Douluo's Beginning Signing into the Divine Tree Martial Spirit

Chapter 84 The enemy’s intention, a big water blast!

"Xiao San, why did Ghost Douluo do this?"

The soul beasts have been dealt with, and now only these soul masters who are looking for death are left.

Tang Chen was more concerned about Bibi Dong, and her position was very crucial.

The original target was the entire Soul Palace, but after coming into contact with Bibi Dong, I felt that there was unbreakable sadness in her eyes.

Thinking about it, she is quite pitiful and not too hostile.

On the contrary, Qian Renxue and the Enshrinement Hall have repeatedly attacked him cruelly, and will definitely pay him back tenfold when the time comes.

Especially Qian Renxue, who secretly believed Qian Daoliu to kill him.

At worst, mother and daughter don’t want it anymore

"The Pope. She asked us to hand you over and said we were unable to protect you."

"Xiao Wu had a bad temper, so he got into a fight with Ghost Ju Douluo."

"Then those four spirit beasts took action to separate Bibi Dong and Ju Douluo!"

Tang San recounted the whole process, and he could roughly guess the process.

Whether Bibi Dong had some agenda or wanted to protect him was uncertain, after all, she was too thoughtful.

"Then they want to arrest me too?"

Tang Chen asked again, pointing to the city guards and those messy soul masters.

"They? The city defense army said that we had invaded Soto City's treasures, while the soul master said that we had obtained a hundred thousand year soul bone."

"I don't have any good intentions anyway."

"There are also soul masters from Wuhun Palace. They didn't react much when they saw the Pope. They seemed to be waiting for an opportunity."

Tang San pointed at the team of spirit masters in the distance, numbering three to four thousand.

This is a terrifying force. If there are several titled Douluo, they can fight head-on with the Shangsan Sect.

"It's indeed strange. There are a lot of power struggles within the Wuhun Palace, but on the surface they still show off."

"There must be something wrong with those soul masters. You go to the training space to heal first."

Tang Chen had a bad premonition in his heart and immediately activated the Heaven's Control.

"Brother, be careful!"

Tang San didn't hesitate and pulled Xiao Wu in.

Facing a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse, it would be of little help for them to stay.

The words I said six years ago still ring in my ears, never let yourself become a burden to your family.

Practicing hard is the way to go

Xiao Wu is now in a weak state and it is impossible to stay.

"Let's go first!"

Flanders was very decisive and took the lead into the dark unknown space.

At this time, there were only six paths left around him, but he felt a lot more relaxed.

"The Secret of Paper Escape: Messenger of God!"

Cracks appeared on Tang Chen's body surface, as if it were made up of countless pieces of paper.

This ability can avoid damage, which is no worse than Ghost Douluo's martial soul true form.

"Lord Jerke, do you know what the crime is for attacking the prince of the empire?"

Tang Chen's figure walked out of the space and looked down at the Lord of Soto City.

This guy's brain has been kicked by a donkey. He still won't leave after seeing so many soul masters?

"Prince? Has anyone seen it? Dead people cannot speak?"

"If you know the truth, hand over the treasure found in Shrek Academy."

Jerke said coldly, his arrogance clearly revealed.

"Treasure? Why do you think there is treasure in this shabby village?"

"What kind of treasure allows you to attack an imperial prince?"

"You are just a marquis of the kingdom, not even Kundera has the guts!"

Tang Chen always felt strange, as if he had planned it beforehand.

Upgrading is very accidental. How can it be the best layout in one day?

Treasures, soul bones, can indeed attract people

Who is spreading this news, and what role does Wuhundian play?

What is Bibi Dong here for?

There are a lot of questions.

"Okay, then I'll tell you straight, hand over the manufacturing blueprints for the hidden weapons!"

Jerke no longer hid and issued orders to the city guards.

The soldiers quickly dispersed and surrounded them, all holding special crossbows in their hands.

It turned out to be the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

This kind of weapon that can kill soul masters will also feel troublesome for Titled Douluo in such large numbers.

Defense requires the consumption of soul power, and it takes time to kill tens of thousands of people scattered.

Of course this is only for those slow defensive soul masters.

If you're agility-attack type, you can't even touch it.

"So, this is your trump card!"

Tang Chen was secretly shocked, how did Jerk obtain so many hidden weapons of the Tang Sect?

In order to prevent the leakage of technology, Tang San always placed orders separately at the blacksmith shop, and then assembled them himself.

His speed alone is limited, and after so many years, he can only reach no more than 20,000 aircraft, half of which are still used as reserve supplies.

Has the territory been confiscated?


"The auction house you are cooperating with has been bribed by His Majesty Kundera a long time ago!"

"All the Zhuge Divine Crossbows for sale were eventually photographed by us."

"From the moment you step into the border, the city guards have been replaced by the personal guards."

"Now that the time has come, if you surrender obediently, you may suffer less!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

Jerke was distracting and giving the city guards a chance to encircle them.

At this time, preparations were completed, and the sky was almost covered with arrows.

Tang Chen's figure flashed continuously, shuttled through the terrifying rain of arrows.

He didn't even bother to dodge and let the arrow penetrate his body.

This kind of attack without soul power has no effect on Paper Escape.

The arrow seemed to have hit a phantom and penetrated directly.

"Finally, I want to ask again, there are so many soul masters here, how do you keep the news from leaking, and how do you ensure that they don't intercept them?"

"The Balak Kingdom's intention to seize the hidden weapon physique and replace the royal family is obvious."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Emperor Xueye?"

Tang Chen's anger gradually accumulated, the Six Paths mode was activated, and five martial arts disguised as black appeared.

"Everyone wants what they need. We want weapons manufacturing plans, and they want your life!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that the rumored talent for governing the world is actually a genius in cultivation, so I can't let you leave alive."

"The soul master team attacks!"

Jerke's expression changed slightly. He didn't see Tang Chen's Ghost Abuse Douluo, otherwise he would have been frightened to death.

At this time, hundreds of soul masters appeared, and the Zhuge Divine Crossbow fired was different.

The Balak Kingdom has devoted all its efforts to cultivate this elite group of soul masters. Naturally, there are a lot of them.

"Naive guy, the Zhuge Divine Crossbow is not used to deal with high-level soul masters. Sometimes quantity cannot change quality."

Tang Chen smiled mockingly and slipped into the dark space.

Reappeared in front of Jerke

"Lan Dun: Laser beam!"


The white beam of light flashed past, and before the Marquis could even activate his martial spirit, his head exploded like a watermelon.

"The Secret of Water Escape: Big Explosive Water Wave!"

Tang Chen took a deep breath, spitting water waves from his mouth, and kept adding waves upwards.

Just in the blink of an eye, a huge wave hundreds of meters high and thousands of meters wide rushed out.

Tens of thousands of city guards were completely dumbfounded. These people living in the inland areas had never seen the power of a shocking tsunami.

Fortunately, the soul master with a stronger spirit knows how to run to both sides.

Ordinary soldiers have given up. Facing such terrifying power, it doesn't make any difference whether they run or not.

Because the huge waves have covered the sky, and there is no end in sight.

The six sisters flew up and accompanied Tang Chen to stand on the top of the huge wave.

Like a god, he looked down at the ants scurrying below.

Monthly ticket~

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