Douluo's Beginning Signing into the Divine Tree Martial Spirit

Chapter 85 Golden Crocodile Douluo, Bibi Dong protects the calf!


Bibi Dong's expression changed slightly, even she had to retreat from such power of heaven and earth.

Even if you are not injured if you are involved, you will definitely be in a state of embarrassment.


The city guards were involved, and the terrifying power made it impossible to move.

Water is not without its attack power. Even the body of a spirit beast cannot withstand the waves that are a hundred meters high.

Some guys who were lucky enough to survive frantically took off their armor and swam toward the light.

Thousands of soul masters ran at full speed and swarmed towards the tall Soto City wall.

However, when I turned back to watch the huge waves, I found that the city wall of more than 20 meters was still just a high-point fence.

"Soto City is over!"

Someone in the crowd screamed. If this momentum continues, Soto City will not be spared.

"The Secret of Water Escape: The Art of Shark Dance in Water Prison!"

But just as despair spread, the terrifying water waves stopped.

Then a magical scene appeared, the water waves turned into a vast ocean.

It's just connected to the city wall.

Tang Chen stood on the blue waves, with the six sisters behind him guarding him in a fan shape.

"Although I don't quite understand why you are so laborious and mobilized."

"But whether it's the hidden weapon blueprints or the 100,000-year-old soul bones."

"I'm here now. If you have the guts, come over and give it a try. I'm never afraid of killing someone!"

Tang Chen's voice was very penetrating, reaching the ears of every soul master on the city wall.

But no one dared to answer the call. Faced with the unfavorable terrain, acting rashly would be courting death.

"What a arrogant boy, do you think you can do whatever you want by creating a body of water?"

At this moment, an old man in black robe walked out of the soul master team.

The moment the hood opened, Bibi Dong's face changed drastically as he watched the battle from a distance.

This old man's hair and beard are all golden, and there is a giant tail trailing behind him.

The second enshrinement in Wuhun Hall is: Golden Crocodile Douluo.

His soul power reaches level ninety-eight, his age is over one hundred and fifty years old, and his strength is not inferior to that of the Grand Priest and the Pope.

"Hey, old crocodile, don't get excited. You are getting older. I will take care of this kid."

The shock was not over yet, another old man walked out of the crowd with a sinister smile on his face.

This person's name is Thorny Blood, and he belongs to the Elder Hall of Wuhun Palace. His strength is as high as level 95, and he is titled Cavalry Douluo.

"Everyone who belongs to Wuhun Palace, come to me!"

The total number of soul masters on the city wall is approximately 3,500.

Three thousand of them belong to the Wuhun Palace, and they were all drawn from the nearby main palace.

Not many were brought over from Wuhun City

And the other five hundred or so soul masters came over to watch the show.

It's impossible for them to help, even if it does help, it won't be their turn.


Array Douluo's soul power exploded, and the houses under the city wall exploded one after another.

Countless wooden fragments flew out and landed on the lake.

Land soul masters cannot enter the water, but standing on a wooden board can also be effective.

Not far away, Bibi Dong held the scepter tightly and made an overwhelmed sound.

The Pope of Wuhun Palace was here, but those people pretended not to see him.

The enshrinement hall deceived her so much, did you really think she was being ignored?

"Stop it all!"

Bibi Dong's figure flashed and was already blocking the front of the team.

The two Douluo Guiju followed closely, they were a staunch papal faction.

There are many factions within Wuhun Hall, and the elders and worshipers all have their own sides.

And they stood on Bibi Dong's side

The overall power is not as good as Qian Daoliu, but because of Qian Renxue's diversion, the three forces have maintained a balance.

Especially since Bibi Dong has become stronger in recent years, more elders have begun to waver.

I believe it won’t be long before the Pope will truly rule the Wuhun Palace.

"See Your Majesty the Pope!"

When the pope with a crown appeared, everyone could not ignore it.

They all knelt down to salute


Bibi Dong snorted coldly, without any intention of making anyone stand up.

But Golden Crocodile Douluo stood up directly, cupped his fists and said coldly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty the Pope, we are executing the secret order. Please do not interfere in this matter?"

"Secret order? What kind of secret order cannot even I, the Pope, know?"

The aura on Bibi Dong's body gradually turned cold, and the surrounding soul masters could not help but tremble.

Golden Crocodile Douluo frowned, not daring to look down on the female Pope.

It is rumored that his combat prowess ranks first in the Wuhun Palace.

This was indeed the case in the past, but with the rise of Sendaoliu, he was no longer the case.

Now Bibi Dong is on the rise, and she may be ranked third.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was proud of his attacks, but Qiandaoliu's defense was stronger, and Bibi Dong was unbeatable.

So he decided not to offend the Pope directly.

"Your Majesty, of course you have the right to know the secret order."

"Miss Qian, the ruling elder, proposes to kill Prince Xiao of the Tiandou Empire."

"This son will pose an immeasurable threat to Wuhun Palace in the future."

"The seven worshippers unanimously approved it. This time, I will carry out the task."

Golden Crocodile Douluo told the truth, there was no point in hiding it now.

Anyway, as long as it is beneficial to Wuhun Palace, anything can be done.

He has been fighting for this all his life.


"Can even a yellow-haired girl become a ruling elder now?"

"I don't want to say anything more, get back to Wuhun City immediately."

"I'll handle this matter!"

Bibi Dong's eyes were deep, and she did not play around with the papal authority in a boring way.

In this world, the strong are respected, and only by showing strength can you gain status.

The terrifying death spider spirit appeared, with nine spirit rings of yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black and red.

It slowly rose up from the soles of her feet, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

The level of the martial spirit that is crowned with the title of emperor is not too low. Coupled with the spider's cold bloodthirsty, everyone is retreating unconsciously.

"Your Majesty, please respect yourself!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo's expression changed greatly, and he also activated his martial spirit.

A giant golden crocodile roared up to the sky. It was also the top-notch Golden Crocodile King martial spirit.

The nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, red, and even surpassed Bibi Dong.

And his soul power is not weak at all. After all, he is a terrifying existence that has lived for more than 150 years.


Bibi Dong's scepter paused, and six purple wings as thin as cicada's wings broke out from his back, and the whole body actually increased in size instantly.

"I said, get back here!"

Binghan's words contained murderous intent, and Bibi Dong was really angry.

It seemed that the Enshrinement Hall really didn't take her as the pope seriously.

"His Majesty the Pope, the Enshrinement Hall has the right to perform tasks alone, please don't embarrass me!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo suppressed his anger, and the Agedigu Douluo next to him also came closer, showing no intention of giving in.

"You are so brave, how dare you ignore His Majesty's orders like this."

"Old ghost, let's come too!"

Ju Douluo was more nervous and thought it was a moment to show his loyalty, so he quickly pulled Ghost Douluo forward to help.

Ghost Douluo shook his head, it was obvious that he was offending someone by doing this.

However, they are not afraid. With the support of martial soul fusion skills, Golden Crocodile Douluo can't do anything to them.

The momentum of both sides has reached its peak. Judging from Bibi Dong's personality, it is really possible for a war to begin here.

But at this moment, Tang Chen's teasing voice rang out.

"It's really hard to watch these big men bullying a girl."

"Bibi Dong, let them come over, and I will help you vent your anger today."

"Just think of it as apology for the last prank."

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