Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 349 The Seriously Injured Snow Emperor

To the west of Mount Emei, dozens of miles away, a stream of light came from a distance and suddenly smashed a huge cliff into pieces!

Smoke and dust instantly filled the entire valley. After everything dissipated, a huge pit appeared in the stone wall...

In the deep pit, Snow Emperor looked at his seriously injured body in disbelief.

With just one palm, the Snow Emperor had no room for resistance. The palm was directly blasted dozens of miles away. Even this was not the limit of Baimei Zhenren. He never thought of directly hitting this land god who broke into Mount Emei. The beheading this time was just to teach Snow Emperor a lesson. If Snow Emperor sets foot on Mount Emei again, Master Baimei may really have murderous intentions!

Feeling the crushing destruction of the bones and skin all over his body, the Snow Emperor couldn't help but smile bitterly.

From the moment he arrived at Tianxuan Continent, Snow Emperor had actually been prepared. He understood that there would very likely be some existences in this world that he had never imagined.

Otherwise, God Shura would not have tried so hard to enter this world...

It's just a pity that after entering the martial arts arena at the beginning, most of the warriors who appeared were those in the acquired innate realm. There were very few at the grand master level, and the warriors in the land fairy realm were even rarer.

The Snow Emperor thought that with his 780,000 years of cultivation, which was comparable to the peak of land gods, he could continue to thrive. Unexpectedly, today he suffered a huge failure in this small Mount Emei!

Slowly leaving the cliff with difficulty, the Snow Emperor began to carefully feel the condition of his injuries. All the soul power in his body was drained under this palm. The Snow Emperor knew very well that he would not have more than a month or two. , I am afraid it will be difficult for me to return to my peak state...

"I really underestimated this world. A being comparable to the Silver Dragon King suddenly appeared. I have to be careful in the future..."

Suffering such a loss is not necessarily a bad thing for Snow Emperor. At least she has countless thoughts in her mind, that is, she must keep a low profile in the future. How deep is the water in this world? From now on, she began to have a little judgment of her own.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xue also sat down cross-legged and began to recover from his injuries...

At the foot of Mount Emei, Tang San, who was preparing to climb Mount Emei, looked at the huge palm in the sky with horrified eyes!

This suffocating aura was like the pressure coming from heaven and earth. Even though Tang San had seen many powerful beings, including his own grandfather, the 99th-level titled Douluo like the master of the Star-Zhaing Tower, compared to this aura, It’s also like a small witch can see a big witch!

“I never thought there was such an existence on Mount Emei…

What an eye-opener! "

Tang San was a little trembling at the moment, not knowing whether he should continue to climb Mount Emei, but he thought that with his current talent, if nothing unexpected happened in this life, he would only be able to cultivate to the level of a grand master at most. If he was luckier, he could still It is possible to reach the realm of land gods, but the strength of this aura just now has far exceeded the realm of land gods!

Tang San knew very well that strong danger also heralded huge benefits. If he really went to Mount Emei, although there would be great danger, he might also have an opportunity!

"No matter what, if I, Tang San, live my whole life, I have already been to a new world like Douluo Continent, so why bother worrying about life and death?

Being able to have such an opportunity is something that others will never encounter in a few lifetimes, so why is it so difficult to find an opportunity? "

Thinking of this, Tang San directly quickened his pace, and the ghostly shadow instantly turned Tang San into an afterimage, flying quickly towards the top of Mount Emei...

At the top of Mount Emei, Master Miejie was no worse than Tang San at the foot of the mountain. His legs were trembling with fear, and the hand holding the Yitian Sword even began to tremble continuously, and his pupils rapidly dilated. When Master Baimei appeared, For a moment, Master Miejie didn't know whether she felt joy or great fear in her heart.

She had never thought that Mount Emei actually had such a being. It was a terrestrial god!

Even a warrior who was already at the peak of land immortality was actually blasted dozens of miles away by this sudden phantom!

So, doesn’t this owner of the shadow possess the cultivation level of the heavenly realm?

The realm of heaven and man!

Even in Tianxuan Continent, there are only records in ancient books. In reality, no one has ever heard of warriors living in the realm of gods and humans. Even land gods are already rare. If it hadn't been for the sudden attack of the Snow Emperor, In the rivers and lakes, the land gods of Shaolin Temple will not appear in public view...

As for the current master of the realm of heaven and man, Master Miejie was particularly embarrassed. She didn't know what she should say, let alone that this master of the realm of heaven and man had a deep understanding of Mount Emei and the current Emei Sect. What a reaction!

But there is one thing that Master Miejie knows very well, that is, he must lower his posture!

Without even the slightest hesitation, Master Miejie took the lead and knelt down directly towards the shadow of Baimei Zhenren in the sky!

"The head of the Emei Sect is extinct. Thank you for your help, senior!"

With Master Miejie taking the lead, the surviving Emei disciples also knelt down on the ground and kept singing praises...

In the void, the phantom of Master Bai Mei watched this scene quietly.

Regarding the sudden appearance of such an Emei sect in Mount Emei hundreds of years later, Master Baimei did not care. The Emei of that year was gone, and the current Emei sect was no longer where he once belonged.

However, after all, Emei now is also a nominally Emei sect. Even though it has changed from a Taoist sect back then to a Buddhist sect today, there has not been the slightest change in Baimei Zhenren's heart.

In the mind of Master Baimei, his only purpose in life is to find out the real culprit behind Emei's sudden disappearance, and to drive out the murderer who massacred Emei!

After this, he, Master Baimei, can ascend with peace of mind...

Without saying a word, the phantom of Master Baimei's soul slowly dissipated. Although he did not blame Master Jue, he did not want to have anything to do with the current Emei Sect.

Buddhism and Taoism are not mutually exclusive, and the relationship between the two parties is inherently tense. What's more, the European and American sect is now a Buddhist force.

Seeing the senior master slowly leaving, Master Miejie breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart that had been beating so fast began to calm down...

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