Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 336 Heading to the sea, the excitement of having fun at night!

A year passed quietly. During this period of time in Zhaixinglou, Ye Xunhuan still felt a trace of warmth in his heart. He was once in the ancient dragon world. Although his mother loved him very much, it was a pity that God... Not following others' wishes, Ye Xunhuan has been working hard on martial arts and sword practice since his mother left!

His dream was to one day stand at the top of the martial arts world and tell his mother that he was the best in the martial arts world!

But now everything is impossible to achieve, and because of this, Ye Xunhuan's attitude before encountering the system was to challenge the strongest in the world, and he was not afraid at all even if he lost to the Dao Xiao of Life and Death in the end!

But because of encountering the system, feeling the temptation of immortality, and perhaps more curious about the unknown, Ye Xunhuan stepped into Douluo Continent!

Maybe it was luck that made him meet his teacher Ye Tianchen...

This master who also came from another world was a powerful person in the realm of terrestrial gods that Ye Xunhuan had never heard of in his life. Precisely because he worshiped Ye Tianchen as his teacher, Ye Xunhuan also slowly grew up in Douluo Continent. Taking root...

Until now, his teacher suddenly seemed to have disappeared for some reason. He had not appeared in the Star Building for a long time. Ye Xunhuan also asked Yang Bai and Yin Hei, but they all hesitated. , and did not give him any definite response.

Ye Xunhuan is not a fool. He naturally knows that there is black and white, and the two priests do not want to say more. I am afraid that it is really because his teacher has left Douluo Continent, especially the fact that he has become the young master of Zhaixing Building. Let Ye Xunhuan be more confident!

He is not a person who appreciates kindness without repaying it. On the contrary, ever since Ye Xunhuan gained the identity of the Young Master of Zhaixing Tower, he began to practice day and night!

After three months, the system finally cooled down, and Ye Xunhuan also began to continuously explore the functions of the system. The so-called demon subduing and slaying system does not really require killing demons. , can be called a devil!

As for demons, people who are seduced are also demons, and soul beasts are naturally included among them...

However, because of the relationship between the Star Reaching Tower and the Soul Beast, even though Ye Xunhuan knew how to improve his strength faster, he still did not practice it.

If he truly acted arbitrarily and just started endless killings in the Star Forest, he would probably grow to the level of a land god within a few years!

However, because the relationship between the soul beast clan and the Star-Zhaing Tower is particularly special, it can even be said that during this year, the soul beast's beast god Emperor Tian has been protecting the Star-Zhaing Tower invisibly, which makes Ye It’s even harder to start looking for pleasure.

But recently, he has a new goal, and this goal is to target the sea soul beast!

The soul beasts in the sea do not obey the rule of the one in the Star Forest at all, but believe in the sea god Poseidon. It can be said that this is an alternative and traitor to the soul beast clan, so Ye Xunhuan can deal with it unscrupulously. These sea soul beasts take action!

But the idea is good, but there is great resistance to doing it. First of all, it is because of his identity. After all, Ye Xunhuan is the young owner of Zhaixing Tower, although most of the things are done by Yang Bai. To deal with it, but after all, his identity is here, and his strength is only equivalent to that of the Soul Emperor. Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai are not at all worried about him going to the sea alone, but they do not have the ability to protect Ye. Looking for pleasure.

The Star Reaching Tower now needs people to guard it. Yin Hei and Yang Bai do not dare to leave the Star Reaching Tower at all. Dugu Bo is dealing with the external affairs of the Star Reaching Tower. Those heaven-level killers who have just been promoted to titled Douluo, Yin Hei Yang Bai is worried about his strength...

Until this year passed, the situation in the Star-Zhaing Tower gradually stabilized. In addition, another heaven-level killer broke through to level 90. He needed to hunt down a soul beast that was over 50,000 years old. As the leader of the Star-Zhain Tower, Yin Hei Enshrining, he also took on the important task of protecting the Tao. Because of this, Ye Xunhuan had the opportunity to go to the sea with Tong Yinhei and the others!

At this moment, Ye Xunhuan was packing his luggage in the house. He didn't have many things. He had a sword struck in Gengxin City, and the only thing he had was the lame donkey...

On the top of the Star Reaching Tower, Yang Bai and Yin Hei were sitting facing each other.

"Yin Hei, I think you are also happy to go to the coast of the East China Sea this time.

But there is one thing I have to remind you, I am not worried about hunting for soul rings. What I am worried about is not your safety, but the safety of the young poster!

His talent is really terrifying. In just one year, he has already surpassed Xiao Wu. Zhu Zhu invites them to even vaguely have the strength to surpass Xie Yue!

He is only 15 years old now!

With such a terrifying cultivation speed, he might be able to reach the level of a titled Douluo before the age of 20!

This kind of cultivation speed is three points better than that of the original poster!

The young poster is the hope for the future of Zhaixinglou. I hope you can be careful and don't let the young poster be threatened in the slightest!

As for the Star-Zhain Tower Soto City, don't worry, just leave it to me. With me here, unless a level 99 titled Douluo comes, the Star-Zhai Tower will definitely stand firm and not fall down! "

Hearing Yang Bai's heartfelt words, Yin Hei did not escape like before, but nodded to Yang Bai's words!

"Indeed, judging from the current situation, among the younger generation of our Star Building, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and others can become titled Douluo before the age of 25, but the young building owner is obviously even more terrifying!

But after all, he has requested many times to hunt soul beasts. In fact, what the young poster said is right. Without experiencing the experience of blood and fire, it is difficult for a warrior to truly become independent...

Although you and I don't know what kind of path martial arts is, since we can reach the strength of a god without the help of a god's position, it will definitely not be any easier than cultivating soul power!

This road is destined to be full of thorns. The young poster is very brave. I, Yinhei, will naturally protect you to the end! "

Hearing that Yin Hei had become so stable now, although Yang Bai could understand why, he still sighed heavily.

"When we get to the coast of the East China Sea, it's not very far from Tianshui College. You can even go to Tianshui City to visit...

In short, it’s up to you to decide this matter. As for the heaven-level killer, he can be considered a meritorious person to the Star Reaching Tower. If you can, try to help him hunt down a 100,000-year-old soul. Beast! "

In response, Yinhei smiled faintly.

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