Douluo's Beginning Signing into the Divine Tree Martial Spirit

Chapter 53 The power of Louise, the dust explosion!

"Luke shut up and stop talking nonsense!"

Wilson suddenly interrupted, this guy didn't keep his mouth shut.

If they don't stop it, their old background will be revealed.

"Boy, you killed my cousin, but I can give you a chance."

"Oh? What's the opportunity? Tell me about it."

Tang Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, and the crooked smile of the God of War was very domineering.

Emotions are a double act, one with a black face and the other with a white face.

The reason can be roughly guessed. It is probably because of greed for money.

With the extremely luxurious carriage and the two maids accompanying him, he looked like a wealthy young master.

"My cousin is an only son. You need to compensate for the burial expenses of 10,000 gold coins."

"There is still this woman who will stay and take care of my uncle and aunt until she is old and can't leave."

"Compared to your life, I would rather the two old people live a better life!"

Wells showed pain and even squeezed out a few tears, as if he was giving up hatred for his elders.

The six teammates had shocked expressions and even offered words of comfort.


Tang Chen was a little confused. He had never seen such fresh and refined blackmail.

What a talent.

Although life is priceless, if the nobles don't pay compensation at all.

Even if he is willing to give money, it will only take a few gold soul coins.

This guy asked for 10,000 yuan. Is that doorman so valuable?

As for keeping the maid, it's even more nonsense.

If you really want to be filial, you can take care of yourself, or even if it doesn't work, you can spend money to hire one.

Louise is in her early twenties, which is when women are most attractive.

How can these guys withstand a woman who can confuse the God of Waves? They are so lustful.

"Your request is indeed not high. Here are 10,000 gold soul coins."

Chen took out a bag of gold soul coins, threw it to Louise and said.

"The money and the girl are here. Come and get it yourself. Don't forget the rules of the soul master world."

"The strong are respected."

After Tang Chen finished speaking, he ignored them and continued to eat ramen and watch the show with Xiao Wu.

"You have to be smart, or you'll run out of ramen!"

"As you command, young master!"

A cold light flashed in Louise's eyes. She was so smart that she couldn't figure out what these guys wanted to do.

Two yellow soul rings rose from the soles of his feet and were wrapped around the butterfly spirit.

"Louise, level 29 battle spirit master, martial spirit: Golden Pattern Spirit Butterfly, please enlighten me!"

Golden scale powder mixed with soul power spread, frightening Wilson's formation into chaos.

I never expected that a maid driving a carriage would actually have a level of super strength of twenty-nine.

"Don't panic, everyone gathers together, seven against one we will never lose!"

"Wait until I control the enemy before taking action!"

As a control soul master, he must not show panic, otherwise there would be no need to fight.

"The first soul skill: Golden Vine Dance!"

Wilson took the lead in attacking, and the bushes on the roadside began to shake violently.

The vines that attacked the carriage reappeared, rushing towards Louise from all directions.

The scene is quite spectacular.

"Humph, you don't overestimate your capabilities."

Louise looked disdainful, so what if she was trapped by the nine-level soul power gap? She was a long-range soul master.

"Soul Skill: Hurricane Meteor Shower!"

A gentle breeze blew along the calm path, then grew stronger.

Wilson had a bad feeling in his heart, and this intuition appeared suddenly.

But it saved his life before

"No, she is brewing a soul skill, attack to interrupt her!"

"The second soul skill: Diamond Spike!"

Vines surged out in front of Wilson, and then quickly entangled and intertwined to form a golden spike.

Stab towards the bound Louise.

"The first soul skill: Eagle Strike."

"The first soul skill: Wolf Claws."

"The first soul skill: Cat Pounce."

"The first soul skill: Flying needle."

"The first soul skill: Erha Impact."

Except for the auxiliary system, all the soul masters in Wilson's team have taken action.

All kinds of soul power shined, all rushing towards the target.


Louise snorted coldly, all the soul power in her body exploded, and the diamond vine was broken instantly.

The butterfly martial spirit behind him spread its wings and began to stir at a very fast speed.

Countless golden scales spread across the field, and the blinding effect of the second soul skill appeared.

"Ah my eyes"

Screams rang out one after another, and the eyes of the soul masters who rushed to kill were stinging, and all the soul skills they had accumulated and activated were blocked.

Only the porcupine soul master's thorns and Wilson's long-range soul skills continued.

But the accuracy was insufficient, and the attack landed next to Louise.

In the dazzling golden flash, all seven people were disoriented, and it was painful to open their eyes.

This move has actually determined the winner, but Louise's soul skill is not over yet.

Outside the coverage area of ​​the scale powder, a huge whirlwind formed, blowing the condensed crystals.


There was no defensive soul master in Wells's team, and the soul defense was broken down in an instant.

The screams and the sound of blood mixed together, playing a beautiful symphony of death.

The poison in the scale powder also began to take effect, and all seven people's bodies became rigid.

He couldn't even fall to the ground and howl, he could only bear the punishment of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Even Tang Chen almost suffered from Louise's self-created soul skills. The outcome of an ordinary soul master can be imagined.

"Teacher, save me."

Wells tried his best and screamed for help in panic.

His teacher was nearby, which was the agreed upon rescue method.

As the sound passed quickly, powerful soul pressure came from the woods not far away.


Following this shocking roar, a stream of gray-brown light flew towards him.

Louise was caught off guard and was knocked flying out.

Blood spurts out before it even hits the ground


Tang Chen's expression changed slightly, he didn't open his reincarnation eye just now.

He immediately dropped the dishes and jumped up to pick up the injured Louise.

"Little Lord."

"Stop talking and heal immediately."

Tang Chen interrupted her nonsense, immediately summoned the martial spirit, picked two fruits and gave them to her.

One is a gourd-shaped recovery fruit, and the other is a new rage fruit that appears after level 30.

After taking it, all attributes will be increased by 40% and last for thirty minutes.

The Berserk Fruit has no side effects, it just consumes a lot of mental energy and does not affect combat effectiveness.

So Tang Chen didn't dare to use this thing. Mental power was more important to him than physical strength.

The reincarnation eye relies entirely on the spirit, which is the guarantee of his strength.

"Damn it, stop it!"

"The second soul skill, shrinking turtle."

The sneak attack soul master had already appeared and rushed within the scale powder range.

Want to go in and save people

"Don't even think about it."

Tang Chen was so angry that it was impossible to let him succeed so easily.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A huge fireball flew out. Although Louise was knocked away, the remaining soul power could still last for a while.

I was too careless just now and didn't expect these people to have backup.

It's too late to remedy the situation now, so they will all be reduced to ashes in the flames.


The huge fireball ignited the dust in the sky, and the violent explosion swallowed up hundreds of meters.

A huge fireball exploded, and everything within sight was a sea of ​​fire.

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