Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 14 Adventure

Everyone also fell into deep thought after what the uncle said.

After some consideration, Yuan Changqing stood up and said.

"Uncle, your martial spirit is of fire attribute. It will be suppressed in the northern ice field and its power will be greatly reduced."

"So, I think it's better to hunt this Ice Sword Grass here."

"Now we have three soul kings plus one soul emperor. Let's fight quickly. Then we will take away the ice sword grass and find a safe place outside. I will absorb the soul ring again."

"While you are attacking, I will continue to observe the movement in the ice eyes. If there is any situation, we will leave here directly. It will not be too late to go to the ice field."

After hearing what I said, everyone thought it would be okay, and then my uncle started making arrangements.

"Well, just follow what Chang Qing said, let's take a chance."

"Now we have two control types. You will control the Ice Sword Grass with all your strength first, and two attack types. After you guys have control of it, dad and I will attack with all our strength and hunt it down as quickly as possible."

After some arrangements, everyone took action. After all, hunting the soul beast this time was more dangerous.

Everyone also began to control and attack with all their strength, which caught the Ice Sword Grass off guard. It weakened after a few blows, and finally died under Yuan Changqing's ruthless sword.

Although the process went very smoothly, Bingyan did not notice any movement. In order to prevent accidents, no one dared to make too much of it.

Then, everyone quickly took the body of Ice Sword Grass and left here quickly.

After everyone left for a while, they were still running fast, and roars came from behind. Everyone increased their speed again, and they all used the ape running in "Five Animals" to quickly move away from the valley and the outskirts of the forest.

After leaving the valley, everyone found a relatively safe place without any danger. After all, there is no absolutely safe place in the Star Dou Forest.

At this time, there was no cold sweat on the backs of everyone who stopped.

Grandpa said: "Fortunately, we were fast enough, otherwise we might have ended up here."

Yuan Changqing also looked happy, annoyed, and frightened for a while.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't decided to hunt the soul beast here, I wouldn't have put everyone in danger."



Everyone also comforted.

The younger uncle added: "The voice of that spirit beast sounds very much like the roar of a dragon. It is most likely a spirit beast with dragon attributes, but I don't know how old it is."

My sister-in-law said: "That must be better than all of us here. The sound alone is terrifying!"

"Maybe not even a hundred thousand years. When we were running, I heard the sound of other spirit beasts running."

"Yeah, it might be sleeping, otherwise we wouldn't be able to escape!"

Grandpa added: "Xiaofan, Changqing, Linglong, you should restore your soul power now. After Changqing recovers her soul power, you can directly absorb the soul ring, so as not to miss the time to absorb the soul ring."

So everyone began to recover their soul power, while grandparents watched the surroundings and protected everyone.

Above the Ice Sword Grass, a circle of black soul rings slowly rotated. As Yuan Changqing's soul power recovered, he told everyone and began to absorb the soul rings.

As the soul ring fell onto the blue silver grass, the pain in his body was as if lava was flowing into it. Yuan Changqing gritted his teeth and persisted, and there were bursts of ice sword light in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing practices "Eternal Spring Jue", which is a Taoist method for cultivating soul power and spirit. His mental power is also relatively strong.

Facing the remnant soul of the Ice Sword Grass, he used his spirit to transform into a sword shadow and attacked the Ice Sword Grass.

After a while of consumption, the remaining soul was completely consumed. After running the "Changchun Jue", the soul ring was successfully absorbed.

Just after the absorption was about to be completed, Yuan Changqing felt another burst of heat in his body. After some hard work, the heat finally disappeared.

After finally absorbing the soul rings, everyone quickly left the Star Dou Forest. After experiencing this experience today, they had long wanted to leave.

Arriving at a small town outside the Star Forest, everyone had a good night's rest and headed home the next day.

Soto City, Blue Silver Village.

After returning home, Yuan Changqing told everyone about the situation when he absorbed the soul ring. Because he was mentally exhausted yesterday, he did not check it.

At this time, after he told everyone about the situation, after some groping, a cold sword appeared on each hand.

Everyone has never seen this kind of situation, but they also guessed that it might be a soul bone.

My uncle had more knowledge than everyone else, so he said: "This may be a soul bone. I have never heard of Evergreen, and I have never seen a soul bone."

My sister-in-law was dissatisfied: "What do you mean it might be a soul bone?"

"As far as I know, there are generally six soul bones, namely the hands, feet, torso, and head."

"But I've never heard of the Evergreen one. Maybe it's a special soul bone!"


Everyone heard my uncle explain it like this, and it was all they could do.

However, Yuan Changqing did know that this was an external soul bone that was comparable to a hundred thousand year soul ring, but he couldn't tell it, otherwise he couldn't explain how he knew this, and he didn't want to lie.

The younger uncle said again: "Changqing, don't expose this in front of outsiders in the future. Even if you have to, you must eradicate it."

"Otherwise it would be dangerous. Those big families and powerful forces can do anything."

"I understand, don't worry, I will remember your words."

After recounting what happened in the Star Dou Forest, her parents and Wang Yuyan were also frightened. After a while of concern, everyone was happy that Yuan Changqing and her sister-in-law had obtained soul rings.

This time the girl with the added soul ring has reached level 51 soul king, and Yuan Changqing has caught up from behind and is already level 52 soul king.

After returning home, Yuan Changqing also told everyone about his plan to go to Tiandou City.

He said that when he went to Tiandou City this time, he mainly wanted to find books about soul guides and learn about martial arts, so that he could better understand the Blue Silver Grass martial arts.

The family was also reluctant and understanding. After all, Yuan Changqing had never gone out much and he was still young.

Yuan Changqing said: "This time I plan to explore the road alone. If you want to take a look then, come to me."

"When I get to the place and settle in, I will write back to inform everyone."

Then he said to his wife Wang Yuyan: "Yuyan, I will stay with you at home for a month. I will pick you up after I make arrangements there."

"If my sister-in-law and uncle want to visit then, they can go together."

"Don't worry, brother Changqing, I will take care of the family, you don't have to worry."


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