Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 348 The old weirdo of Emei, the real man Baimei!

"Senior, who wants to come to our Emei sect for some unknown reason!"

Era of Extinction took a step forward and looked at the Snow Emperor's figure looming in the void, and couldn't help but ask directly.

Facing such a warrior in the realm of land gods, saying some vain things will only make the other party angry, so it is better to come up with something practical!

Hearing Master Miejie's words, the Snow Emperor immediately smiled.

"My name is Snow Emperor!"


The moment he heard this name, Master Miejie became panicked.

She had also heard a lot about the Snow Emperor's deeds during this period. According to legend, the Snow Emperor was a warrior at the pinnacle of land gods, with a strength rarely seen in the world.

Moreover, this Snow Emperor even went to the Shaolin Temple to provoke him for a friend he had more than 20 years ago!

When this matter reached the ears of Master Miejie, she didn't take it seriously, even though Master Miejie was one of the culprits who participated in the siege and murder of Ye Tianchen...

In the eyes of Master Jue, Ye Tianchen was already dead and could no longer die.

So when the news reached Mount Emei, Master Miejie felt a little worried. She was also one of the leaders back then. Since the Snow Emperor was able to go to Shaolin Temple to seek revenge, sooner or later he would also come to Mount Emei...

After taking a deep breath, Master Miejie understood that facing a warrior in the realm of terrestrial gods, even if he lied a lot, it was impossible to deceive him. He could only tell the truth. Only then can the Emei sect and the whole Emei sect have a chance to survive.

"Senior Snow Emperor, there is no enmity between Mount Emei and senior. I wonder why senior came to our Mount Emei today?"

"Are you going to keep pretending?

I am here only for my friend Ye Tianchen!

You were also one of that group of people 20 years ago. You haven't forgotten it, right?

But it’s useless for you to forget. Since I have come to Mount Emei, I naturally want to find justice for my friend! "

After the words fell, the Snow Emperor was too lazy to say a word to the Exterminator.

With a wave of his hand, countless blizzards flew towards Mount Emei in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Master Miejie's pupils dilated rapidly, and he drew out the Yitian Sword in his hand one after another, and shot out sword energy in an attempt to resist the Snow Emperor's attack!

It's just a pity that a warrior in the realm of a grand master can be a match for a powerful land god?

There was almost no accident. Just the moment of the fight, Master Miejie’s entire chest was stained red with blood, and the Emei Mountain behind her had become riddled with holes. One after another, the Emei Sect disciples He fell down, and a pool of blood instantly dyed the entire Mount Emei red...

The Snow Emperor didn't know if what she did was right, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with death. Perhaps the Star-Zhaing Tower 20 years ago was just like today. When being besieged by various sects, countless disciples of the Star-Zhaing Tower also felt the same. Falling in a pool of blood...

Moreover, even if the Snow Emperor does not come to Mount Emei today, Ye Tianchen will come to Mount Emei in person in a short time. At that time, what awaits Mount Emei will still be the scene today...

Watching one disciple after another fall, Master Jue's heart seemed to be bleeding. Unfortunately, she could only watch quietly like this, paralyzed on the ground, feeling extremely powerless.

"No! Senior, I was wrong!

What happened back then was my fault. If you want to kill me, just kill me!

Please let my Emeishan disciples go! "

The Snow Emperor seemed not to have heard Master Miejie's request, but at this moment her eyes were focused on the foot of the mountain!

There, a familiar figure was rushing towards the mountain quickly. In just a moment, the Snow Emperor recognized the owner of this figure.

"Tang San?

I didn’t expect him to appear here..."

Snow Emperor smiled slightly. She didn't expect that she would meet Tang San here, but since she had already met him, it didn't matter. What if she just let Tang San take a look?

For a moment, the Snow Emperor's thoughts immediately became vain. He was about to take action and crush the entire Mount Emei to pieces, but the next second, a mysterious and mysterious aura rose up on the top of the entire Mount Emei!

This feeling is vast and vast, as if heaven and earth have descended!

In an instant, Snow Emperor was stunned!

"Could it be that in Mount Emei..."

Snow Emperor had a bad premonition!

Sure enough, in the next second, all the snowflakes in Mount Emei turned into cold water droplets and fell directly to the ground...

And a white-browed Taoist shadow hundreds of feet long is reflected on the top of Mount Emei!

"Who dares to act so arrogantly in the Holy Land of Emei!"

There was such a loud sound, and just an angry sound caused the Snow Emperor to fly back hundreds of meters!

The huge shadow in the void looked at the Snow Emperor with a serious face, full of anger!

"It turns out it's you, little girl, no, you're not human!

You brave evildoer, come and die for me! "

In an instant, this phantom directly struck out a palm, and in an instant, thousands of sword energies were embodied in this palm. A series of swords, axes, and swords came towards the Snow Emperor with a terrifying aura!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Snow Emperor also knew that he was no match for the other party. The owner of this phantom had even surpassed Ye Tianchen. The Snow Emperor felt as if he had met the Silver Dragon King, the master of the soul beasts!

The other party is definitely equivalent to the existence of God!

Without any hesitation, the Snow Emperor was not even willing to resist this palm. His entire body quickly turned into a snowflake and flew away in the opposite direction...

And this palm was so fast that even Snow Emperor's reaction was not slow, and in the end he was sent flying dozens of miles away by the palm!

After the palm passed, the entire Mount Emei fell into silence. The shadow just glanced in the direction of Snow Emperor Feiyuan, then stopped taking action and dissipated into the void...

As for his identity, it has nothing to do with the current Emei Sect. He is the leader of Emei hundreds of years ago, Baimei Zhenren!

Hundreds of years ago, he was already a perfect monk in the heaven-human realm...

But overnight, when Bai Mei left the Emei Sect, the entire Mount Emei was wiped out with blood. When Bai Mei returned, it was discovered that it was too late!

Later, he practiced hard alone under Mount Emei. He never expected that he would be disturbed by a being like Snow Emperor, who was close to the pinnacle of land gods!

Even if he has nothing to do with the current Emei Sect, Bai Mei can't tolerate it. A land god comes to Mount Emei to be so presumptuous!

This was the reason why he took action, and the Emei Sect, represented by Master Miejie, was lucky enough to survive...

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