Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 350 Shushan Sect, Priest Qingwei!

However, at the moment when Master Baimei attacked the Snow Emperor, also in Shu, in a special space, a man wearing a yin-yang Taoist robe sat cross-legged and meditated, with a blue flying sword suspended in front of him. Although his head was full of white hair, the Taoist priest who was full of energy slowly opened his eyes that had been closed for countless years!

"This aura... seems to belong to the white-browed old ghost. I didn't expect that this guy didn't choose to ascend. He hasn't been seen for hundreds of years. I don't know what this old ghost is doing!

Forget it, the entire Emei sect was inexplicably killed back then, so it makes sense that Baimei doesn't want to leave...

It's a pity that the old Taoist can't leave Shushan. Even if he has broken through the perfection of the mirror of heaven and man, half of his feet have touched a realm that he has never known before...

Back then, the entire Emei could be wiped out in an instant. I am afraid that a powerful person with this level of power must be in charge!

If the old Taoist leaves Tianxuan Continent, and if the mysterious force attacks again in the future, Tianxuan Continent will probably...

Forget it, since the old ghost of Emei doesn’t want to leave, the old Taoist will stay with him until the end!

No matter what kind of monster it is, I have to find it! "

This space is the address of the Shushan Sect. Hundreds of years ago, the Shushan Sect and Emei were also the top forces in Tianxuan Continent. At that time, as the leader of the Shushan Sect, Taoist Priest Qingwei was even more powerful than Master Baimei. A strong three-pointer.

However, all the people in Emei were wiped out overnight, which frightened the head of the Shushan Sect. He directly blocked the entire Shushan and prepared for it!

Even at the moment when he felt that Shu Mountain was destroyed, Taoist Priest Qingwei teleported to Mount Emei to find out what was going on. What he saw was a sea of ​​blood...

In just the moment of the fight, Taoist Priest Qingwei felt tremendous pressure.

And the sea of ​​blood disappeared directly from Taoist Priest Qingwei's sight.

"500 years have passed, and the great battle is coming. Perhaps Shushan should also open up..."

Shaking his head slightly, Taoist Priest Qingwei stopped sitting cross-legged and slowly stood up. The moment he opened the palace door, the fairyland-like Shushan Mountain appeared in front of him!


Time passed slowly, and Ye Tianchen, who had ended up in the dream of reincarnation, had reached the last threshold of the realm of heaven and man!

The so-called realm of heaven and man is to be completely integrated with heaven and earth. Every move is the will of God. Of course, the more important thing is the soul in the body!

It is necessary for the soul in the body to survive the catastrophe. From now on, the body of the soul can be separated...

Of course, more specifically, Ye Tianchen has no way to do it now. It is just for the soul to survive the catastrophe, which is difficult to achieve!

Even though Ye Tianchen is now in the perfect realm of land gods, and the soul nourished by the spiritual sea that is close to that of a god is extremely powerful, he is not sure that he will be unscathed by the thunder...

That's thunder!

Specializes in all things that are extremely yin.

But at least I have found a direction. I just need to continuously strengthen my soul. After reaching a certain strength, I can start to deal with the catastrophe!

In this regard, the system also gave Ye Tianchen a very good suggestion. Every time he reincarnates in the dream, his soul will be strengthened. Perhaps after another dream reincarnation, Ye Tianchen will be sure to start the catastrophe!

After waking up from the dream world, Ye Tianchen was also in no hurry to look for traces of the Snow Emperor. The Tianxuan Continent was very large, and even Ye Tianchen had not set foot on all of it, and there were many magical places. Even now, he has already Even if the land gods are perfect, they still have no chance of escaping unscathed!

For Snow Emperor, this world is more like a new life...

"That's all, let's go back to Douluo Continent first..."

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen decided to go to Douluo Continent first and tell Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena that the Snow Emperor had indeed come to Tianxuan Continent.

By the way, he also wanted to take a look at what the Star Reaching Tower is like now...

Just when Ye Tianchen left Tianxuan Continent, Tang San had already arrived at the top of Emei!

As soon as he arrived at the top of Mount Emei, what Tang San saw was riddled with holes!

Apparently there had been a brutal battle here, and from time to time Tang San would still find the corpses of some Emei Sect disciples...

Frowning tightly, Tang San didn't know what the situation was. After giving himself some courage, he still strode forward!

After arriving at the Emei Sect's main hall, Tang San also found some surviving Emei Sect disciples, all of whom were disgraced. Seeing this, Tang San also smiled slightly!

"Tang San, the sect leader of the Tang Sect in Central Sichuan, came to visit Emei today. I wonder where Master Miejie is?"

As Tang San's polite voice sounded, the surviving Emei Sect disciples also discovered his presence.

Some disciples quickly went to inform Master Miejie...

But Tang San just waited quietly on the spot.

Soon, Master Miejie came towards Tang San quickly!

When she saw Tang San, Master Miejie felt extremely embarrassed. The current scene of the Emei Sect was very different from its past glory. What's more, today was the day when the Tang Sect came to surrender. Let the other party see this scene. It’s really a bit embarrassing!

"Are you Tang San?"

As Master Miejie slowly breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't need to care so much anymore. Anyway, the situation was just like this, and the other party had seen it, and sophistry and so on were no longer important.

"That's right, Tang San has met his master!"

Master Miejie nodded, she was very satisfied with Tang San's performance.

He simply started talking with Tang San...

Dozens of miles away in Mount Emei, the Snow Emperor was still immersed in healing her wounds, but behind her, Master Baimei suddenly appeared!

Even though the distance was only half a meter, Snow Emperor didn't notice at all...

"Little girl, I didn't expect that you are not a human, but you are not a monster. I really can't tell that you are so strange!"

In a daze, the Snow Emperor heard an old voice from behind. The moment he turned around, he found the white-browed master staring at him with a smile!

At this moment, Snow Emperor was undoubtedly in despair. She did not expect that this person who was comparable to the Silver Dragon King would actually kill her...

At this moment, Snow Emperor understood that resistance was meaningless, so he simply closed his eyes miserably and waited for death to come!

The white-browed master behind her couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw this scene.

He actually had only one purpose for coming here, and that was to ask Snow Emperor if he was interested in joining Emei!

In other words, Master Baimei wants the Snow Emperor to rebuild Emei!

For this reason, he decided to accept the Snow Emperor as his disciple!

After waiting for a long time, the Snow Emperor did not wait for the other party to kill him, so he couldn't help but ask coldly...

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