Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 107 Introduction

Although Dugu Bo is a titled Douluo, he doesn't want to put himself in a dangerous situation. After all, anything can happen in the Star Dou Forest.

As far as Yuan Changqing knows, there is a fire attribute beast in the Star Dou Forest: the Red King. That guy is not comparable to a hundred thousand year old soul beast, and this is the best place for a fire attribute soul beast to live.

Although it usually cultivates in the secret realm at the core of the Star Dou Forest, the possibility of encountering it here is very small, but if it goes crazy and comes here, the joke will be big.

Therefore, it is better to leave as soon as possible. After all, Yuan Changqing and Ye Xiaofan have obtained the soul rings this time. There is no need to take risks anymore. They must cherish their lives and stay away from danger.

Star town.

After running all the way, everyone returned to Star Dou Town again. This time everyone spent a lot of time in Star Dou Forest and were tired, so they had a big meal here and went to rest.

The next day, Yuan Changqing said goodbye to his sister-in-law and uncle, and headed towards Tiandou City with Catherine and Dugubo.

The main purpose of returning to Tiandou City this time is to pick up Wang Yuyan, her two children and Ye Guang, and then return to Lanyin Village.

After two years of continuous research, Yuan Changqing is ready to start building his own Doukai, so it is more convenient to do it in Lanyin Village.

In addition to studying the soul guidance formation method in the past two years, Yuan Changqing has also built a lot of components to experiment with the soul guidance formation method he has studied to see if it can be used. This is also a process of constant trial and error, and it has also given Yuan Changqing a lot. inspiration.

Also, in the past two years, in addition to the ore materials ordered in Gengjin City, my family has also collected a lot of them.

Therefore, everything is ready now, all I need is Dongfeng, and I can wait until I go back this time to start building my own battle armor.

Tiandou City.

After being away for so many days, he finally came back. When saying goodbye to Dugu Bo, Yuan Changqing said: "Old poisonous man, I really bother you again this time. I'll treat you to a drink again in two days."

Dugu Bo also smiled heartily and said: "Hahaha, it's nothing, it just takes some time. Besides, considering the relationship between our two families, how can I say thank you? How could you still refuse if I ask you for help in the future?"

Yuan Changqing rolled his eyes at Dugu Bo and said, "Old poisonous man, I was just being polite to you, didn't you hear it?"

"Hey, I heard it. Okay, I'm leaving first. Remember what you said about treating guests to dinner!" After Dugu Bo finished speaking, he left directly without giving Yuan Changqing a chance to speak.

"Holy shit, the old poison is really getting older and more playful now." Yuan Changqing said after watching Dugu Bo leave.


This also made Catherine laugh, so she said to Yuan Changqing: "Hubby, I didn't expect Uncle Dugu to be so fun."

Yuan Changqing rolled his eyes and said, "What fun? Didn't you see that the old poisoner is actually cleaning up your husband and me!"

"I know, that's why I think Uncle Dugu is funny. When I go back, I must tell Fei Yan and Yu Yan. They must also want to know, hehe!" Catherine said innocently.

Yuan Changqing expressed that he was speechless and helpless, and said: "Okay, it's up to you. We'd better go back and tell Yuyan that she's safe, so that she won't worry at home."

"Well, let's go."

Wang Yuyan was very happy after seeing Yuan Changqing and Catherine come back.

When she came to the two of them, Wang Yuyan said: "Brother Changqing, sister Catherine, why have you been gone for so long this time? I'm so worried at home!"

Yuan Changqing comforted Wang Yuyan: "There is nothing we can do about it. The main reason is that the soul beast we need to find this time is relatively strong. In addition, during the search process, we will inevitably encounter some accidents."

"So, it took a longer time, but aren't we back safely now?"

Wang Yuyan added: "Well, I know all this, I just can't help but worry!"

Catherine smiled at this time and said: "I think sister Yuyan is worried about her lover, hee hee!"

Wang Yuyan blinked her eyes and said, "Sister Catherine, I'm so worried about you."

"Ahem, okay, you guys." Yuan Changqing interrupted them both in time.

Then, she asked: "Yu Yan, did anything happen after we left?"

Wang Yuyan thought for a while and seemed to think of something, so she said, "There is one thing. Liu Erlong is back and came to our house to find me and Sister Catherine, but you all went to hunt for souls."

"Oh, Erlong is back, did she say anything? But, sister Yuyan, do you know if she has found that Yu Xiaogang?" Catherine asked Wang Yuyan quickly after hearing Liu Erlong's return.

Wang Yuyan replied: "Well, I'm back. I'm too embarrassed to ask about those things. After all, it's Erlong's privacy. However, judging from her mood, there is a high probability that she has not found it."

When Yuan Changqing heard this, he knew clearly in his heart that of course he had not found it. Yu Xiaogang is still living as an ostrich in Notting City! However, Yuan Changqing would not tell him, otherwise, how would Tang San meet Yu Xiaogang in the future, and how would Yu Xiaogang accept Tang San as his disciple.

Therefore, the timeline must not be disrupted. Only in this way can Yuan Changqing accurately grasp future developments.

Catherine asked again: "Where does Erlong live now? We can go find her!"

"This Erlong has said, but we just need to go together when the time comes. We will invite Fei Yan out and introduce them to each other. Last time Erlong left, there was no chance." Wang Yuyan replied.

Catherine also nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, let's do it this way."

At this time, Yuan Changqing interjected: "I want to invite the old poisonous family to dinner the day after tomorrow. You can invite Liu Erlong together, so you can get to know each other!"

Wang Yuyan said: "Okay, sister Catherine and I will tell Erlong tomorrow."

"It's up to you. Okay, I won't say any more. I'm a little tired after rushing back this time. Let's eat first. After eating, it's better to have an early rest!" Yuan Changqing said nonchalantly.

Early the next morning, Wang Yuyan and Catherine went to find Liu Erlong. Yuan Changqing arranged for his family's waiters to prepare things for tomorrow's treat. These waiters were all brought from their hometown and were relatively reliable. Afterwards, he went to Dugu Bo’s house.

Arriving at Dugubo's house, Dugubo asked Yuan Changqing, "Why are you here today?"

"Ahem, old poisoner, didn't I tell you yesterday that I would treat you to a drink tomorrow? I came here today to tell you that tomorrow your family will go directly to my house for dinner." Yuan Changqing explained.

Then, he said to Dugu Xin: "Brother Dugu, remember to come with your sister-in-law tomorrow. Yu Yan said that she would introduce a friend to her."

Dugu Xin said: "Okay, I will be there on time, but who did my brother and sister introduce?"

Although Yuan Changqing knew about Liu Erlong's situation, he didn't want to say anything more, so he simply said, "He belongs to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. As for the specific details, you can let your sister-in-law find out."

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