Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 106 Harvest

Ye Xiaofan was already attacking, and Yuan Changqing and others could not fall behind and began to take action.

"The sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

"The eighth soul skill, double-winged cross-kill."

Catherine's two consecutive soul skills directly hit the huge snake of the lava python. The metallic attack caused huge damage to the lava python, and the lava python was seen bleeding.

The huge pain caused the lava python to break free from Dugu Bo's soul skill. At this time, it also released the Fire Wing Eagle, and the Fire Wing Eagle was freed from the confinement of the soul skill.

"The eighth soul skill, freezing time."

When Dugu Bo saw the Fire Wing Eagle breaking free from its confinement, he released his eighth soul skill again and imprisoned it again to prevent it from flying up and running away.

"The eighth soul skill, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect."

After Yuan Changqing got the eighth soul ring, he also had a place to use it this time. He also attacked the place where Catherine had just wounded him.

The leaves on the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun also became slender like the leaves of the Silver Leaf Sword Willow. These leaves also flew out in the direction pointed by Yuan Changqing, "swish, swish" like willow leaves flying knives, Then, they all hit the lava python's wound, causing its body to be almost cut off.

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he quickly shouted: "Katherine, come on, give it a try again."

After hearing this, Catherine did not hesitate: "The eighth soul skill, cross killing with two wings."

"The sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

Two more soul skills directly cut the lava python into two pieces. Then, the two snake bodies continued to bleed, and the part with the snake head also began its final struggle and launched a final counterattack.

I saw the snake head with one eye missing, continuously spitting lava flames towards everyone.

Yuan Changqing also quickly greeted everyone, saying: "Defense, everyone, be careful, it is in its final struggle."

After everyone defended themselves, they began to counterattack.

Because my sister-in-law's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was restrained, she helped everyone from behind.

Yuan Changqing's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has fire immunity, so he doesn't have to worry about being restrained by the fire attribute.

"Soul Bone Technique, Medusa's Gaze." Dugu Bo used the Soul Bone Technique.

Originally, the lava python had earth properties. After being hit by Medusa's gaze, it was directly petrified. This also gave Yuan Changqing and Catherine a chance.

"The fifth soul skill, spiral strangulation."

I saw the vines of the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, forming a spiral shape, hitting the place where the lava python was petrified. There was only a "bang" sound, and the petrified place was turned into powder.

There was another "bang", and the lava python fell to the ground and died.

Then, everyone looked towards Ye Xiaofan. At this time, the Fire Wing Eagle was also taking in less air and outgoing more air, and was about to die.

Therefore, everyone did not take action again, but instead guarded the surroundings. After all, the long-term fighting here was very noisy, and it was easy to attract uninvited guests.

After a moment, the Fire Wing Eagle was also killed by Ye Xiaofan. In addition to the black soul ring of the lava python, the Fire Wing Eagle's black soul ring also slowly floated out.

Seeing the death of Fire Wing Eagle, Yuan Changqing said: "Little uncle, please quickly recover your soul power and prepare to absorb the soul ring. We will help you protect the law."


After his uncle Ye Xiaofan answered simply, he sat on the ground and began to recover his soul power.

At this time, Yuan Changqing also checked the lava python to see if there were any soul bones. After searching, no soul bones were found.

Then, I came to the Fire Wing Eagle again. This time I was lucky and found a soul bone. After inspection, I found that it was a right arm bone. Maybe this was the most aggrieved death of the Fire Wing Eagle. Soul bone!

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing gave it to his sister-in-law for safekeeping and asked her to give it to her uncle. No one had any objections to handing this soul bone to Ye Xiaofan. After all, everyone knew that the soul bones and soul rings produced by the same soul beast were the same. It's the best match.

Moreover, Dugu Bo also gained a piece this time, so he naturally had no objections. Yuan Changqing and Ye Xiaofan were members of the same family, so he had no objections.

Afterwards, there were several hours of waiting for Ye Xiaofan to absorb the soul ring.

This time, Ye Xiaofan was able to easily kill Fire Wing Eagle, which also made Fire Wing Eagle very frustrated. Seeing Ye Xiaofan's body trembling continuously, he thought that it would not be easy to absorb this nearly 80,000-year-old soul ring.

Ye Xiaofan is not like Yuan Changqing's body. Yuan Changqing's body has been tempered by the Ice and Fire Eyes, and he has also refined the Ice and Fire Mysterious Body.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing seemed to have an easier time absorbing soul rings, not only because of his body, but also because Yuan Changqing's mental power was at the level of a titled Douluo.

At this time, watching Ye Xiaofan absorbing the soul ring with a painful look on his face, my sister-in-law was also anxious at the side.

Yuan Changqing comforted his sister-in-law and said: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, my uncle will be fine. If something happens, there will be me and Lao Dudu!"

Looking at Ye Xiaofan again, Yuan Changqing said: "My uncle's current situation is not only due to the soul power in the soul ring, but also because the remnant soul of the Fire Wing Eagle is fighting with my uncle. However, with my uncle's mental power, he should It’s not a problem, don’t worry!”

"Yes, sister-in-law. Besides, my uncle is not a weakling. He will be fine." Catherine also came over to comfort her.

After listening to Yuan Changqing and Catherine's words, my sister-in-law felt a lot more at ease. In fact, my sister-in-law just had a care-inducing mentality.

After my sister-in-law calmed down, she said, "Okay, I heard what you said, I'm much better now."

Yuan Changqing signaled to Catherine to accompany her sister-in-law, and then walked around and began to patrol and observe, lest other soul beasts suddenly break in and disturb Ye Xiaofan's absorption of the soul ring.

What Yuan Changqing and others didn't know was that Ye Xiaofan's situation was just like Yuan Changqing said. Not only did he have to be distracted to maintain the absorption of the soul ring, but he also faced the attack of the remaining soul of the Fire Wing Eagle.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaofan has practiced the "Eternal Spring Art", which can greatly improve his mental power at the seventh level. Therefore, although he has to concentrate on absorbing the soul ring at this time, he still has to deal with the remnant soul of the Fire Winged Eagle. More than enough.

The method Ye Xiaofan chose was "consuming", slowly consuming the remaining soul of the Fire Wing Eagle, and even dragging it to death was the safest way.

If the remnant soul of the Fire Wing Eagle was destroyed directly and violently, Ye Xiaofan's consciousness might also be damaged in the end. In that case, the gain would outweigh the loss, so it was better to play it safe.

Six hours later, Ye Xiaofan also successfully absorbed the soul ring and became a level 81 Contra. After standing up, he repeatedly said thank you to everyone.

Yuan Changqing said: "Little uncle, no matter how much you say thank you, we are all a family. If you say this, you will be alienated."

Everyone agreed with Yuan Changqing's words. Ye Xiaofan smiled and said: "Hahaha, I'm so happy. I've finally been promoted to Contra. I couldn't even think about it before!"

Ye Xiaofan said this. In addition to Dugu Bo, Yuan Changqing's family also understood very well. Indeed, with Ye Xiaofan's previous martial arts, it was impossible to reach Contra as early as now.

Yuan Changqing said: "Little uncle, don't be sad. This time the Fire Wing Eagle also produced a soul bone. It is at my sister-in-law's place. You can absorb it when you return this time."

Then, he said to everyone: "Let's leave first. There was so much movement here before, and it's been so long. Maybe other soul beasts will be eyeing this place. It's better to leave early and have a good morning."

Dugu Bo also nodded and said, "Yes, let's leave quickly."

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