Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 323 Ye Tianchen from another world!

But in the Star Forest, Ye Tianchen fell into a dream!

It was as if he had traveled through time again...

Magic City, as a super city, is not only a bridgehead for China's opening up to the outside world, but also gathers countless elites from around the world to come here to show their talents...

As the Pearl of the Orient with a population of 20 million, the people of Magic City are naturally divided into high and low...

The endlessly surging Huangpu River is as busy as ever, and on the other side of the river, there is the so-called paradise in the rich area, Tomson First Grade!

The selling price of each house is as high as tens of millions. Because of this, most of the homeowners who live in it are either rich or expensive...

At this moment, the sun sets in the west, and countless rays of charming sunset red light shine on the sparkling river...

In a residence in Tangchen Yipinyi, at this moment, a tall man with very beautiful muscular lines was looking at the river going by!

Everything you can see inside the house can be described in one word: extremely luxurious!

The style of European-style architecture seems to have experienced the baptism of time, and it is more noble and elegant. Under the light of dusk, the interior of the house is even more noble...

There was not the slightest wave of joy in the man's eyes. He still stood on the same spot. In his eyes, it was like thousands of stars were flowing, but he did not change his vague and scholarly aura!

He just stared out the window, staring at this beautiful and vast world!


With the sound of pushing the door open, a kind-faced nanny also saw the motionless man staring out the window...

Seeing this situation, the aunt smiled helplessly and sighed, as if she felt sorry for the man in her eyes...

"Mr. Ye, you'd better eat some...

Miss Liu...she has already called and said that she will not come..."

After hearing what the aunt said, the man still showed no emotion. However, seeing his nanny still looking at him expectantly, the man still moved his lips slightly...

"Aunt Zhao, don't worry about it. Go back early. I... will wait..."

Hearing this, Aunt Zhao sighed helplessly. She was just a nanny and couldn't take care of that much. However, she knew that the beautiful man in front of her gave her a job...

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I'll leave first. Mr. Ye, it's better not to wait until it's too late..."

After saying that, Aunt Zhao slowly turned around and left. After going out, after struggling for a while, Aunt Zhao took out her mobile phone and made a call...

The man, however, still showed no emotion!

"Tianxian, are you really not coming back..."

The man seems to be asking himself...

Finally, when night fell, the man seemed to feel the stiffness in his body, and a dim light appeared on his face...

Slowly turned around and looked at the food that had been cold for a long time on the dining table. The man didn't dislike it. After sitting down, he lifted up the cooled and even hard rice. Without saying anything, he picked up his chopsticks and took a bite. Put it into your belly in one bite...

His name is Ye Tianchen, and although his identity shows that he is a native of Magic City, only he knows that he is not from this world at all!

He is a time traveler...

Like most novels, he traveled to this parallel world!

At first, Ye Tianchen was glad that after traveling through time, he did not turn into a three-year-old child. He still looked like a twenty-year-old. Even the face carved with axes and chisels surprised him...

But after traveling through time, he discovered that although it was a parallel world, in this world, he was a "closed person" with no friends, no relatives, and no relationships...

Ye Tianchen did not feel despair because of this, but plunged into the vast sea of ​​books...

He began to move some extremely shocking works from the previous world to this world, and thus gained his own inner world!

However, even though Ye Tianchen already has countless fans, what others know is just his pen name. As for Ye Tianchen himself, not many people know about it...

But three years ago, he became an instant hit and topped the hot search list. As for the reason, it was not that his identity was exposed, but that he met the love of his life!

By some mistake, Ye Tianchen got his own girlfriend, and she was no ordinary person, but the superstar Liu Tianxian!

The sudden official announcement of such a popular star naturally brought Ye Tianchen to the forefront. Fortunately, after three years, he has already lost his popularity...

Three years have passed, and Ye Tianchen's heart that was cold due to time travel has begun to feel a little warmer. Unfortunately, now, the hand that originally made him feel lucky is pushing him step by step into the abyss!

Seemingly having eaten enough, Ye Tianchen quietly put everything away, and then sat cross-legged on the bronze sofa with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was finding himself in the beginning in meditation...

In a towering building in the Magic City, life is fast-paced, and everyone’s faces are full of busy looks...

During the tense and methodical process, Liu Tianxian, who was dressed in a beautiful dress, had eyes that were like autumn water trembling slightly. For some reason, she always felt a little uneasy deep inside her heart!

"Sissi, hurry up, you will be on stage in a moment. After this commercial is shot, we have to rush to the next theater!"

As Liu Tianxian’s mother and manager, Liu Xiaoli is conscientious and conscientious...

"Okay, Mom."

As Liu Tianxian's clear voice sounded, Liu Xiaoli didn't have much of a smile on her face. She just glanced at her daughter complicatedly and didn't say much.

At this moment, Liu Tianxian's cell phone rang. With some doubts, Liu Tianxian took out his cell phone from the latest limited edition Hermès bag. When he looked at it, his brows instantly knitted together...

"Hey, Aunt Zhao, what can you do?


After a while, Liu Tianxian hung up the phone. At this moment, she felt that her heart ached...

The eyebrows and eyes also started to struggle from being calm at the beginning!

All this was naturally seen by Liu Xiaoli. It was impossible for her to not know her daughter at all. When she heard the call from Aunt Zhao, combined with her daughter's dejected look, Liu Xiaoli probably knew that she should Something to do with that man...

Slowly walking to her daughter's side, looking at Liu Tianxian who was struggling, Liu Xiaoli, as a mother, smiled tenderly.

"Sissi, if it's about him, I still have to say one more thing. Think carefully before making a choice. Mom doesn't want you to be like me...

Some things, once missed, there is no way to get them back! "

Hearing what his mother said, Liu Tianxian immediately lowered his head and looked at the mobile phone in his hand. While hesitating a little, he finally bit his teeth and his eyes became firm!

"Mom, I want to go back!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoli was a little surprised, but she still smiled softly...

"Sissi, don't worry, mom will take care of it for you here!"

Liu Tianxian, who received the support of his mother, did not care that he was still wearing a luxurious dress and left the scene in a flash...

It’s already a December night, and even in a super big city like Shanghai, it still seems a bit chilly...

In the mansion of Tomson Yipin, Ye Tianchen was still sitting quietly cross-legged. His clothes were not thick, and even a little thin...

It was supposed to be a warm room with an air conditioner, but Ye Tianchen had no interest in turning on the air conditioner. Even with the lights, Ye Tianchen just lit one...

At this moment, even the mansion worth nearly 100 million seemed so deserted!

The temperature has dropped below ten degrees, and Ye Tianchen also felt the chill coming, but...

Except for the slight trembling of his brows, Ye Tianchen still made no movement at all...

Finally, when the clock struck twelve in the morning, the old-fashioned tower clock began to tick.


As a hurried door opened, Ye Tianchen's slightly closed eyes instantly opened and looked at the dim door!

The person who opened the door and came in was naturally Liu Tianxian. Seeing the darkness in the room, Liu Tianxian also turned on all the lights...

In an instant, the room was filled with bright light, and Ye Tianchen, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, naturally caught Liu Tianxian's eyes!

For a moment, their eyes met...

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other closely, and no one took the initiative to break the deadlock...

I don't know how much time passed, but Liu Tianxian looked at Ye Tianchen, who was wearing thin clothes, feeling the slightly chilly air in the room, and a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes!

Finally, he seemed to have come to his senses, and Ye Tianchen tried his best to force out a smile on his calm face.

"Sissi, don't stand here when you come back. It's cold..."


At this moment, even though it was only a moment, too many fragments flashed through Liu Tianxian's mind...

But in the end, looking at the soft smile on Ye Tianchen's face, she was still at a loss. She didn't know what to choose now!

Soon, Liu Tianxian turned on the air conditioner, and as the heat began to fill the room, Ye Tianchen's originally pale face became rosy to the naked eye...

But Ye Tianchen never made a move. He didn't know what relationship he had with the much-anticipated international superstar Liu Tianxian...

Back in his room, looking at the photos full of sweet memories hanging on the wall, Liu Tianxian felt his nose sore and his eyes gradually began to turn red.

Just when she was about to confess everything to Ye Tianchen, her cell phone rang...

After adjusting his mood, Liu Tianxian picked up his phone and looked at it, but his heart was so nervous that it reached his throat!

With a hint of sadness, she answered the phone.

"Hey, Mr. Wang..."

"Sissi, how have you considered this matter that the company told you last time?

I heard that you left an advertisement today and ran away. The investors have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the company!

You have to understand that you are an artist of the company after all, and every move you make represents the interests of the company..."

"Mr. Wang, I understand...I..."

At this moment, Liu Tianxian began to sob a bit in his words...

It seemed that the man on the other side of the phone also heard the change in Liu Tianxian's tone, and fell silent for a while.


Sissi..., I didn't object to your personal issues three years ago. You have the right to love, but...

You also know now that your popularity has been declining since your official announcement. You are only twenty-four years old and you still have countless glorious moments in your life...

Also, don’t forget, this is the era of traffic. Once you lose your popularity, Sissi, you may..."

"Mr. Wang, I...I understand. Give me some more time. Mr. Wang, I will solve everything on my own and won't bring any losses to the company..."

As soon as Liu Tianxian said these words, the so-called Mr. Wang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment.

"Sissi, Uncle Wang is not forcing you. In short, remember that how you choose is your own personal path. I will bear the pressure from the company's shareholders!

However, one month at most, Sissi, I can only buy you one month..."

Hearing this, Liu Tianxian was pleasantly surprised at first, and then smiled bitterly. A month would only delay the arrival of that day!

"Then...thank you Uncle Wang..."

Soon, Liu Tianxian hung up the phone and sat quietly on his bed alone, his white and flawless arms hugging his knees, his head lowered, and his whole person was caught in the struggle of his thoughts!

Ask yourself, the relationship between Liu Tianxian and Ye Tianchen has always been good, but when it comes to this point, there is nothing you can do about it.

Mr. Wang on the phone is naturally one of the big bosses of China Entertainment!

"Can love and career really not be compatible?"

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but ask himself, but the result he got was still the same as thousands of deductions, there was no way to achieve it...

Outside the door, in the hall, Ye Tianchen saw that Liu Tianxian hadn't come out yet, and he had already figured out the result in his mind. However, after three years of relationship, Ye Tianchen had to admit that he didn't want to give up. !

More than an hour later, it was already past one o'clock in the night, click!

Liu Tianxian slowly walked out of the room and came straight to Ye Tianchen...

In an instant, a faint fragrance lingered on the tip of Ye Tianchen's nose. Feeling this extremely familiar scent, Ye Tianchen slowly raised his head and met Liu Tianxian's eyes again!

"Tianchen, there is something I need to tell you..."

Hearing Liu Tianxian's slightly indifferent voice, Ye Tianchen felt an inexplicable fear. He knew that maybe from today on, he and his girlfriend who he had loved for three years would be completely over...

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tianchen still forced himself to smile a warm smile.

"Sissi, just tell me what's going on, and I'll listen..."

Nodding, Liu Tianxian's beautiful face did not waver at all!

"Tianchen, let's... break up!"

As soon as these words came out, even though the room was already extremely warm at the moment, Ye Tianchen still felt as if he had fallen into the abyss. For a moment, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured from top to bottom. Deep in his heart, it was like a knife was cutting him!

The chill that spread all over his body made Ye Tianchen's originally rosy face turn extremely pale in an instant!


At this moment, Ye Tianchen is not as crying, begging, and entangled as he imagined...

With a trembling body, Ye Tianchen reached out to the table with trembling slender fingers, took out a cigarette that he had not smoked for a long time, and slowly lit one for himself...

But seeing Liu Tianxian frowning slightly at this moment, Ye Tianchen instinctively put out the cigarette he had just lit!

" decided?"

"Well, let's break up!"


At this moment, Ye Tianchen looked into Liu Tianxian's eyes and knew that no matter how much he said, it would be useless, and humble pity would have no results!

Besides, Liu Tianxian is indeed not joking...

The moment Ye Tianchen made the agreement, Liu Tianxian's body swayed visibly even though it was unnoticeable!

But at this moment, Ye Tianchen doesn't have the time to pay attention to these things...

Regardless of Liu Tianxian's reason for breaking up with him, since Liu Tianxian chose not to say anything, why would Ye Tianchen ask again?

As if he was relieved, Ye Tianchen actually looked at Liu Tianxian's delicate face at this moment and showed his sweet smile!

"Sissi, I'm leaving tonight...

From now on, remember peace and joy every day..."

After saying that, Ye Tianchen breathed a long sigh of relief and stood up slowly. It seemed that he had not moved for a long time, and his bones made crisp sounds!

Ye Tianchen stood up and was obviously a head taller than Liu Tianxian. In an instant, Ye Tianchen passed by Liu Tianxian...

Back in his room, Ye Tianchen didn't have too many things. He just packed a small bag of things and came to the door of the room.

"Sissi, I will let Aunt Zhao handle my other things..."

After saying that, Ye Tianchen hung the key to the room where he had lived for several years on the wall, then opened the door, paused for a few seconds, and finally took his own steps!

And until Ye Tianchen left for a few minutes, Liu Tianxian was still standing quietly...

The originally calm disguise began to break down, and tears kept falling from Qiu Shui's eyes. Then, soft sobs resounded throughout the room...

No one knows what Liu Tianxian was thinking when she was in the room for more than an hour, but the result has been born, and everything is irreversible after all...

Slowly walking out of the community, Ye Tianchen looked back at the place where he had slowly left memories. After all, he couldn't bear it anymore...

Similarly, a tear trail also streaked across his cheek...

More than an hour later, as the door was opened again, Liu Tianxian, who was still sobbing, suddenly looked at the person!

However, the moment Liu Xiaoli's figure appeared, Liu Tianxian understood that everything was irreversible!

After entering the house, Liu Xiaoli was a little stunned. She originally thought that her daughter would confess to Ye Tianchen when she came back, and then the two of them would fight against everything in the future together...

It's a pity that Liu Xiaoli understood what happened without asking at the scene in front of her!

Liu Xiaoli quickly came to her daughter's side and hugged her daughter. Liu Xiaoli was a little complicated. She didn't ask what happened because it didn't make any sense...

About half an hour later, a post about Liu Tianxian was posted on Weibo. Many fans who were following Sister Tianxian went crazy after seeing the content!

Liu Tianxian...officially announced their breakup!

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