Douluo's Beginning Signing into the Divine Tree Martial Spirit

Chapter 54 Flying ability, the first battle with the Soul King!

"Water Escape: Water Formation Wall!"

Even Tang Chen himself did not expect such a ferocious flame.

It turns out that Louise kept her hand last time, and the amount of scale powder was less than one-tenth of this time.

A huge wall of water rose up, dividing the surging sea of ​​fire.

The temperature of the space increased sharply, and because of the flames that were not directly transformed by soul power, the forests on both sides of the road were all ignited.

"The Secret of Water Escape: Exploding Water and Rushing Waves!"

Tang Chen did not hesitate and immediately opened his reincarnation eye to absorb the soul power.

At present, the body's soul power reserve is far from enough for Ninjutsu at the secret level.

It must be supplemented by the reincarnation eye or using the Yin Seal.

Huge waves surged forward like a tsunami.

The height of the water wave was more than twenty meters, and the sea of ​​​​fire was swallowed up in an instant.

Although fire can kill sneak attackers, he is more aware of the dangers of forest fires.

Just kill him before he dies.

The burning atmosphere spread, and the sky was covered with smoke that was generated instantly, as if a heavy rain was about to come.

"Xiao Wu, take Louise back to the carriage!"

"Okay, Brother Chen."

Xiao Wu shouted with noodles hanging from his mouth, and after hearing this, he quickly helped Louise get into the carriage.

This person's magic is already familiar, even though practicing in the forest is not in harmony with the world.

But after all, he has lived for a hundred thousand years, and his ability to accept is far beyond that of ordinary people.

"Earth Release: The Art of Light and Heavy Rocks!"

Tang Chen activated his newly learned ninjutsu, and the weight of his body quickly became lighter, and then he slowly levitated.

This is his third flying ability, which is theoretically more advanced than the externally attached soul bone.

Ashbone Wings is a bird-like ability that flaps its wings to generate wind pressure to fly.

The second type is the reincarnated eye. The soul suit mode can perfectly control gravity and repulsion.

You only need to remove your own gravity from the planet to fly freely, but it will consume precious mental energy.

The third type is the most perfect, the Earth Escape Light and Heavy Rock Technique, which is to reduce the weight of every atom of an object.

This enables floating flight, consuming only soul power.

So it can be used as a regular method without any restrictions.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. The floating speed will naturally be slower, and there is also a height limit.

Even with the ultra-light heavy rock technique, it is impossible to fly in space.

The three abilities have pros and cons, and the Gray Bone Wing is suitable for battles in the open sky.

The reincarnation eye is suitable for use in narrow, complex or special spaces.

The last technique of light and heavy rocks is used to contain enemies on the ground and bring out the excellence of crushing them in the air.

"Wind Escape: Big Breakthrough!"

Tang Chen opened his mouth and projected a whirlwind, blowing away the smoke and dust in the center of the explosion.

There was a halo of soul power in the middle, and it looked like a big brown turtle.

However, the five soul rings shining on his body are really frightening.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black.

The soul king with the best soul ring configuration is the iron alligator turtle martial soul with both defense and attack.

At this time, the second soul ring was shining, and the tortoise shell covering the whole body blocked the explosion.

It's a pity that the other seven people were not so lucky, because the soul master's body was tough and they were not blown to pieces.

But the scorching heat of the flames almost turned them into charcoal.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

"I have seen students who cheat teachers, but I have never seen teachers who cheat students!"

"I just wanted to teach you a lesson, but you have to step in!"

"Are they all dead now?"

Tang Chen looked down, deliberately stimulating the turtle below.

When a talented team acts collectively, there will definitely be a teacher following them.

I didn’t expect that it was just an intermediate college, but there would be a Soul King teacher.

This was Tang Chen's first time facing an opponent of this level, and he had a little expectation in his heart.


"You are so hot at such a young age, it seems I can't keep you!"

Totes' face was as cold as water at this time. The deaths of seven talented students would bring huge trouble to the academy.

Although he is the vice-president, he can't explain it, not to mention that there are newly accepted disciples among them.

I originally wanted Wilson to vent his anger, but he didn't expect to die here like this.


"The first soul skill: snapping turtle bite!"

Totes had lost his mind a little and launched his soul skill at the place where the sound came from.

However, it did not hit the target. After canceling the turtle shell defense, it was discovered that there was no one in front of it.

"Where are the people?"

"Ahem, it's up there."

Tang Chen was a little speechless. The Soul King he met for the first time turned out to be a fool.

What an unpleasant first experience.

"Soul Lord? Can you still fly?"

Totes raised his head and stared, the color of the soul ring making his pupils shrink.

Purple, purple, black.

After a brief daze, Totes found that his back was soaked with sweat.

"Kid, this may be a misunderstanding. I don't know these people."


Tang Chen tilted his body and almost fell from the air.

It was the first time I saw such a cowardly soul master. Could it be because he was a turtle?

"Did you think too much? First you ordered your students to ambush, and then you made a sneak attack yourself."

"Tell me now it's a misunderstanding?"

Tang Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, how could he let the tiger go back to the mountain?

He is not afraid of this soul king coming to take revenge, but if the matter is revealed, there will be trouble.


"Kid, what a misunderstanding."

"The third soul skill: molten iron cannon!"

"The fourth soul skill: Flying Tooth Turtle Shell!"

The same fierce light flashed in Totus's eyes. He was not without any long-range ability.

This distance of less than a hundred meters can be reached by both of his long-range soul skills.

Children are really naive.

High-pressure water arrows several meters thick were sprayed out from Wuhun's mouth.

The tortoise shell on the back began to rotate, cutting the air like a saw.

"court death!"

Tang Chen's reaction was naturally not slow, and the soul rings on his body lit up at the same time.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique!"

Huge water dragons and giant sharks appeared at the same time, crushing high-pressure water arrows with devastating force.

The remaining power was still strong and enveloped Totus within range.

The tortoise shell on the other side was spinning and flying rapidly in the air, not walking in a straight line at all.

If an ordinary soul master is distracted from dealing with his third soul skill, he will lose the tortoise shell's movement track if he is not careful.

However, after Tang Chen released Water Release, he didn't pay too much attention at all and continued to release new ninjutsu attacks.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Jade!"

Powerful soul power surged out, quickly squeezing and condensing the wind element.

The invisible became tangible, like a transparent jade pillar that hit the tortoise shell.


The saw-toothed tortoise shell was like cutting steel, with a lot of sparks coming out.

But in the end there was no incision because the source of the soul power had been disconnected.

Totus was attacked by the water dragon and was unable to control it distractedly, so he activated his defensive soul skill.

"Second Soul Skill: Shrinking Turtle!"

The soul power quickly condensed into a carapace, completely protecting his body.


The water dragon slammed into it, and the powerful force caused the turtle shell to fly up.

The shark seemed to have waited for a long time before swallowing him whole with its huge mouth, and then slammed into the ground.


The ground continued to tremble, and the large crater was filled with water.

And Tang Chen's attack is not over yet

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