As the golden female fish exerted all her strength, not only did she not show any signs of being dragged, but because of the excessive force, her gills were directly torn open with blood stains!

This wasn't over yet. As Ye Tianchen continued to exert force, the golden female fish already felt a despair shrouding her heart.

If it is in the water, the golden female fish will not be afraid at all.

Some of its methods can only be used in water. This is why the couple still did not restrain themselves even though they knew that cannibalism would attract the attention of the monks...

But now, the other party actually used such a weak-looking fishing rod to prevent it from flying. The golden female fish felt angry but also extremely scared!

It is the unknown things that worry it the most. It would not believe that humans who can possess such precious fishhooks are ordinary people!

It is very likely that it is the monk's magic weapon. Unfortunately, even if it is known now, there is no way to save the golden female fish...

Soon, Ye Tianchen on the shore exerted his strength again, with an unrivaled demeanor!

This scene shocked the people of Longxu Town.

It is not that they have never seen Taoist priests. Demons and ghosts occasionally appear in Longxu Town, but those Taoist priests who come to exorcise evil spirits are, without exception, opening altars at one moment, killing chickens for blood, and holding bells...

And Ye Tianchen's simple, direct and violent behavior is completely different from the delicate and elegant feeling when he arrived yesterday!

"This little demon is quite stubborn. Even now, he still refuses to accept his fate!

In this case, Pindao will give you some more ingredients. "

With a slight smile, Ye Tianchen immediately held the fishing rod with his right hand and freed his left hand!

"The mother of lightning and the god of thunder can quickly send down magical powers. I am following the Supreme Lord's orders as urgent as the law!"

Thunder is coming! "

With the pinch of the spell, the majestic magic power in the body surged out instantly, and a thunder exploded. In an instant, thunder gathered in his left hand.

The mayor had seen this scene before, and he thought it was a real immortal, and suddenly fell to his knees.

And Ye Tianchen ignored the surprised looks of the mayor and the people, and moved his left hand along the Yin Yang fishing rod!

In an instant, the violent thunder seemed to have encountered a conductor, directly filling the entire Yin Yang fishing rod.

Prick, prick, prick...

The sound of thunderous explosions resounded through the sky. As the thunder entered the water, although its power was weakened, Ye Tianchen's palm thunder followed the fishing line and landed firmly in the mouth of the female fish!

The next second, the golden female fish couldn't bear the excruciating pain any longer, so she jumped out of the water and slammed into the water again!

boom! boom! boom……

With her huge body illuminated by the sun, everyone could clearly see the true face of the golden female fish!

"Look! It's the golden female fish!"

"This is the guy who ate my husband, Immortal Master, kill him!"


The appearance of the golden female fish also caused a sensation among the people, but they did not dare to approach it. They could only keep praying or cursing this fish demon who had been practicing for five hundred years.

Ye Tianchen, who had everything in his eyes, didn't panic at all. Seeing that the fish monster with five hundred years of cultivation was the one who took the bait, Ye Tianchen didn't have to worry about it!

As Ye Tianchen's bones cracked loudly, his strength continued to increase...

Soon, the golden female fish under the water found herself being dragged quickly towards the shore in despair!

At this moment, there is no other option but to seek help from the male fish...

After exhausting her last bit of demonic power, the female fish’s cry for help quickly spread in the lake!

After that, it lost its strength and allowed Ye Tianchen to pull it ashore.

On the shore, as Ye Tianchen felt the help getting smaller and smaller, he also understood that the golden female fish demon was probably exhausted, so he stepped forward with his right foot!

He bent his whole body down, then raised his head and yanked, and in an instant, this five-meter-long golden female fish flew up directly by Ye Tianchen!

This scene made the mayor's heart, which had been numb for a long time, twitch again...

"This...the power of the Immortal Master, the Immortal Master!"


I saw the golden female fish being hit hard on the shore by Ye Tianchen, the fish scales were broken, and golden-red blood slowly seeped out...

Although she was still struggling, the originally fierce eyes of the golden female fish were full of weakness.

When the fish demon comes ashore, the little guy with only 500 years of cultivation has nothing to fear!

Ye Tianchen walked towards the fish demon step by step.

The mayor also stood there, not daring to follow...

Soon, Ye Tianchen came to the head of the golden female fish. Looking at the large black mouth that had been exploded by the thunder in his palm, Ye Tianchen couldn't help but nodded with some satisfaction.

Palm Thunder is an advanced Xuan-level spell. In Maoshan, it is on the same level as the Lightning Thunder Fist learned by Shi Jian, the disciple of the law enforcement elder!

It is not surprising that Ye Tianchen can cause such lethality...

"The best demon blood cannot be wasted!"

Looking at the fish demon that was still oozing blood, Ye Tianchen felt a little pity. Although this fish demon with five hundred years of cultivation was not very strong, it was still a treasure!

After the demon blood has been refined, it can be regarded as a good material for drawing talismans, but unfortunately, five hundred years of cultivation is a span of time to form a demon elixir, but Ye Tianchen clearly noticed that this fish demon did not have a demon elixir...

Just when Ye Tianchen was about to kill the fish demon and collect its essence and blood, the golden female fish didn't know where it got the courage and stared at Ye Tianchen fiercely!

"Stinky... Taoist priest... let go of this demon quickly... If my husband comes, I will... I will... I will... cut you into pieces!"

Hearing these words, Ye Tianchen also moved his hands slowly.

The mayor and the people in the distance were even more curious. They didn't expect that this fish monster had cultivated to the point where it could speak human words!

"With five hundred years of cultivation, it seems that you, the fish demon, have just refined your crossbones and are stammering when speaking. Unfortunately, this karma has been added to your body, and you must have devoured a lot of people!

As for the husband you talk about, I don’t need to use it to find you. I will personally send you to hell to reunite! "

After the words fell, Ye Tianchen no longer hesitated, and a bolt of thunder gathered in his right hand!

In an instant, it turned into a thunder blade and easily pierced the heart of the golden female fish!

What followed was a stream of essence and blood gushing out. Strangely, the essence and blood appeared but did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air. Ye Tianchen took out an exquisite small gourd from his arms and recited the law silently. Jue, all the essence and blood will be merged into it!

After doing all this, Ye Tianchen lost interest in the female fish and came to the shore instead. Looking at the calm lake, the flame mark on his forehead began to burn faintly!

And in the depths of Longxu Lake, an even bigger blue giant suddenly opened its eyes from seclusion and practice!

An angry look filled his eyes.


Without the slightest hesitation, it came out of the gate and galloped in the direction it sensed!

When the mayor behind Ye Tianchen saw that the golden fish demon was motionless, as if completely dead, he plucked up the courage and came to Ye Tianchen's side.

"Master Immortal, that fish demon..."

"It? It's already cold enough. Mayor, please find some people to drag it farther away and let the people share and eat it. For you ordinary people, if you eat the meat of a fish demon that has been cultivated for five hundred years, It can be considered a great supplement...

Just think of it as repaying the consequences of its evil deeds. "

Hearing what Ye Tianchen said, a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in the mayor's old eyes!

"Don't worry, Immortal Master, I will do it right away!"

After saying that, the old mayor rushed into the crowd, and soon a dozen strong men cooperated with the security team to drag the golden female fish away to the shore where it had been for hundreds of years, and began to divide it...

Ye Tianchen, on the other hand, still stood calmly, looking at the lake, his brows furrowed at first, then relaxed, and he smiled faintly!

"A fish demon who has cultivated for nearly a thousand years... No wonder the old man rushed me down the mountain!"

The moment the male fish came out of the seclusion and rushed towards Ye Tianchen, he noticed this terrifying evil spirit!

A great demon with a cultivation level of nearly a thousand years is not comparable to the golden female fish with a cultivation level of 500 years.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for fish to become monsters. It almost takes more than a hundred years before they can unlock a certain level of wisdom. If you are lucky, you can awaken some ancient bloodlines and obtain bloodline inheritance...

However, this opportunity is slim. Most century-old fish only have a little wisdom, but they have no blood inheritance and can only rely on instinct to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon.

And after five hundred years of cultivation, you can refine the cross bones and speak human words, but in the end you can't go on the stage, you can only hide under the water.

But once the thousand-year hurdle is passed, the fish demon can truly become a climate, can take the form of a human, can make waves, and has such strength that it can only be defeated by the foundation-building master!

Of course, there is no way to judge those fish monsters who have inherited their bloodline after a hundred years of cultivation...

At this moment, standing on the shore, although Ye Tianchen is not very nervous, he still hopes that this fish monster with a cultivation level of nearly a thousand years is not the latter. Once it is really a thousand-year-old monster with blood inheritance, Ye Tianchen promises not to look back. Just run to Maoshan...

In the distance, the mayor of Longxu Town and a group of people were all smiling. A few butchers in the town were happily dividing the flesh and blood of the golden female fish.

At first, everyone was a little worried. After all, it was a fish demon, and no one knew whether it could be eaten. Until the mayor told what Ye Tianchen said, everyone's eyes lit up!

Just kidding, since eating it is good for your health, who would say no?

The people of Longxu Town were very busy, but Ye Tianchen was motionless!

He could already feel the breath approaching rapidly, and the flame mark on his forehead was completely burning at this moment!

Suddenly, Ye Tianchen's expression condensed, and with a tap of his toes, his whole body jumped directly into the void!

"The Lightning Mother and the Thunder God, use your magical power to descend instantly!

Thunder is coming! "

Almost in an instant, Ye Tianchen pinched the magical power with his fingertips, and the rolling magic power in his body turned into thunder. In an instant, with two thunderbolts in his hand, without any hesitation, a blue light and shadow rushed towards the water surface suddenly. Take it away!


The moment the thunderbolt entered the water, countless water droplets exploded, and the blue light was also hit hard by the thunderbolt!

It's a pity that the great demon with a cultivation level of nearly a thousand years is not comparable to that of a female fish with a cultivation level of 500 years. He could resist Ye Tianchen's full force attack from the twelfth level of Qi training and still showed no intention of retreating!

The people of Longxu Town who were orderly dividing the golden female fish were also stunned for a moment. They all turned their heads to look at Ye Tianchen. Unexpectedly, on the water in front of Ye Tianchen, there was a half-human and half-fish figure. The monster is standing on the water, staring at Immortal Master Maoshan!

The whole body is covered in dark blue, almost by conditioned reflex, everyone knows that this is probably the blue male fish!

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to describe everyone as trembling...

Above the water, feeling the burning sensation on his back, the fish demon was also a little shocked.

The young Taoist priest on the shore gave him a terrifying pressure. The male fish demon, who had never fought with a monk before, was inexplicably worried.

"Stinky Taoist priest, if you return my wife to me, I will spare your life. I will sacrifice a few pairs of boys and girls every year, and I will keep this side of Longxu Lake!"

Ye Tianchen also laughed angrily when he heard that the fish demon was bargaining with him like this.

The moment the fish demon appeared, Ye Tianchen understood that this guy couldn't possibly have a bloodline inheritance and had just practiced it for nearly a thousand years.

In this way, he is just the same as himself, and he doesn't even need Master Ji Zhu to take action, he Ye Tianchen can kill him!

"How dare you, a little fish demon, speak arrogant words, have no repentance for your karma, and want to sacrifice boys and girls?


Aren't you looking for that golden female fish with five hundred years of cultivation?

Look, it has been torn into pieces now. If you don’t dislike it, you can just ask the people to return it to you! "

Suddenly hearing Ye Tianchen's words, the fish demon frowned. He just wanted to scare the person in front of him...

But when he heard that his wife had been cut into pieces, he also looked into the distance!

Sure enough, there are already pieces here and there...

And the aura left in the air had to convince him that his wife had been killed by the Taoist in front of him!

Anger, endless anger is spreading in the heart of the fish demon at this moment!

" all deserve to die!"

The angry fish demon was no longer afraid at this moment, and his heart was already filled with anger. The five-hundred-year-old golden female fish already had his offspring!

In an instant, the cultivation of the male fish demon was clearly revealed, and the originally clear and bright lake surface began to be covered by a blue light.

"The ice is coming and destroys all living beings!"

As the male fish used his magical power, the lake quickly froze, and sharp ice spikes shot towards Ye Tianchen crazily!

"I didn't expect that you, the fish demon, have some talents and magical powers. No wonder you are so arrogant...

Let’s see how Pindao gets rid of you! "

The two thunder whips were now being driven like arms in Ye Tianchen's hands. Just by meeting each other, all the flying ice spikes were blown to pieces.

Then he jumped up and started to kill the fish demon!

In an instant, Ye Tianchen got entangled with the fish demon. The two sides fought back and forth, and they were evenly matched.

The people of Longxu Town had seen this kind of posture, and they continued to protect them...

After all, if this Maoshan Immortal Master loses despite being so powerful, then Longxu Town will never even think about having a peaceful life in the future!

On the frozen lake, the fish demon already held two ice spears in his hands, but he was getting more and more frightened. Every time Ye Tianchen swung the thunder whip, he would activate the power of thunder. Even if the fish demon had been cultivating for nearly a thousand years, Unbearable to be disturbed!

The back is completely black...

He also realized that the half-human, half-fish form was no match for this Taoist, so he quickly retreated, and a five-foot-long blue fish broke through the ice and entered the deep water area.

Ye Tianchen was left standing on the ice, somewhat speechless...

Thunder took it back, and Ye Tianchen could only give up temporarily. After all, although he had many methods, if the fish demon wanted to leave, it would be difficult for Ye Tianchen to kill it with one blow.

"Stinky Taoist, I will never forget today's revenge!

You will finally leave Longxu Lake one day, so I want to see how long you can stay!

As long as you leave, I will not leave any of the people in Longxu Town behind! "

On the lake, when the male fish surfaced, his vicious look made Ye Tianchen furious, but this guy was hiding in the water and couldn't come out, so he really had no choice!

The people of Longxu Town were even more anxious when they heard the fish demon's words...

Seeing this scene, Ye Tianchen frowned, and a golden flame slowly appeared in his hand, almost like lightning. It suddenly turned into a stream of light and hit the fish monster on the water!

In an instant, golden flames exploded, and the fish demon also wailed in pain before disappearing without a trace...

"A little fish demon dares to provoke Pindao. I really think Pindao can't do anything to you!"

Although he said that, Ye Tianchen still walked slowly towards the people...

If the fish demon really hides in deep water and cannot come out, he still needs to prepare!

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