Douluo's Beginning Signing into the Divine Tree Martial Spirit

Chapter 86: Channeling the five soul beasts, humanoid self-propelled turret!

The sudden ridicule made everyone's momentum stagnant.

The soul masters in Wuhun Palace were even more dumbfounded that someone dared to treat the Pope as an ordinary woman.

What kind of bullying?

If Bibi Dong doesn't bully others, it's already good, right?

Golden Crocodile Douluo's face turned dark instantly, this sarcasm was quite heartbreaking.

His age is indeed a bully.

"You bastard, what are you talking about?"

"Don't cry when you get beaten later."

Ju Douluo, who always protected his master, immediately glared at Tang Chen.

"Shut up~"

Bibi Dong stopped with a cold voice and turned to look at the seven people on the lake.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Then let me see how you can vent your anger on me."

After saying this, Bibi Dong really gave up his position.

"All of us attack, take this man's head, and reward him with ten thousand years of soul bone."

Array Douluo shouted, and the soul masters behind him all showed greedy eyes.

Regardless of whether he was good at water or not, he stepped on the wooden board and rushed out.

"Martial Spirit True Body~"

Array Douluo activated his seventh soul skill and transformed into a pufferfish covered with spikes.

Then he jumped into the water without hesitation and rushed towards Tang Chen.

"Alas~ Invincibility means loneliness."

Tang Chen lamented, his powerful soul power began to gather, and his hands suddenly slapped on the water.

"The secret of water escape: the art of the five-eating shark!"

The calm lake surface began to boil, and five giant sharks with a body length of more than ten meters appeared.

Except that it is made of water, it is no different from a real shark.

Of course, their greatest characteristic is that they can absorb chakra. The more they absorb, the greater their power.

The shark dived into the water and rushed towards the crowds coming from all directions.

The people jumping on the wooden board are no different from ordinary people on the boat.

If a huge shark bites you, it will sink to the bottom of the water.

It was difficult to survive at that time.

"Six Paths Psychic Technique!"

The second sister took action, and three clouds of smoke rose from the water.

The terrifying aura belonging to the monster quickly spread to the surroundings.

Deep Sea Demonic Whale: A 30,000-year-old soul beast with a body length of more than 100 meters and a bloodthirsty and cruel personality. It was purchased at a large price.

Demonic Great White Shark: A 30,000-year-old soul beast with a body length of more than 30 meters. It can easily crush strong warships. It was captured while visiting the coastal city.

Thousand-Eyed Octopus: A 30,000-year-old soul beast with a body size of over 100 meters and its tentacles capable of chewing steel. He was caught for sneaking into inland lakes and capturing women in Tang Chen's territory.

Once the three terrifying soul beasts emerge, who can break through in this waters except Titled Douluo?



"My soul power is losing!"

The screams are endless, these soul masters are here to deliver food.

"Assemble all, Contra covers the Soul Master's breakthrough!"

Agedis Douluo rushed out of the water and shouted, but was knocked back by the shark in an instant.

However, the order was given promptly, and the chaotic soul master team began to assemble.

A strong man at the Contra level can deal with a 30,000-year-old spirit beast.

As long as you are careful not to fall into the water, there is no problem in sending teams forward.


The Wuhun Palace was well prepared this time, and hundreds of flying soul masters actually came.

At this time, he had broken through and was approaching, with a smile of victory on his face.

But the animal path behind the ringless one can control five psychic beasts.

Tang Chen was prepared on land and sea, so how could the sky not be prepared?

"Six Paths Psychic Technique!"

Bang bang~

In the white smoke, two more behemoths appeared.

Three-Headed Pheasant: A 30,000-year-old soul beast. Each head can use different attributes. I encountered it by chance while testing its flying ability, and captured it after a difficult battle.

Nine-Colored Phoenix Bird: A 50,000-year-old soul beast, with nine kinds of brilliance on its body that are extremely beautiful. When shining, it causes blindness. Its feathers can turn into blades and fly. After being injured, it takes the initiative to seek help.

The three-headed pheasant looks ugly, has a very vicious temper, and has a wingspan of more than ten meters.

After appearing, it soared into the sky and struck at the heads of those soul masters.

This guy is so cruel that even Tang Chen found it difficult to capture him.

A three-series energy attack with strange speed, specifically attacking vital parts like the head.

In just one confrontation, the heads of the two soul sects were bitten off.

Fortunately, the two Contras took action and were able to drive the strange bird back.

However, the three-headed pheasant used its speed to engage in harassment tactics, specifically focusing on the soul masters below the soul king to attack.

There were only two Contras in the flying team, so one person was forced to keep an eye on them.


The trouble of the three-headed pheasant has not been solved yet, and an even more terrifying aura is coming.

The phoenix bird, with its nine-colored light all over its body, is as beautiful and sacred as a fairy descending to earth.

Its intelligence is very high, otherwise why would it take the initiative to seek treatment from humans?

Normal soul masters would definitely add insult to injury, and flying soul beasts that were fifty thousand years old were not common.

Looking for Tang Chen proved his vision, and it felt like he came here specifically to ask for help.

The nine-colored phoenix bird erupted into a dazzling halo, and all the rushing soul masters were hit.


There was a wailing in the sky, and then there was the scene of a large-scale air crash.

Before the second attack landed, the flying soul master team was already in chaos.

Especially the Contra rushing in front was directly pierced by the tail feathers of the nine-color divine bird.

The three-headed pheasant suddenly appeared and took the opportunity to bite Contra's head into pieces.

Each of the Six Paths Sisters has unique skills and is comparable to the most complete army on the battlefield.

Although the attacking soul masters numbered three thousand, they were not enough of a threat to Tang Chen.


"Fly high and be careful of lightning, okay?"

Tang Chen, who was observing the battle situation, suddenly moved, and the flying soul master must take priority.

"The Secret of Water Escape: Ten Thousand Dragons Soar!"

Tang Chen's huge soul power poured into the lake, and it began to boil within a kilometer radius.


Continuous water dragons rose into the sky, and the Great Lake's bonus to water escape was unparalleled.

Viewed from a distance, one can see continuous water columns rushing into the sky, making it impossible for flying soul masters within the range to escape.

In just a blink of an eye, they were all pushed ten thousand meters into the sky.

"The Secret of Fire Escape: The Technique of the Flame Dragon Singing!"

Tang Chen seemed to have turned into a human-shaped fort, using countless terrifying ninjutsu.

The people watching the battle were dumbfounded. How many soul skills are there?

Normally, there is one ring and one skill. Even with a hundred thousand year soul ring, it is difficult to have two skills.

Could it be that this guy already has all his soul bones?

No one else could guess it, because even he didn't know how many ninjutsu there were.

Just like how many soul skills there are in Douluo Continent, even if the gods come, they can’t tell.

Tang Chen's chest swelled up at this time, and the air he blew out turned into a solid flame faucet.

These flames are like entities, all rushing into the sky.


The sound of explosions kept coming, and the clear sky turned into dark clouds.

Dense raindrops fell, and there were bursts of thunder.


Some flying soul masters fell down with smoke rising from their bodies, while others made emergency landings in panic.


"Feel the pain of despair!"

"The Secret of Thunder Escape: Qilin!"

Tang Chen laughed wildly and lowered his finger, and a huge animal face condensed in the sky.

The thunder and lightning unicorn fell quickly, and those flying soul masters who were not dead were killed.

There is no escape from disaster after all.

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

Sympathy for the Double Festival, have fun everyone!

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