Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 16 Joining Tiandou Royal Academy

Although the World Pearl has recovered a little, he still needs energy. Although Yuan Changqing will not be able to use the Ice and Fire Eyes in one pot.

But he knew the reason for the formation of the Ice and Fire Eyes. It was formed after the death of the Fire Dragon King and Ice Dragon King in the previous God Realm.

That place will definitely attract the attention of the God Realm, so he will not destroy the Ice and Fire Eyes.

However, the fairy grass and elixir inside still need to be collected, as well as the soul bones of the two Dragon Kings and most of the spring water formed by their corpses.

As long as the body is not destroyed, the place will soon be restored to its original state. After all, the two eyes of ice and fire are connected to the underground water veins.

But these must be found first before they can be realized. Now I can think about them in my dreams, hehe.

After Yuan Changqing arrived in Tiandou City, he spent a lot of time getting to know the situation here, and recently rented a house.

After he had a fixed residence, he wrote a letter to his home, telling some of his circumstances when he came to Tiandou City from home, so that his family would not have to worry about him.

I even found a blacksmith shop to do odd jobs so that I could have an income so that I wouldn't have to live in vain.

The annual Soul Master Academy is finally on holiday, and Yuan Changqing is also preparing to apply for the Tiandou Advanced Royal Academy.

Outside Tiandou City, Tiandou Advanced Royal Academy.

When Yuan Changqing came here, a guard stopped him.

"It's holiday now, let's come back when school starts."

Yuan Changqing knew that the guard had misunderstood him and thought he was here to study.

"Hello, this guard brother, I misunderstood. I'm here to apply for a job as a teacher."

"Ah! It turns out it's Master Soul Master. Then register your information with me first, and then I'll go ask for it for you."

"Okay, thank you, brother guard."

After Yuan Changqing registered his information, the guard greeted other colleagues and walked into the college.

Not long after, Yuan Changqing saw two people walking towards the entrance of the college. One of them was the guard who had just reported.

"Hello, are you the soul master who is coming to our Royal Academy to apply?"

The person who followed the guard asked Yuan Changqing.

"Yes, hello, my name is Yuan Changqing."

"Hello, I am a teacher in charge of school affairs. I have read your message. Now you come with me!"

So Yuan Changqing followed him towards the school.

School Affairs Office.

After the two entered, the teacher said to the person behind the desk.

"Director Liu, Yuan Changqing is here."

"Okay, Xiao Wang, go ahead and do your work first!"

After Teacher Xiao Wang went out, Director Liu said to Yuan Changqing.

"Hello, please sit down. My name is Liu Ming. I am the teacher in charge of school affairs."

Yuan Changqing just sat down and stood up again, facing Liu Mingdao.

"Director Liu, my name is Yuan Changqing, and I'm here to apply for a job as a teacher today."

"Well, then I'll call you Xiao Yuan. I understand your information. You can make a detailed introduction!"

"Okay, Director Liu, I come from Soto City in the Balak Kingdom. My name is Yuan Changqing. I am 23 years old. I have a martial soul called Blue Silver Grass. My innate soul power is level 3. I am now a level 52 soul king and an offensive soul master."

After introducing himself, Director Liu asked again.

"The Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is recognized as a useless martial spirit. You can actually cultivate to the soul king. I was shocked when I first saw your message."

"I thought I saw it wrong, but I didn't expect it to be true. How did you cultivate, and your innate soul power is so low, and you are only in your twenties, but you have cultivated to the level of Soul King."

"I'm not sure about this either. When I was hunting a soul beast and attaching a soul ring, I found a blood-red ginseng in the Star Dou Forest. After eating it, my cultivation speed became faster, but now I'm starting to It’s slowed down.”

It was naturally impossible for Yuan Changqing to tell the real situation, so he just gave a random reason.

Director Liu said: "It seems that you are really lucky, but now that you are at the soul king level, your cultivation speed will naturally slow down. This is also normal."

"I understand your situation. You can stay as a teacher. You are new here and may not be qualified for school teaching yet. Let's start as a teaching assistant for next year's freshmen!"

"Okay, no problem, thank you, Director Liu."

"You will register your information with Xiao Wang who just brought you here later, and apply for your teacher's certificate. Report to the school after the term starts, and we will assign it to you then."

After coming out of Director Liu's office, I found Teacher Xiao Wang.

"Hello, Teacher Wang, Director Liu asked me to find you to register my information and my teacher ID."

"Okay, we will be colleagues from now on, Teacher Yuan."

"Yes, Teacher Wang, thank you very much for your help today."

After registering his basic information and getting his teacher's certificate, Teacher Wang asked.

"Teacher Yuan, where do you live now?"

"I rented a house in Tiandou City. Does our school have teachers' apartments?"

"Well, Teacher Yuan, you also know that our Tiandou Royal Academy is outside Tiandou City and is quite far away from the city, so the teachers all live here and only return to Tiandou City to live after holidays."

"Teacher Wang, I don't have a problem. I'm renting a house anyway, so I'd better live on campus to save money on rent."

"Okay, then I will take you to the teachers' dormitory now."

Teacher Wang and I came to the teachers' dormitory area of ​​the school and walked to a row of houses.

"Teacher Yuan, you can live here. This is for ordinary teachers in the school. They are all in separate courtyards."

"Teacher Wang, this is very good, much better than the house I rented."

"Well, here is the key to the house. You can go in and have a look yourself. You need to buy personal items in the city yourself."

"Well, I'm really bothering Teacher Wang today. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free."

"Okay, I'll leave first. There's still something to do with the school administration."

"Goodbye, Teacher Wang."

After looking at the dormitory, it was not bad, with three bedrooms and one living room, and the space was not too big or too small. As expected, the Royal College has a lot of money.

After locking the door, Yuan Changqing left the school and headed towards Tiandou City. He planned to move there when school started.

Recently he has to work in the blacksmith shop, which is more convenient in the city.

With his teacher's certificate, he also borrowed a few books from the school and planned to read them when he had free time in the evening.

Now that I have become a teacher, I still need to learn more necessary knowledge. After all, I only learned some in junior college. Now I can learn everything I can to enrich my knowledge reserve.

Otherwise, if students ask about it in the future and they don’t know, then they will be too embarrassed.

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