Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 357 The Shangqing Great Cave Scripture!

Seeing the fish demon that had been transformed into this by the thunder from the Five Thunder Palm, Ye Tianchen had already expected it.

If this fish monster hadn't been in the water all the time, making it difficult for him to use various methods, he might have killed it long ago!

"The way of heaven is so reincarnated!

I have been practicing for thousands of years, but I just met a poor man. I can only say that you, the fish monster, are really lucky! "

Ye Tianchen smiled slightly and did not say any more. The top priority was to deal with the body of the fish demon as soon as possible!

The thousand-year-old demon is full of treasures!

Jumping out of the water, with a few light steps in the void, Ye Tianchen returned to the dragon-locking pile formation on the shore. He held the Yin and Yang fishing rod in his hand, and with a strong drag, the body of the fish demon was directly killed by Ye Tianchen. Pull out of the water!

The most shocking thing about this scene was the mayor of Longxu Town and all the people.

They witnessed with their own eyes that the Maoshan Immortal Master once again used the legendary thunder method, and even summoned the thunder from the sky. With that rolling divine power, every move he made was like a god coming down from heaven!

In their hearts, it was like planting a seed. Almost all the people had one thought in their minds, that is, to enshrine this Maoshan Immortal Master well and enshrine it at home to protect peace!

This is much more real than the empty claims of illusory temples and monasteries...

Ye Tianchen didn't speak, and the old mayor and the people didn't dare to come forward. Even though the five-foot-long and nearly 10,000-kilogram fish demon could be seen with the naked eye, it was already pitch black, and even the air was filled with burnt water. They were also in awe of the taste.

But Ye Tianchen can't control that much!

At this moment, the fish demon has just died, and its blood essence has not yet solidified. This is a good opportunity to take the blood essence of the monster!

This fish demon broke through a thousand years of cultivation before dying. It was much stronger than the female fish with five hundred years of cultivation.

Without a trace of hesitation, a jade bottle flew out of Ye Tianchen's arms just like the female fish that had been refined for 500 years last time. The next second, streams of essence and blood seeped out from the dark surface of the fish demon and flew in. In the jade bottle...

Half a moment later, all the blood essence and blood were collected, and Ye Tianchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, a three-foot green-edged sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

If you look closely, you can see that this sword is made of wood, but it is made of wood struck by lightning for 500 years!

It was the self-defense item given by his cheap teacher when Ye Tianchen went down the mountain to follow the elders to slay demons last time.

Now, it’s finally put to use!

Although it is made of wood, the Thunderbolt Wooden Sword only made a slight stroke from the fish demon's back, and a profound and unexpected gash suddenly appeared!

Then, without thinking, Ye Tianchen stretched out his slender right hand and thrust it into the chest of the fish demon without any care. As Ye Tianchen fumbled around for a while, the smile on his lips became even more unstoppable!

With a fierce tug, what appeared in his hand was a crystal silver antimony elixir that glowed with blue light!

"The demon elixir of the thousand-year-old demon is the most important medicinal introduction for refining the foundation-building elixir!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn’t expect that Pindao could have such luck. Sure enough, you can’t get rich if you stay in the mountains..."

Ye Tianchen couldn't help but sigh with emotion at this moment. Danger always coexists with opportunity. The benefits that this thousand-year-old fish monster has brought to him are indescribable!

After taking out the demon pill, Ye Tianchen carefully put it away and continued to divide it.

As Ye Tianchen's lightning-struck wooden sword sliced ​​open the entire fish demon's back, the entire spine glowing with blue light appeared in front of Ye Tianchen's eyes!

"The spine of the thousand-year-old demon is also an excellent weapon-making material, and the fish tendon attached to the bone is very valuable!"

While speaking, Ye Tianchen's speed was not slow at all, and he methodically collected the fish demon's spine and tendons...

At the end of the day, Ye Tianchen did not forget the three heart-protecting scales on the chest of the fish demon, as well as a pile of big demon meat.

It wasn't until his storage bag was completely full, and there were still some fragments, some other messy scales and other internal organs, that Ye Tianchen stopped collecting.

However, although Ye Tianchen could not bring these things with him, they were still rare and good things for the people of Longxu Town!

As Ye Tianchen waved to the old mayor and all the people, everyone understood instantly!

A swarm of bees rushed up to grab some of the flesh and blood of this big monster...

In the end, there were too many people. The old mayor came forward and asked everyone to stop fighting. He boiled all the remaining entrails of the big demon into a pot of thick soup, promising that all the people of Longxu Town would get a piece of the soup. Only then did calm return.

As for Ye Tianchen, after collecting everything, he went directly back to the town to rest and recover.

He spent a lot of mana today. If he said he wasn't tired, that would be a lie...

Early the next morning, when Ye Tianchen went out, he saw that the faces of the people in Longxu Town were all smiling and rosy. He knew at a glance that the bowl of fish soup yesterday was good!

"Master Immortal, are you going out?"

Soon, the old mayor who learned that Ye Tianchen was going out also rushed over.

He showed off two big bowls of the monster fish soup last night. When he woke up today, he found that he looked surprisingly good!

Even some old problems in daily life, such as rheumatism and bone pain, seem to have disappeared!

At this moment, he ran all the way without the help of crutches and came to Ye Tianchen.

Seeing the old mayor's appearance, Ye Tianchen knew that there might be another old naughty boy following him today...

In the following decades, Ye Tianchen made rapid progress on the road of talent cultivation, from practicing Qi at the very beginning to becoming the Foundation Establishment Master, followed by Jin Dan, Nascent Soul, Transformation of God, Yuan Shen, and cultivation of Taoism. Along the way, he suddenly reached the realm of ascension!

It's a pity that Huang Liang Yi Meng, with the fall of the ascended heavenly tribulation, Ye Tianchen also woke up in this dream world.

In a valley in Tianxuan Continent, Ye Tianchen, who had woken up from the dream world, slowly shook his somewhat stiff body, his cold eyes full of surprises!

Although this trip to the dream world still failed to bring out the cultivation of the dream world, this time he still remembered a way to temper his soul!

And this can be said to be a big help for him to reach the realm of heaven and human as soon as possible.

"Three hundred years in the dream world and one hundred days in the Tianxuan Continent. This trip to the dream world is so real..."

After muttering a few words to himself, Ye Tianchen couldn't tell the difference between reality and fiction. Even because he entered such a world twice, he still has a special skill in his mind!

"Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing"

This is a cultivation method inherited from Maoshan of the Shangqing Sect. Ye Tianchen doesn't know whether this method is useful to him.

After all, the cultivation systems are different. In the dream world, he cultivates Dao, but in Tianxuan Continent, in reality, he cultivates Martial Arts. Although there is the word Dao between them, the cultivation methods and methods are the same. totally different!

However, when Ye Tianchen remembered the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture, he had already decided to switch to this practice in the future!

The martial arts skills that I am practicing now have actually come to an end. Once I reach the realm of heaven and human, what will I do next?

Ye Tianchen didn't know anything about it in his heart, but in the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture, there were clear records about the path of cultivation after the original god realm!

After becoming the soul, one has to constantly temper the physical body and the soul, until they are strong enough to a certain level, then they can accept the baptism of the sky thunder!

When the sky thunder falls, while tempering the body, it will also cleanse the soul, and finally reach the ice muscles and jade bones, leaving a fairy energy in the body!

At this time, he is qualified to ascend. As for what kind of experience he will have after ascending, Ye Tianchen doesn't know, but what is certain is that the realm of Yuanshen is already comparable to the gods in Douluo Continent. The level of ascension is probably on par with God Shura!

As for going one step further, you can only imagine what kind of world that is!

After sighing slightly, Ye Tianchen also slowly stood up. Without thinking too much, the two-realm crossing door opened. Ye Tianchen also stepped into it and went directly to Douluo Continent...

In Mount Emei, the Snow Emperor was in a dilemma at this moment. She didn't know whether she should worship the old man in front of her as her teacher. If she did, her life could be saved, but if she really did that, , considering the Snow Emperor’s own arrogant attitude, that is absolutely unacceptable...

"Little girl, can you think about it?

This is your opportunity. Once upon a time, it was not an easy task to become my teacher, but you are different!

Not only can you easily obtain my inheritance, your strength will further reach that of a heavenly being, but as long as you become your disciple, you will be the head of the Emei sect from now on!

This is a huge opportunity, if you miss it, it will be a lifetime! "

Master Baimei's words were so accurate that the Snow Emperor couldn't help but frown.

"Senior, do you have to become a disciple?"

"Measure for yourself for a moment..."

Hearing this, the Snow Emperor's heart froze. However, she refused at the beginning. Now that she thought of being alone, the Snow Emperor was actually not so repulsive.

"Senior, it's not impossible for me to become my disciple, but there is one thing I need to agree to. If I don't agree, I would rather die than stay in Mount Emei!"

"Hahaha, just say so!"

"Senior, I'm used to being free and easy, and I can't stand any restrictions. After I become my teacher, I can become the new head of the Emei Sect, but my behavior cannot be restricted by this position. The world is so big, I can't be constrained by this position. I haven’t set foot in this beautiful world yet, but I still want to move forward!

Therefore, I can’t do anything about those regulatory matters, and I won’t stay in Mount Emei forever..."

Upon hearing this, Master Baimei frowned slightly, but he relaxed instantly.

In fact, what the other party said is not unreasonable. He has never experienced the ups and downs of the world, and he really wants to continue to be so comfortable in Mount Emei. Even if Master Baimei thinks that he has the means to make the other party become a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, but in the future I'm afraid the road will be cut off right now!

Thinking of this, Bai Mei couldn't help but nodded.

"I allow this, but I also want to explain one thing!"

"Senior, please tell me!"

"It's okay to travel around the world, but on the way to travel around the world, if you meet a kid with good qualifications, then you need to join the Emei Sect!

Nowadays, apart from me, you are the only one in the Emei sect. The important task of restoring the sect is not something that can be done in a day or two, nor is it a problem that can be solved by staying in Mount Emei.

This is one of the reasons why I won’t stop you from traveling around the world..."

Hearing this, the Snow Emperor also smiled slightly. She knew that she would not be restrained, but since she had become the leader of the Emei Sect, if she met a little guy with excellent qualifications during her travels around the world, there was no need to Master Baimei said that the Snow Emperor would take him into his family!


In this case, let’s become a disciple now! "

Having said that, Master Baimei waved his hand. Amidst Snow Emperor's exclamations, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. In an instant, Snow Emperor came to a main hall!

The entire hall is magnificent, showing solemnity and nobility everywhere!

That kind of fairy-like feeling makes people feel like they are in a dream...

"This is the Grandmaster's Hall, and it is also a magic weapon. I carried it with me back then, so I escaped. Come on, let's offer incense to the Patriarch first!"

After Bai Mei finished speaking, the Snow Emperor also stared blankly, but still followed the instructions of Master Bai Mei, picked up a few sticks of incense and inserted them into the incense burner in front of him!

"The ancestor worshiped by our Emei sect is Taiqing Daode Tianzun. By my generation, it has been passed down for dozens of generations and has gone through tens of thousands of years!

From now on, you are the new generation leader of our Emei Sect, and you are also the 38th generation disciple of the Emei Sect! "

"Disciple understands!"

After the Snow Emperor finished applying the incense, she couldn't help but turn her eyes. She didn't understand what Taiqing Daode Tianzun meant, but from the words of her cheap master, she was probably a powerful being!

"Any questions?"

And Master Baimei had long seen the Snow Emperor's deep doubts.

"Teacher, Snow Emperor dares to ask, what kind of person is this Patriarch Taiqing Daodetianzun?"

When Master Baimei heard this, he was stunned.

In the entire Tianxuan Continent, even those who practice martial arts, there are few who have not heard of the name Sanqing. After all, Taoism has a long history, and many martial arts techniques are actually a simplification of Taoism. The name of Sanqing is like thunder in everyone's ears!

Now that I have accepted such a disciple in the realm of land gods, he doesn't know who Taiqing Daode Tianzun is?

That’s outrageous…

"This...that's all, I'll tell you something as a teacher!

According to legend, the heaven and earth were in chaos. The great god Pangu created the world and gave birth to all things in the world. After the death of the great god Pangu, his soul was divided into three, and transformed into the three pure beings with the merits of opening the sky!

These three pure beings are the Taiqing Moral Heavenly Lord, the Yuqing Yuanshi Heavenly Lord, and the Shangqing Lingbao Heavenly Lord!

All three pure beings are saints!

As for our Emei sect, the legendary first founder was a believer in Taiqing Daode Tianzun, Yi Xi!

According to the legend, the saint of Taiqing came out of Hangu Pass, and the guard of Hangu Pass was Yi Xi. Later Taiqing Daode Tianzun taught him the 5,000-character Tao Te Ching. After he became successful in cultivation, he founded the Emei sect! "

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