Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 324 Everything in the dream world!

This news, even though it was early in the morning, still swept the entire entertainment industry like a storm!

Many media outlets that smelled the fishy smell began to report it, hoping that they could eat a piece of meat...

After all, this kind of thing can only be done by quick hands but not by slow hands.

Even some paparazzi who knew that Liu Tianxian and Ye Tianchen lived in the magic city of Tomson Yipin rushed over after hearing the news, hoping to break the shocking news and get a share of the pie...

It's a pity that Ye Tianchen had already left Tang Chen Yipin's community, and he didn't know how far he had walked until Ye Tianchen felt that his body had begun to become stiff...

Only then did he see a late-night food stall appearing in front of him.

On the street at this moment, even though it is a super big city like Shanghai, there are not many people in the cold winter...

Licking his chapped lips, Ye Tianchen walked slowly into the store at a steady pace.

At this time, the boss was already half asleep on the collection table...

Seeing this scene, Ye Tianchen frowned slightly and was about to turn around and leave, but his boss suddenly woke up!

Seeing this situation, Ye Tianchen stopped in his tracks.

"Boss, it's cold, do you have any wine?"


The boss, who was in his thirties and somewhat stout, was also slightly startled. At this point, the visitor looked so thinly dressed. He thought he was an urban white-collar worker who worked overtime until late at night to deal with a mouthful of food. Unexpectedly, this man actually Just want to buy some wine?

In line with the idea of ​​​​doing business without making money as a bastard, this boss did not hesitate at all!

"Brother, yes!

In my store, we have red wine, beer, and a lot of liquor. Brother, just take whatever you like! "

Nodding, Ye Tianchen slowly came to the counter where the wine was placed. At a glance, it turned out that as the boss said, there were all kinds of wine...

However, Ye Tianchen has not taken action yet. Most of the wines in front of him are more than 100, which is already very good. Compared with the fine wines that Ye Tianchen tastes on weekdays, it can be said to be a world of difference!

Of course, Ye Tianchen still remembered the scene when he drank for the first time...

At that time, he did not drink alcohol. After meeting Liu Tianxian, Liu Tianxian taught him how to taste wine just for fun...

The first time they met, Ye Tianchen was quite drunk...

The boss asked Ye Tianchen for not taking action, and was also mumbling in confusion.

"Big brother?

Nothing suitable? "

The boss's words suddenly brought Ye Tianchen back to reality. After taking a deep breath, Ye Tianchen took a bottle of Niulanshan Erguotou and settled the bill with the boss.

After leaving this food stall and looking at the liquor in his hand, Ye Tianchen's face became colder and colder...

Opening the bottle cap, a mouthful of strong liquor poured down Ye Tianchen's throat, which was not often exposed to strong liquor!

Cough cough cough!

This hot feeling surged into his heart instantly, and Ye Tianchen's face instantly turned red...

While walking, I would take a sip of strong drink from time to time.

There is no direction, no goal. It is naturally impossible for Ye Tianchen to only know Liu Tianxian in the entire Magic City, but for Ye Tianchen, they are all so strange!

On the aimless street, Ye Tianchen was already a little drunk at the moment, and even his steps were a little frivolous...

Slowly, no matter how long it took, Ye Tianchen arrived at the bridge across the river!

Under the bridge is the endlessly flowing Huangpu River, the busiest golden waterway in the world. On the bridge, cars fly by from time to time...

However, despite this, no one noticed Ye Tianchen's arrival.

After a while, he seemed to feel a little dizzy, or maybe he had walked for too long, and his legs were already a little numb. Ye Tianchen simply sat directly on the bridge, looking at the Huangpu River below, his eyes gradually extended...

Raising his head, feeling the strong river wind carrying the cold air, Ye Tianchen refused to dodge.

At this moment, his mind was completely relaxed, and in his mind, it was like a movie coming, with countless scenes flashing by...

The past three years are undoubtedly good memories for Ye Tianchen. Ye Tianchen, who was originally expressionless, also had a slight smile on his face!

But... when Liu Tianxian's indifferent expression flashed past, Ye Tianchen seemed to feel the squeeze from his heart...

Ye Tianchen didn't know how to let go of that kind of pain!

At this moment, Ye Tianchen's cell phone rang...

Slowly taking out his phone, Ye Tianchen looked at it with a slightly drunken look. It turned out to be a WeChat message from the editor-in-chief of the novel website...

Three years ago, when Ye Tianchen became famous with his book, although he was unwilling to make it public, he still needed to contact the editor, sign a contract, etc...

Three years ago, when Ye Tianchen and Liu Tianxian made their official announcement, the editor of the novel website naturally recognized Ye Tianchen's identity.

The editor has always kept it secret, but now, Ye Tianchen has not updated for three consecutive days...

Coupled with the fact that Liu Tianxian officially announced their breakup tonight, although Ye Tianchen is not in a hurry, the editor is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot!

I was afraid that Ye Tianchen would do something stupid if he couldn't think of anything. No, once he saw the hot search for Liu Tianxian's official announcement of their breakup, he had to contact Ye Tianchen even at night!

Ye Tianchen looked at the words of comfort and persuasion, and couldn't help but smile. He, Ye Tianchen, would not choose to end his life just because he broke up with Liu Tianxian!

It's just that feeling sad is inevitable...

After thinking about it, Ye Tianchen decided to reply to the other party. Soon, a message from Ye Tianchen showing nothing happened appeared in the other party's chat box!

Over there, Qinghu, as the editor-in-chief, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. He could finally let go of his worries...

Thinking of this, he immediately fell asleep. In this winter, nights are all about sleep. How many people can survive it?

On the bridge across the river, Ye Tianchen opened his writer's assistant, and thousands of messages came to him!

These are the news that readers have been asking for the past three days where Ye Tianchen has been and why there is no update...

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tianchen immediately opened his book club and sent a message that he would resume updating tomorrow...

In an instant, the entire group of tens of thousands of book friends went crazy!

"Holy crap! Just tell me, CC boss is still alive!"

"Hahaha, it's been three days! Finally, I've been waiting for news about him..."


In the book club, most of them are night owls, so they naturally discuss the overwhelming news.

At this time, Ye Tianchen also discovered the content on the hot search, and saw that the number one hot search had become the official breakup between Liu Tianxian and himself!

However, after watching it for a few seconds, Ye Tianchen frowned!

Because he discovered that some media directly said that Liu Tianxian broke up because he cheated on him, because Liu Tianxian didn't like him, etc...

Although there are different opinions, there is no fair report!

Seeing this, Ye Tianchen felt a little uneasy.

"That's all, Sissi, I hope I can do something for you in the end!"

Under the stimulation of alcohol, Ye Tianchen accidentally opened his own account on a certain music channel, and then opened a live broadcast room...

Immediately afterwards, he sent his live broadcast account to his book friends group!

This is undoubtedly an uproar!

[Dear book friends, this is my live broadcast room. You guys who are bored can come in and have a look. Also, I...have something that needs everyone to spread the word! 】

As soon as Ye Tianchen released this news, hundreds of people poured into his live broadcast room!

And more book friends are still entering...

In the blink of an eye, it has exceeded the number of thousands of people!

Soon, within a few minutes, tens of thousands of people appeared in his live broadcast room!

One barrage after another crazily occupied Ye Tianchen's mobile phone screen...

"Oh my god! CC has actually started live broadcasting!"

"Upstairs, that means we can know what Dada looks like?"


While the barrage was flying, Ye Tianchen also took a deep breath and immediately opened the live broadcast screen!

In an instant, Ye Tianchen's flushed face appeared on the screens of tens of thousands of book friends!

At this moment, even though most of the people in the live broadcast room were young men in their twenties, I had to sigh that Mr. C not only wrote wonderfully, but also had an upright appearance!

In the magical city in December, the sea breeze carried the river breeze, and Ye Tianchen's originally smooth sea changed its shape with the rhythm of the wind...

In the live broadcast room, more than 10,000 book friends are still enjoying it, barrages are flying all over the sky, and gifts are coming one after another...

Seeing this, Ye Tianchen immediately stretched out his hand to turn off the reward function.

Although there are many wealthy people among his book friends, most of them are students who have not yet worked, so Ye Tianchen will naturally not let them reward him!

What's more, the purpose of his live broadcast today is not to make money like some unscrupulous anchors, but...

"Dear book friends, this is the first time that you and I have met. Maybe you have too many questions at this moment, why do I, who have always been unwilling to be famous, appear in front of everyone late at night!


Before Ye Tianchen could continue speaking, the sharp-eyed book friends in the live broadcast room felt that Ye Tianchen looked a little familiar!

If you think about it carefully, they also remembered it instantly!

"Mr. C! You...are you Ye Tianchen?

Ye Tianchen is our CC boss? "

"Is it true or false upstairs?"

"I'm sorry, I found the photo, it's true!"


As soon as this barrage appeared, it was like poking a hornet's nest. In an instant, the live broadcast room was full of shocked expressions!

Seeing this, even though Ye Tianchen was still a little drunk at the moment, he also understood that in front of the Internet, he would really be exposed as soon as he was exposed...

Ye Tianchen simply doesn't care about this now. Instead of letting book friends continue to dig in, he might as well admit it openly.

"Dear book friends, no need to guess, I am Ye Tianchen, and at the same time... I am also Liu Tianxian's ex-boyfriend..."

After hearing Ye Tianchen's personal admission, everyone's barrage immediately disappeared.

After all, Liu Tianxian's official announcement of their breakup only happened just now, so...

Mr. C, whom they had longed for, has broken up...

But soon, one barrage was posted again...

However, most of the content was to advise Ye Tianchen not to be sad.

In this regard, Ye Tianchen's heart, which had not felt warm for a long time, finally felt a little warm.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tianchen immediately tidied his messy hair, fiddled with his folded collar, and then stared at the camera intently.

"Dear book lovers, the reason why I started the live broadcast tonight is just for one thing.

As everyone knows, I broke up with Liu Tianxian just now...

However, what I want to say is that there is no other reason for our breakup. I also hope that those unscrupulous media and paparazzi will not make malicious speculations or reports!

I, Ye Tianchen, am just an Internet writer who only knows how to immerse myself in coding. I am not worthy of Liu Tianxian..."

Finally, after Ye Tianchen said these words, he felt that his blocked heart was much better!

The book friends in the live broadcast room watched quietly as Ye Tianchen said the most heart-wrenching words in a calm tone...

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the flush on Ye Tianchen's face at this moment, and the loneliness in his eyes...

However, at this moment, everyone seemed to have reached a consensus, and no one criticized it!

"Mr. C, we will help you spread the word, you have to cheer up!

Still waiting for your update! "



As the heartwarming barrages were sent out, Ye Tianchen also showed a rare smile!

However, at this time, he was a little embarrassed. The purpose of his live broadcast was just to respond to the breakup through his book friends. Now...

Ye Tianchen didn't know how to end it.

He has never been exposed to live broadcasting. Of course, he never thought that one day he would start live broadcasting...

"Um...everyone, now that this matter has come to an end, I, Ye Tianchen, am here to thank you all for your help!

Don’t worry, starting from tomorrow, updates will still be available…”

Ye Tianchen didn't know what to say. In short, it seemed that this was all he could say now.

This made a group of surfing experts in the live broadcast room laugh. Who would have thought that their favorite author C would actually be Liu Tianxian's boyfriend, oh no, where is the ex-boyfriend?

What's even more unexpected is that Ye Tianchen's shyness and ignorance about the live broadcast industry also made them, a group of surfing experts who are used to seeing fake live broadcasts, feel particularly fresh!

At this moment, after Ye Tianchen thought for a few minutes, he decided to close the live broadcast room...

After all, he is really not good at this kind of thing.

"Dear book friends and friends in the live broadcast room, I... how about I come here? It's late at night and everyone should go to bed early?"

Originally, Ye Tianchen thought it should end like this. Unfortunately, his idea was also naive.


We finally saw Mr. C alive, how could we just let it go? "

"That's right, Mr. C, you just broke up. What if you lose your mind and jump off a bridge? We have to watch you until dawn!"


The barrage of rejections made Ye Tianchen a little confused. The key point is that he really doesn't like to talk too much. Or perhaps, he really doesn't like to communicate...

This may be one of the reasons why Ye Tianchen and Liu Tianxian have reached this point.

However, when I think about how I disturbed so many book friends late at night, it doesn’t seem right to download the video as soon as I want...

Simply, Ye Tianchen took out a mobile phone holder from his backpack, and then adjusted the angle so that the more than 10,000 book friends in the live broadcast room could see his every move...

Then... there is no more...

Ye Tianchen actually sat directly on the edge of the bridge with his hands stretched out, enjoying the cold and biting river breeze...

This can make everyone in the live broadcast room speechless for a while...

However, the accident came so suddenly!

Just when Ye Tianchen stretched out his hands like a bird fighting against the river wind, dozens of meters behind him, an ascetic about thirty years old and wearing thin clothes held a Zen staff weighing dozens of kilograms in both hands. Come slowly!

Suddenly, the ascetic monk spotted Ye Tianchen sitting on the edge of the bridge!

Without any time to think about it, with almost a subconscious reaction, the ascetic monk directly dropped the Zen staff in his hand and came behind Ye Tianchen at a very fast speed!

Before Ye Tianchen could react, the veterans in the live broadcast room saw a pair of rough, red hands passing directly through Ye Tianchen's sides.

Suddenly, Ye Tianchen was lifted up by the ascetic behind him!

"Fuck! What happened?

Mr. C was hijacked? "


Not to mention that Ye Tianchen himself didn't react to this sudden scene, even the veterans in the live broadcast room were stunned for a while!

But then, they heard the rough voice from the ascetic monk...

“Brother, why can’t you think of coming here to seek death in the middle of the night?

As long as a person is alive, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome!

Be strong, you know? "

As the ascetic monk's words penetrated into the live broadcast room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that their author had been kidnapped!

It turned out that he was thought to have committed suicide by jumping off a bridge...

At this moment, the veterans in the live broadcast room didn't know how to comment, they could only make a barrage of six...

After about a few minutes, Ye Tianchen explained clearly to the ascetic. The ascetic, who knew that he had misunderstood, also rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"Meeting each other means we are destined to meet each other. Master, why don't you just sit down and become friends?"

Even though Ye Tianchen still hadn't come to his senses at this moment, he still smiled and invited this kind-hearted "master" to sit down and talk!

No way, Ye Tianchen felt that he couldn't handle the book friends who came to the live broadcast room. Just having someone to talk to could alleviate some of the embarrassment.

Moreover, it was already late at night, and Ye Tianchen himself did not want this "savior" to leave like this...

As he spoke, Ye Tianchen also came to the place where the ascetic monk dropped his Zen staff. He grasped it with one hand and pulled Ye Tianchen to the ground in an instant!

Feeling the weight of this Zen staff, Ye Tianchen couldn't help but give a thumbs up. This Zen staff was probably close to a hundred pounds!

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