Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 13 The Fifth Soul Ring

Because of Ye Xiaofan's arrival, it became safer for the Yuan Changqing family to hunt for soul rings. The grandparents, parents, and other soul rings were completed under the leadership of my uncle.

In recent years, Yuan Changqing often went to Soto City and gleaned some useful information while chatting at the Iron Hammer Blacksmith Shop.

Now news about the Haotian Double Star has been spreading on the Douluo Continent. Yuan Changqing also guessed that Tang Hao might be about the same age as himself, but he didn't know if they had met the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

Yuan Changqing is also planning to go to Tiandou City to look for the Ice and Fire Eyes after obtaining his fifth soul ring.

Now Yuan Changqing's blacksmith level has reached the level of Thousand Forgings.

The bracelet-shaped soul guide was also repaired, and after inspection, it was found that the innermost core component was damaged.

After understanding the soul guidance device, Yuan Changqing knew the method of making the soul guidance device, the shell, the soul guidance core, the rune inscription, etc.

These are similar to the ones I refined through Feng Shui. The only difference is that the runes are different. It seems to be a difference in the world.

Since reaching the level of Thousand Refinements, I have wasted a lot of precious materials through constant experiments through the talisman road map on the soul guidance core.

This made Yuan Changqing feel bad. It was all money, and he was not rich to begin with.

In the end, the soul guide core rune road map was perfected, and finally the new soul guide core was carved with the rune engraving knife made by oneself, and a new soul guide storage bracelet was assembled with a new shell.

I got a 5 cubic meter storage bracelet, and continued my efforts to make storage soul guides for each member of the family, both in bracelet and pendant styles.

As for the storage ring, because the core component was too large, and I didn't have any knowledge about other soul guidance devices, the size of the space, etc., I couldn't make it.

These are all things that he cannot make now. Yuan Changqing can only copy them at most.

Half a year later, Yuan Changqing and his sister-in-law reached level 50 quasi-soul king successively.

Since the martial soul route chosen is the power attack system, the fourth soul skill is hunted from the Iron Sword Tree, and the soul skill obtained is Blade Storm, a continuous attack soul skill. The fifth soul skill is still prepared to be attached with an offensive soul. ring.

Grandpa has already verified this before, and the effect is pretty good. This also makes grandpa and grandma's martial soul level reach the level where the soul queen evolves to the intermediate martial soul, and the blue silver becomes the black iron.

Yuan Changqing's parents, sister-in-law, and himself had already evolved to the level of Blue Silver Grass and Black Iron when they were in their third soul ring.

Since I was going to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings, I had to prepare for it for two days.

A group of five people, grandparents, sister-in-law, uncle, and myself set out on the road to hunt for soul rings.

Because the Star Dou Forest was very dangerous, mom, dad, and Wang Yuyan stayed at home to take care of the children.

Exit from the edge of the Star Dou Forest.

My uncle is the strongest and most experienced, and he will lead the team this time.

"Now we are entering the Star Dou Forest. This time we are hunting the ten thousand year soul beast."

"So everyone must maintain formation and be vigilant."

"Now I will walk in the front, mom and Linglong will walk behind me side by side, Changqing will be behind, and dad will be at the end. Everyone is ready to set off."


Everyone answered in unison.

So everyone raised their spirits and entered the forest.

My sister-in-law’s fourth soul skill is the Thorn Cage, and her fifth soul skill is to hunt the Diamond Vine.

Because there were places where grandparents hunted soul beasts in the past, they knew that there might be these soul beasts in that location.

The group of people searched in the forest for a day. Although they knew the location, these spirit beasts were not necessarily there, just the general location, but they still couldn't find the right ones.

In the evening, my uncle began to make arrangements for the night.

"Because there are some soul beasts that move at night at night, everyone must not sleep too hard when sleeping. Therefore, everyone takes turns to keep vigil first."

"I am the strongest here, so I will stay for the first half of the night. Dad, you will stay for the second half of the night. We don't know how long we will be in the forest yet."

"So, everyone takes turns coming here these days."

"Okay, Xiaofan, we get it."

After dinner, everyone except my uncle began to rest. After all, they had been in a state of high concentration this day.

The next day, everyone continued to set off, and finally found the diamond vine that my sister-in-law needed. Because Blue Silver Grass is a herbal plant soul beast, it is relatively fragile, so the choice of the soul beast is to strengthen its hardness and toughness.

Therefore, you must be selective when choosing a soul beast, and the Vajra Vine is very suitable.

My uncle said: "Mom, you control the Vajra Vine now, and Dad and I will fight quickly."

"Changqing and Linglong observe the surroundings and communicate in time if there is any situation to avoid emergencies."


After everyone responded, everyone began to settle into their positions.

"Start attacking."

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."


After a series of attacks by the three people, coupled with the restraint of the fire-attributed spirit beast by the uncle's fire-attributed spirit beast, the Vajra Vine was soon on its last legs.

"Linglong, prepare to kill the soul beast and absorb the soul ring."

The sister-in-law took out a long sword and killed the soul beast with one strike. A black soul ring appeared. The sister-in-law sat on the ground and began to absorb the soul ring.

Yuan Changqing said: "Grandpa, grandma, little uncle, you recover your soul power first, and I will protect you. I will call you if there is any situation."


"Then Changqing pays attention to your surroundings and speaks out in time if something happens."

After the three responded, they each found a place to recover their soul power. Yuan Changqing also paid attention to the movements around him.

Two hours later, my sister-in-law had absorbed the soul ring, and everyone gathered together again, found a place, and began to rest for the night.

In the Star Forest, there is a valley. There is an eye of ice here. It is bitingly cold. The entire valley is like an ice cave.

Outside the valley, Yuan Changqing and his party appeared here. There may be the soul beast Ice Sword Grass he needs here.

Entering the valley, everyone began to look for the 10,000-year-old Ice Sword Grass Soul Beast.

After some searching, everyone found a suitable Ice Sword Grass not far from Bingyan.

Uncle Ye Xiaofan observed the surrounding situation.

"We are not very clear about the situation of this ice eye. I guess there may be a powerful ice attribute soul beast sleeping under the ice eye."

"When we hunt the soul beast later, we don't know if we will wake it up."

"Do you think you should leave here or risk hunting?"

Grandpa's soul ring was attached in the northern ice field last time, so my uncle meant that if he gave up here, it would be better to go to the ice field to get the soul ring.

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