he leaves, the Star-Zhaing Tower will still lack a level 99 titled Douluo after all. If that old guy Qian Daoliu doesn't keep his promise, or if Tang Chen and Bo Saixi are determined to destroy the Star-Zhai Tower, these are all dark things. Something that Yangbai and the others couldn't stop...

"I know your thoughts, but there is one thing you need to understand. As long as you are alive, the Star Reaching Tower will be there!

If the Star Reaching Tower encounters an attack by a Level 99 Titled Douluo in the future, I hope that you will not try your best to stop them. Your death will not have any effect. You only need to take the younger generation of the Star Reaching Tower and leave... "

Hearing this, Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai were stunned for a moment, but they nodded.

Indeed, if they really encounter a level 99 Titled Douluo, even if the three of them risk their lives, it may not be of any use...

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