Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 15 The Journey

After adding the fifth soul ring, the martial souls of Yuan Changqing and Xiaogu evolved again as expected.

Most of the black silk veins on the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit turned into bronze color, leaving only a small part of the black silk veins.

According to Yuan Changqing's estimation, this is still not enough foundation, and the origin is not enough for the martial spirit to completely advance to a high-level martial spirit.

But after all, it has evolved to a high level. It is estimated that as long as you cultivate to Soul Emperor and add a soul ring, you will completely advance to a high-level martial soul, and you can accumulate foundation and increase your source again.

Now Yuan Changqing, his aunt and nephew's martial spirits can finally be called Lan Yinhou, which can be regarded as validating some of his previous guesses.

Everyone is very happy about this. The evolution of Wuhun not only allows the family to pursue higher goals.

It also increases the innate soul power of the martial soul. This is an increase in the origin, making the origin stronger.

It also makes the cultivation speed comparable to those of high-level martial arts, so that the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is no longer a useless martial spirit.

As for the development of the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, the family has even issued a hush-hush order on the additional details of the spirit ring and is not allowed to be leaked to the outside world.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the family will be in trouble. Even if you don't know, there are really a lot of secrets in Yuan Changqing's family now.

However, his family is still developing in a low-key manner. Few outsiders know that his family now has not only a soul master at the soul emperor level, but also four soul kings. It can be regarded as a good small family.

Yuan Changqing's family is in a rural area, and not many outsiders know about them. Moreover, few people in the village know about their strength. They only know that the village chief and his family are all soul masters.

It was Lan Yin Cao who had lost his martial spirit, so he didn't pay much attention to it. In addition, the village chief was Grandpa Yuan Changqing, so his family was quite prestigious in the village.

One month later.

Time always flies by, and January has passed like this.

Yuan Changqing and his family are all saying goodbye to Yuan Changqing.

"Changqing, you must take good care of yourself when you get there. If you don't get used to it, come back. Don't let mom worry."

The people who care about him the most are always his parents, which makes Yuan Changqing feel like he doesn't want to leave, but he finally endures it.

This departure is to prepare for a better life in the future.

My sister-in-law also expressed concern: "My dear nephew, after you have settled down over there, just wait to welcome your aunt!"

Although my sister-in-law said this jokingly, Yuan Changqing felt that it was because she was reluctant to let him go. It was also possible that she wanted to go out too, which was funny when she thought about it.

"Well, then my nephew will greet Miss Yuan Linglong in Tiandou City." Yuan Changqing also said with a smile.

He said goodbye to his family for a while, and finally Yuan Changqing asked his family to take care of themselves and not to worry.

"Yu Yan, take good care of your grandparents, parents, and yourself at home."


"Qinglan, don't be naughty at home. If I come back next time and find out that you are not good at home, see how I deal with you when I come back."

"I know, Dad."

Just like that, Yuan Changqing turned around and left, leaving behind his family, and tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes unconsciously.

"Wait for me to write, wait for my return."

After walking for a while, he saw his family still watching him silently, so he waved and shouted loudly.

In this way, Yuan Changqing left Lanyin Village and Soto City.

Looking at the map, he headed towards Tiandou City. When he encountered a city, he rested in the city. He also went to the spirit fighting arena to participate in spirit fighting to increase his actual combat experience.

In the beginning, he lost more than he won, mainly because he had little experience. This was their family's weakness.

Later, he also wrote to his family and asked them to open up a venue in a remote place in the back mountain and let his uncle be their sparring partner to increase their familiarity with their martial arts and increase their actual combat capabilities.

Why not let them enter the soul fighting arena? They are still afraid of being exposed. Yuan Changqing didn't think of it before.

In the end, the family decided not to go, and they still wanted to live in Soto City.

But now that I have my younger uncle, isn't he a ready-made sparring partner?

Just stop and go, sometimes sleeping in the wilderness.

I also encountered a robber. When he saw him alone, he felt that he was easy to bully. He didn't waste any words and directly killed the robber and sent the robber to meet the God of Death.

This also made him a small fortune, which was an unexpected blessing.

"What the hell! If you are so poor, you still have the nerve to be a robber."

Yuan Changqing said angrily when he encountered a bunch of poor people during the cleanup work after dealing with the robbers.

Outside Tiandou City.

Yuan Changqing had a fulfilling life along the way. Not only did he gain practical experience, he also made a small fortune.

I saw a large city in the distance, much larger than Soto City.

"It is indeed the capital of an empire, not comparable to the Kingdom of Barak!"

Yuan Changqing said with emotion when he saw Tiandou City.

"Two copper soul coins."

The soldiers guarding the city stopped Yuan Changqing to pay the entrance fee. He took out the soul master's handbook, and the soldiers read it and returned it respectfully.

"Lord Soul Master, please come in."

Soul masters also have privileges in Douluo Continent. It is a small privilege to enter the city without paying the entrance fee.


After Yuan Changqing collected the soul master's notes, he strode in and saw people coming and going in the city. It was indeed not comparable to Soto City.

After searching for a long time, he found a good hotel. He didn't go to those high-end hotels. After all, he didn't have many gold soul coins, so he might as well save some money.

A week later, Yuan Changqing also found out a lot about the situation in Tiandou City.

At this time, Liu Erlong had not yet established Lanba Academy. She was probably still studying. Maybe she was much younger than herself.

Yuan Changqing also has his own plan. For those high-end colleges now, Yuan Changqing plans to try his luck at Tiandou Royal Academy.

It's not that he doesn't have advantages. With his innate third-level soul power of Blue Silver Grass, he has cultivated to the Soul King level, and Tiandou Royal Academy may make an exception to hire him.

But it’s still a full semester now, so I’ll go after the holidays.

I usually go to the blacksmith shop to do odd jobs and experience the customs and customs of Tiandou City.

He also had a mission in Tiandou City. The first was to enrich his knowledge about martial arts and soul guidance technology.

The second step is to look for the Eye of Ice and Fire. Whether it is fairy grass or those precious elixirs, they are very valuable to your family.

There is also the need to collect some precious ores and medicinal seeds, which you will arrange in your own "Seven Stars and the Moon" treasure land in the future. These are all useful.

The other thing is to look for a storage ring that can hold living things. Although your World Pearl can hold those fairy grasses, you should not expose it if you can.

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