Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 12 Plans for Future Development

Soto City, Blue Silver Village.

Since Yuan Changqing graduated, he has been staying at home.

Every day when I'm not practicing, I'm helping my parents take care of their children, and occasionally doing farm work during the busy farming season.

In order to practice his blacksmith skills, he also built a blacksmith shop next to his house. Since the blacksmith shop was built, people in the village no longer need to buy farm tools from Soto City, and Yuan Changqing is skilled enough to make them.

While practicing hard in the village, Yuan Changqing is also planning his future path, as well as plans.

The first is to improve his blacksmith level. Since his second soul skill (Light of Life) soul ring was attached, he added the first soul skill (Light of Soul Power).

Yuan Changqing's blacksmith skills have improved visibly to the naked eye. He uses his soul skills when he is tired or injured, which is of great help when he is blacksmithing.

As the blacksmith's level improves, the things he needs to build can be completed smoothly, and he can usually receive some OEM work from the Hammer family.

Due to the loss of soul guidance technology in Douluo Continent, and the fact that Yuan Changqing found very little information on soul guidance technology in the school library, he had no choice but to make soul guidance devices.

However, Yuan Changqing also decided that after he reached the Soul King level, he would go to those colleges and universities to see if he could find any books about soul guides.

Yuan Changqing also wanted to have his own soul tool.

While he was practicing blacksmithing, his family also asked him why he became a blacksmith.

My own martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass. If I want to make iron, I also need a hammer or other martial arts. Wouldn’t it be more effective with half the effort?

Yuan Changqing casually mentioned that blacksmithing can be used to refine soul tools. If he can find the skills in this field in the future, he can refine some soul tools to protect himself and his family.

Just such a casual remark, suddenly, one night, grandpa gave himself something.

"Evergreen, grandpa has something here that was passed down from our ancestors. It is said that it can be used to store things, but it is broken. Take it and see if it can be repaired."

"Grandpa, how did our ancestors get it?"

Yuan Changqing looked surprised. Now he finally had a reference. Maybe he could figure out the reason!

Grandpa said: "I don't know very well. It is said that the ancestor who practiced the soul sect encountered danger while hunting for a soul ring."

"While avoiding danger, I accidentally entered a cave and picked it up inside. However, it was broken when I picked it up, so I kept it at home and passed it down."

"Take it and see if it can be repaired. Just treat it as trash. It won't be of much value if you keep it at home anyway."

Hearing his grandfather talk about the process, Yuan Changqing was speechless for a while. He finally got a soul guide, but it turned out to be broken.

That ancestor might have been very angry at that time, Yuan Changqing thought secretly.

"Okay, Grandpa, then I will take it and study it. If I can research it, our family can make our own soul guidance device."

"Go ahead, it doesn't matter if you haven't researched it yet. Our family doesn't need it now anyway, but it would be best if we could research it." In the end, my grandfather said to me encouragingly and comfortingly.

After getting a broken soul guide from his grandfather Yuan Tao, Yuan Changqing also had something new to do.

Time also passed slowly, and Yuan Changqing also planned his own plan.

He remembered when he read the book Douluo Dalu before, at the beginning of the plot.

Dugu Bo only reached the realm of Titled Douluo about ten years before the protagonist Tang San was born, and about thirteen years passed before he met Tang San.

Dugu Bo was also in an accident and almost died of poison. Fortunately, he was lucky and accidentally stumbled into the wonder of heaven and earth - the Eye of Ice and Fire.

With the help of the power of the Ice and Fire Eyes, he suppressed the poison in his body and took the opportunity to break through to the Titled Douluo.

This was because he was strong enough, otherwise his son and daughter-in-law would not have died with the help of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Although I don't know what Dugu Bo's strength is now, based on what I know, I should be about the same age as Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect, maybe older than him.

Then I can also use this to get the fairy grass in the Ice and Fire Eyes in advance, so that the cultivation speed of my family can be greatly improved.

Also, the Ice and Fire Eyes are located in the Sunset Forest outside Tiandou City, the capital of the Tiandou Empire. The distance is not too far.

It seems that Yuan Changqing needs to go to Tiandou City, where there are many high-end colleges. He can apply for a teacher when he reaches the Soul King.

That would also make it easier for him to find the Ice and Fire Eyes, and it would also be more convenient to hunt for his subsequent soul rings.

After the plan was planned, Yuan Changqing continued with his own things, such as learning the runes in Feng Shui and studying the bad soul guidance device, hoping to combine them to create his own soul guidance technology in the future.

Yuan Changqing chose the power attack system for his martial soul path.

Ten years later.

Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and my younger brothers and sisters have also graduated. Now they are thirteen years old, and their strength is also that of a great soul master.

Moreover, he and his sister-in-law are both married. Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan are already married and have children of their own.

Yuan Changqing married Wang Yuyan when he was 18 years old and gave birth to a three-year-old boy named Yuan Qinglan, which means "green comes from blue and is better than blue."

Sure enough, my sister-in-law hired a son-in-law who came to her. He and his sister-in-law went to Soto City for business, and on their way back, they found an injured man in a bush.

After taking him home for treatment, we learned that he was a commoner and an orphan, quite handsome, and with the care of his sister-in-law, they developed a good impression of each other and naturally got married.

My uncle's name is Ye Xiaofan. He is a Martial Soul Flamingo with level 7 innate soul power. It is an advanced martial spirit. When I met him, he was already a Soul King. Since he hunted soul beasts alone, the fifth soul ring attached was only Thousand-year soul ring.

After absorbing the soul ring, he met a soul beast. After being injured in the battle, he ran out of the Star Forest and finally met Yuan Changqing's aunt and nephew.

He was 5 years older than his sister-in-law. Yuan Changqing was 14 years old at the time, his sister-in-law was 21 years old, and Ye Xiaofan was 26 years old.

Ten years have passed, and now the population of Yuan Changqing's family has grown a lot. Yuan Changqing is also 22 years old, a level 49 soul sect, and a strong attack type.

Grandpa Yuan Tao is 58 years old, level 54 soul king, strong attack type.

Grandma Lan Tong is 58 years old, level 51 Soul King, control system.

Dad Yuan Fei is 40 years old, a level 45 soul sect, and a strong attack type.

Mother Lan Ling is 39 years old, level 43 soul sect, control system

My sister-in-law Yuan Linglong is 29 years old, a level 49 soul sect, control system.

My uncle, Ye Xiaofan, is 34 years old and a level 61 soul emperor. He has the highest level of cultivation in the family. He has obtained the family's martial arts through a martial arts oath.

Wang Yuyan is 22 years old, a level 36 soul master, with agility and control system. She also obtained the family skills after swearing a martial soul.

The second sister Yuan Ziyi is 13 years old, a level 23 great soul master, control system.

The third brother, Yuan Zilong, is 13 years old, a level 23 great soul master, strong attack type.

My son Yuan Qinglan is 3 years old and still a little kid.

The younger brother Ye Guang is 7 years old, has a martial spirit flamingo, innate soul power level 7, and is a level 11 soul master with a strong attack system.

Judging from this, the family's strength is pretty good, and Yuan Changqing and her sister-in-law are about to advance to the Soul King level.

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