Seeing the Maoshan Immortal Master actually coming over, the old mayor also came to Ye Tianchen's side tremblingly.

"Master Immortal, that fish demon..."

"It doesn't matter, I have my own way to deal with it!"

After casually taking a look at the old mayor and all the people, Ye Tianchen knew that Xiongyu's words just now were indeed extremely worrying for these people.

He responded directly and directly.

Hearing what Ye Tianchen said, the old mayor finally felt some peace in his heart, but after all, this was related to the safety of thousands of people in Longxu Town, so he couldn't help but ignore it...

After returning to town, Ye Tianchen began to think about how to get rid of this male fish.

After thinking about it, there is no good way.

Compared with zombies and ghosts, demons are actually not that difficult to deal with, but this fish demon is hiding in the water and can't come out. Ye Tianchen won't go into the water to find him, right?

What's more, no matter what, this fish demon is close to a thousand years of cultivation. Compared with his own strength, it is not much different...

If it weren't for what he had gained over the years, plus the fact that Maoshan was here and had no shortage of magical powers, Ye Tianchen might not have been able to scare the fish demon away.

"This fish monster is really troublesome to me. It would be great if it were the same as that female fish with five hundred years of cultivation!

You can just catch it directly, but as a fish demon that is close to a thousand years old, I don’t have the strength to pull the rod back...

Wait, let’s catch it…

Si! Pindao seems to have a way to kill him! "

In just a moment, Ye Tianchen had a way to deal with it!

Since you want the fish monster to be unable to escape, you can use the yin and yang fishing rods and set up a formation, maybe you can do it!

Having an idea, Ye Tianchen was not idle, and immediately called the old mayor over.

After instructing the old mayor to prepare a pig, Ye Tianchen rummaged around in his storage bag, and not long after, a wooden pillar with nine dragons coiled around it appeared in Ye Tianchen's hand...

After the old mayor learned that Immortal Master Maoshan had another order, he was also very quick to find the pig that Ye Tianchen wanted in just half a stick of incense!

"Master Immortal, the pig you want has been found. I don't know if it was killed or..."

Naturally, the old mayor didn't know what Ye Tianchen wanted a pig for, so he tried his best to figure out Ye Tianchen's thoughts.

In this regard, Ye Tianchen just gave up...

"No hurry, old mayor, let's follow Pindao to set up the formation first!"

Suddenly hearing Ye Tianchen say to set up the formation, countless suspense flashed through the old mayor's heart, which finally turned into a movement of his forehead.

"Just make arrangements with the Immortal Master!"

Soon, Ye Tianchen once again brought the old mayor and several members of the security team to the shore of the lake...

"Mayor, Pindao wants to set up a formation here, called the Seven-Star Dragon Locking Formation. This formation was originally the ancient dragon locking formation, but today, Pindao can only use a fur...

The old mayor, please bear with me if I laugh at you. "

Seeing that Ye Tianchen was so polite, the old mayor did not dare to say anything. He had never even heard his name, so how could he make fun of him?

What's more, Ye Tianchen is an immortal master from Maoshan no matter what, and they all say that he would rather mess with villains than fall into the wrong ways. The old mayor's heart is like a mirror!

"The immortal master is dedicated to subduing demons, how can I make fun of him?

Immortal master, please quickly set up the formation. I have never heard of it or seen it before. I am lucky enough to see the immortal formation in this life. It is worth it! "

Hearing the old mayor's praise, Ye Tianchen felt a little embarrassed...

Then he started to look at it seriously. The Coiled Dragon Wooden Stake in his hand was also called the Dragon Locking Stake. It was the core of the Seven-Star Dragon Locking Formation!

Although Ye Tianchen had little practice in Feng Shui, he finally found a good spot after spending time on it.

"Dragon-locking stake, drop!"

As Ye Tianchen performed his magic spell, the dragon-locking stake in his hand erupted with a burst of shocking light, then instantly suspended in the void, and suddenly plunged hard towards the point that Ye Tianchen had marked!

This dragon-locking pile is a real treasure. Ye Tianchen caught it with a yin-yang fishing rod...

He didn't expect that one day he would be able to use it!

The so-called Seven Star Locked Dragon, the reason why Ye Tianchen said that he was just playing with it is because Ye Tianchen never wanted to arrange the Seven Stars in the first place.

He just wanted to use the dragon locking stake to lock the Yin and Yang fishing rod. In the end, as long as the fish monster bites the hook, no matter how hard the fish monster struggles, it will not be able to escape within a certain range!

By then, Ye Tianchen would be able to kill this fish demon!

After arranging the dragon-locking stakes, Ye Tianchen immediately turned around and looked at the old mayor behind him.

"Mayor, are the pigs ready?"

"That's natural. You guys, hurry up and get him up!"

The old mayor also quickly arranged the task. After a while, a fat pig weighing more than 200 kilograms was carried up by several security team members.

Looking at the pig, Ye Tianchen nodded with satisfaction. He wanted to use this pig as bait!

But before that, we need to give this fish monster some more exciting ingredients!

"You guys, please open this pig's mouth for me."

After hearing Ye Tianchen's order, several security guards dared to cooperate and open the pig's mouth!

Ye Tianchen, on the other hand, took this opportunity to take out a shiny black bead from his storage bag!

"With this demon pill as bait, I don't believe that you, the fish demon, can endure it!"

While speaking, Ye Tianchen also dropped the shiny black demon pill into the pig's mouth instantly!

In the next second, a large amount of demonic power instantly melted away, and scarlet blood oozed from the entire pig's surface. This scene looked particularly scary, and the pig that was still alive just now was already dying...

How could a mere mortal pig resist the influx of a large amount of demonic power?

Ye Tianchen did not hesitate, took out the Yin and Yang fishing rod, connected the Yin and Yang fishing rod with the dragon locking stake, directly hooked up the pig, and kicked it into Longxu Lake!

Then, it’s time to wait…

In the deep water of Longxu Lake, the male fish demon was also feeling particularly uncomfortable at this moment. He never thought that such a chaos would occur at the critical moment when he was about to become a thousand-year-old demon.

Ye Tianchen's thunder method and that flame still frightened him to this moment!

Now, even if his wife is killed by the Taoist priest, the male fish has no intention of causing trouble at all. He will wait until this Taoist leaves and until he becomes a thousand-year-old demon!

When the time comes, he swears that he will get all his money back, including profits!

But just when the male fish was thinking for a moment, a strange demonic power instantly aroused his alertness!

"This is... the breath of other monsters!"

With a curious attitude and a certain amount of greed, the male fish quickly swam in the direction of the breath!

When he came to the shallow water area and was only a hundred meters away from the breath, he began to hesitate again!

Such a monster's aura appeared inexplicably. It would be a lie to say that there was no trap. He was already very intelligent and naturally understood the risks involved.


At this distance of 100 meters, one after another of extremely tempting breaths hit his face, and the fish demon's heart gradually began to waver!

"I'm afraid this is still a trick of that stinky Taoist priest, damn it!"

At this moment, the fish demon could still maintain his sanity. When he got closer to a distance of fifty meters, he could clearly see what was in front of him!

The huge body, the exploding skin is constantly leaking blood, the huge fangs are squeaking, and the scarlet eyes are even more manic!

In just less than a stick of incense, as soon as Ye Tianchen's demonic beast essence and blood entered the pig's body, it underwent a huge mutation!

From a distance, it looks like a pig demon...

Looking at the monster essence that was readily available in front of him, the fish demon fell into silence for a moment.

But on the shore, Ye Tianchen was not in any hurry!

The old mayor beside him was sweating profusely...

"Master Immortal, your method seems to have not taken effect yet."

Regarding this, Ye Tianchen still looked calm and calm.

"Don't worry, this fish monster won't refuse you a poor thing. Who made it become a thousand-year-old monster?"

Ye Tianchen continued to remain unmoved.

The few drops of essence and blood he used were the blood of a thousand-year-old monster caught with a Yin-Yang fishing rod. This fish monster was about to break through, so how could it hold back?

What's more, he didn't directly come to guard it. It was so calm, but if he had some courage, this fish monster would definitely come!

Ye Tianchen's guess was right. Under the water, the fish demon already felt a little hungry and thirsty.

"No matter what, what if this is the trap of that smelly Taoist priest!

As long as I swallow this thing, I can directly break through the last layer of window paper and become a real thousand-year-old demon!

With my strength soaring, I don't believe that smelly Taoist priest is still my opponent. What's more, this is water, the situation is not right, just run away! "

Thinking of this, the fish demon no longer had any scruples. With a violent shake of his body, he turned into a long sword and thrust out!


Cang Ran swallowed the mutated pig into his belly with a big mouth.

Then, it wanted to swim towards the deep water, where it could safely break through!

However, when he exerted his strength again, he found that his huge body could not exert any strength!

In his belly, the hook of the yin-yang fishing rod suddenly expanded and hung it tightly!

Feeling this heart-wrenching pain, the fish demon's eyes turned red, and it understood that it had been fooled!

I thought there would be no surprises if I just left after eating, but now...

On the shore, looking at the earth-shaking changes in the water surface and the somewhat tight Yin-Yang fishing rod, Ye Tianchen didn't even have to think about it, this fish demon had already taken the bait!

"You dare to eat the food of a poor person, you are really as virtuous as that female fish with five hundred years of cultivation!"

After saying that, the Taoist robes on Ye Tianchen's body lifted up without any wind, and streams of mana surged out of Ye Tianchen's dantian. This scene made the old mayor retreat again and again!

"Fish demon, your death has come!

Nine-Xuan Heavenly Thunder, with my true energy, combined with the creation of heaven and earth, the five thunders come, no one dares to stop them, no one dares to kill them!

In response to the order of Thunder Heaven Lord from Jiutian, thunder is coming! "

At this moment, Ye Tianchen's hands kept shaking, and the veins in his whole body were swollen. What he was performing now was one of his two unique skills, Five Thunder Palm!

In an instant, the sky above Longxu Lake was originally clear and peaceful, but in the blink of an eye, dark clouds filled the sky. With the roaring sounds, suddenly, a thunderbolt crossed the sky and fell straight towards Ye Tianchen.

Ye Tianchen had also expected it, and he caught the thunder with both hands without worrying about the thunder hurting him. In an instant, his whole body was wrapped with thunder and lightning, as if a god had come to the world!

With one step forward, Ye Tianchen was suspended in the void, looking at the rolling waves in the shallow water, with a hint of murderous intent on his face!

"Fish demon, I will ask you to die today!

kill! "

For a moment, Ye Tianchen didn't even think about it. He sent out a palm, and lightning surged. A thunder instantly fell into the water, waves splashed, and then came the fish demon's heart-rending roar!

"Damn that stinking Taoist priest, let me go if you can!"

Under the water, the fish demon kept trembling. Its back had just been struck by Ye Tianchen's thunder. Even though the lake water of more than one meter deep reduced the power of thunder and lightning, it was still a little overwhelmed!

However, even though it tried its best, it could not go any further and enter the deep water area...

The hook in the body has already been deeply embedded in the body. No matter how hard it tries, it cannot move it at all!

Just kidding, Ye Tianchen's dragon-locking stake is not just for fun. If paired with the seven-star formation, even the dragon will stumble!

Seeing that he could not escape from the shallow water area, the fish demon also understood that the only plan now was to fight to the death!

If it wins, it can not only become a thousand-year-old demon, but also swallow up human monks whose cultivation is not inferior to its own.

And defeat means that it will definitely die, and it will even be skinned and cramped, and its bones will be harvested to collect blood...

Driven by a strong desire to survive, the fish demon also jumped out of the water and bit into Ye Tianchen with its big mouth!

But how could Ye Tianchen give it such a chance?

The thunder and lightning rolled in his hand, and a thunder exploded, directly throwing the fish demon's huge body into the water!

Feeling the heartbreaking pain, the blood was even turned pitch black by the thunder...

The fish demon knew that if he jumped out of the water, he would probably only get beaten, so he had to make the final decision!

"Stinky Taoist, if you don't let me live, I won't let you have an easy time either!

You and I will perish together! "

The moment the voice fell, the body of the fish demon began to expand continuously. The blood of the thousand-year-old demon that had just been swallowed in the body was directly refined crazily, and the demon power in the body also rolled out!

It wants to forcefully become a thousand-year-old demon at this moment!

In the void, Ye Tianchen frowned when he saw the fish demon acting like this. Although he had guessed such an ending, Ye Tianchen still had a headache...

At the same time, his mana was also consumed very quickly. He had no choice but to take out a jade bottle and swallow more than a dozen pills in one gulp, even if his body hurt!

This is Ye Tianchen's entire fortune from fishing for more than ten years. Almost every year, Ye Tianchen catches a Guiyuan Pill, which instantly restores the magic power in his body. It's also just now!

While feeling distressed, Ye Tianchen also turned his grief and anger into fighting strength, firing out the thunderbolts as if they were free of charge!

Under the water, the fish demon kept swimming, trying to avoid the crazy thunder...

At the same time, it is also accelerating breakthroughs!

In the time it took for a stick of incense to be burned, its body had been hit by countless thunderstorms, but it still did not give up.

Finally, as a vigorous aura spread out from its body, Ye Tianchen, who was constantly outputting in the void, was also obviously stunned.

"It's really good luck that you really broke through. It's a pity that you met Pindao and still had to die!"

While speaking, Ye Tianchen no longer bombarded indiscriminately. He raised his hands, and another thunderbolt fell from the dark cloud-covered sky, and Ye Tianchen caught it steadily!

This time, the thunder and lightning turned into a spear, and Ye Tianchen's entire body plunged directly into the water!

Under the shocked gaze of the fish demon, the lightning spear pierced directly into its head!

In an instant, the destructive power of thunder and lightning blasted its brain into nothingness.

And this fish demon was finally handed over to Ye Tianchen within a minute of breaking through the thousand-year mark...

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