Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 337 Consideration of Yin and Yang

It's not that he doesn't want to do this, but it's just that he really hopes to have one hundred thousand year level soul beasts. Even though the number of sea soul beasts is an extremely large group, the number of one hundred thousand year level soul beasts among them is still only a handful. countable.

What's more, in the sea, a 100,000-year-old sea soul beast wants to leave. Even if Yin Hei is a level 97 titled Douluo, it will be difficult to really keep it!

So he couldn't give a definite answer to this. He could only say that he would do his best and give it a try...

"Okay, that's the end of today's conversation between you and me. I'll leave the Star Building to you. Young Building Master, you can rest assured to leave it to me!

By the way, about the Star Luo Empire...

Should we take action? "

Now that everything had been discussed, Yin Hei happened to have something he wanted to discuss with Yang Bai.

Because of this rebellion, the Star Luo Empire has begun to be gradually cannibalized by the Haotian Sect, and Zhu Zhuqing's identity has also been made public. For this reason, in the Star Luo Empire, the Haotian Sect has not made things difficult for the Zhu family...

Of course, they would not know that Zhu Zhuqing had never thought of helping the Zhu family...

But this was a reminder to Yin Hei and Yang Bai that no matter what, Zhu Zhuqing was from the Star Luo Empire and a relative of the Silla Empire!

Although the Dai family is no longer a royal family, the important task of power has fallen into the hands of a few major families. Now, the Zhu family seems to have realized that the danger is approaching, and wants to improve relations with Zhaixinglou and use the help of Zhu Zhuqing’s identity is to safeguard the Zhu family’s dominance in the Star Luo Empire!

At first, Yin Hei Yang Bai was not happy with this. After all, it meant a conflict with the Haotian Sect, but if the Star Reaching Tower could obtain some of the rights and interests, then it would be a good choice for them!

At least there is no need to lead the conflict directly to Soto City...

Regarding Yin Hei's sudden words, Yang Bai remained silent for a while.

To be honest, Yang Bai doesn't want to have anything to do with the Haotian Sect now. After all, the Haotian Sect now has Tang Chen, a level 99 titled Douluo, in charge, and its overall strength is above that of the Star Reaching Tower!

Even just one Tang Chen was not something they could handle.

But what Yin Hei said makes sense. Since sooner or later there will be an interest dispute with Haotian Sect, then it is better to be decisive now, while his own poster still has a trace of influence, and while he and Wu The relationship between the Soul Palaces is extremely close, so it is not impossible to perform such an operation!

After thinking for a while, Yang Bai finally let out a heavy breath.

"Yinhei, you and I both know that this matter needs careful consideration before making a decision. The Haotian Sect will not take any action in the new building in a short period of time. After all, Tang Chen is not sure whether the building owner will Suddenly came back in the past few years.

But you also know that after the poster leaves Douluo Continent, I am afraid that he will not come back in a few years, ten years, or even decades. Once there is real friction with the Haotian Sect, after a few years, Tang Chen no longer has any scruples. At that time, if Wuhun Palace and the Soul Beast Clan don't come forward, our Star Reaching Tower will have no choice but to give up on Soto City!

The strength of a Level 99 Titled Douluo is truly something only you and I can rival..."

Hearing this, Yin Hei also understood all Yang Bai's concerns. Indeed, for the current Zhaixing Tower, the more important thing is not to obtain unnecessary benefits, but to sharpen the edge and provide benefits to the younger generation of Zhai Xing Tower. , more time to grow!

In this regard, Yinhei also accepted it by default.

"Okay, this matter seems to be very clear, and it seems that Zhu Zhuqing is not willing to return to the Star Luo Empire, let alone have any relationship with the Zhu family. In this way, there is no need to So much confusion.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing is also the disciple of the original poster..."

Yang Bai nodded, acquiescing.

"Okay, I have been chatting for a long time today. Now I will take the young building owner and the heaven-level killer to the coast of the East China Sea."

"Take care of yourself!"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

After saying that, Yinhei turned into a stream of light and disappeared on the top of the Star Building. In the room of the heaven-level killer in the middle of the Star Building, the middle-aged man who had just reached level 90 and had not yet obtained the soul ring suddenly suddenly Suddenly I heard a dark voice in my mind!

In an instant, this middle-aged man was overjoyed. This time he went to hunt for the ninth soul ring. With the help of Yinhei Shou, he already felt confident!

Thinking of this, this heaven-level killer couldn't help but laugh...

And in the small courtyard where Ye Xunhuan was, soon Yinhei also came here.

After exchanging a few words with Ye Xunhuan, the three of them set off on the road to the coast of the East China Sea...

In the Wuhun Hall, in the Enshrinement Hall, Qian Renxue was looking at her grandfather in a daze with a bored look on his face.

A year has passed, and Qian Daoliu has aged a lot. Although this year has passed extremely peacefully, Qian Daoliu's heart is not so peaceful. Since Ye Tianchen left Douluo Continent, the entire The situation on the mainland has become even more bizarre!

Nowadays, Bibi Dong is still a Level 98 Titled Douluo. Although he has twin martial spirits, he is still not as powerful as a Level 99 Titled Douluo.

Qian Daoliu's task is still arduous...

Moreover, Ye Tianchen's departure also stimulated Qian Daoliu. After all, that world was a place where even God King-level Shura Gods wanted to go. It also proved that it was easy to become a god in that world. At least it has many advantages compared to staying in Douluo Continent!

Qian Daoliu couldn't keep calm in his heart. If he had known that he would have been braver and followed Ye Tianchen's footsteps...

But every time he looked back and saw his granddaughter Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu was filled with reluctance and uneasiness.

"Xue'er, you are already level 80 now. When do you want to get the soul ring?"

Suddenly hearing her grandfather's question, Qian Renxue was a little unhurried and just smiled very calmly.

"Grandpa, this is not because Xue'er is unwilling to obtain the soul ring. Now my eighth soul ring may require a soul beast that has been cultivated for seventy or eighty thousand years, and a soul beast with this kind of cultivation can only It only exists in the Star Forest, but you also know the situation in the Star Forest now. How can Xueer dare to go there alone?

Even if you accompany me, grandpa, I’m afraid there will be no guarantee that safety problems will not arise..."

Regarding this, Qian Daoliu also felt the same way. After all, there were several terrifying beings in the Star Dou Forest. Going there to hunt for soul rings was indeed quite risky!

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